632 research outputs found

    Assessment of Qualitative and Quantitative Data from Pathological Hairs – A Critical Evaluation of Scanning Electron Microscope and Proton Induced X-Ray Emission Analyses

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    Analysis of single hair fibres in genetic disorders is a desirable complement to the clinical diagnosis. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) allows detailed study of the surface morphology of hair fibres which may explain some mechanical characteristics of the pathological hair. Quantitative elemental data may indicate biochemical or metabolic abnormalities. In this preliminary study we assess the feasibility of combining SEM and proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis on single hair fibres from 12 cases of genetic disease influencing the integument status. We conclude that SEM is a valuable tool in the analysis of hair pathology. The macro-PIXE technique involves some methodological and technical problems which in many cases are likely to be solved by using a proton microbeam. However, this means that routine methods have to be abandoned and careful selection of the material for analysis is an imperative necessity

    Proton Induced X-Ray Emission Analysis of Biological Specimens - Past and Future

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    Proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis is a comparatively new member of the family of spectrographic methods. In the last decade PIXE techniques have been applied to biological problems with great success. This review gives a condensed presentation of recent developments in biological (medical, zoological, and botanical) applications of PIXE analysis with special focus on factors which commonly influence the results, such as calibration, contamination, and preparation. The great advantage of PIXE analysis in studying physiologically important trace elements such as Zn, Mg, Fe, and Cu is underlined. Elemental mapping not only allows quantitative elemental analysis, but can also demonstrate the important differences in the morphological distributions of elements by comparing normal and pathological tissue

    Elemental Content of Anagen Hairs in a Normal Caucasian Population Studies with Proton Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE)

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    The elemental content of anagen hair fibers in a Caucasian population of healthy females and males in the age range 10-69 years was performed to constitute a baseline for further studies of pathological conditions. Proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analyses were performed on single hair fibers in triplicates from 103 individuals in order to determine sulfur, zinc, calcium, and chlorine content. The hair fibers were all anagen hairs collected from a site little influenced by genetic and hormonal influences 1.5 cm above the right ear of the probands. An area 5-8 mm from the follicle bottom was chosen for minimize effect the of analysis in all cases hair-do contamination. The average sulfur content was 0.049 g/g and the average zinc content 170 μg/g. These results were not significantly influenced by chloroform/ethanol rinsing before analysis. The calcium and chlorine contents were 330 μg/g and 0.0033 g/g respectively. The latter data are expected to be more seriously influenced by external factors (e.g., contamination) than sulfur and zinc. No correlation between elemental concentration and sex was found for sulfur and zinc in the present material. PIXE analysis of single hair fibers yields valuable information on the elemental composition of hair fibers and can be rapidly and efficiently performed after simple mounting procedures

    Plagioclase Studies by Ionoluminescence (IL) and Particle-Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE) Employing a Nuclear Microprobe

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    When an ion beam in the energy range of a few MeV/amu impacts on a mineral, visible light can often be observed. This light, termed ionoluminescence (IL), has been shown to be a very useful tool for investigating geological specimens when it is combined in a nuclear microprobe with a well-established, quantitative, trace element method such as Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE). When plagioclases from the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland, were irradiated with protons, bluish luminescence was observed. Spectroscopic IL studies were undertaken with 1.5 and 2.5 MeV protons with power densities ranging from about 6 to 160 W/cm2. In the IL spectra of the plagioclase specimens, four emission bands were observed, peaking at about 4200, 4600, 5500, and 7500 A, respectively. The relative intensities of the emission bands in the short wavelength region were rather constant for all samples, except for the long wavelength band, activated by Fe3+ and peaking at 7500 A, which varied considerably. Variation in the oxidation states of the samples was investigated by measuring the Fe3+ intensity from IL normalized to the total iron concentration as obtained by PIXE. The relationship between the Fe3+-activated peak area normalized to the total iron content and the expected relative oxidation state was found to be relevant

    Data Acquisition and Presentation in Scanning Nuclear Microprobe Analysis

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    The data acquisition is a very important part of the scanning nuclear microprobe instrument. To make full use of the potential of the technique an adequate system for acquiring, storing, processing and presenting the data is a prerequisite. Various principles applied are presented including the list mode approach, which facilitates flexible off-line data processing. As in the case of the electron probe the beam-induced effects in the sample may be substantial and the list mode acquisition can then also be used to monitor and correct for any such effects. A comprehensive system for scanning nuclear microprobe control and data acquisition, based on a combination of a VMEbus computer system and a μVax-II computer, is described in some detail

    Evaluation of Refractory Metal Concentrations in Nano-Particulate Pressed-Powder Pellets Using LA-ICP-MS

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    Whole-rock geochemical analysis is a standard method to measure the chemical composition of ores. Analysis of refractory ore metals such as Ta and W typically requires fused bead and acid digestion followed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Since these techniques are time-consuming and expensive, there is a demand for methods that can quantitatively measure low elemental concentration of refractory ore metals using a less expensive and simple approach. This paper evaluates preparation and analytical procedures developed to obtain whole-rock element concentrations of ore samples and mineral concentrates. It shows that the production of nano-particulate pressed-powder pellets followed by LA-ICP-MS analysis of W and Ta ores can be used to determine, within the error margin, the concentrations of the refractory metals W, Ta, Nb, and Sn compared to a reference values obtained by solution analysis. The results have implications for developing a commercially viable method for analysis of refractory elements to benefit mineral processing given the simplicity and resource-efficiency of the combined pressed pellet production and laser ablation analytical methodology

    Proton Microprobe and Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE) Analysis for Studies of Pathological Brain Tissue

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    Particle Indiced X-ray Emission and proton microprobe analyses have been applied for the investigation of regional elemental distributions in connection with various pathological states in the brain. Malignant brain tumours and adjacent histologically intact tissue removed during surgery were analysed with PIXE. Systematic elemental variations, e.g., for calcium and selenium, were observed in the tumour front. The proton microprobe was applied to study the Ca and K concentrations in various cell strata in hippocampus following transient ischaemia in rat brain. Significant increases in the Ca level occurred in selectively vulnerable cells within 48 h after the ischaemia

    Human Skin Physiology Studied by Particle Probe Microanalysis

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    Particle probe methods (electron probe and proton probe X-ray microanalysis) have been applied to investigate the distribution of elements and water over the different layers of the epidermis. For major elements, electron probe X-ray microanalysis (XRMA) provides the advantage of superior spatial resolution, but for trace element analysis the more sensitive proton probe (particle induced X-ray emission, PIXE) analysis has to be used. On a dry weight basis, the concentration of S is rather constant across the epidermis, whereas the concentrations of P, K, Cl and Na show gradients with high levels in stratum germinativum (basale) and stratum spinosum but low levels in the stratum granulosum and stratum corneum. Essentially, Fe and Zn are confined to the basal region in normal skin. The concentration of Ca, however, increased steadily from the basal region to the stratum corneum. The probe technique allows quantitative analysis of stratum-specific changes in elemental content in a variety of pathological conditions, e.g., changes induced by nickel, detergents and other chemicals, or in psoriatic skin. Of particular interest are findings of increased Fe and Zn in non-involved psoriatic skin. Since the different layers of the skin have different elemental concentrations and react differently under pathological conditions, the probe techniques are far superior to bulk chemical analysis in elucidating physiological and pathological processes in the skin

    Ionoluminescence: A New Tool for Nuclear Microprobes in Geology

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    When an ion beam in the energy range of a few MeV/amu impacts on a mineral, visible light can often be observed. This light, induced by energetic ions, is termed ionoluminescence (IL). The intensity and wavelength of the ionoluminescent light provide information concerning the nature of luminescence centers, such as trace substituents and structural defects, found in the mineral. This makes IL a useful complement to other methods of ion beam analysis (IBA), such as particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and Rutherford backscattering (RBS), in characterizing geological samples. In the present study, a proton or alpha particle beam was used for the IL excitation and IBA with a nuclear microprobe. The results obtained with IL were compared with those of cathodoluminescence (CL) and photoluminescence (PL)
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