46 research outputs found

    Influence of Distribution Channels on Supply Chain Performance-A Case Study of the New Kenya Cooperative Creameries Eldoret

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    Successful distribution channel strategy selection, implementation, and management cannot only help to meet the shopping needs and habits of the target customers efficiently under the cost constraints of the seller; they must also mitigate the disadvantages caused by distribution channel conflicts such as double marginalization. Customer needs analysis plays a relatively small role in product development in these firms. Instead, product development is typically driven by process technology capabilities which often are the result of incremental process improvements. Unlike market-driven firms, where a focus on value drives marketing decision making, marketing decisions in these firms often revolve around pricing issues, such as volume discounts, as the key to increasing the firm’s unit sales. The purpose of the study was analyse influence of distribution channels on supply chain performance: New KCC Eldoret. The specific objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of product efficiency on supply chain performance in the New KCC. The research employed descriptive research design. The study involved 84 employees from various departments in the company. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaires that consist of both open and closed ended questions. The data was analyzed using both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The findings indicated as significant relationship between the product efficiency 0.010. The study concluded that distribution channels have a significant impact on supply chain performance. For any organization to be effective there should be effective distribution management process to convey finished products from the manufacturer to the final consumers. The study recommended that organizations should involve themselves in the correct distribution channels; in order to meet their organizational objectives of being efficient in provision of the products, customer satisfaction should be considered in order to enhance supply chain performance in manufacturing companies. Keywords: Product Efficient, Distribution

    Role Of Crossslisting On Financial Returns Of Kcb Group Of Companies, Kenya

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    It is perceived that cross-listing domestic stocks in foreign exchanges have significant valuation effects on a cross listed company’s shares. The purpose of the study was to examine the role of cross listing on financial returns of KCB group, Kenya The study objectives were: to determine the effect of growth on financial returns of KCB group of companies, Transnzoia County. The study used a descriptive research survey design. The target population comprised employees KCB group of companies, Kenya. The target population comprised of 4 Regional Managers and 31 heads of department totaling to 35 respondents. A census sampling technique was employed in selecting the 35 respondents. The researcher used questionnaire as the main data collection method. The data was obtained through analysis from company’s annual reports, internet and NSE journals. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive methods and inferential statistics. Correlations was used to show the relationship between the independent variables. The regression model was used to compute the overall effect of the changes in the value of stock for the cross listed firm. H01There is no significant relationship between growth and on financial returns of KCB group of companies, Kenya The study rejected the hypothesis (β = 0.597, P = 0.000). On the major way growth of cross listed firm affected their financial returns, the study concluded that it was by penetrating bigger markets. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made; Companies that want to increase the performance of their companies should adopt cross listing in different stock exchange market since companies that are traded in different markets attract more investors from different markets increasing their shareholder base which is significant for a company since it ensures that the company has more than sufficient resources to invest and increase the performance of the organization. Companies should aim to attract the best employees from the different market segments that they operate in since this ensures that the performance of the companies is top notch since the company is able to attract talent and innovation from the different market segments improving the financial returns of the company. Keyword: Growth, Financial Performanc

    Effects of Cash Flow Management on Logistics Out Sourcing in Large Manufacturing Firms

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    Factors affecting logistics outsourcing in large manufacturing firms in globalized and highly competitive markets, has led to organizations striving to be innovative and agile to meet customer demands. Competitiveness, based on organizational capabilities and production strategies, may lead to quality, efficiency and flexibility. The objective of the study was to analyze the effects of cash flow management on logistics out sourcing in large manufacturing firms; and to determine the effects of distribution management on logistics outsourcing in large manufacturing firms.   The study applied a descriptive research design. The target population consisted of 512 employees whereas the sample size was166 employees. The study used primary data which was collected through self-administered questionnaires that consists of both open and closed ended questions. The data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics.  The results revealed that established a positive weak correlation between cash flow management and logistics outsourcing (p = 0.247). The study concluded Cash flow management was an aspect which was investigated in the study; the findings concluded that with proper flow of cash the company is able to outsource the logistics required. The study recommended that; manufacturing firms should put more focus on core business functions and ensure reduction of overhead costs. They should take advantage of expertise and experience and put measures to improve internal capabilities and expertise. The firms should reduce the total overall costs and where third party logistics providers provide a better service contract them. Keywords: Cash flow management, Logistics out sourcin

    Determinants of Microfinance Services on Performance of Micro Enterprises in Kenya: A Case of Faulu Kenya In Trans Nzoia County

