3,294 research outputs found
In this paper we searched for the most important determinants of reserve holdings inUkraineusing quarterly data from 2000 to 2013 years. We evaluated their importance using two econometric techniques: autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach and Vector Error Correction model (VECM) approach. We find that the ratio of imports to GDP, the ratio of broad money to GDP, ratio of net foreign direct investment to GDP, the ratio of short term debt to GDP and GDP determine Ukraine’s long-run reserves demand function. Our empirical results show that shocks associated with the financial account is more dangerous for the Ukrainian economy than current account shocks. The low speed of adjustment coefficient of error correction model suggests that National Bank ofUkrainehas to carry out more active reserve management policy. Results denied the precautionary motive of reserves accumulation over the long term.В статье с помощью двух эконометрических техник (построение векторной модели коррекции ошибок и построение авторегрессионной модели с распределенным лагом) выявлено наличие долгосрочной и краткосрочной связи и их направление между международными резервами и факторами, определяющими их динамику. К основным факторам, которые уменьшают резервы в долгосрочном периоде относятся рост склонности к импорту, рост спроса на деньги и размера краткосрочного долга по остаточному сроку погашения, тогда как рост объемов ВВП и чистого притока прямых иностранных инвестиций увеличивают резервы. Доказано, что шоки, связанные с финансовым счетом платежного баланса, являются более опасными для украинской экономики, чем шоки текущего счета платежного баланса.У даній статті за допомогою двох економетричних технік (побудова векторної моделі коригування помилки та побудова авторегресійної моделі з розподіленим лагом) виявлено наявність довгострокового та короткострокового зв’язку та його напрямок між міжнародними резервами та факторами, що визначають їх динаміку. Основними факторами, що зменшують резерви у довгостроковому періоді визначено зростання схильності до імпорту, зростання попиту на гроші та розміру короткострокового боргу за залишковим терміном погашення, тоді як збільшують резерви зростання обсягів ВВП та чистого припливу прямих іноземних інвестицій. Доведено, що шоки, пов’язані з фінансовим рахунком платіжного балансу, є більш загрозливими для української економіки, ніж шоки поточного рахунку
Frobenius groups of automorphisms and their fixed points
Suppose that a finite group admits a Frobenius group of automorphisms
with kernel and complement such that the fixed-point subgroup of
is trivial: . In this situation various properties of are
shown to be close to the corresponding properties of . By using
Clifford's theorem it is proved that the order is bounded in terms of
and , the rank of is bounded in terms of and the rank
of , and that is nilpotent if is nilpotent. Lie ring
methods are used for bounding the exponent and the nilpotency class of in
the case of metacyclic . The exponent of is bounded in terms of
and the exponent of by using Lazard's Lie algebra associated with the
Jennings--Zassenhaus filtration and its connection with powerful subgroups. The
nilpotency class of is bounded in terms of and the nilpotency class
of by considering Lie rings with a finite cyclic grading satisfying a
certain `selective nilpotency' condition. The latter technique also yields
similar results bounding the nilpotency class of Lie rings and algebras with a
metacyclic Frobenius group of automorphisms, with corollaries for connected Lie
groups and torsion-free locally nilpotent groups with such groups of
automorphisms. Examples show that such nilpotency results are no longer true
for non-metacyclic Frobenius groups of automorphisms.Comment: 31 page
Features of high-strength composite material structure creation
The basis of technology proposed is use of a sol-gel method for preventing polycrystalline corundum fiber
from crystallization during heating to high temperature and for low-temperature synthesis of prescribed
phases in a corundum matrix with the aim of improving the operating properties of composite materials based
on corundum. As a result of firing a charge based on corundum powder modified with tetraethoxysilane and
polycrystalline corundum fiber modified with ethylsilicate-32 at 1360°C materials are created with very good
strength properties. The materials exhibit electrical insulation properties and are stable in ionized gas streams
at the level of known analogs as a result of creating self-reinforced mullite and β-SiC corundum matrix, reinforced with polycrystalline fiber and rapidly sintered due to presence of silicon oxynitride
Research is conducted 225 pregnant with placenta dysfunction (PD) with the purpose of determination of violations of products of factors of height (FH) in the different terms of pregnancy. It is shown that violation of products of FH in the system to mother- placenta- fetus is one of pathogenetic factors of development of PD. With the purpose of timely diagnostics of development of PD it is necessary to control the indexes of FH in the group of risk of pregnant, since the early terms of pregnancy.Проведено исследование 225 беременных с плацентарной дисфункцией (ПД) с целью определения нарушений продукции факторов роста (ФР) в разные сроки беременности. Показано, что нарушение продукции ФР в системе мать- плацента- плод является одним из патогенетических факторов развития ПД. С целью своевременной диагностики развития ПД необходимо контролировать показатели ФР в группе риска беременных, начиная с ранних сроков беременности.Проведено дослідження 225 вагітнихз плацентарною дисфункцією (ПД) з метою визначения порушень продукції чинників росту (ЧР) у різні строки вагітності. Показано, що порушення продукції ЧР в системі мати- плацента- плід є одним з патогенетичних факторів розвитку ПД. З метою своєчасної діагностики розвитку ПД необхідно контролювати показники ЧР у групі ризику вагітних, починаючи з ранніх термінів вагітності
The Development of Creative Thinking as a Tool of Social Adaptation of Teenagers with Behaviour Deviation
