3 research outputs found

    Correlations of morphological (macroscopic and microscopic) parameters of placenta with maternal age and parity

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    Background: Placenta is a chief cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and significant factor in fetal growth retardation. It undergoes different variations in weight, volume, structure, shape and function continuously throughout the gestation tosupport the prenatal life. Cautious examination of placenta can give information which can be useful in the management of complications in mother and the newborn. Objective: The present work has been attempted towards determination of the morphological ( macroscopic and microscopic) parameters of human full-term placentae and their relation with different parity and age group of mothers. Patients and Methods: A whole of 40  placentae were recently collected.They were divided into four  groups (10  women each); primigravida age35 years, multigravida 35years.Neonataland placental weights,placental thickness  and  number of cotyledons were measured.Tissue for histological examination wasobtained to study the parameters of  microscopic morphometry   (number of apoptotic cells, number of terminal villi, number of syncytial knots, number of fetal capillaries and thickness of trophoblastic basement  membrane). Results: Placental and  neonatal weights were within normal range. They were augmented with maternal age and parity. Number of cotyledons was higher than those reported by other authors in other populations but it was still within normal range and it was significantly decreased in multigravida> 35.Placental thickness was within normal range and it was significantly decreased in multigravida> 35. All microscopic parameters were increased with maternal age and parity.. Conclusion: There were correlations between microscopic and macroscopic parameters. Thelength of stem villi were less in multigravida> 35 since placental thickness was decreased in this group.  All microscopic parameters were increased with maternal age and parity.These variations may have some important bearing on the placental inadequacy in higher age group and parity of mother

    Observations on the ultrastructure of a rat mammary gland treated with harmal and borage

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    Background : It had been indentified by histological, histochemical and morphometrical studies that peganum harmala is a mammogenic herb and borage officinalis is a lactogenic one . To complete our investigation about these two herbs , we performed electron microscopical study. Materials and methods : Rats were grouped according to their physiological status into three groups . Each group was subdivided in to three subgroups : one control and two experimental . The two experimental group were treated daily; the 1st one with an aqueous extract of peganum harmala seeds and the 2nd with an aqueous extract of borage officinalis flowers . After two weeks of treatment , mammary glands were employed for electron microscopical study. Results : In virgin rats , the epithelial and myoepithelial cells were partially differentiated when harmal was given and completely differentiated when borage was given . In pregnant rats , harmal and borage optimize mammary parenchymal growth and induce lactation when these herbs were given. In lactating rats ,these herbs exhibited a picture similar to control lactating group but the budding of lipid droplets and the swelling of secretary vesicles were markedly increased. Conclusion: Both harmal and borage stimulate the release of prolactin and induce galactogenesis during pregnancy and promote it during lactation

    Effects of AL-Qutub (Tribulus terrestris) on the Spermatogenesis of the Mouse Testis: Histological, Histochemical and Morphometrical Studies

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    Backgrounds: Tribulus terrestris is one of the traditional herbs that have a revolutionary breakthrough in the management of erectile dysfunction and have become world –wide as an “instant treatment” Materials & Methods: Tribulus terrestris was given daily to mature male mouse in a dose of 2 mg /kg body weight for 14 days .10% formalin fixed paraffin sections were performed for histological, histochemical and morphometrical studies. Results: Histological and histochemical studies demonstrated a considerable increase in the number of spermatocytes, spermatids and sperms in parallel with an increase number of interstitial (Leydig) cells. Morphometrically, the thickness of seminiferous tubule is significantly increased together with a significant increase in the number of interstitial cells. Conclusions: Tribulus terrestris increases the number of Leydig cells, and the androgens produced by these cells are directly responsible for enhanced spermatogenesis