1 research outputs found

    123-128Outcomes of Management of Cholera outbreak among IDPs and Non-IDPs in a Complex Emergency Setting of South Sudan

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    Abstract Displaced communities barely have access to safe drinking water and sanitation, therefore the risk of communicable diseases like cholera, acute watery diarrhea, and acute bloody diarrhea increasing exponentially. Since the outbreak of the conflict in 2013 in South Sudan, an estimated 1.87 million people have been displaced and are living in Internally Displace Persons Camps (IDPs). Consequently, outbreaks which include cholera have been reported in 2014 and 2015. We retrospectively analyzed the data from these two outbreaks to compare risks and other characteristics among the IDPs and non-IDPs. It was noted that the risk of cholera was higher among the IDPs compared to non-IDPs. Cholera cases in IDPs were more likely to be children under five years compared to older persons from non-displaced populations. Even though cases of cholera in IDPs were 1.45 times likely to seek care after 48hrs, this was not statistically different from Non-IDPs. Cholera cases in the IDPs were more likely than those in the host communities to have received zero doses of oral cholera vaccine. The burden of cholera cases among sexes, duration of admission of admission and survival rates were not significantly different among IDPs and Non IDPs. In the context of timely response to protect vulnerable populations and coupled with the limitations of the global oral cholera vaccines stockpile management, it is recommended that children less than five years in IDPs should be prioritized for oral cholera vaccination