1,296 research outputs found

    Small and Large Time Stability of the Time taken for a L\'evy Process to Cross Curved Boundaries

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    This paper is concerned with the small time behaviour of a L\'{e}vy process XX. In particular, we investigate the {\it stabilities} of the times, \Tstarb(r) and \Tbarb(r), at which XX, started with X0=0X_0=0, first leaves the space-time regions {(t,y)R2:yrtb,t0}\{(t,y)\in\R^2: y\le rt^b, t\ge 0\} (one-sided exit), or {(t,y)R2:yrtb,t0}\{(t,y)\in\R^2: |y|\le rt^b, t\ge 0\} (two-sided exit), 0b<10\le b<1, as r\dto 0. Thus essentially we determine whether or not these passage times behave like deterministic functions in the sense of different modes of convergence; specifically convergence in probability, almost surely and in LpL^p. In many instances these are seen to be equivalent to relative stability of the process XX itself. The analogous large time problem is also discussed

    Stability of the Exit Time for L\'evy Processes

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    This paper is concerned with the behaviour of a L\'{e}vy process when it crosses over a positive level, uu, starting from 0, both as uu becomes large and as uu becomes small. Our main focus is on the time, τu\tau_u, it takes the process to transit above the level, and in particular, on the {\it stability} of this passage time; thus, essentially, whether or not τu\tau_u behaves linearly as u\dto 0 or uu\to\infty. We also consider conditional stability of τu\tau_u when the process drifts to -\infty, a.s. This provides information relevant to quantities associated with the ruin of an insurance risk process, which we analyse under a Cram\'er condition

    Passage of L\'evy Processes across Power Law Boundaries at Small Times

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    We wish to characterise when a L\'{e}vy process XtX_t crosses boundaries like tκt^\kappa, κ>0\kappa>0, in a one or two-sided sense, for small times tt; thus, we enquire when lim supt0Xt/tκ\limsup_{t\downarrow 0}|X_t|/t^{\kappa}, lim supt0Xt/tκ\limsup_{t\downarrow 0}X_t/t^{\kappa} and/or lim inft0Xt/tκ\liminf_{t\downarrow 0}X_t/t^{\kappa} are almost surely (a.s.) finite or infinite. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for these possibilities for all values of κ>0\kappa>0. Often (for many values of κ\kappa), when the limsups are finite a.s., they are in fact zero, as we show, but the limsups may in some circumstances take finite, nonzero, values, a.s. In general, the process crosses one or two-sided boundaries in quite different ways, but surprisingly this is not so for the case κ=1/2\kappa=1/2. An integral test is given to distinguish the possibilities in that case. Some results relating to other norming sequences for XX, and when XX is centered at a nonstochastic function, are also given

    Distributional representations and dominance of a L\'{e}vy process over its maximal jump processes

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    Distributional identities for a L\'evy process XtX_t, its quadratic variation process VtV_t and its maximal jump processes, are derived, and used to make "small time" (as t0t\downarrow0) asymptotic comparisons between them. The representations are constructed using properties of the underlying Poisson point process of the jumps of XX. Apart from providing insight into the connections between XX, VV, and their maximal jump processes, they enable investigation of a great variety of limiting behaviours. As an application, we study "self-normalised" versions of XtX_t, that is, XtX_t after division by sup0<stΔXs\sup_{0<s\le t}\Delta X_s, or by sup0<stΔXs\sup_{0<s\le t}| \Delta X_s|. Thus, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for Xt/sup0<stΔXsX_t/\sup_{0<s\le t}\Delta X_s and Xt/sup0<stΔXsX_t/\sup_{0<s\le t}| \Delta X_s| to converge in probability to 1, or to \infty, as t0t\downarrow0, so that XX is either comparable to, or dominates, its largest jump. The former situation tends to occur when the singularity at 0 of the L\'evy measure of XX is fairly mild (its tail is slowly varying at 0), while the latter situation is related to the relative stability or attraction to normality of XX at 0 (a steeper singularity at 0). An important component in the analyses is the way the largest positive and negative jumps interact with each other. Analogous "large time" (as tt\to \infty) versions of the results can also be obtained.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/15-BEJ731 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Passage of Lévy Processes across Power Law Boundaries at Small Times

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    We wish to characterize when a Lévy process Xt crosses boundaries like tκ, κ > 0, in a one- or two-sided sense, for small times t; thus, we inquire when lim.supt↓0 |Xt|/tκ, lim supt↓0, Xt/tκ and/or lim inft↓0 Xt/tκ are almost surely (a.s.) finite or infinite. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for these possibilities for all values of κ > 0. This completes and extends a line of research, going back to Blumenthal and Getoor in the 1960s. Often (for many values of κ), when the lim sups are finite a.s., they are in fact zero, but the lim sups may in some circumstances take finite, nonzero, values, a.s. In general, the process crosses one- or two-sided boundaries in quite different ways, but surprisingly this is not so for the case κ = 1/2, where a new kind of analogue of an iterated logarithm law with a square root boundary is derived. An integral test is given to distinguish the possibilities in that case.Supported in part by ARC Grants DP0210572 and DP0664603