54 research outputs found
Osmo TiililÀn ja Aarne Siiralan kÀsitykset uskosta
Tutkielmassa kÀsiteltiin Osmo TiililÀn ja Aarne Siiralan kÀsityksiÀ uskosta. NÀkökulmina uskoon olivat kohteiden teologian nÀkemykset uskon olemuksesta, ilmoituksen luonteesta ja teologisten kantojen sopiminen nykyisen uskonnonfilosofian epistemologiseen keskusteluun. NÀitÀ tutkittiin esittelemÀllÀ kummankin teologin ajattelua aiheen kannalta tarpeellisilta osin. TÀmÀn jÀlkeen tarkasteltiin heidÀn nÀkemyksiÀÀn uskon olemuksesta. Tutkielman lopuksi heidÀn ajatteluansa verrattiin epistemologian vaihtoehtoihin siitÀ, kuinka Jumalasta voidaan saada tietoa.
Teologioiden esittelyssÀ todettiin, ettÀ TiililÀ ja Siirala poikkeavat ajattelussaan toisistaan. TiililÀ esittelee uskon sisÀltöÀ, johon uskotaan. HÀnen ajattelussaan uskon kohteena on Jumala. NiinpÀ tutkielmassa keskityttiin TiililÀn kÀsitykseen Jumalasta ja tÀmÀn ominaisuuksista. LisÀksi tutkittiin TiililÀn kÀsitystÀ filosofian roolista teologisessa tutkimuksessa.
Siiralan teologian keskeisenÀ tarkastelun kohteena on uskova ihminen. Siirala nostaa uskonnollisen uskon mÀÀrittÀjÀksi uskonnollisen kokemuksen. TÀmÀn kokemuksen mukaan jumalallinen nÀyttÀytyy kaiken inhimillisen elÀmÀn rakenteissa.
Tutkielman tuloksena todettiin, ettÀ TiililÀn ja Siiralan nÀkemykset uskosta eroavat lÀhes jokaisella tarkastellulla alueella. HeidÀn kÀsityksensÀ ilmoituksesta ovat tÀysin erilaiset. Siiralan mukaan Jumalasta ei voida saada tietoja ja TiililÀn mielestÀ uskova saa Jumalasta Raamatusta tarkkoja tietoja. Epistemologisesti sekÀ TiililÀ ettÀ Siirala ovat fideistejÀ. Molempien mielestÀ puhe uskosta ei liity filosofiseen keskusteluun. Uskoa ei tarvitse perustella luonnontieteellisen tutkimuksen kerÀÀmÀn evidenssin avulla. Toisaalta Siirala ei ole fideisti sellaisessa dogmatiikan tuntemassa merkityksessÀ, jossa fideismi ymmÀrretÀÀn jumalapuheen mahdollisuutena. Siiralan nÀkemyksen mukaan teologia ei voi puhua Jumalasta
Responses of food web to hypolimnetic aeration in Lake VesijÀrvi
We studied the responses of a food web, especially fish and zooplankton, to summertime aeration, pumping of oxygen-rich epilimnetic water to the hypolimnion in Lake VesijÀrvi, southern Finland. The aim of hypolimnetic aeration was to reduce internal loading of phosphorus from sediment. The population of smelt (Osmerus eperlanus L.), the main planktivore of the pelagial area, collapsed during the two 1st years of aeration due to increased temperature and low oxygen concentrations in the hypolimnion. The population recovered after the 4th year of hypolimnetic aeration, when oxygen conditions were improved. Despite elevated hypolimnetic temperature, smelt reached exceptionally high abundance, which led to a significant reduction in cladoceran body size. The density of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) increased at first, but then decreased when the proportion of smelt and cyprinids increased. Biomasses of Daphnia decreased probably as a result of the disappearance of dark, low-oxygen deep-water refuge against fish predation and low availability of nutritionally high-quality algae. Occasionally filamentous cyanobacteria, such as turbulence tolerant Planktothrix agardhii (Gomont), were abundant, suggesting deteriorated food resources for zooplankton. The responses of food web were controversial with respect to the aim of the management, which was to prevent the occurrence of harmful algal blooms.Peer reviewe
Functional Subdivision of Group-ICA Results of fMRI Data Collected during Cinema Viewing
Independent component analysis (ICA) can unravel functional brain networks from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. The number of the estimated components affects both the spatial pattern of the identified networks and their time-course estimates. Here group-ICA was applied at four dimensionalities (10, 20, 40, and 58 components) to fMRI data collected from 15 subjects who viewed a 15-min silent film (âAt landâ by Maya Deren). We focused on the dorsal attention network, the default-mode network, and the sensorimotor network. The lowest dimensionalities demonstrated most prominent activity within the dorsal attention network, combined with the visual areas, and in the default-mode network; the sensorimotor network only appeared with ICA comprising at least 20 components. The results suggest that even very low-dimensional ICA can unravel the most prominent functionally-connected brain networks. However, increasing the number of components gives a more detailed picture and functionally feasible subdivision of the major networks. These results improve our understanding of the hierarchical subdivision of brain networks during viewing of a movie that provides continuous stimulation embedded in an attention-directing narrative.Peer reviewe
Quantifying the effect of ocean bed properties on ice sheet geometry over 40 000 years with a full-Stokes model
