4 research outputs found
Galen was the first who defined phthisis as lung ulceration, accompanied by coughing, persistent low-grade fevers, and body wasting. Attempts to define tuberculosis and find the cause of the disease belong to significant errors in the period of medical theories about tuberculosis (TB). Even in the 17th century, the most common causes of this disease were pulmonary ulcers, incorrect shape and position of the lungs, or menstruation. This article endeavors to elucidate the history of TB and its therapy in the 17th century on the basis of the Latin inaugural academic disputation De phthisi (On Tuberculosis) from 1679, which was first translated into Slovak in 2021. It was written by Matthaeus Palumbini, a Hungarian physician of Slovak origin born in Turiec County (Comitatus Thurociensis) in the Kingdom of Hungary. Although this dissertation is due to the anatomical, physiological, and clinical views of the Early Modern period, the ideas about the disease inhalation route as well as the fact that the disease transmission happens indirectly through the air, are close to existing knowledge. Similarly, the TB classification, the description of indications, climatic treatment, or principles of healthy lifestyle surprisingly correlate with the current medical practice. The article is supplemented by examples of the period of drug prescriptions that constituted a part of the therapy. The archival source of the original text comes from the Digitale Sammlungen der Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg.Galen je prvi definirao phthisis (ftizu) kao ulceraciju pluća popraćenu kašljem, dugotrajnom niskom temperaturom i iscrpljenošću organizma. Pokušaji definiranja tuberkuloze i utvrđivanja uzroka bolesti spadaju u značajne pogreške u razdoblju medicinskih teorija o tuberkulozi (TBC). Još u 17. stoljeću najčešći uzroci ove bolesti bili su plućni apsces, nepravilan oblik i položaj pluća ili menstruacija. U ovom članku nastoji se rasvijetliti povijest tuberkuloze i njezine terapije u 17. stoljeću na temelju latinske inauguracijske akademske rasprave De phthisi (O tuberkulozi) iz 1679., koja je prvi put prevedena na slovački 2021. Napisao ju je Matthaeus Palumbini, mađarski liječnik slovačkog podrijetla rođen u županiji Turiec (Comitatus Thurociensis) u Kraljevini Ugarskoj. Iako je ova disertacija nastala zbog anatomskih, fizioloških i kliničkih pogleda ranoga novog vijeka, ideje o inhalacijskom putu bolesti kao i činjenica da se bolest prenosi neizravno zrakom, bliske su postojećim spoznajama. Slično tome, klasifikacija TBC-a, opis indikacija, klimatsko liječenje ili načela zdravog načina života iznenađujuće koreliraju s trenutačnom medicinskom praksom. Članak je dopunjen primjerima razdoblja propisivanja lijekova koji su činili dio terapije. Arhivski izvor originalnog teksta potječe iz Digitale Sammlungender Universitäts bibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg
Measles outbreak in a Roma community in the Eastern region of Slovakia, May to October 2018
Despite the effective National Immunization Programme of Slovakia, some population groups are incompletely vaccinated or unvaccinated. We aimed to describe the measles outbreak spread in Eastern Slovakia between May and October 2018, affecting the Roma communities in relation to the existing immunity gaps