3 research outputs found

    The Development of Travel and Tourism Industry in Iran

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    The article presents the results of scientific research devoted to the study of tourism in the countries of the Far East, obtained at one of its stages. The purpose of the article is to characterize the state of rural tourism in Iran. The article shows how the attitude to tourism has changed in this country, uncovering the main reasons for the growth of domestic and international tourist flows in recent years. There are several areas of rural tourism in Iran, which include visits to historical villages and free trade zones, camping in nomad tents, recreation in parks and natural resorts, and trips to the desert. The main research findings of the authors demonstrate the problems facing rural tourism in Iran and identify the risks that arise in this sector of the economy

    Formation of the Talysh Ethnos Worldview under Geoethnic Conservation Area Conditions

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    Formation and development of the Talysh ethnic consciousness under the conditions of the Talysh ā€˜geoethnic reserveā€™ have been analyzed. Certain ethnoforming elements of the Talysh culture, i.e. factors promoting preservation of the basic constants of the Talysh ethnic consciousness, have been revealed. On the one hand, it is a cult of rocks, stones, groves and trees, and on the other hand it is worship of air, water, land and fire, which with the appearance of Zoroastrianism at first, and later of Shia Muslim, were not absorbed and peripheralized, but filled with new religious and ethical contents presenting moral and esthetic ideals of the Talysh people. The role of a myth and religion as an obligatory early stage of formation of the Talysh ethnic culture has been determined; regularities of formation of the Talysh ethnic consciousness have been shown; steps of ethnogenesis and a world view of the Talysh ethnos have been enlightened. Introduction of strange cultural tradition components could not eliminate the existing valuable attitude of ā€˜the geoethnic reserveā€™, but right opposite, they created syncretic environment stimulating evolution of the Talysh ethnic consciousness towards world judgment in the system of moral and ethical images considerably enriching the Talysh ethnos outlook. Having been formed this syncretic environment effected significantly the Talysh ethnos social attitude, as well as, predetermined a prevalent character of religious values in Talyshes spiritual and socio-political life