Simulations of ice sheet evolution over glacial cycles require integration of observational constraints using ensemble studies with fast ice sheet models. These include physical parameterisations with uncertainties, for example, relating to grounding-line migration. More complete ice dynamic models are slow and have thus far only be applied for â50â% under almost equal forcing. Grounding-line positions differ by up to 49âkm, show significant hysteresis, and migrate non-steadily in both scenarios with long quiescent phases disrupted by leaps of rapid migration. The simulations quantify the evolution of two different ice sheet geometries (namely thick and slow vs. thin and fast), triggered by the variable grounding-line migration over the differing ocean beds. Our study extends the timescales of 3D full-Stokes by an order of magnitude compared to previous studies with the help of parallelisation. The extended time frame for full-Stokes models is a first step towards better understanding other processes such as erosion and sediment redistribution in the ice shelf cavity impacting the entire catchment geometry
Multi-scale analysis of the Monoceros OB 1 star-forming region : I. The dense core population
Context. Current theories and models attempt to explain star formation globally, from core scales to giant molecular cloud scales. A multi-scale observational characterisation of an entire molecular complex is necessary to constrain them. We investigate star formation in G202.3+2.5, a Ì10 Ă 3 pc sub-region of the Monoceros OB1 cloud with a complex morphology that harbours interconnected filamentary structures. Aims: We aim to connect the evolution of cores and filaments in G202.3+2.5 with the global evolution of the cloud and to identify the engines of the cloud dynamics. Methods: In this first paper, the star formation activity is evaluated by surveying the distributions of dense cores and protostars and their evolutionary state, as characterised using both infrared observations from the Herschel and WISE telescopes and molecular line observations with the IRAM 30 m telescope. Results: We find ongoing star formation in the whole cloud, with a local peak in star formation activity around the centre of G202.3+2.5, where a chain of massive cores (10 - 50 Mâ) forms a massive ridge (âł150 Mâ). All evolutionary stages from starless cores to Class II protostars are found in G202.3+2.5, including a possibly starless and massive (52 Mâ) core, which presents a high column density (8 Ă 1022 cm-2). Conclusions: All the core-scale observables we examined point to an enhanced star formation activity that is centred on the junction between the three main branches of the ramified structure of G202.3+2.5. This suggests that the increased star formation activity results from the convergence of these branches. To further investigate the origin of this enhancement, it is now necessary to extend the analysis to larger scales in order to examine the relationship between cores, filaments, and their environment. We address these points through the analysis of the dynamics of G202.3+2.5 in a joint paper.Context. Current theories and models attempt to explain star formation globally, from core scales to giant molecular cloud scales. A multi-scale observational characterisation of an entire molecular complex is necessary to constrain them. We investigate star formation in G202.3+2.5, a similar to 10 x 3 pc sub-region of the Monoceros OB1 cloud with a complex morphology that harbours interconnected filamentary structures. Aims. We aim to connect the evolution of cores and filaments in G202.3+2.5 with the global evolution of the cloud and to identify the engines of the cloud dynamics. Methods. In this first paper, the star formation activity is evaluated by surveying the distributions of dense cores and protostars and their evolutionary state, as characterised using both infrared observations from the Herschel and WISE telescopes and molecular line observations with the IRAM 30 m telescope. Results. We find ongoing star formation in the whole cloud, with a local peak in star formation activity around the centre of G202.3+2.5, where a chain of massive cores (10 50 M-circle dot) forms a massive ridge (greater than or similar to 150 M-circle dot). All evolutionary stages from starless cores to Class II protostars are found in G202.3+2.5, including a possibly starless and massive (52 M-circle dot) core, which presents a high column density (8 x 10(22) cm(-2)). Conclusions. All the core-scale observables we examined point to an enhanced star formation activity that is centred on the junction between the three main branches of the ramified structure of G202.3+2.5. This suggests that the increased star formation activity results from the convergence of these branches. To further investigate the origin of this enhancement, it is now necessary to extend the analysis to larger scales in order to examine the relationship between cores, filaments, and their environment. We address these points through the analysis of the dynamics of G202.3+2.5 in a joint paper.Peer reviewe
Multi-scale analysis of the Monoceros OB 1 star-forming region : II. Colliding filaments in the Monoceros OB1 molecular cloud
