1,143 research outputs found

    Generalization of the Goryachev-Chaplygin Case

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    In this paper we present a generalization of the Goryachev-Chaplygin integrable case on a bundle of Poisson brackets, and on Sokolov terms in his new integrable case of Kirchhoff equations. We also present a new analogous integrable case for the quaternion form of rigid body dynamics' equations. This form of equations is recently developed and we can use it for the description of rigid body motions in specific force fields, and for the study of different problems of quantum mechanics. In addition we present new invariant relations in the considered problems.Comment: 10 page

    Euler-Poisson Equations and Integrable Cases

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    In this paper we propose a new approach to the study of integrable cases based on intensive computer methods' application. We make a new investigation of Kovalevskaya and Goryachev-Chaplygin cases of Euler-Poisson equations and obtain many new results in rigid body dynamics in absolute space. Also we present the visualization of some special particular solutions.Comment: 24 pages, 27 figure

    Interaction between Kirchhoff vortices and point vortices in an ideal fluid

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    We consider the interaction of two vortex patches (elliptic Kirchhoff vortices) which move in an unbounded volume of an ideal incompressible fluid. A moment second-order model is used to describe the interaction. The case of integrability of a Kirchhoff vortex and a point vortex by the variable separation method is qualitatively analyzed. A new case of integrability of two Kirchhoff vortices is found. A reduced form of equations for two Kirchhoff vortices is proposed and used to analyze their regular and chaotic behavior.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    On the History of the Development of the Nonholonomic Dynamics

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    The main directions in the development of the nonholonomic dynamics are briefly considered in this paper. The first direction is connected with the general formalizm of the equations of dynamics that differs from the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods of the equations of motion's construction. The second direction, substantially more important for dynamics, includes investigations concerning the analysis of the specific nonholonomic problems. We also point out rather promising direction in development of nonholonomic systems that is connected with intensive use of the modern computer-aided methods.Comment: 5 page

    Motion of vortex sources on a plane and a sphere

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    The Equations of motion of vortex sources (examined earlier by Fridman and Polubarinova) are studied, and the problems of their being Hamiltonian and integrable are discussed. A system of two vortex sources and three sources-sinks was examined. Their behavior was found to be regular. Qualitative analysis of this system was made, and the class of Liouville integrable systems is considered. Particular solutions analogous to the homothetic configurations in celestial mechanics are given.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    The Rolling Body Motion Of a Rigid Body on a Plane and a Sphere. Hierarchy of Dynamics

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    In this paper we consider cases of existence of invariant measure, additional first integrals, and Poisson structure in a problem of rigid body's rolling without sliding on plane and sphere. The problem of rigid body's motion on plane was studied by S.A. Chaplygin, P. Appel, D. Korteweg. They showed that the equations of motion are reduced to a second-order linear differential equation in the case when the surface of dynamically symmetric body is a surface of revolution. These results were partially generalized by P. Woronetz, who studied the motion of body of revolution and the motion of round disk with sharp edge on the surface of sphere. In both cases the systems are Euler-Jacobi integrable and have additional integrals and invariant measure. It turns out that after some change of time defined by reducing multiplier, the reduced system is a Hamiltonian system. Here we consider different cases when the integrals and invariant measure can be presented as finite algebraic expressions. We also consider the generalized problem of rolling of dynamically nonsymmetric Chaplygin ball. The results of studies are presented as tables that describe the hierarchy of existence of various tensor invariants: invariant measure, integrals, and Poisson structure in the considered problems.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    Generalization of the Goraychev--Chaplygin Case

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    In this paper we present a generalization of the Goraychev--Chaplygin integrable case on a bundle of Poisson brackets, and on Sokolov terms in his new integrable case of Kirchhoff equations. We also present a new analogous integrable case for the quaternion form of rigid body dynamics' equations. This form of equations is recently developed and we can use it for the description of rigid body motions in specific force fields, and for the study of different problems of quantum mechanics. In addition we present new invariant relations in the considered problems.Comment: 15 page

    The Chaplygin sleigh with parametric excitation: chaotic dynamics and nonholonomic acceleration

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    This paper is concerned with the Chaplygin sleigh with timevarying mass distribution (parametric excitation). The focus is on the case where excitation is induced by a material point that executes periodic oscillations in a direction transverse to the plane of the knife edge of the sleigh. In this case, the problem reduces to investigating a reduced system of two first-order equations with periodic coefficients, which is similar to various nonlinear parametric oscillators. Depending on the parameters in the reduced system, one can observe different types of motion, including those accompanied by strange attractors leading to a chaotic (diffusion) trajectory of the sleigh on the plane. The problem of unbounded acceleration (an analog of Fermi acceleration) of the sleigh is examined in detail. It is shown that such an acceleration arises due to the position of the moving point relative to the line of action of the nonholonomic constraint and the center of mass of the platform. Various special cases of existence of tensor invariants are found

    Superintegrable systems on sphere

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    We consider various generalizations of the Kepler problem to three-dimensional sphere S3S^3, a compact space of constant curvature. These generalizations include, among other things, addition of a spherical analog of the magnetic monopole (the Poincar\'e--Appell system) and addition of a more complicated field, which itself is a generalization of the MICZ-system. The mentioned systems are integrable -- in fact, superintegrable. The latter is due to the vector integral, which is analogous to the Laplace--Runge--Lenz vector. We offer a classification of the motions and consider a trajectory isomorphism between planar and spatial motions. The presented results can be easily extended to Lobachevsky space L3L^3.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Oriented Area as a Morse Function on Polygon Spaces

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    We study polygon spaces arising from planar configurations of necklaces with some of the beads fixed and some of the beads sliding freely. These spaces include configuration spaces of flexible polygons and some other natural polygon spaces. We characterise critical points of the oriented area function in geometric terms and give a formula for the Morse indices. Thus we obtain a generalisation of isoperimetric theorems for polygons in the plane.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures The difference from the previous version: minor changes in the structure of the document; the proof of Lemma 11 (which is now Lemma 4.7) is corrected; two pictures adde
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