813 research outputs found

    The Penning Discharge Experimental Study and Its Simulation

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    The influence of the demountable Penning ion source electrodes geometry on the discharge characteristics and extracted ion current is investigated. The extracted currents, ignition potentials and the operational pressure ranges are compared at different anode heights and its arrangement relative to the discharge cell. The use of ring and mesh anodes has allowed to visualize the discharge burning areas and their structure versus the pressure, anode potential and cell geometry. Some PIC simulations of Penning discharge are made in the Vorpal code. The good correspondence between the simulated electron density and plasma glow areas on the photos is shown. The other one-particle simulation has shown that the magnetic field nonuniformity significantly affects the ignition and combustion discharge potentials


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    Primary prevention of diabetes in persons with high cardiovascular risk is an actual problem. Results of DREAM trial are discussed. Influence of ACE inhibitor, ramipril, on risk of diabetes onset in patients with pre-diabetes and low cardiovascular risk is focused. Metabolic effects of other groups of antihypertensive drugs and their ability to prevent diabetes onset are compared. Ramipril three years therapy resulted in normalization in glucose level but did not have effect on frequency of diabetes onset. Change in life-style and regular usage of ACE inhibitor, ramipril, can contribute in normalization of glycemia level in patients with combination of pre-diabetes and arterial hypertension

    Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of a peptide-containing drug and polyoxydonium in the treatment of chronic parodontitis

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    Currently, the available methods of treating parodontitis are not able to have a complex effect. Therefore, in recent years, there has been an active search and development of new methods of treatment and new drugs that have a complex etiopathogenetic effect on this disease. This article provides a comparative evaluation of the classical and experimental methods of treating chronic periodontitis. Based on the reconstruction of an experimental model of chronic inflammation of periodontal tissues of the Wistar rat line, we compared methods of topical therapy by “Organosilicon Glycerohydrogel – Peptide” and “Polyoxidonium” compositions. A comparative assessment of the activity of these drugs with control groups, which were treated with “Organosilicon Glycerohydrogel” and “Metrogyl Denta”, was carried out. Previously, we carried out separate studies of the effectiveness of the use of the composition “organosilicon glycerohydrogel – peptide”, as well as the method of treatment of periodontitis, by injecting the drug “Polyoxidonium”. They have been compared with the classic treatment for this disease to obtain relevant data and results. In our opinion, the data obtained are of considerable interest. The assessment and comparison of clinical and histological data have been carried out, which showed that all drugs had a positive effect on the processes of tissue regeneration. However, the composition “Organosilicon Glycerohydrogel-peptide”, due to the characteristics of the hydrogel, which is acting as a transcutaneous conductor, showed a faster antimicrobial and pathogenetic effect, which allows a comprehensive approach to solving this problem. In comparison with the groups of “Organosilicon Glycerohydrogel” and “Polyoxidonium”, the period of clinical improvement increased by 57% in the group of “Glycerohydrogel-Peptide”, and, in the “Metrogyl Denta” group, the indicators improved by 15% approximately

    Targets for the prevention of comorbidity of cardiovascular and cancer diseases

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    Cardiovascular and cancer diseases are an urgent problem in medicine due to their high prevalence and adult mortality throughout the world. The review article discusses important aspects of the comorbidity of cardiovascular and cancer diseases. In particular, epidemiological aspects and general risk factors are analyzed. Modern view on the main issues of primary and secondary prevention of the combination of these diseases is presented

    Application of stem cells in guided bone regeneration

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    Modern medicine allows us to study and develop materials and methods of restorative treatment that would be based on the immunological mechanisms of bone repair. One of the promising directions in guided bone regeneration is the use of mesenchymal stem cells. Interest in MSCs is associated with their ability to regulate the inflammatory process, and directly participate in the formation of new bone structures, thereby providing a physiological repair process. The effector impact of MSCs on the inflammatory process due to their ability to form a specific microenvironment. Low expression of MHC-II and CD80/CD86, the production of PGE2 and NO determines their low immunoconflict, and the production of TGF-b1, IDO and IL-10 has an immunomodulating effect. The ability of MSCs to differentiate into an osteogenic phenotype is accompanied with the synthesis of ALP, BSP and, subsequently, Gla-protein and OPN determine the synthesis of the extracellular matrix and its subsequent mineralization. This process is provided by the action of Runx2, which activates the differentiation of MSCs along the osteogenic pathway. These effects of MSCs were taken as the basis for the development of a new method for the treatment of bone atrophy. To accomplish the task set, a model of bone tissue atrophy and a drug containing MSCs was developed, and an experimental study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed methodology. As the main criteria, data from clinical and laboratory studies were taken. Visual changes in the studied area were taken into account, compared with a similar area in the developed model of atrophy, the parameters of the complete blood count (CBC) were evaluated. The performed study allows us to determine the developed treatment method as capable of fully recreating the conditions of bone repair processes, taking into account the optimization of the body’s immune reactions and repair processes, without additional external influence, to obtain predictable and controllable results

