9 research outputs found
Thinking deep. Acting on top. Underground built heritage and its fringe as a community catalyst for local sustainable development : Exploratory cases from poland and greece
Underground Built Heritage (UBH) is a distinct class of cultural heritage providing a focal point for community pride and engagement to become a springboard for local sustainable development (LSD). This research aims to articulate how local UBH and its fringe serve as a facilitator of communal identity to mobilize community care towards social and economic development with less involvement from the state and the market actors. For this purpose, local (and less-conspicuous) cases of UBH are employed in Warsaw, Poland, and Volos, Greece, indicating the power of UBH to connect and engage local communities with places, triggering a momentum for a truly bottom-up action that pays less attention to market considerations and state support. The studied UBH sites have been discussed according to an established common framework, dealing with five main issues: (a) general context and status, (b) history, (c) users and management, (d) ecosystem services, and (e) introduction of the paradigm of living labs. The analysis was based on a thorough literature review and complemented by field observations and interviews. The results provide evidence for UBH as a potential facilitator of social and economic development. The case studies in Poland and Greece showed that local actors were involved in activities and social networks of tacit knowledge, generating community building to reinforce bottom-up activities in contact with UBH
Organizing pneumonia appearing in B-cell chronic leukemia malignancy progression — a case report
Patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are at risk of infectious diseases of respiratory system because of immunodeficiency. Occurrence of organizing pneumonia in leukemic patients is most commonly correlated with bone marrow transplant or treatment with antimitotic agents. There have been only four reported cases of organizing pneumonia related solitarily to leukemia or lymphoma. We present a case of 65-year old gentlemen, diagnosed 8 months earlier with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia with no previous hematologic treatment, who presented symptoms of persistent pneumonia with no significant reaction to antibiotics. Chest computed tomography scans showed well-localized consolidation with ground glass opacities and some air bronchogram, suggesting infectious disease. All results of microbiological examinations were negative. Due to radiological progression of parenchymal consolidation despite two intravenous courses of antibiotics open lung biopsy was performed. The histologic examination of lung specimen revealed structures typical for organizing pneumonia pattern. There was no evidence for leukemic involvement in lung tissue, as no sign for infectious factors from histological staining was observed. In the inferior mediastinal lymph node sample progression of chronic lymphatic leukemia to mixed cell lymphoma was diagnosed. Patient was commenced on prednisone 60 mg/daily with fast improvement. We believe that this is the first case of organizing pneumonia as a reaction to the conversion of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia progression to more malignant stage.Patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are at risk of infectious diseases of respiratory system because of immunodeficiency. Occurrence of organizing pneumonia in leukemic patients is most commonly correlated with bone marrow transplant or treatment with antimitotic agents. There have been only four reported cases of organizing pneumonia related solitarily to leukemia or lymphoma. We present a case of 65-year old gentlemen, diagnosed 8 months earlier with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia with no previous hematologic treatment, who presented symptoms of persistent pneumonia with no significant reaction to antibiotics. Chest computed tomography scans showed well-localized consolidation with ground glass opacities and some air bronchogram, suggesting infectious disease. All results of microbiological examinations were negative. Due to radiological progression of parenchymal consolidation despite two intravenous courses of antibiotics open lung biopsy was performed. The histologic examination of lung specimen revealed structures typical for organizing pneumonia pattern. There was no evidence for leukemic involvement in lung tissue, as no sign for infectious factors from histological staining was observed. In the inferior mediastinal lymph node sample progression of chronic lymphatic leukemia to mixed cell lymphoma was diagnosed. Patient was commenced on prednisone 60 mg/daily with fast improvement. We believe that this is the first case of organizing pneumonia as a reaction to the conversion of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia progression to more malignant stage
Changes in classiffication of primary lung adenocarcinoma according to recomendations of International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer/ /American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society
Gruczolakoraki płuca to grupa nowotworów o bardzo zróżnicowanym obrazie mikroskopowym i przebiegu klinicznym [...
Small biopsies and cytologic specimens management in microscopic diagnosis and subtyping of non-small cell lung cancer, as recommended by IASLC/ATS/ERS
Zdecydowana większość pierwotnych raków płuca jest rozpoznawana w późnym etapie zaawansowania choroby [...
Expression of the selected adhesive molecules (cadherin E, CD44, LGAL3 and CA50) in papillary thyroid carcinoma
Wstęp: Celem pracy było określenie ekspresji wybranych
molekuł adhezyjnych w tkance raka brodawkowatego tarczycy
zarówno w guzie pierwotnym, jak i w przerzutach
do węzłów chłonnych oraz ocena ich przydatności dla celów diagnostycznych i prognostycznych.
Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto grupę 47 chorych na
raka brodawkowatego tarczycy i 11 chorych operowanych
z powodu wola niezłośliwego. Badania przeprowadzono
metodą immunohistochemiczną.
Wyniki: Pod względem znaczenia diagnostycznego wśród
badanych markerów galektyna-3 okazała się jednym
z najbardziej czułych i swoistych, o czym świadczy różnica
między guzem (91% przypadków dodatnich) a otoczeniem
(5%). Molekuła adhezyjna CA50 występowała prawie tak
samo często w guzie pierwotnym (86% przypadków), jak
i przerzutowym (85%). Jej obecność w otoczeniu zaobserwowano
tylko w jednym przypadku (3%), reakcja miała
charakter ogniskowy. Kadheryna E występowała w 91%
przypadków guza pierwotnego i 84% otoczenia. Dodatnią
reakcję obserwowano również w 63% przypadków wola
guzkowego. Molekuła CD44, klon DF1485, był obecny
w 100% przerzutów do węzłów chłonnych, w 89% guzów
pierwotnych i w 48% przypadków otoczenia guza. Molekuła CD44, klon BBA10, występował częściej w przerzutach.
Wnioski: Spośród badanych markerów największą wartość
diagnostyczną w raku brodawkowatym tarczycy wykazał antygen CA50 i galektyna-3. Ekspresja CD44 (DF1485)
w guzie pierwotnym jest znacznie silniejsza niż w otoczeniu,
jednak jego wartość diagnostyczna jest niepewna, gdyż
występuje on często w zmianach łagodnych tarczycy. Zastosowanie
przeciwciała BBA10 zwiększa czułość metody,
ale zmniejsza jej swoistość. Częste występowanie kadheryny
E w komórkach raka brodawkowatego tarczycy, otoczeniu
guza i zmianach łagodnych tarczycy nie pozwala na jej
zastosowanie diagnostyczne.Introduction: The aim of the study was to determine the
expression of selected adhesive molecules in papillary thyroid
Material and methods: 47 papillary thyroid carcinoma cases
and 11 nonmalignant goiter cases were analyzed by
Results: Galectin-3 (LGAL3) was a sensitive and specific
marker, present in 91% of analyzed tumors and only in 5%
of tumor margin. The presence of CA50 was 86% and 3%
respectively with only 3% positive non-malignant cases.
Cadherin E expression was noted in 91% of primary tumors,
in 84% of the surrounding tissue and in 63% of non-malignant
goiter. CD44 (DF1485) was observed in 89% of primary
tumors and 48% of surrounding tissue; the reaction
with BBA10 was more characteristic for metastases.
Conclusions: Our study confirms the high diagnostic value
of galectin-3 in papillary thyroid carcinoma and reveals
the similar efficiency of CA50. CD44 (DF1485) expression in
primary tumor is more intensive than in surrounding tissue, but the diagnostical inportance is not high because it is
often observed in benign lesions. Using of BBA10 is more
sensitive, but less specific. High expression of cadherin E in
benign lesions impairs its diagnostical application in papillary
thyroid cancer
Zbieractwo pieśniowe jako przykład zachowania niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego Południowego Podlasia
Autorka zaprezentowała w tekście dokonania badaczy i dokumentalistów gromadzących
materiał pieśniowy w Południowego Podlasia, który jest znaczącym
składnikiem niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego omawianego obszaru.
Przytoczone przez nią dane pokazują jak rozwijały się badania nad pieśnią ludową
na omawianym terenie od wieku XIX aż po wiek XXI. Odnotowała nazwiska
badaczy i dane na temat ich publikacji dotyczących Południowego Podlasia,
krótko omówiła ich zawartość. Wskazała, że wymienieni przez nią badacze bez
wątpienia poprzez swoje prace zbierackie wnieśli wkład w zachowanie cennego
skarbu południowopodlaskiej ziemi – pieśni ludowych, które przekazywane z pokolenia
na pokolenie świadczą o dziedzictwie i tożsamości kulturowej mieszkańców
Południowego Podlasia
The Place and Function of <i>Korovai</i> Songs and Couplets in the Wedding Rituals of Podlachia
Celem artykułu jest omówienie funkcji i miejsca pieśni i przyśpiewek korowajowych w tradycyjnym obrzędzie weselnym Podlasia. Podstawą analizy są pieśni i przyśpiewki towarzyszące przygotowaniu i dzieleniu korowaja weselnego, zaczerpnięte z tomów Podlasie i Lubelskie, wydanych w serii „Polska pieśń i muzyka ludowa” PAN, z wybranych tomów Dzieł wszystkich Oskara Kolberga oraz z prac dokumentalistów i badaczy wschodniego pogranicza kulturowego. Repertuar pieśniowy uporządkowano zgodnie ze scenariuszem wesela tradycyjnego. Autorki w wyborze przykładowych ilustracji kierowały się tematyką prezentowanych tekstów i analizowały je pod względem językowym i kulturowym, a nie muzycznym. Na tej podstawie podjęły próbę ustalenia funkcji pieśni i przyśpiewek korowajowych.
