487 research outputs found

    Quark and gluon distributions at the earliest stage of heavy ion collision

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    Using the general framework of quantum field kinetics we consider new principles to compute initial distribution of quarks and gluons after the first hard interaction of heavy ions. We start by rewriting the integral equations of QCD in the form which is generalizations of the familiar QCD evolution equations. These equations describe both space-time-- and (x,Q2)(x,Q^2)--evolution before the collision, and allow one to use the epep DIS data without reference to parton phenomenology. New technique generate perturbation theory that avoid double count of the processes, does not contain an artificial factorization scale, and does not require low-momentum cut-offs since infrared behavior is controlled by the DIS data.Comment: 30 pages, REVTeX, 5 postscript figures appende

    Low-mass dileptons from nonequilibrium QGP

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    The rate of the emission of the high energy low-mass dileptons from the QGP is found in the first nonvanishing order with respect to strong coupling. We base on the real-time kinetic approach [2] without an explicit assumption about a complete thermal equilibrium in the emitting system. For the class of the partons distributions which may simulate that of the "hot glue scenario"[1] the rate of emission is found analytically . ( Figures can be obtained from the author )Comment: 7 pages, Preprint SUNY-NTG-93-2

    Scenario for Ultrarelativistic Nuclear Collisions: V. Onset of Deconfinement. (How the Nuclei Get Unbound.)

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    We consider a Euclidean extension of the wedge form of Hamiltonian dynamics, which explicitly accounts for the strong localization of the first interaction in nuclear collisions. A new principle of the analytic continuation via the tetrad vector is introduced. We discover the existence of self-dual solutions with short life-times (ephemerons) and conjecture that these vacuum fluctuations can lower the Euclidean action of the system of the colliding nuclei, thus enforcing a breakdown of the nuclei coherence. We suggest that the ephemerons can be identified with the gluons-partons, which are resolved in high-energy nuclear collisions.Comment: 19 pages, RevTe

    The wedge form of relativistic dynamics

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    It is commonly accepted that in hadronic or nuclear collisions at extremely high energies the shortest scales are explored. At the classical level, this property of the interaction is closely related to the Lorentz contraction of the fields of colliding particles which provides instantaneous switching the interaction on. I argue that the underlying quantum dynamics should be confined to within the light wedge of the two-dimensional plane where the first interaction takes place and suggest to include this property as the boundary condition for the quantum field theory which describes the collision process. Connection between the type of inclusive process and the temporal order of its dynamical evolution is discussed. The one-particle states and propagators of the perturbation theory for the scalar and fermion fields are found.Comment: 14 pages, REVTe

    Heavy dileptons from nonequilibrium QGP

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    The rate of emission of heavy dileptons from QGP is found without an assumption of its complete thermal equilibrium. We base on the real-time quantum field kinetic approach [1] and use the expansion up to the second order with respect to strong coupling constant gg. The final answer is not free from the collinear singularities and we show that this is the actual issue. As a result the main contribution to the rate of the heavy dileptons production at M/T∌10M/T \sim 10 comes from the process qqˉg→γ∗q\bar{q}g\rightarrow \gamma^{*}. ( Figures can be obtained from the author )Comment: 20 pages, Preprint SUNY-NTG-93-2

    Scenario for Ultrarelativistic Nuclear Collisions: III. Gluons in the expanding geometry

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    We derive expressions for various correlators of the gauge field and find the propagators in Hamiltonian dynamics which employs a new gauge Aτ=0A^\tau=0. This gauge is a part of the wedge form of relativistic dynamics suggested earlier as a tool for the study of quantum dynamics in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. We prove that the gauge is completely fixed. The gauge field is quantized and the field of radiation and the longitudinal fields are unambiguously separated. The new gauge puts the quark and gluon fields of the colliding hadrons in one Hilbert space and thus allows one to avoid factorization.Comment: 25 pages, RevTe

    Transient topological objects in high energy collisions

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    The possible topology of quantum fluctuations which take place at the earliest stage of high-energy processes is studied. A new exact solution of Yang-Mills equations with fractional topological charge and carrying a single color is found.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    Spurious poles of the axial gauge propagators and dynamics of the interacting fields

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    The origin of the spurious poles of the gauge field propagators in the temporal axial and the null-plane gauges is discussed. The conclusion is that these poles do not require any special prescription. They are a manifestation of the fact that that the gauge field acquires a static configuration.Comment: 10 pages, REVTe

    Real photons from nonequilibrium QGP

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    We calculate the rate of the emission of the photons from the QGP. We base on the real-time kinetic approach [1] without an explicit assumption about a complete thermal equilibrium in the emitting system. ( Figures can be obtained from the author )Comment: 9 pages, Preprint SUNY-NTG-93-1

    Scenario for Ultrarelativistic Nuclear Collisions: IV. Effective quark mass at the early stage

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    Using the framework of wedge dynamics, we compute the effective transverse mass of a soft quark mode propagating in the expanding background of hard quarks and gluons created at the earliest time of the collision. We discover that the wedge dynamics does not require any external infrared or collinear cut-off. The effective mass is produced mainly due to the forward quark-quark scattering mediated by the longitudinal (in sense of Gauss' law) magnetic fields. Contribution of the radiation field is parametrically suppressed.Comment: 25 pages, 6 psfigures, RevTe
