5 research outputs found

    Reconnaissance attack detection via boosting machine learning classifiers

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    With the advancement of Internet technologies, network security concerns are growing exponentially. One of the most difficult issues of network security is keeping it safe. To detect and identify any malicious behavior the network, many security techniques were deployed. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) is one of the most frequent strategies for mitigating the effects of these attacks. Reconnaissance is a common attack in computer networks in which the attacker gathers as much information as possible about the target before conducting an attack. Machine Learning (ML) classifiers are commonly used to distinguish between normal and abnormal network traffic. In this paper, Raeconnaissance attacks detection is an exam with the following ML classifiers: Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost), Gradient Boosting, cat Boosting, and eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) to determine the most effective classifier in identifying Reconnaissance attacks. Evaluation metrics used are accuracy, precision, F-measure True Positive. The experiment on the UNSW-NB15 dataset shows that the cat Boosting classifier is superior to the XGBoost, AdaBoost and Gradiant Boosting. © 2023 Author(s)

    An Adaptive Rank Aggregation-Based Ensemble Multi-Filter Feature Selection Method in Software Defect Prediction

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    Feature selection is known to be an applicable solution to address the problem of high dimensionality in software defect prediction (SDP). However, choosing an appropriate filter feature selection (FFS) method that will generate and guarantee optimal features in SDP is an open research issue, known as the filter rank selection problem. As a solution, the combination of multiple filter methods can alleviate the filter rank selection problem. In this study, a novel adaptive rank aggregation-based ensemble multi-filter feature selection (AREMFFS) method is proposed to resolve high dimensionality and filter rank selection problems in SDP. Specifically, the proposed AREMFFS method is based on assessing and combining the strengths of individual FFS methods by aggregating multiple rank lists in the generation and subsequent selection of top-ranked features to be used in the SDP process. The efficacy of the proposed AREMFFS method is evaluated with decision tree (DT) and naïve Bayes (NB) models on defect datasets from different repositories with diverse defect granularities. Findings from the experimental results indicated the superiority of AREMFFS over other baseline FFS methods that were evaluated, existing rank aggregation based multi-filter FS methods, and variants of AREMFFS as developed in this study. That is, the proposed AREMFFS method not only had a superior effect on prediction performances of SDP models but also outperformed baseline FS methods and existing rank aggregation based multi-filter FS methods. Therefore, this study recommends the combination of multiple FFS methods to utilize the strength of respective FFS methods and take advantage of filter–filter relationships in selecting optimal features for SDP processes

    Empirical Analysis of Rank Aggregation-Based Multi-Filter Feature Selection Methods in Software Defect Prediction

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    Selecting the most suitable filter method that will produce a subset of features with the best performance remains an open problem that is known as filter rank selection problem. A viable solution to this problem is to independently apply a mixture of filter methods and evaluate the results. This study proposes novel rank aggregation-based multi-filter feature selection (FS) methods to address high dimensionality and filter rank selection problem in software defect prediction (SDP). The proposed methods combine rank lists generated by individual filter methods using rank aggregation mechanisms into a single aggregated rank list. The proposed methods aim to resolve the filter selection problem by using multiple filter methods of diverse computational characteristics to produce a dis-joint and complete feature rank list superior to individual filter rank methods. The effectiveness of the proposed method was evaluated with Decision Tree (DT) and Naïve Bayes (NB) models on defect datasets from NASA repository. From the experimental results, the proposed methods had a superior impact (positive) on prediction performances of NB and DT models than other experimented FS methods. This makes the combination of filter rank methods a viable solution to filter rank selection problem and enhancement of prediction models in SDP

    Impact of Feature Selection Methods on the Predictive Performance of Software Defect Prediction Models: An Extensive Empirical Study

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    Feature selection (FS) is a feasible solution for mitigating high dimensionality problem, and many FS methods have been proposed in the context of software defect prediction (SDP). Moreover, many empirical studies on the impact and effectiveness of FS methods on SDP models often lead to contradictory experimental results and inconsistent findings. These contradictions can be attributed to relative study limitations such as small datasets, limited FS search methods, and unsuitable prediction models in the respective scope of studies. It is hence critical to conduct an extensive empirical study to address these contradictions to guide researchers and buttress the scientific tenacity of experimental conclusions. In this study, we investigated the impact of 46 FS methods using Naïve Bayes and Decision Tree classifiers over 25 software defect datasets from 4 software repositories (NASA, PROMISE, ReLink, and AEEEM). The ensuing prediction models were evaluated based on accuracy and AUC values. Scott–KnottESD and the novel Double Scott–KnottESD rank statistical methods were used for statistical ranking of the studied FS methods. The experimental results showed that there is no one best FS method as their respective performances depends on the choice of classifiers, performance evaluation metrics, and dataset. However, we recommend the use of statistical-based, probability-based, and classifier-based filter feature ranking (FFR) methods, respectively, in SDP. For filter subset selection (FSS) methods, correlation-based feature selection (CFS) with metaheuristic search methods is recommended. For wrapper feature selection (WFS) methods, the IWSS-based WFS method is recommended as it outperforms the conventional SFS and LHS-based WFS methods

    Software Defect Prediction Using Wrapper Feature Selection Based on Dynamic Re-Ranking Strategy

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    Finding defects early in a software system is a crucial task, as it creates adequate time for fixing such defects using available resources. Strategies such as symmetric testing have proven useful; however, its inability in differentiating incorrect implementations from correct ones is a drawback. Software defect prediction (SDP) is another feasible method that can be used for detecting defects early. Additionally, high dimensionality, a data quality problem, has a detrimental effect on the predictive capability of SDP models. Feature selection (FS) has been used as a feasible solution for solving the high dimensionality issue in SDP. According to current literature, the two basic forms of FS approaches are filter-based feature selection (FFS) and wrapper-based feature selection (WFS). Between the two, WFS approaches have been deemed to be superior. However, WFS methods have a high computational cost due to the unknown number of executions available for feature subset search, evaluation, and selection. This characteristic of WFS often leads to overfitting of classifier models due to its easy trapping in local maxima. The trapping of the WFS subset evaluator in local maxima can be overcome by using an effective search method in the evaluator process. Hence, this study proposes an enhanced WFS method that dynamically and iteratively selects features. The proposed enhanced WFS (EWFS) method is based on incrementally selecting features while considering previously selected features in its search space. The novelty of EWFS is based on the enhancement of the subset evaluation process of WFS methods by deploying a dynamic re-ranking strategy that iteratively selects germane features with a low subset evaluation cycle while not compromising the prediction performance of the ensuing model. For evaluation, EWFS was deployed with Decision Tree (DT) and Naïve Bayes classifiers on software defect datasets with varying granularities. The experimental findings revealed that EWFS outperformed existing metaheuristics and sequential search-based WFS approaches established in this work. Additionally, EWFS selected fewer features with less computational time as compared with existing metaheuristics and sequential search-based WFS methods