6 research outputs found

    Acute phlegmonous appendicitis in rare variant of appendix diverticulum (case report)

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    Background. Appendicitis-like diverticulitis is considered a rare disease and is usually the subject of clinical reports. Clinical manifestations of this pathology is similar to those of appendicitis, which is why a preoperative diagnosis is made quite rarely. When carrying out the study, we considered a clinical case of acute phlegmonous appendicitis with a rare variant of the appendix wall diverticulum.Material and methods. To assess clinical cases, a retrospective analysis of medical documentation (medical records of patients with diverticulitis in particular) was used. The assessment of clinical symptoms was accompanied by using general clinical, histological and microbiological methods.Results. Patient I., 62 years old, was diagnosed with acute appendicitis. An urgent appendectomy was carried out, during which the vermiform process was removed. It was located retrocecally, in the adhesive process and loose infiltrate. The length of the process is 7–8 cm, its diameter is 1–1,5 cm. 6 diverticula up to 0,7 cm in size are visible. When the process is cut, the pyoid contents protrudes from its lumen. In addition, the appendix removed during appendectomy was sent for pathological study. A standard histopathological study was carried out with the step-like sectioning and hematoxylin and eosin staining.Conclusion. From the results of a pathological study, it was found that the layers of the vermiform process wall with diverticula are diffusely infiltrated by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The mucous membrane is anesthetized and had ulcerative defects. The patient was diagnosed with phlegmonous appendicitis, periappendicitis, diverticulitis.Vermiform process diverticulitis is not a common pathology, however a timely diagnosis can cause quite severe complications

    Epidemiological features of acute respiratory viral infections during the period of co-circulation of influenza A (H1N1) and В viruses

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    То reveal epidemiological features of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) during the period of co-circulation of influenza A and В viruses in Yekaterinburg, 1520 samples obtained from patients with ARVI and flu at municipal and military hospitals were tested by molecular biological and serological methods. Key epidemiological features and prevalence of influenza A and В viruses among other etiological agents of ARVI during the studied season were determined.С целью выявления характерных эпидемиологических особенностей респираторных вирусных заболеваний в период одновременной циркуляции вирусов гриппа А и В были проведены молекулярно-биологические и серовирусологические обследования заболевших гриппом и ОРВИ военнослужащих и населения г. Екатеринбурга в период эпидемического подъема заболеваемости 2009-2010 г.г. (1520 человек). В результате проведенного исследования отмечены основные эпидемиологические особенности эпидсезона, определено долевое участие возбудителей гриппа и других ОРВИ в этиологии респираторных заболеваний

    Assessing herd immunity influenza virus among residents of Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk oblast during epidemic periods of 2015-17

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    Thе aim of this research was acomparative assessment of the herd immunity to epidemic and seasonal influenza virus strains in the epidemic periods of 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 in compliance with the results of a sampling research of the donated blood sera in Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk Oblast, the Russian Federation. Hemagglutination inhibition assay test was used to assess 817 samples for antibodies to A/California/07/09(HlNlpdm09), A/HongKong/4801/14(H3N2) and В/Phuket/3073/13 influenza viruses. Index ≥1:40was considered a positive antibody titre. In the pre-epidemic period of 2015, the proportion of serapositive to A/California/07/09(HlNlpdm09) virus was 36.4%. In the pre-epidemic period of 2017, this proportion for A/Hong Kong/4801/14(H3N2) virus was 38,0%, in 2017 this proportion for A/California/07/09(HlNlpdm09) virus was 58,7%. The epidemic increases in the incidence caused by the corresponding current influenza virus serotypes in these years imply that prior to every epidemic season the herd immunity of the population was insufficient for the prevention of epidemics.Целью исследования явилась сравнительная оценка напряженности иммунитета к вирусам эпидемических и сезонных штаммов вируса гриппа в эпидемические периоды 2015-2016 г.г. и 2016-2017 г.г. по результатам выборочных исследований сывороток крови доноров г. Екатеринбурга и Свердловской области. Методом РТГА изучено 817 образцов на наличие антител к вирусам гриппа A/California/07/09(HlNlpdm09), A/Гонконг/4801/14(H3N2) и В/Пхукет/3073/13. Положительным титром антител считали показатель ≥1:40. В предэпидемический период 2015 г. доля позитивных сывороток к вирусу A/ California/07/09(HlNlpdm09) составила 36.4%. В предэпидемический период 2017г. к вирусу A/Гонконг/4801/14(H3N2) – 38,0%, в период 2017 г. к вирусу A/California/07/09(HlNlpdm09) - 58,7%. Эпидемические подъемы заболеваемости, обусловленные соответствующими актуальными серотипами вируса гриппа в эти годы свидетельствовали о том, что иммунная прослойка населения перед каждым эпидемическим сезоном оказывалась недостаточной для предотвращения эпидемий

    Analysis of the epidemic situation of influenza and ARVI in the Sverdlovsk region (2012-2019)