Context. We started a multi-scale analysis of star formation in G202.3+2.5, an intertwined filamentary sub-region of the Monoceros OB1 molecular complex, in order to provide observational constraints on current theories and models that attempt to explain star formation globally. In the first paper (Paper I), we examined the distributions of dense cores and protostars and found enhanced star formation activity in the junction region of the filaments. Aims. In this second paper, we aim to unveil the connections between the core and filament evolutions, and between the filament dynamics and the global evolution of the cloud. Methods. We characterise the gas dynamics and energy balance in different parts of G202.3+2.5 using infrared observations from the Herschel and WISE telescopes and molecular tracers observed with the IRAM 30-m and TRAO 14-m telescopes. The velocity field of the cloud is examined and velocity-coherent structures are identified, characterised, and put in perspective with the cloud environment. Results. Two main velocity components are revealed, well separated in radial velocities in the north and merged around the location of intense N2H+ emission in the centre of G202.3+2.5 where Paper I found the peak of star formation activity. We show that the relative position of the two components along the sightline, and the velocity gradient of the N2H+ emission imply that the components have been undergoing collision for similar to 10(5) yr, although it remains unclear whether the gas moves mainly along or across the filament axes. The dense gas where N2H+ is detected is interpreted as the compressed region between the two filaments, which corresponds to a high mass inflow rate of similar to 1 x 10(-3) M-circle dot yr(-1) and possibly leads to a significant increase in its star formation efficiency. We identify a protostellar source in the junction region that possibly powers two crossed intermittent outflows. We show that the HII region around the nearby cluster NCG 2264 is still expanding and its role in the collision is examined. However, we cannot rule out the idea that the collision arises mostly from the global collapse of the cloud. Conclusions. The (sub-)filament-scale observables examined in this paper reveal a collision between G202.3+2.5 sub-structures and its probable role in feeding the cores in the junction region. To shed more light on this link between core and filament evolutions, one must characterise the cloud morphology, its fragmentation, and magnetic field, all at high resolution. We consider the role of the environment in this paper, but a larger-scale study of this region is now necessary to investigate the scenario of a global cloud collapse.Peer reviewe
Dust spectrum and polarisation at 850 mu m in the massive IRDC G035.39-00.33
Context. The sub-millimetre polarisation of dust emission from star-forming clouds carries information on grain properties and on the effects that magnetic fields have on cloud evolution. Aims. Using observations of a dense filamentary cloud G035.39-00.33, we aim to characterise the dust emission properties and the variations of the polarisation fraction. Methods. JCMT SCUBA-2/POL-2 observations at 850 mu m were combined with Planck 850 mu m (353 GHz) data to map polarisation fraction at small and large scales. With previous total intensity SCUBA-2 observations (450 and 850 mu m) and Herschel data, the column densities were determined via modified black-body fits and via radiative transfer modelling. Models were constructed to examine how the observed polarisation angles and fractions depend on potential magnetic field geometries and grain alignment processes. Results. POL-2 data show clear changes in the magnetic field orientation. These are not in contradiction with the uniform orientation and almost constant polarisation fraction seen by Planck, because of the difference in the beam sizes and the POL-2 data being affected by spatial filtering. The filament has a peak column density of N(H-2) similar to 7 x 10(22) cm(-2), a minimum dust temperature of T similar to 12 K, and a mass of similar to 4300 M-circle dot for the area N(H-2) > 5 x 10(21) cm(-2). The estimated average value of the dust opacity spectral index is beta similar to 1.9. The ratio of sub-millimetre and J-band optical depths is tau (250 mu m)/tau(J) similar to 2.5 x 10(-3), more than four times the typical values for diffuse medium. The polarisation fraction decreases as a function of column density to p similar to 1% in the central filament. Because of noise, the observed decrease of p(N) is significant only at N(H-2) > 2 x 10(22) cm(-2). The observations suggest that the grain alignment is not constant. Although the data can be explained with a complete loss of alignment at densities above similar to 10(4) cm(-3) or using the predictions of radiative torques alignment, the uncertainty of the field geometry and the spatial filtering of the SCUBA-2 data prevent strong conclusions. Conclusions. The G035.39-00.33 filament shows strong signs of dust evolution and the low polarisation fraction is suggestive of a loss of polarised emission from its densest parts.Peer reviewe
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