1 research outputs found

    Three-Dimensional Urethral Profilometry鈥擜 Global Urethral Pressure Assessment Method

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    Background: To present a new method of urethral pressure examination, and to evaluate diagnostic capabilities of three-dimensional profilometry, as an alternative to classical urethral profile (UPP). Using five channel catheters and dedicated software, a global urethral pressure image is obtained. The method eliminates the main limitation of classical urethral profilometry, where the catheter orientation determines the pressure picture limited to only one point in the urethral circumference; we observed up to 50% differences in pressure measures depending on the point of urethral circumference where the measurement was taken. Methods: This is a preliminary study containing a method presentation and analysis of the use in varied clinical cases of either healthy patients or patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). The article includes a technique and equipment description and a full evaluation of selected cases, including three-dimensional urethral pressure distribution graphics. Results and Conclusions: Three-dimensional profilometry compared to the classical technique is comparable regarding the time, cost, technical difficulty and patient discomfort. At the same time, we obtained much more data on the urethral pressure and its distribution. The results are easy to interpret due to the 3D movable graphics created automatically by the dedicated software