8 research outputs found

    Asymptotic entanglement in a two-dimensional quantum walk

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    The evolution operator of a discrete-time quantum walk involves a conditional shift in position space which entangles the coin and position degrees of freedom of the walker. After several steps, the coin-position entanglement (CPE) converges to a well defined value which depends on the initial state. In this work we provide an analytical method which allows for the exact calculation of the asymptotic reduced density operator and the corresponding CPE for a discrete-time quantum walk on a two-dimensional lattice. We use the von Neumann entropy of the reduced density operator as an entanglement measure. The method is applied to the case of a Hadamard walk for which the dependence of the resulting CPE on initial conditions is obtained. Initial states leading to maximum or minimum CPE are identified and the relation between the coin or position entanglement present in the initial state of the walker and the final level of CPE is discussed. The CPE obtained from separable initial states satisfies an additivity property in terms of CPE of the corresponding one-dimensional cases. Non-local initial conditions are also considered and we find that the extreme case of an initial uniform position distribution leads to the largest CPE variation.Comment: Major revision. Improved structure. Theoretical results are now separated from specific examples. Most figures have been replaced by new versions. The paper is now significantly reduced in size: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Almost uniform sampling via quantum walks

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    Many classical randomized algorithms (e.g., approximation algorithms for #P-complete problems) utilize the following random walk algorithm for {\em almost uniform sampling} from a state space SS of cardinality NN: run a symmetric ergodic Markov chain PP on SS for long enough to obtain a random state from within ϵ\epsilon total variation distance of the uniform distribution over SS. The running time of this algorithm, the so-called {\em mixing time} of PP, is O(δ1(logN+logϵ1))O(\delta^{-1} (\log N + \log \epsilon^{-1})), where δ\delta is the spectral gap of PP. We present a natural quantum version of this algorithm based on repeated measurements of the {\em quantum walk} Ut=eiPtU_t = e^{-iPt}. We show that it samples almost uniformly from SS with logarithmic dependence on ϵ1\epsilon^{-1} just as the classical walk PP does; previously, no such quantum walk algorithm was known. We then outline a framework for analyzing its running time and formulate two plausible conjectures which together would imply that it runs in time O(δ1/2logNlogϵ1)O(\delta^{-1/2} \log N \log \epsilon^{-1}) when PP is the standard transition matrix of a constant-degree graph. We prove each conjecture for a subclass of Cayley graphs.Comment: 13 pages; v2 added NSF grant info; v3 incorporated feedbac

    Correlation effects in a discrete quantum random walk

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    We introduce history-dependent discrete-time quantum random walk models by adding uncorrelated memory terms and also by modifying Hamiltonian of the walker to include couplings with memory-keeping agents. We next numerically study the correlation effects in these models. We also propose a correlation exponent as a relevant and promising tool for investigation of correlation or memory (hence non-Markovian) effects. Our analysis can easily be applied to more realistic models in which different regimes may emerge because of competition between different underlying physical mechanisms.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure