202 research outputs found

    Shadow IT and computer-mediated collaboration : developing a framework based on social presence theory

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    The use of unauthorized technologies in the workplace, called shadow IT (SIT), is increasing within organizations. Previous research identified that Shadow technologies are often collaborative systems used by employees to communicate and share content with colleagues, clients, or external partners. Therefore, we aim to develop a framework for the influence of shadow IT usage on computer-mediated collaboration based on Social Presence Theory. We conducted a literature review that resulted in a framework and the development of research propositions. The literature suggests that there is a positive influence of shadow IT usage on employee collaboration and communications. This paper presents theoretical and practical contributions. Analyzing shadow IT and collaboration through a theoretical lens makes progress on the discussion about the consequences of these unauthorized technologies for individuals and organizations. It is important for organizations to comprehend these impacts, such as on collaboration, which, in turn, can facilitate improvements in employee productivity.A utilização de tecnologias não autorizadas no local de trabalho, chamadas de Shadow IT (SIT), está aumentando nas organizações. Pesquisas anteriores identificam que tecnologias Shadow são frequentemente sistemas colaborativos utilizados pelos funcionários para se comunicar e compartilhar conteúdo com colegas de trabalho, clientes ou parceiros externos. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um framework, à luz da Teoria da Presença Social, de como o uso de shadow IT pode influenciar a colaboração mediada pela tecnologia. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura, culminando no desenvolvimento de um framework e em proposições de pesquisa. A literatura sugere que há uma influência positiva do uso de shadow IT na colaboração dos funcionários. Este trabalho traz contribuições teóricas e práticas. A análise da relação Shadow IT e colaboração a partir de uma lente teórica corrobora para a discussão dos impactos destas tecnologias não autorizadas. Para as organizações, é importante conhecer estes impactos, como por exemplo na colaboração, o que, por sua vez, pode viabilizar melhorias na produtividade dos funcionários

    Conflict of Norms in the Brazilian Bankruptcy Law

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    [extract] In 2005, Brazil implemented a new Bankruptcy Law (Law No. 11.101, dated February 9, 2005), modeled largely after the Title 11 of the United States Code, also known as the United States Bankruptcy Code.The current Brazilian system provides three alternatives for insolvent legal entities: (i) judicial reorganization, a court-supervised reorganization proceeding; (ii) bankruptcy, a court-supervised liquidation proceeding; and (iii) extrajudicial reorganization, an out-of-court reorganization proceeding.The possibility of recovery of an activity momentarily in crisis, with the possibility of implementing a corporate restructuring plan, renegotiation of liabilities with creditors and business continuity was undoubtedly the innovative point of the Law.Unfortunately, the Brazilian Bankruptcy Law embodies within itself serious contradictions – legal antinomies – which prevent the fulfillment of the objective of the Law. One of the most serious antinomies is the conflict between Article 47 and Article 49, Paragraph 3. This antinomy has the potential to impair the judicial recovery of the economically viable company. For this reason, this antinomy must be widely discussed, as well as the cause and the nature of this conflict of norms

    Rede rf mesh ipv6 baseada em padrões abertos nos sistemas de medição centralizada

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Elétrica.Devido aos grandes níveis de perdas de energia indicados pela Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica - ANEEL, vários estudos atuais buscam soluções para a redução deste grande problema para as concessionárias de energia e para os cidadãos, já que tanto a receita das empresas como a conta de energia para os consumidores são gravemente afetados, uma vez que partes das perdas são reconhecidas pela ANEEL e incluída no custo da tarifa. Como a questão das perdas elétricas é muito complexa, vários pontos são abordados para a determinação de uma solução realmente efetiva, desde fatores socioeconômicos até as melhores tecnologias que gerem QoS (Quality of Service) e ainda tenha uma ótima relação custo benefício às concessionárias. Neste contexto, a tecnologia de comunicação Mesh juntamente com a AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) e o auxílio dos mecanismos dos Sistemas de Medição Centralizados busca solucionar este problema com um sistema robusto e eficaz. O presente trabalho busca expor hipóteses que expliquem as perdas de energia nas diversas regiões de concessão de energia do país, bem como explica detalhadamente as tecnologias abordadas pela solução proposta. Foram analisados também protocolos de comunicação da Rede Mesh que buscam trabalhar com padrões abertos de comunicação, tangenciando a nova realidade de interoperabilidade a qual as diferentes empresas de diversos países estão utilizando, na intenção de facilitar qualquer processo que tenha como possibilidade uma melhora de eficiência e uma redução nos custos em geral. Por fim, foi analisado um projeto piloto realizado pela empresa CELESC Distribuição S.A. em Florianópolis, o qual busca coletar dados a partir de uma rede inteligente de medição com comunicação Mesh para apurar a robustez do sistema e a oportunidade de usá-lo em novas áreas da cidade.Due to the high levels of energy losses indicated by the National Electric Energy Agency, several studies seek solutions to reduce this major problem for power distributors and citizens, since both the companies' revenue and the electricity bill for consumers are severely affected. As the issue of electrical losses is very complex, several points are addressed to determine a truly effective solution, from socioeconomic factors to the best technologies that generate QoS and still have a great cost-benefit ratio for the power distributors. In this context, the Mesh communication technology along with the advanced measurement infrastructure (AMI) and the aid of the mechanisms of the Centralized Measurement Systems seek to solve this problem with a robust and efficient system. The following article seeks to expose hypotheses that explain the energy losses in the various energy concession regions of the country, as well as explaining in detail the technologies addressed by the solution exposed in this work. Mesh Network communication protocols that seek to work with open communication standards were also analyzed, tangent to the new reality of interoperability that different companies from different countries are using, with the intention of facilitating any process that has the possibility of improving efficiency and a reduction in costs in general. Finally, a pilot project carried out by the company CELESC Distribuição S.A. in Florianópolis was analyzed, which seeks to collect data from an intelligent measurement network with Mesh communication to ascertain the robustness of the system and the opportunity to use it in new areas of the city

    Collective Deviance in IS

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    Scholars in social psychology and criminology have long argued that deviance is a group phenomenon. Based on the collective deviance literature, we aim to investigate the mechanisms behind deviant behaviors among people in groups, uncovering reasons for collective deviance within organizations. We are performing case studies among work groups (teams and departments) that commit deviances by interviewing employees and managers from those groups. Preliminary findings suggest that several deviances are committed by workgroups and, in most cases, the group’s members are aware they are violating security policies, although their intention is to increase work performance. Furthermore, in some cases, the IT department knows about the deviance, but do not take action to try solving the issue. Understanding employees’ behavior toward collective deviance can aid to cope with IS policy violations, providing new insights into policies development and strategies to mitigate such behaviors and increase information security


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    Little is known about Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) im-pacts in Latin America justice system and few theoretical advances were done on this topic. This pa-per aims to propose a model grounded in Task-Technology Fit theory and explore its rationality in the justice system of two developing countries: Brazil and Argentina. Interviews with public managers and employees were conducted, and content analysis was applied to examine ICT4D impact on individual performance and public service quality. Our research makes several contributions by proposing a model on how ICT4D intervention can be assessed in an application area like the justice system. We examine the effectiveness of two national ICT4D endeavours, represented by the electronic lawsuit, thus showing how government can lead successful ICT4D implementations in developing countries. The practical value of this research rests on clarifying how ICT4D impacts public employees’ perfor-mance and public service quality. The results should help managers reduce gaps between policy and design of electronic lawsuits, thus guiding ICT4D endeavours by practitioners in other developing countries

    The Social Side of Shadow It and its Impacts: Investigating the Relationship with Social Influence and Social Presence

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    The use of shadow IT within organizations may offer an interesting context to analyze individual behavior in the contemporary society. Considering that social factors profoundly influence user behavior, we aim to investigate the relationship of perceived social influence and perceived social presence on shadow IT usage and its impacts based on the assumption that social factors influence individuals towards the use of shadow IT. We performed a survey among employees from different companies. The results show that shadow IT usage has a strong positive relationship with the social factors investigated here, which positively impacts employee’s work performance. Our findings suggest that shadow IT is a collective solution used and socially recognized by workgroups. In addition, we found that shadow IT can lead to optimized communication and collaboration among employees, teams or departments

    Foreword: Special issue Mycotoxins in Latin America

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    Latin America with its considerable North-South extent is subject to climate that varies from tropical, subtropical and warm temperate to temperate. Different agricultural products are produced in the area including cereals, oilseeds, beans, fruits and nuts together with animal production including cattle for beef and milk, pigs, poultry and fish. The heterogeneity of agriculture in Latin America is reflected in the diversity of the region's farm structures. While agriculture in the Southern Cone is dominated by large, commercial and export-oriented farms, particularly in Argentina and Brazil, besides increasingly in other countries like Uruguay, much of the rest of the region is characterised by smallholder and family agriculture. The contamination of agricultural products with mycotoxins has impact both human and animal health, as well as the economy due to losses related to rejections of agricultural products and by-products during trade. The economic burden related to the consumption of mycotoxins by animals is especially important, causing productivity losses up to the death of animals. The relevant mycotoxins are fumonisins, deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZEN) in cereals and cereal-based products, aflatoxins in cereals, oily seeds and nuts, aflatoxin M1 in milk and dairy products as well as ochratoxin A (OTA) in coffee, grapes and raisins. Co-occurrence of mycotoxins has also been observed mainly with aflatoxins and fumonisins in different Latin American countries (Torres et al., 2015). Advances on legislation in different countries including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay have been done to establish maximum limits for mycotoxins including aflatoxins, DON, ZEN, OTA, patulin and ergot alkaloids (ANVISA, 2011/2017; CAA, 2019/2021, Norma Oficial Mexicana, N.-243-S., 2010/2010; Reglamento Sanitario de los Alimentos, 2013).Fil: Chulze, Sofia Noemi. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación en Micología y Micotoxicología. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación en Micología y Micotoxicología; ArgentinaFil: Torres, Adriana Mabel. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación en Micología y Micotoxicología. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación en Micología y Micotoxicología; ArgentinaFil: Torres, Olga. Laboratorio Diagnóstico Molecular; GuatemalaFil: Mallmann, Carlos Alberto. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Brasi

    Hamiltonian systems: symbolical, numerical and graphical study

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    Hamiltonian dynamical systems can be studied from a variety of viewpoints. Our intention in this paper is to show some examples of usage of two Maxima packages for symbolical and numerical analysis (\texttt{pdynamics} and \texttt{poincare}, respectively), along with the set of scripts \KeTCindy\ for obtaining the \LaTeX\ code corresponding to graphical representations of Poincar\'e sections, including animation movies.Comment: In order to play the embedded animation, you should use Acrobat Reader. Submitted to Mathematics in Computer Scienc

    Remote sensing in the leaf spectral characterization of the Hesperozygis ringens, an endangered species

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    The present study aimed to determine the reflectance pattern of Hesperozygis ringens leaves with the aid of Remote Sensing. Therefore, a spectroradiometer that operates in the continuous spectral range from 400 to 900 nm of the electromagnetic spectrum was used, with a resampled precision of 1 nm. The reflectance measurement was collected in situ. Four records were obtained. A spectral curve was created from the means of measurements in each sample. In the blue region, reflectance values between 0.0116696 and 0.0399550 were found. In the red region, the reflectance oscillated between 0.0438487 and 0.1095826. In the green region, the reflectance values ranged between 0.0405677 and 0.1001319. In the near infrared region, the oscillation of reflectance values occurred between 0.1163483 and 0.4655269. In the present study, it was possible to determine the reflectance pattern of H. ringens leaves using geotechnologies. It is hoped that the results found will stimulate future research in order to identify and monitor plant populations with Remote Sensing.Hesperozygis ringens is a species that stands out for the production of essential oil. No reports on the leaf spectral characterization of the species have been found. This study aimed to determine the reflectance pattern of Hesperozygis ringens leaves with the aid of Remote Sensing. Therefore, a spectroradiometer that operates in the continuous spectral range from 400 to 900 nm of the electromagnetic spectrum was used, with a resampled precision of 1 nm. The reflectance measurement was collected in situ. Four records were obtained. A spectral curve was created from the means of measurements in each sample. In the blue region, reflectance values between 0.0116696 and 0.0399550 were found. In the red region, the reflectance oscillated between 0.0438487 and 0.1095826. In the green region, the reflectance values ranged between 0.0405677 and 0.1001319. In the near-infrared region, the oscillation of reflectance values occurred between 0.1163483 and 0.4655269. The results indicate the effectiveness of the use of geotechnologies to carry out the spectral characterization of the H. ringens leaf.  Further studies are expected to identify and monitor plant populations with Remote Sensing


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    Este artigo traz os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada com agricultores domeio rural do município de Cerro Largo (RS), voltada à análise da formacomo estes compreendem e usam o “moderno” e as tecnologias, desde osprocessos de filtragem feitos a partir da cultura rural da região. Para issoutilizou-se da Teoria das Representações Sociais de Moscovici (1978) e aTeoria das Formações Discursivas de Foucault (2002; 2007). Foi possívelperceber que aconteceram muitas mudanças no espaço agrário estudado,principalmente a introdução de máquinas e equipamentos, as quaismodificaram a maneira de plantar, manejar e colher. Para os agricultoresessas novas tecnologias facilitam a vida no campo, mas também apresentamalguns problemas, como a poluição com insumos, o aumento do custo deprodução e a perda da identidade do que eles consideram “ser agricultor”. Sedo ponto de vista objetivo essas tecnologias, com frequência, passam porprocessos de adaptação às necessidades e costumes locais, do ponto devista subjetivo elas também passam por um processo de (re)significação,uma espécie de “filtro interpretativo” cujo significado é fortemente influenciadopela cultura