5 research outputs found

    Screening of mutations and polymorphism in CFRT gene in men infertile due to oligo- or azospermia

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    Do sada je otkriven veliki broj gena koji, kada su mutirani ili deletirani uzrokuju promene u muÅ”kom reprodukcionom sistemu. Opstrukciona azospermija, koja je uzrok infertiliteta, u Å”est posto slučajeva posledica je kongenitalnog nedostatka vaza deferensa. Takođe, kongenitalni nedostatak vaza deferensa se javlja kod 95 posto muÅ”karaca obolelih od cistične fibroze, koja nastaje usled mutacija u genu CFTR. Novija istraživanja pokazuju da je kod muÅ”karaca infertilnih usled kongenitalnog nedostatka vaza deferensa, bez kliničkih znakova cistične fibroze, povećana učestalost mutacija u genu CFTR u odnosu na učestalost mutiranog gena CFTR u opÅ”toj populaciji. PoÅ”to je kod muÅ”karaca obolelih od cistične fibroze nađen Å”irok spektar oÅ”tećenja reprodukcionog trakta odlučili smo se za analizu mutacija i polimorfizama u genu CFTR kod muÅ”karaca, infertilnih usled oligospermije ili azospermije, radi rasvetljavanja moguće uloge gena CFTR u patogenezi infertilnosti muÅ”karaca. U grupi osoba s opstrukcionom azospermijom otkrili smo statistički značajno veću učestalost mutacija u genu CFTR nego u opÅ”toj populaciji, Å”to ukazuje na njegovo učeŔće u patologiji infertilnosti kod ove trupe ispitanika. U grupi muÅ”karaca s poremećajem u spermatogenezi ili sazrevanju sperme učestalost mutacija u genu CFTR takođe je bila veća nego u opÅ”toj populaciji, ali niža nego kod ispitanika s opstrukcionom azospermijom. Ovo ukazuje na veće učeŔće drugih gena u procesu spermatogeneze nego kod opstrukcione azospermije. S obzirom da je kod muÅ”karaca infertilnih usled opstrukcione azospermije veća učestalost mutacija u genu CFTR, oni su s većim rizikom za rađanje deteta s cističnom fibrozom, te je kod njih indikovana analiza mutacija u ovom genu pre pristupanja asistiranoj reprodukciji.We concluded that CFTR gene plays a role in the etiology of obstructive azoospermia and that it also could be involved in same cases of impaired spermatogenesis and sperm maturation. Due to the high incidence of CFRT mutations in patients with obstructive azoospermia we suggest screening of CFRT mutations before assisted reproduction

    Removal of As(III) and Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions using ā€œgreenā€ zero-valent iron nanoparticles produced by oak, mulberry and cherry leaf extracts

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    Abstract The production of nano zero-valent iron nanoparticles, using the extract from natural products, increased in recent years as it represents green and environmentally friendly method. Synthesis of green zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) using oak, mulberry and cherry leaf extracts (OL-nZVI, ML-nZVI and CH-nZVI) proved to be a promising approach for As(III) and Cr(VI) removal from aqueous solutions. The oak, mulberry and cherry leaves were chosen because of their high oxidant capacity as an important property for the production of the nZVIs. Also, oak, mulberry and cherry trees are widely distributed and easy to find in Vojvodina, the north province of Serbia. Characterization of produced green nZVI materials confirmed the formation of nanosize zero-valent iron particles within the size of 10ā€“30 nm. Nanoparticles were spherical in shape and represented stable material with minimum agglomeration observed by TEM and SEM morphology measurements. Batch experiments revealed that the adsorption kinetics followed pseudo-second order rate equation. The obtained adsorption isotherm data could be well described by the Freundlich model. In addition, investigated pH effect showed that varying the initial pH value had a great effect on As(III) and Cr(VI) removal. This study indicated that nZVI could be produced by low cost and non toxic method with oak, mulberry and cherry leaf extracts and potentially be used as a new green material for remediation of water matrices contaminated with As(III) and Cr(VI)

    Identification of significant pressures and assessment of wastewater discharge on Krivaja River water quality

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    One of the key stages of the process of preparing management plans for the river basin is the analysis of pressures and impacts, as well as the risk assessment of failing to achieve the environmental objectives. DPSIR framework (Driving Forces-Pressure-State-Impact-Response) was developed by the European Agency for the environmental protection, and makes the conceptual basis for the pressures and impacts analysis, taking into account the complexity of the interactions in the environment and represents the tool for their analysis. Impact assessment of the water body requires some quantitative information to describe the condition of the water body and/or the pressures that act on it. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of wastewater discharge on Krivaja watercourse. Impact assessment is carried out based on data of pollutersā€™ wastewater and monitoring information for water in Krivaja. For each site at which sampling was performed, the specific risk quotients for surface water were calculated, as the ratio of the each pollutant concentration in surface water at the sampling point and environmental quality standards for pollutants, as well as their sum that represents the risk index. In order to have the integrated perceive of processes in the Krivaja River, taking into account cumulative effects from point sources, the concept of total maximum daily load was applied, using which the pollution amount, that can be discharged daily in a water body without degrading his prescribed/required quality, was calculated. Comparison of emitted loads from pollution point sources with maximum allowable ones was performed. Wastewaters of different polluters located on Krivaja are, due to insufficient treatment, very loaded with organic matter and nutrients. Krivaja receives daily 1332 m3 of wastewater, 999 kg COD, 722 kg BOD, 144 kg of nitrogen, 4.3 kg of phosphorus and 627 kg of suspended solids. Of the total wastewater volume, the majority (69%) originates from municipal wastewater, 81% of the total amount of organic matter comes from the industry, while nutrients mostly originate from municipal wastewater. Loading of Krivaja with wastewater is major, uneven and unbalanced. Water quality of Krivaja is unsatisfactory. According to national legislation there is the exceedance of maximum permissible values for Class II for watercourse (good status) for most parameters, in all sampling locations and in both sampling periods. Parameters that exceeded the value for the Class II are dissolved oxygen, organic matter content, suspended solids, nutrients. Water flow in the river is not sufficient to receive the total amount of the pollutant load from point sources. Risk assessment, based on the monitoring results, indicates that the river Krivaja is possibly at risk of failing to meet the required water quality because the most of the values exceeded the limit values. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. TR37004