3 research outputs found

    Topics in Matrix Sampling Algorithms

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    We study three fundamental problems of Linear Algebra, lying in the heart of various Machine Learning applications, namely: 1)"Low-rank Column-based Matrix Approximation". We are given a matrix A and a target rank k. The goal is to select a subset of columns of A and, by using only these columns, compute a rank k approximation to A that is as good as the rank k approximation that would have been obtained by using all the columns; 2) "Coreset Construction in Least-Squares Regression". We are given a matrix A and a vector b. Consider the (over-constrained) least-squares problem of minimizing ||Ax-b||, over all vectors x in D. The domain D represents the constraints on the solution and can be arbitrary. The goal is to select a subset of the rows of A and b and, by using only these rows, find a solution vector that is as good as the solution vector that would have been obtained by using all the rows; 3) "Feature Selection in K-means Clustering". We are given a set of points described with respect to a large number of features. The goal is to select a subset of the features and, by using only this subset, obtain a k-partition of the points that is as good as the partition that would have been obtained by using all the features. We present novel algorithms for all three problems mentioned above. Our results can be viewed as follow-up research to a line of work known as "Matrix Sampling Algorithms". [Frieze, Kanna, Vempala, 1998] presented the first such algorithm for the Low-rank Matrix Approximation problem. Since then, such algorithms have been developed for several other problems, e.g. Graph Sparsification and Linear Equation Solving. Our contributions to this line of research are: (i) improved algorithms for Low-rank Matrix Approximation and Regression (ii) algorithms for a new problem domain (K-means Clustering).Comment: PhD Thesis, 150 page

    Density Estimation and Random Variate Generation Using Multilayer Networks

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    Abstract—In this paper we consider two important topics: density estimation and random variate generation. We will present a framework that is easily implemented using the familiar multilayer neural network. First, we develop two new methods for density estimation, a stochastic method and a related deterministic method. Both methods are based on approximating the distribution function, the density being obtained by differentiation. In the second part of the paper, we develop new random number generation methods. Our methods do not suffer from some of the restrictions of existing methods in that they can be used to generate numbers from any density provided that certain smoothness conditions are satisfied. One of our methods is based on an observed inverse relationship between the density estimation process and random number generation. We present two variants of this method, a stochastic, and a deterministic version. We propose a second method that is based on a novel control formulation of the problem, where a “controller network ” is trained to shape a given density into the desired density. We justify the use of all the methods that we propose by providing theoretical convergence results. In particular, we prove that the convergence to the true density for both the density estimation and random variate generation techniques occurs at a rate � �� �