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    The aim of the study was to assess the trend of the epidemic process of influenza and other ARVI in the multi-year dynamics (2012-2019) in the Sverdlovsk region. The epidemic process was studied during periods of ordinar, seasonal and epidemic allowances in different age groups of children and adults. In the analyzed period, influenza and ARVI epidemics were shown to be polyethological involving seropodtypes of influenza А1, А3 and serotype B viruses and dominance in individual years of one of the influenza virus strains. The trend towards stabilization of the epidemic process has been noted in many years of dynamics. Against this background, the high risk group for infection was children under the age of 6. Annually, the dominant periodicity in the circulation of influenza А1 and А3 viruses and the three-year periodicity with the dominance of influenza B virus have been noted.Целью исследования являлось оценка тенденции проявления эпидемического процесса гриппа и других ОРВИ в многолетней динамике (2012-2019 гг.) В Свердловской области. Проявление эпидемического процесса изучали в периоды ординара, сезонной и эпидемической надбавок в различных возрастных группах детей и взрослых. В анализированный период показано, эпидемии гриппа и ОРВИ были полиэтиологичными с участием сероподтипов вирусов гриппа А1, А3 и серотипа В и доминированием в отдельные годы одного из штаммов вируса гриппа. В многолетней динамике отмечена тенденция к стабилизации эпидемического процесса. На этом фоне группой высокого риска заражения были дети в возрасте до 6 лет. Отмечена ежегодно доминирующая периодичность в циркуляции вирусов гриппа А1 и А3 и трехлетняя периодичность с доминированием вируса гриппа В


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    The article gives the data about expediency of increasing of genetic diversity of commercial varieties of durum winter wheat in Middle Povolzhie and in the Urals  on powdery mildew tolerance because of interspecific hybridization. The results of introgression of stability to powdery mildew from Triticum Timofeevii Zhuk. and Triticum dicoccum Shuebl. in genome Triticum durum Desf. and breeding of adapted donors with new for durum wheat genes of tolerance are considered in the paper. The transfer of genes from Triticum timopheevii Zhuk.  is carried out through introgressive lines of soft wheat ‘IT-3’ and ‘1678B-21’. The sample of the variety ‘K-46995’ taken from the collection of ARIR was used to transfer stability to Triticum dicoccum Shuebl.. Such constant Triticum durum Desf. lines as ‘Leukurum 1751’, ‘Leukurum 1753 and ‘495d-22’ with introgressive stability to Triticum timopheevii Zhuk. and ‘Gordeiforme 1737’, ‘Gordeiforme 1738’ and ‘Gordeiforme 1739’ with stability to Triticum dicoccum Shuebl. According to the data of hybridological analysis the stability of these lines is controlled by 1-3 genes with effects of dominating tolerance, its suppression and in inhibition. Introgression of stability to Triticum timopheevii Zhuk. has been confirmed at the molecular level while using 90 microsatellite markers with identification of a single translocation in 6B chromosome and its localization in a range of microsatellite markers Xgwn 518 and Xgwn 1076. Tolerance to powdery mildew, caused by the translocation from T. timopheevii Zhuk. remains efficient for a long time; it’s transferred to the seeds together with a complex of adaptability and quality of product. Durum wheat donors, which inherited tolerance to T.dicoccum Shuebl., show stability of the trait, hybridize well with the genes of tolerance to powdery mildew from durum wheat and other varieties, possess good ability to cultivate varieties with good adaptability and productivity

    Характеристика сортов разных этапов селекции в России и селекционных линий яровой твердой пшеницы по качеству клейковины

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    The characteristics of the cultivars of various stages of breeding process in Russia and the selective lines of spring durum wheat according to quality of gluten The present highly productive technological industries of pasta products that apply thermal drying need grain of durum wheat with strong and high qualitative gluten. Thus, the principle purpose of the study is to estimate the cultivars of various stages of breeding and the selective lines of spring durum wheat according to quality of gluten and to seek adapted genes that can produce high qualitative gluten. There have been studied such varieties of different breeding centers and of different stages of breeding process as ‘Kharkovskaya 46’ (4-th stage), ‘Bezenchukskaya 139’, ‘Altayskaya niva’ (5-th stage), ‘Bezenchukskaya 182’, ‘Saratovskaya zolotistaya’, ‘Zhemchuzhina Sibiri’, ‘Altaysky yantar’, ‘Omsky korund’ (6-th stage), ‘Bezenchukskaya stepnaya’, ‘Bezenchukskaya 205’, ‘Krasnokutka 13’, ‘Donskaya elegiya’, ‘Bezenchukskaya niva’, ‘Bezenchukskaya 209’, ‘Bezenchukskaya 210’, ‘Bezenchukskaya zolotistaya’, ‘Luch 25’, ‘Bezenchukskaya krepost’, ‘Zolotaya’, ‘Salyut Altaya’, ‘Solnechnaya 573’, ‘Pamyati Yanchenko’, ‘Omsky izumrud’, ‘Oazis’ (7-th stage) and such breeding lines as ‘D2098’, ‘98с-08’ (RIA of South-East), ‘Gordeiforme 677’ (Altaysky RIA), ‘1368D-18’, ‘1477D-4’ (Samarsky RIA). The study has been made in two ecological-geographical experiments, the first one in the areas of Bezenchuk, Kurgan and Barnaul (in 2014-2015) and the second one in the areas of Bezenchuk, Barnaul and Aktyubinsk (in 2016). The plots of 10 m2 were placed in random sequences in fallow lands. The simplest and productive method of SDS-sedimentation was used to estimate the rheological traits of dough. The SDS indexes were assessed by a standard method [8]. The rheological traits of the varieties grown by Samarsky RIA in 2015 have been assessed by the parameters of farinograph according to the international standards. The conducted study has found that the varieties of the 7-th stage of breeding process (‘Bezenchukskaya 209’, ‘Zolotaya’ and ‘Luch 25’) and the breeding lines of the South-East RIA (‘D2098’, ‘98c-08’) produce high qualitative gluten (according to SDS test and parameters of microfarinograph). The genotypes of ‘Bezenchukskaya 209’, ‘Zolotaya’ and ‘D2098’ have been found highly stable in the production of the studied trait. The area of Kurgan has been found predictable in weather and climatic conditions