13 research outputs found

    Kombucha fermentation on raw extracts of different cultivars of Jerusalem artichoke

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    Kombucha is a symbiosis between yeasts and acetic bacteria. It usually grows on sweetened black tea, but cultivation is possible on many other substrates. Jerusalem artichoke tubers extract is one of them. Tubers are suitable for the dietetic nutrition because of the low monosaccharide content and presence of some polyfructan ingredients which act as prebiotic. Five different cultivars of Jerusalem artichoke were used for the preparation of substrates for kombucha fermentation. The aim of this paper was the investigation of the influence of different Jerusalem artichoke cultivars on metabolic activity of kombucha. Composition of carbohydrates was followed using thin-layer chromatography and pH, reducing sugars content and yield of biomass were measured. Most of the samples with Jerusalem artichoke tubers extract contained fructose, probably small amount of glucose, fructo-oligosaccharides with different degree of polymerization and, inulin. Considering TLC chromatograms, Jerusalem artichoke cultivar did not affect significantly the composition of oligosaccharides in the fermentative liquid, as only minor differences were observed

    Influence of black tea concentrate on kombucha fermentation

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    Kombucha is cultivated on substrates prepared with different concentrations of black tea and substrate obtained by diluting a substrate with highest concentration of black tea with cold tap water. Qualify of produced beverages is compared with the beverage obtained in traditional fermentation of 1.5 g/L of black tea, sweetened with 70 g/L of sucrose. Inoculation was performed with 10% (v/v) of fermentation liquid from previous process, and the fermentation was carried out at 28Ā°C under aerobic conditions, for ten days. Process of fermentation was monitored by following pH, total acids. D-gluconic acid and caffeine content. Beverages obtained in fermentation with diluted black tea concentrate had similar amounts of investigated metabolites compared with traditional one. Use of diluted black tea concentrate as a substrate needs the shorter time for the substrate preparation, which significantly saves energy

    Reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography behavior of aldopentose derivatives

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    Quantitative structure-retention relationships (QSRR) have been used to study the chromatographic behavior of some aldopentose. The behavior of aldopentose derivatives was investigated by means of the reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography (RP TLC) on the silica gel impregnated with paraffin oil stationary phases. Binary mixtures of methanol-water, acetone-water and dioxane-water were used as mobile phases. Retention factors, RM0, corresponding to zero percent organic modifier in the aqueous mobile phase was determined. Lipophilicity C0 was calculated as the ratio of the intercept and slope values. There was satisfactory correlation between them and log P values calculated using different theoretical procedures. Some of these correlations offer very good predicting models, which are important for a better understanding of the relationships between chemical structure and retention. The study showed that the hydrophobic parameters RM0 and C0 can be used as a measures of lipophilicity of investigated compounds

    Određivanje fenmedifama i desmedifama u komercijalnom herbicidu tečnom hromatografijom pod visokim pritiskom

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    Betanal AM-11 is the herbicide that is using to control one-year old weeds with wide leafs in sugar beet fields. Active ingredients of the herbicide are phenmedipham and desmedipham. Commercial emulsifiable concentrate (EC) contains 80 g/L ( 10% of each active compound. We applied high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with diode array detector (DAD) at 254 nm for the determination of phenmedipham and desmedipham in commercial samples of Betanal AM-11. This method involves reversed-phase separation of the components on C-18 bonded silica with methanol-water (51+49, v/v) as the eluent. The procedure was highly selective and reproducible and can be successfully used in determining contents of phenmedipham and desmedipham on micro and macro levels.Betanal AM-11 je herbicid koji se koristi za suzbijanje jednogodiÅ”njih Å”irokolisnih korova na poljima sa Å”ećernom repom. Aktivni sastojci herbicida su fenmedifam i desmedifam. Komercijalni koncentrat za emulziju (ES) sadrži 80 g/l ( 10% svake aktivne komponente. Za određivanje fenmedifama i desmedifama u komercijalnim uzorcima Betanala AM-11 je primenjena tečna hromatografija pod visokim pritiskom, DAD detektor i talasna dužina od 254 nm. Metod je obuhvatio razdvajanje komponenata na obrnutim fazama sa kolonom C-18 i eluentom metanol-voda (51+49, v/v). Postupak je veoma selektivan i reproduktivan i može se koristiti za određivanje makro- i mikro količina fenmedifama i desmedifama

