23 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Penguasaan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris melalui Penggunaan Teknik Think Pair Share (Studi pada Mahasiswa Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar)

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    Hasil analisis yang dilakukan oleh peneliti menunjukkan bahwa kurangnya penguasaan kosakata Bahasa Inggris pada mahasiswa semester 1 Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar perlu diatasi dengan penggunaan teknik yang tepat yakni Think Pair Share. Perlunya peningkatan keaktifan mahasiswa sebagai pusat pembelajaran perlu ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata Bahasa Inggris pada mahasiswa dan menyediakan teknik yang tepat diterapkan pada pembelajaran kosakata. Terdapat 2 siklus yang dilakukan dengan hasil siklus I rata-rata kelas sebesar 60 dan meningkat di siklus II sebesar 71,15 yang sudah mencapai kriteria keberhasilan. Selain dari hasil nilai, siswa mengalami perubahan sikap lebih aktif, fokus dalam analisis


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    Penelitian ini merupakan Peneltian Tindakan Kelas dengan 4 tahapan langkah yakni perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. siklus akan diulang kembali dengan tahapan yang sama apabila belum tercapainya target keberhasilan yang telah ditentukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis paragraf berbahasa inggris pada mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar dengan menggunakan teknik Mind Mapping. Hal ini didasarkan pada preliminary studi yang dilakukan melalui pengamatan proses pembelajaran menulis di kelas, menganalisa hasil pekerjaan peserta didik, dan wawancara terhadap peserta didik. Dari hal tersebut didapatkan bahwa peserta didik mengalami kesulitan untuk mengorganisasi sebuah ide kedalam menulis paragraf sehingga paragraf kurang runtut dan sulit dalam penulisan. Teknik Mind mapping adalah sebuah teknik dimana dalam tahapannya dapat membantu dalam mengorganisasi paragraf agar runtut yaitu dengan memberikan topik utama untuk diuraikan lagi ke cabang-cabang yang lebih detail. Sehingga diharapkan teknik ini memberikan sebuah inovasi pembelajaran di kelas agar prestasi yang didapat meningkat. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil pada siklus pertama nilai rata-rata siswa sebesar 69.70 atau 63.89% dari jumlah mahasiswa. Kemudian naik pada siklus kedua sebesar 6.08 atau 22.22% yakni menjadi 75.78 atau 86.11% mahasiswa. Siklus kedua sudah dianggap sudah mencapai kriteria keberhasilan yang ditentukan. 

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Mata Kuliah English Specific Purpose Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar untuk Alat Promosi Pariwisata Blitar

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    Dari pengamatan yang telah dilakukan ditemui bahwa mahasiswa masih kesulitan berbicara Bahasa inggris sesuai dengan kebutuhan bagi peserta didik dan dalam konteks lingkungan kerja. English Specific Purpose sebagai promosi pariwisata di Blitar dimana Blitar memiliki banyak potensi pariwisata yang perlu disikapi dengan cermat dengan menyiapkan SDM yang mumpuni untuk pengelolaannya. Penelitian ini merupakan pengembangan Desain Research. Adapun penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan produk mata kuliah English Specific Purpose. Adapun produk berupa bahan ajar English specific purpose for English Tourism yang diajarkan untuk semester 6 mahasiswa Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris tahun akademik 2021/2022. Sedangkan model Penelitian ini adalah Model Plomp, yang menggunakan tahapan berupa Preliminary Research, Development or Prototyping Phase dan Assesment Phase. Untuk melihat layak dan tidaknya produk peneliti menggunakna validator untuk memvalidasi produk. Validator diantaranya adalah validator instrument, materi dan media. Dari hasil validasi yang telah dilakukan ahli diperoleh rerata tingkat kevalidan sebesar 87,50%

    Developing Picture Series in Recount Text for Eighth Grade Students of MTs Darul Huda Wlingi

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    This research aimed, describe the process and result of developing picture series in recount text for 8th grade students of MTs. Darul Huda Wlingi. Writing is the basic skills for students. Generally teachers teach recount text material in school based on books, students felt bored and look monotonous. Students need learning media that interesting and easy to understand. This research was conducted developing picture series media in recount text. The object is eighteen  students of class 8th. This research method using the Dick and Carry, The researcher was made instrument need analysis questionnaire, validation questionnaire were conducted media expert, material expert, and students responds. Based on the result above obtained media expert was 82,5%, material expert was  88% and students responds was 82%. The result of media expert, material expert and student responses that developing picture series in recount text has a feasible of validity could be used

    Pengembangan Materi Ajar Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Project Based Learning untuk Siswa Jurusan Usaha Perjalanan Wisata

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    Penelitian bertujuan mengembangkan materi ajar Bahasa Inggris berbasis Project based Learning untuk siswa SMK Jurusan Usaha Perjalanan Wisata kelas X. Hal ini didasari oleh kenyataan bahwa materi yang ada di buku ajar Bahasa Inggris belum mencakup kompetensi jurusan. Project based Learning dipilih untuk meningkatkan keaktifan siswa dalam penguasaan Bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk-bentuk projek kreatif. Untuk merancang materi ajar yang sesuai, terlebih dahulu peneliti melakukan analisis materi pada buku ajar yang digunakan. Peneliti juga memberikan angket kepada guru dan siswa untuk melihat persepsi mereka tentang materi pada buku. Selanjutnya, data akan dianalisis menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Dari data yang diperoleh, materi yang dikembangkan meliputi 4 kemampuan dasar Bahasa Inggris yaitu listening, speaking, reading dan speaking dengan 4 tema khusus kepariwisataan yaitu akomodasi dan transportasi, tempat pariwisata lokal di Kabupaten dan Kota Blitar, food dan handicraft. Keabsahan materi diperoleh dari observasi lapangan yang dilakukan peneliti dan kemudian disinkronkan dengan kurikulum yang digunakan. Dengan penekanan materi ajar Bahasa Inggris berbasis Project based Learning, siswa Jurusan Usaha Perjalanan Wisata dapat secara aktif dan kreatif mengembangkan kompetensi khusus dan membantu meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris secara aktif