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    The purpose of the study Was to analyse the determinants of microfinance services on the performance of micro enterprises in Trans Nzoia County. The study was guided by the following objectives: to determine the effect of savings facilities on micro enterprises performance in Trans Nzoia County. The study employed the following theories: Wealth multiplier theory, uniting theory of microfinance, Poverty alleviation theory and Human capital theory. The study adopted the survey research design with focus on the various groups registered by or annexed to Faulu Kenya Deposit Taking Microfinance for purposes of accessing financial services. The target area of the study was Trans-Nzoia County.. A Census survey was employed on the entire 45 groups in Transnzoia County to select 45 respondents, one leader for each group. The questionnaire was the instrument which was used to collect data. The results were presented in form of frequency tables, bar graphs and pie charts. The analytical model used was in the form of a multiple regression model. The findings of the study revealed that microfinance services had great impact on the performance of micro enterprises. The study recommended that microfinance institutions and Banks should either restructure or reinforce their operations for efficient and effective service to micro entrepreneurs. The government should come up with the best legislative measures to undertake to create an enabling environment for effective economic empowerment of her citizenry. Keyword:  Saving Credit, Microenterprise Performanc

    The Influence of Procurement Practices on Contract Management County Governments: A Case of Trans Nzoia County

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    The purpose of the study was to analyse the effectiveness of contract management practices in Trans Nzoia County Government Kenya. This study was guided by the following objectives: identify the influence of information technology on effective contract management; The study was theorized by the Relation Theory and Principal- Agency theory. Literature is reviewed on the specific objectives of the study either directly or indirectly related to the study. Descriptive survey research design was used as the population comprised of all the contractors engaged with the County Government of Tran Nzoia and all the line mangers in the procurement department totalling to 2810 respondents. An appropriate sample of 290 was selected to represent the population in the study. Data was collected using survey method through use of structured questionnaires. The administration of the questionnaires was done through drop and pick. The process of data analysis involved several stages namely; data clean up and explanation. Data clean up involved editing, coding, and tabulation to detect any anomalies in the responses and assign specific numerical values to the responses for further analysis. Responses in the questionnaires was tabulated, coded and processed by use of a computer Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 22.0 programme to analyze the data. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. This included measures of central tendency such as the mean, median, mode and frequencies where applicable. Keywords: Information Technology, Contract Managemen

    Effect of Performance Appraisals on Organizational Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Pokot Central Sub County

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    The purpose of the study was to analyze the Effect of performance appraisals on organizational performance in Pokot Central Sub County. This study was guided by the following objective; to determine the effect of employee productivity on organizational performance in public secondary school in central Pokot sub County. The theories which guided this study includes, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, expectancy theory, Herzberg’s two factor theory, Goal setting theory and Agency theory. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Population target included all the teachers in Pokot central Sub County who are 300 in total with a sample size of 170 teachers. Questionnaires were used to collect data from respondents. The pilot study was carried out in ten schools whose results were not included in the final result. The data was collected and fed in statistical packages of social science (SPSS) version 2.0 and was analyzed by use of descriptive data analysis technique, and presented in the form of frequency tables. The study was to help Pokot central Sub county to come up with better ways of performance appraisal for its employees in order to improve organizational growth. It is also hoped that the study was to provide information helpful in providing the managers with information that was to help to improve employee job satisfaction which helps organization perform. Finally, the study was to serve as a data bank for researchers who wish to conduct further research on performance appraisals. Keywords: Employee Productivity, Organisational Performanc

    Determinants of Tax Compliance among Small and Medium Enterprises in Bungoman County, Kenya

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    Taxation is the main source of revenue to any government, since it the only stable flow of revenue that is predictable. a large segment of the informal sector, especially the smes in Bungoma county exhibit low tax compliance levels. the purpose of the study was to investigate the determinants of tax compliance among smes in Bungoma county. the study was guided by the following objective;  to determine the effect of cost on tax compliance among smes in Bungoma county.  The study applied a descriptive survey design of all the SMEs in Bungoma county. According to, Nteere et al (2012), and Creswell (2005), descriptive survey design enables the researcher to collect, analyze and link both qualitative and quantitative data in a single study. The population of the study consisted of all the SMEs in Bungoma County. A total of 170 SMEs in Bungoma County were targeted for the study. With a sample of size of 227 respondents. Closed-ended questionnaires covered all the issues relating to the causes of low tax compliance among SMEs in Bungoma County were personally administered the questionnaires to the respondents 227 managers, 1 from each of the sampled organizations in sectors. Pilot test was done to verify the reliability and validity of the research instrument. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlations, and linear regression analysis.  Results showed that there was a significant influence of cost on tax compliance in Bungoma County.  From study findings and earlier discussion, it was noted that cost influence tax compliance negatively and significantly contributing 9.6% variability to tax compliance by SMEs when other factors are held constant.  The Kenya Revenue Authority should consider revising the cost of tax product downwards. Additionally, Kenya Revenue Authority should make the tax filing process convenient, easy and costless. Similarly, Kenya revenue authority, should not impose penalties on late filing of taxes. The tax computation should be as easy as possible to enhance eligible tax payers’ compliance. Keywords: Tax Compliance, Cos