    Structure, bonding and morphology of hydrothermally synthesised xonotlite

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    The authors have systematically investigated the role of synthesis conditions upon the structure and morphology of xonotlite. Starting with a mechanochemically prepared, semicrystalline phase with Ca/Si=1, the authors have prepared a series of xonotlite samples hydrothermally, at temperatures between 200 and 250 degrees C. Analysis in each case was by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, environmental scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The authors’ use of a much lower water/solid ratio has indirectly confirmed the ‘through solution’ mechanism of xonotlite formation, where silicate dissolution is a key precursor of xonotlite formation. Concerning the role of temperature, too low a temperature (~200 degrees C) fails to yield xonotlite or leads to increased number of structural defects in the silicate chains of xonotlite and too high a temperature (>250 degrees C) leads to degradation of the xonotlite structure, through leaching of interchain calcium. Synthesis duration meanwhile leads to increased silicate polymerisation due to diminishing of the defects in the silicate chains and more perfect crystal morphologies


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    The review article presents data on the management of lipid storage disease in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). A clinical case of a patient with diabetes and high cardiovascular risk caused by severe hyperlipidemia among other things is provided for illustrative purposes. The article reviews the results of clinical studies of the efficacy and safety of Pitavastatin in patients with cardiometabolic disorders. The dynamics of the lipid spectrum and glycaemia indicators against the background of course therapy with Pitavastatin at a daily dose of 4 mg in combination with the diet therapy is monitored in patients with diabetes.В обзорной статье представлены данные о тактике лечения нарушения липидного обмена у больных сахарным диабетом (СД). Для наглядности представлен клинический пример пациента с СД и высоким сердечно-сосудистым риском, обусловленным в том числе выраженной гиперлипидемией. Анализируются результаты клинических исследований эффективности и безопасности питавастатина у больных с кардиометаболическими нарушениями. Отслеживается динамика показателей липидного спектра и гликемии на фоне курсовой терапии с применением питавастатина в суточной дозе 4 мг в сочетании с диетотерапией у больного СД.

    Сlinical and hemodynamic characteristics and coronary blood flow in patients with chronic coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes

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    Aim. To assess the features of clinical and hemodynamic characteristics and the severity of coronary involvement in patients with chronic coronary artery disease (CAD) with and without diabetes.Material and methods. The study included 100 patients with stable CAD, which were divided into two groups: group I (mean age, 57,9-1,04 years, male/female 35/14) — 49 patients with CAD and type 2 diabetes, II — (60,2-0,9 years, 34/17) — 51 patients without SD. Along with behavioral and biological risk factors, clinical and hemodynamic characteristics were analyzed. All patients underwent coronary angiography.Results. The presence of diabetes in patients with CAD was associated with abdominal obesity and comorbidity of somatic diseases. Among group I patients, electrocardiographic signs of left ventricular hypertrophy, conduction abnormalities, accompanied by a decrease in the left ventricular ejection fraction, impaired diastolic function, and high mean pulmonary artery pressure were significantly more often detected. In patients with CAD and type 2 diabetes, significant right coronary artery (CA) stenoses were more often recorded (39%), while in patients without diabetes, the anterior descending artery was the most susceptible to atherosclerosis. In group I, stenosis of the distal CA third was detected 1,5 times more often (p<0,001), and their diffuse multivessel lesion prevailed by 28% (73% and 45%, respectively, p<0,005). The average SYNTAX score in patients with and without diabetes was 29,2±0,8 vs 22±0,7, respectively (p<0,0005).Conclusion. In patients with CAD and diabetes, more pronounced atherosclerotic coronary involvement (diffuse multivessel CAD) was revealed, which should be taken into account when planning further treatment. The risk of adverse cardiovascular events will always be present with percutaneous coronary interventions