    Developing of Android Based Educational Games as a Supplementary Media For Vocabulary of Junior High School Students

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    The problem in learning English is almost all students have difficulty in learning vocabulary and the students lack of mastery of English vocabulary, another problem is that students' interest in learning vocabulary is very low because they think it is very difficult to memorize it. In addition, teachers do not use media to help the vocabulary learning process. So, the students need media to help learn vocabulary. The aim of this study is to develop the android based educational games and to know the result of develop the android based educational games. This type of study is Research and Development (R&D) used the Borg and Gall procedure which uses 6 stages out of 10 stages of development. There are need analysis, product design, product validation, product revision, product testing, and revise the product. The subject of the research is seventh grade students in SMPI Hasanuddin Kesamben. The feasibility of the media based on the results of the percentage of expert validation, namely: 92% media experts with Valid/Very Decent categories, material experts 81.25% with Valid/Very Decent categories. Furthermore, the results of student satisfaction were 89% with the product category "Valid / Very Decent". Based on these results, it can be concluded that the Android-based educational game media for vocabulary is very interesting to use as a supplementary media

    Development Animated Dubbing Video as Learning Media in English Speaking at Senior High School

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         This research was motivated by the results of the needs analysis at MAN 1 Blitar. Researcher found several problems faced by students in the process of learning English. This study aims to determine the opinion of the validators, the response of teacher and students to the learning media that has been developed in the form of Video Dubbing Animation. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D) using the ADDIE model by Dick and Carry. The media that has been developed consists of two videos, one video to explain the material and one dubbing video as a student assignment. The material presented in this product is a narrative text focused on speaking skills. Data collection techniques were carried out using interviews and surveys. The instruments used are interview guidelines and questionnaires using a Likert scale. Based on the results of validation carried out by material experts and media expert, then the results of teacher and student responses, the percentage of results obtained were 80%, 94%, 86% and 66.7% with a total score of 81.7% where the score reached the criteria of "Very Good or Very Valid or Very Usable”. So, it can be concluded that the animation video dubbing learning media is very well used in the English learning process

    Developing Interactive Powerpoint Media to Teach Reading for 8th Grade students at MTs Ma'arif NU Gandusari

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    This study aims to know the process and result in developing interactive PowerPoint media to teach reading. The problems of this study are that the teacher has difficulty identifying students' weaknesses, sometimes still lacks ideas, and does not have enough time to develop interactive learning media. Then students are quickly bored in learning. Therefore, the researcher concluded that interactive PowerPoint media could attract students' learning interest in reading. The researcher developed it and offered it as a learning medium at MTs Ma'arif NU Gandusari. The subjects were class VIIIa students consisting of 23 students. This study was research and development, and the method used the R&D method developed by Borg and Gall, and there are ten steps. However, due to the pandemic, limited time, and opportunities from school, it was only a one-time trial; the researcher simplified it to eight-step. Validation result: The validator media expert obtained 82.5%, and the material expert obtained a percentage of 90%. Assessment by student satisfaction response obtained a percentage of 93%. From the results of the media and material expert validation questionnaire and student response questionnaires, interactive PowerPoint media has a validity that is included in the very decent category for use


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    This study aims to the developing scramble game media to teach vocabulary skill on descriptive text. Base on the result of interviews with English teacher and students are lacking in vocabulary. The researcher used the R&D model by ADDIE because ADDIE model. The ADDIE research and development procedure basically consists of five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and, evaluation. The research instruments and data collection techniques in this study used  filed notes, interview guideline, and questionnaires. The results of the research show that used scramble game is powerful for adding vocabulary to MTs Syekh Subakir 2 Sumberasri. This is evidenced by the results of the questionnaires distributed to students after using scramble game media in descriptive lessons to get a total score of 96% from the results of a questionnaire of 21 students, which means that this media is very good for used in increasing English vocabulary. Students find it easier to remember the meaning of new vocabulary and could improve learning activities, especially in adding English vocabulary. Keywords:  ADDIE; Vocabulary; Scramble Gam


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    English material in Islamic Vocational High School of Kanigoro Blitar majoring in online business and marketing still using general English and not specified by the major itself. This study has been conducted to find out how and the result of the development of English supplementary book for online business and marketing class. The research and development process of this article is using ADDIE model which had been developed by Dick and Carry and it has five phases (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Develop, (4) Implementation, (5) Evaluation. The researcher also took quantitative data for reliability and validity test by giving questionnaire in order to know how unique, valid, and appropriate media with the material. The questionnaire will be used as a evaluation consideration and if needed the product will be revised based on the data that has been gained. The questionnaire to test students’ satisfaction got 88% score which is defined as excellent, based on the questionnaire, students feel highly satisfied on the media design where the cover has 4.57 point out of 5 and font, illustration, color pick, and layout scored 4.78 out of 5.