    Gender Equality Through Women’s Empowerment In Cherengany Sub County, Transzoia County

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    The aim of this study was to analyze gender equality through women’s empowerment in Cherengany sub county, TransNzoia County. The problem that prompted this study is the gloomy picture painting women's situation in the study area. The specific objectives were: to assess the impact of education on women’s empowerment. The research draws from Marxist Feminist theory, Conflict Feminist theory and Sen’s capability approach. The research is conceptualized considering three important dimensions of women's empowerment; economic decision making, household decision making and freedom of mobility. From the literature reviewed, the study was justified on the basis that household power relations aspect of empowerment is not extensively researched. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study with a target population of 40, 181 households and a sample size of 381 women selected using simple random sampling technique. A multiple regression model was used to analyze the data with procedures within SPSS. The findings indicate that education has a significant positive effect on women empowerment. The study recommends policies to be formulated aimed at promoting equity in household power relations so as to reduce the probability of women being placed in subordination; consequently it will enhance women’s freedom and capabilities to make choices, improve their well-being and that of the entire household and enable them realize their full potential and rights. Keywords; Women Empowerment, Gender Equality, Educatio

    Effects of Management Practices on Performance of Law Firms in Trans-Nzoia County

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    This study investigated the effects of management practices on performance of law firms in Trans – Nzoia County. The Economic environment is changing rapidly and this change is characterized by such phenomena as globalization, changing legal needs and heightened competition between firms. To compete successfully in this environment, firms continually need to rationalize their structures through management and administrative structures. Specifically this study sought to establish the effect of communication on performance of law firms,   in Trans – Nzoia County. The study adopted a descriptive design because it was efficient in collecting large amounts of information within a short time.   The study targeted a population of 230 employees, where the Slovin’s formula sample size formula was used to select a sample size of 146 respondents, where simple random samplings were applied.   Questionnaires and interview schedules were used to get information from informants, and were major instruments of data collection. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive method. Mobility of the researcher in the firms however was restrained due to fear of unknown. There were limited materials on management practices on performance of firms to support the study findings, and fear of the unknowns from respondent’s complicated further the study findings. The study envisaged to contribute towards the need for adoption of management practices to enhance performance at law firms in Trans – Nzoia County. The p-value for communication was p = 0.000 which was less that the significant level of 0.05 (p<0.05) and the results indicated that (r-value) of 0.719 thus representing a strong, positive relationship between communication and law firms performance.  Findings indicated that management practices positively affects law firm’s performance in Trans – Nzoia County. Keywords:  Communication, Law Firms Performanc

    Determinants of Employee Satisfaction on Employee Performance in Early Childhood Education Department, Kiminini Sub County, Kenya

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    The purpose of the study was to analyse the determinants of employee job satisfaction in Kiminini Sub County. The specific objectives of the study was to investigate the influence of compensation on employee performance in Kiminini Sub County.  A descriptive survey research design with a target population of 191 and a sample size 130 respondents.  The instrument for collecting data was questionnaires. A pilot study was carried out in the department of finance in Kiminini sub-county to test the tools. Data collected was edit, coded and analyzed using the Statistical Programme for Social Science (SPSS). Statistical Packages for Social Sciences will generate the values in frequencies and percentages and using Descriptive data analysis techniques to measure central tendencies and dispersion where applicable. A multiple regression analysis wAs applied to test the significance of one variable over the others. From the results, Compensation (β = 0.506) was found to be positively related employee performance. From t-test analysis, the t -value was found to be3.985 and the ρ -value 0.000. Statistically, this null hypothesis was rejected because ρ<0.05. Thus, the study accepted the alternative hypothesis and it concluded that Compensation does have a significant effect on employee performance in Kiminini sub county. There exist a positive relationship between compensation and employee performance. Kiminini sub-county should provide better compensation as compared with other companies offering similar services to enable employees work with a satisfaction. Keywords: Employee Perfromance, Employee Satisfactio