Analiza potwierdziła, że korowaj był i jest jednym z fenomenów kulturowych Podlasia, ważnym składnikiem samoidentyfikacji jego mieszkańców. Pieśni związane z jego rolą w obrzędzie weselnym mają charakter archaiczny i unikatowy, są bogate w symboliczne treści. Pełniły trzy funkcje: magiczną, scenariuszową i instruktażową. The aim of this article is to discuss the function and place of korovai songs and couplets in the traditional wedding rituals of Podlachia. This analysis is based on the songs and couplets accompanying the preparation and sharing of the korovai ([wedding-cake]; Pol. korowaj; Ukr. коровай [korovai], Russ. before the 1956: коровай [korovai], modern: каравай [karavai], Old East Slavic: караваи [karavai]), and which were taken from the volumes entitled Podlasie [Podlachia] and Lubelskie [Lublin Region] that were published in the series “Polska pieśń i muzyka ludowa” [Polish Folk Songs and Music], from selected volumes of Oskar Kolberg’s Dzieła wszystkie [The Complete Works] and the works of various documentalists and researchers of the eastern cultural borderland. The repertoire of songs was arranged according to the scenario of the traditional wedding ceremony. When choosing the sample texts, the authors took their subjects into consideration and analysed them in terms of language and culture, but not that of music. On this basis, they attempted to determine the function of the korovai songs and couplets.
The analysis undertaken confirms that not only is the korovai one of the cultural phenomena of Podlachia, but also an important component of the identity of its inhabitants. The songs related to the specific role of the korovai in the wedding ritual are characterised by both an archaic and unique character, and a rich symbolic content. They fulfil magical, scenario and instructional functions
Thinking Deep. Acting on Top. Underground Built Heritage and Its Fringe as a Community Catalyst for Local Sustainable Development: Exploratory Cases from Poland and Greece
Underground Built Heritage (UBH) is a distinct class of cultural heritage providing a focal point for community pride and engagement to become a springboard for local sustainable development (LSD). This research aims to articulate how local UBH and its fringe serve as a facilitator of communal identity to mobilize community care towards social and economic development with less involvement from the state and the market actors. For this purpose, local (and less-conspicuous) cases of UBH are employed in Warsaw, Poland, and Volos, Greece, indicating the power of UBH to connect and engage local communities with places, triggering a momentum for a truly bottom-up action that pays less attention to market considerations and state support. The studied UBH sites have been discussed according to an established common framework, dealing with five main issues: (a) general context and status, (b) history, (c) users and management, (d) ecosystem services, and (e) introduction of the paradigm of living labs. The analysis was based on a thorough literature review and complemented by field observations and interviews. The results provide evidence for UBH as a potential facilitator of social and economic development. The case studies in Poland and Greece showed that local actors were involved in activities and social networks of tacit knowledge, generating community building to reinforce bottom-up activities in contact with UBH
The pursuit of new alternative ways to eradicate Helicobacter pylori continues: Detailed characterization of interactions in the adenylosuccinate synthetase active site
Purine nucleotide synthesis is realised only through the salvage pathway in pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Therefore, the enzymes of this pathway, among them also the adenylosuccinate synthetase (AdSS), present potential new drug targets. This paper describes characterization of His6-tagged AdSS from H. pylori. Thorough analysis of 3D-structures of fully ligated AdSS (in a complex with guanosine diphosphate, 6-phosphoryl-inosine monophosphate, hadacidin and Mg2+) and AdSS in a complex with inosine monophosphate (IMP) only, enabled identification of active site interactions crucial for ligand binding and enzyme activity. Combination of experimental and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations data, particularly emphasized the importance of hydrogen bond Arg135-IMP for enzyme dimerization and active site formation. The synergistic effect of substrates (IMP and guanosine triphosphate) binding was suggested by MD simulations. Several flexible elements of the structure (loops) are stabilized by the presence of IMP alone, however loops comprising residues 287–293 and 40–44 occupy different positions in two solved H. pylori AdSS structures. MD simulations discovered the hydrogen bond network that stabilizes the closed conformation of the residues 40–50 loop, only in the presence of IMP. Presented findings provide a solid basis for the design of new AdSS inhibitors as potential drugs against H. pylori