25 research outputs found

    Lens Regeneration in Axolotl: New Evidence of Developmental Plasticity

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    Background: Among vertebrates lens regeneration is most pronounced in newts, which have the ability to regenerate the entire lens throughout their lives. Regeneration occurs from the dorsal iris by transdifferentiation of the pigment epithelial cells. Interestingly, the ventral iris never contributes to regeneration. Frogs have limited lens regeneration capacity elicited from the cornea during pre-metamorphic stages. The axolotl is another salamander which, like the newt, regenerates its limbs or its tail with the spinal cord, but up until now all reports have shown that it does not regenerate the lens

    Expression profiles during dedifferentiation in newt lens regeneration revealed by expressed sequence tags

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    Purpose: The adult newt can regenerate lens from pigmented epithelial cells (PECs) of the dorsal iris via dedifferentiation. The purpose of this research is to obtain sequence resources for a newt lens regeneration study and to obtain insights of dedifferentiation at the molecular level

    A Complement Receptor C5a Antagonist Regulates Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition and Crystallin Expression After Lens Cataract Surgery in Mice

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    Purpose: To evaluate the effects of complement employing a mouse model for secondary cataract. Methods: The role of complement receptor C5a (CD88) was evaluated after cataract surgery in mice. An antagonist specific to C5a receptor was administered intraperitoneally to mice. Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) was evaluated by alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) staining and proliferation by bromodeoxyuridine (5-bromo-2\u27- deoxyuridine, BrdU) incorporation. Gene expression patterns was examined by microarray analysis and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR). Results: We found that administration of a C5aR antagonist in C57BL/6J mice decreases EMT, as evidenced by α-SMA expression, and cell proliferation. Gene expression by microarray analysis reveals discreet steps of gene regulation in the two major stages that of EMT and lens fiber differentiation in vivo. A hallmark of the microarray analysis is that the antagonist seems to be a novel stage-specific regulator of crystallin genes. At week two, which is marked by lens fiber differentiation genes encoding 12 crystallins and 3 lens-specific structural proteins were severely down-regulated. Conclusions: These results suggest a possible therapeutic role of an antagonist to C5aR in preventing secondary cataracts after surgery. Also these results suggest that crystallin gene expression can be regulated by pro-inflammatory events in the eye

    Salamander Hox Clusters Contain Repetitive DNA and Expanded Non-Coding Regions: A Typical Hox Structure for Non-Mammalian Tetrapod Vertebrates?

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    Hox genes encode transcription factors that regulate embryonic and post-embryonic developmental processes. The expression of Hox genes is regulated in part by the tight, spatial arrangement of conserved coding and non-coding sequences. The potential for evolutionary changes in Hox cluster structure is thought to be low among vertebrates; however, recent studies of a few non-mammalian taxa suggest greater variation than originally thought. Using next generation sequencing of large genomic fragments (\u3e100 kb) from the red spotted newt (Notophthalamus viridescens), we found that the arrangement of Hox cluster genes was conserved relative to orthologous regions from other vertebrates, but the length of introns and intergenic regions varied. In particular, the distance between hoxd13 and hoxd11 is longer in newt than orthologous regions from vertebrate species with expanded Hox clusters and is predicted to exceed the length of the entire HoxD clusters (hoxd13–hoxd4) of humans, mice, and frogs. Many repetitive DNA sequences were identified for newt Hox clusters, including an enrichment of DNA transposon-like sequences relative to non-coding genomic fragments. Our results suggest that Hox cluster expansion and transposon accumulation are common features of non-mammalian tetrapod vertebrates

    A Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression Patterns During Early Phases of Newt Lens Regeneration

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    Purpose: Notophthalmus viridescens, the red-spotted newt, possesses tremendous regenerative capabilities. Among the tissues and organs newts can regenerate, the lens is regenerated via transdifferentiation of the pigment epithelial cells of the dorsal iris, following complete removal (lentectomy). Under normal conditions, the same cells from the ventral iris are not capable of regenerating. This study aims to further understand the initial signals of lens regeneration

    miRNAs in Newt Lens Regeneration: Specific Control of Proliferation and Evidence for miRNA Networking

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    Background: Lens regeneration in adult newts occurs via transdifferentiation of the pigment epithelial cells (PECs) of the dorsal iris. The same source of cells from the ventral iris is not able to undergo this process. In an attempt to understand this restriction we have studied in the past expression patterns of miRNAs. Among several miRNAs we have found that mir-148 shows an up-regulation in the ventral iris, while members of the let-7 family showed down-regulation in dorsal iris during dedifferentiation. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have performed gain- and loss-of–function experiments of mir-148 and let-7b in an attempt to delineate their function. We find that up-regulation of mir-148 caused significant decrease in the proliferation rates of ventral PECs only, while up-regulation of let-7b affected proliferation of both dorsal and ventral PECs. Neither miRNA was able to affect lens morphogenesis or induction. To further understand how this effect of miRNA up-regulation is mediated we examined global expression of miRNAs after up-regulation of mir148 and let-7b. Interestingly, we identified a novel level of mirRNA regulation, which might indicate that miRNAs are regulated as a network. Conclusion/Significance: The major conclusion is that different miRNAs can control proliferation in the dorsal or ventral iris possibly by a different mechanism. Of interest is that down-regulation of the let-7 family members has also been documented in other systems undergoing reprogramming, such as in stem cells or oocytes. This might indicate tha

    Lens regeneration in axolotl: new evidence of developmental plasticity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Among vertebrates lens regeneration is most pronounced in newts, which have the ability to regenerate the entire lens throughout their lives. Regeneration occurs from the dorsal iris by transdifferentiation of the pigment epithelial cells. Interestingly, the ventral iris never contributes to regeneration. Frogs have limited lens regeneration capacity elicited from the cornea during pre-metamorphic stages. The axolotl is another salamander which, like the newt, regenerates its limbs or its tail with the spinal cord, but up until now all reports have shown that it does not regenerate the lens.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we present a detailed analysis during different stages of axolotl development, and we show that despite previous beliefs the axolotl does regenerate the lens, however, only during a limited time after hatching. We have found that starting at stage 44 (forelimb bud stage) lens regeneration is possible for nearly two weeks. Regeneration occurs from the iris but, in contrast to the newt, regeneration can be elicited from either the dorsal or the ventral iris and, occasionally, even from both in the same eye. Similar studies in the zebra fish concluded that lens regeneration is not possible.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Regeneration of the lens is possible in the axolotl, but differs from both frogs and newts. Thus the axolotl iris provides a novel and more plastic strategy for lens regeneration.</p