    Batch fermentation of black tea by kombucha: A contribution to scale-up

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    Local domestic Kombucha was used in fermentation of 1.5 g L-1 of black tea (Indian tea, " Vitamin ", HorgoÅ”, Serbia and Montenegro), sweetened with approximately 70 g L'1 of sucrose. Inoculation was performed either with 10% or 15% (v/v) of fermentation broth from previous process. The fermentation was conducted in geometrically similar vessels with 0.4 L, 0.8 L, 4 L and 8 L of substrate, at 22Ā±1 Ā°C for 28 days. The samples were analyzed after 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 10, 14 and 28 days, so that their pH values, content of total acids sucrose, glucose and fructose contents, as well as contents of ethanol and vitamin C were determined. Based on the experiment design, the response surface for the product pH, as a function of time, beverage volume and inoculum concentration, was defined in the form of a second-order polynomial. From the obtained response surface, a formula for scaling-up of the process was derived

    Ribonucleic acids in different tea fungus beverages

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    In human nutrition, nucleic acids have to be balanced and limited up to 2 g/day because purines are degraded to urate, and excessive production of urate is a cause of gout which primarily affects adult males. Tea fungus beverage is a well known drink with high nutritional value and certain curative effects. Its benefits have been proved in a number of studies but it is still necessary to examine some potential harmful effects of this beverage. The aim of this paper was to investigate content of ribonucleic acids (RNA) produced during tea fungus fermentation on a usual substrate sweetened black tea, and on Jerusalem artichoke tubers (J.A.T) extract using method by Munro and Fleck (1966). pH, ribonucleic acids and also the production of proteins that affect purity of nucleic acids preparations were monitored. A higher value of RNA has been noticed in J.A.T. beverage (0.57 mg/ml) and with observation of usual daily dose of the beverage it is completely safe and useful one

    Physical and textural characteristics of fermented milk products obtained by kombucha inoculums with herbal teas

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    In this investigation, kombucha fermented milk products were produced from milk with 1.6% milk fat using 10% (v/v) kombucha inoculums cultivated on the extracts of peppermint and stinging nettle. The fermentation process was conducted at temperatures of 37, 40 and 43Ā°C. Fermentation was stopped when the pH value of 4.5 was reached. The fermentation process was shortened with an increase of temperature. Physical characteristics of the fermented products were determined by using standard methods of analysis. Textural characteristics were determined by texture profile analysis. The obtained products showed good physical and textural characteristics, typical for the yoghurt-like products. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III-46009

    Preparation and characterization of aluminum stearate

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    Preparation of aluminum stearate by the precipitation method was examined under various conditions of stearic acid saponification with sodium hydroxide. It was proved that the most favorable ratio of acid/alkali was 1:1.5 and that the obtained soap was very similar to the commercial product. Endothermic effects determined by differential scanning calorimetry and also the other parameters showed that the soaps consisted mono-, di-, tristearates and non-reacted substances, where distearate was the dominant form

    Use of milk-based kombucha inoculum for milk fermentation

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    In this investigation fermented milk beverages with 0.9% of milk fat were produced using 10 and 15% (v/v) of traditional and milk-based kombucha inoculum by application of appropriate technological process. Milk fermentation using two types and concentrations of kombucha inoculum were stopped when the pH reached 4.5. Sigmoidal fermentation profiles were noticed with traditional kombucha inoculums and linear with milk-based kombucha inoculums. Chemical content and physico-chemical characteristics of kombucha fermented milk beverages were typical and yoghurt-like for all obtained products. The best textural and sensory characteristics possesed beverage obtained in fermentation of milk using 10% (v/v) of milk-based kombucha inoculum

    Determination of biotin content in beet molasses by Lactobacillus plantarum

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    D-biotin content in beet molasses was determined by microbiological method using Lactobacillus plantarum, based on the comparison of the growth of this microorganism in molasses solutions with those in standard solutions of biotin. Incubation of the microorganism was performed on original Vitamin Biotin Testbouillon and laboratory prepared liquid culture medias. The amount of "real" biotin in molasses is low. The results depend upon the sample and volume of molasses solutions. Biotin contents obtained on both liquid media are close