21 research outputs found

    The Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle

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    This factsheet describes the life cycle and habits of the multicolored Asian lady beetle

    Fabric Pests

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    This factsheet describes the behaviors and control of carpet beetles and clothes moths

    Occasional Invaders

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    This factsheet describes the appearance, behavior, and recommended control of centipedes, millipedes, sowbugs, pillbugs, and springtails in the home

    Mining Bees & Ground Nesting Wasps

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    This factsheet describes the behaviors and control of mining bees and ground nesting wasps with additional illustration for cicada killer and Scoliid wasps

    Keys to Pests in and Around the Home

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    This factsheet contains a table with the descriptions and methods of control for numerous pests found in and around homes, as well as advice for selecting pest control companies and pesticides

    Pantry Pests

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    This publication describes damage done by and control methods for removing the beetles or moths that most commonly infest food products in homes

    Spiders in Maryland

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    This factsheet provides illustrations and descriptions of the types of spiders found in Maryland, along with general tips for discouraging them from entering homes


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    This factsheet describes the characteristics and management of earwigs, considered a nuisance pest in Maryland

    Flies in and Around the Home

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    This factsheet describes the characteristics and control of flies that may be found in and around Maryland homes


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    This factsheet describes the appearance, behavior, and recommended control of five species of cockroaches known as pests in Maryland homes