The purpose of this study was to examine whether the activities aimed at developing creative thinking had rendered the social adaptation of adolescents with deviant behaviour smooth and evaluate the changes which had resulted from that engagement. The research data were collected through the use of project checklists, student learning outcomes analysis, interviews with teachers and parents, questionnaires. This study used SPSS and SmartPLS statistical analysis tools to analyze the above data and Textalyser application to process the focus group responses. The study found that the participation of the secondary school students with behaviour deviation in legacy projects make their social adaptation easier, improves their social skills and creative thinking style. This study confirms that there is a positive relationship between socially important creative activities, learning motivation and development of creative thinking styles. It has been found that, despite the considerable amount of research regarding the use of creative activity to develop social adaptation skills in adolescents, the problem of social adaptation of adolescents with behaviour deviation has not been sufficiently explored through engaging them in activities aimed at developing creative thinking. The process of social adaptation of adolescents with behaviour deviation is complex and the creative component is in place there, since it supplies the educational process with irreplaceable pedagogical tools that have the potential to "restart" the student's physiological and psycho-motivational spheres
Transcriptional activity of mitochondrial genes in intraspecific and interspecific sunflower hybrids
Relevance. The genetic structure of plant cells implies the coordinated work of three genomes: nuclear, plastid, and mitochondrial. Hybridization between genetically heterogeneous parents can lead to changes in the established nuclear-cytoplasmic balance, which in turn can affect the level and consistency of their gene expression. Changes in the transcriptional activity of organelle genes (in particular, mitochondria) during distant (interspecific) hybridization remain poorly understood. Results. The present study employed the qPCR technique to evaluate the transcriptional activity level of the mitochondrial genes atp1, atp4, atp6, atp9, nad3, nad6, cox1, and cox3 in intra- and interspecific sunflower hybrids and their parental forms from the VIR collection. According to the analyzed transcriptional activity of mitochondrial genes, they can be divided into three groups: genes with a relatively high level of expression – atp1, atp6, and nad6, those with a medium level of expression – atp4, cox1, cox3, and genes with a low level of expression – atp9 and nad3. Comparative analysis showed no significant difference (P<0.05) between maternal lines and hybrids. However, the expression of the nad6 gene in the case of Helianthus argophyllus (Torr. & A. Gray) was 2.6 times higher than in the cultivated sunflower lines. Conclusion. The absence of substantial changes in the expression of mitochondrial genes both in intra- and interspecific hybrids indicates the lack of significant changes in the regulation of nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions in these hybrids
IntroductionAcute tonsillitis (J03 for ICD-10) is one of the most common respiratory diseases in children [1]. According to the medical protocol approved by the Ministry of Health ofUkraine, patients with catarrhal form of acute tonsillitis are provided ambulatory care, but patients with follicular and lacunar tonsillitis forms are treated in a hospital [2].In the latest data of the State Committee of Statistics, 41.1% of the funds in the structure of health care costs are citizens’ private funds [3]. These funds covered 99.6% of the costs for the purchase of pharmaceutical products for outpatient treatment, and 86.7% costs for treatment in a hospital [4]. In addition, it should take note of the low purchasing power of patients, as 36.1% of them are unable to buy the medicines prescribed by a doctor [5].In view, the high rates of morbidity, constantly growing treatment costs and low purchasing power of patients, the purpose of our research was to investigate the expediency of the financial expenses for pharmacotherapy of acute tonsillitis based on the results of retrospective clinical and economic analysis of hospital medical history forms.Materials and methodsThe material of our study were doctors’ prescription sheets (form №003-4/o) of 290 patients with acute tonsillitis aged 2–18 years who were hospitalized in healthcare institutions of Dnipropetrovsk region for the period 2013–2015. Overall, we analyzed 1709 medications. Propriety of medical prescriptions was determined by comparing them to the current Ukrainian medical protocol of care for patients with acute tonsillitis [2] and the Ukraine State Drug Formulary [6]. The expediency of the financial costs for pharmacotherapy of acute tonsillitis was assessed by method the integrated frequency/VEN/ABC analysis [7].Results and discussionThe criterions for classifying medicines to category «V» (vital) were their presence in the medical protocol of care for patients with acute tonsillitis [2] and the the Ukraine State Drug Formulary [6]. The category of «N» (non-essential) included medicines that have been absent at any of the above regulatory documents.Results of the integrated frequency/VEN/ABC-analysis showed that the most costly group A included 15.04% (257 of 1709) medicines category V and 11.29% (193 of 1709) medicines category N. It was found that the basic financial funds had been used for ceftriaxone (J01DD04), local antiseptics (R02AA20) and cefuroxime (J01DC02), among which the most costly ceftriaxone had been prescribed for the largest number of patients. Despite the fact that ceftriaxone is recommended by national standard treatment of acute tonsillitis [2], but it is not the drug of choice for the treatment of this nosology. Ceftriaxone is rational to replace by penicillin or cephalosporin first generation, which have the same clinical efficacy against Streptococcus pyogenes and less cost [11].The frequency of non-essential medicine prescriptions were dominated by the vital medicines. However, the financial costs for vital medicines were slightly greater than for the non-essential medicines, which amounted to 55.66% and 44.34% respectively. Excessive costs for the third-generation cephalosporin pharmacotherapy of acute tonsillitis can be explained by the doctors' intention to protect their patients from clinical failures associated with the penicillin destruction by β-lactamases of tonsils co-pathogenic microorganisms [12].ConclusionsBasic funds were not spent for essential medicines for the treatment of acute tonsillitis. The most often prescribed costly medicine may have been replaced by cheaper ones with similar clinical efficacy.Economically more rational begin pharmacotherapy of acute tonsillitis with penicillins. Сephalosporins second- or third generation and inhibitor-protected penicillins, as antibiotics for second-line therapy, should be prescribed only in cases of recurrent tonsillitis [5].Local antiseptics, probiotics, corticosteroids and dietary supplements had been widely used by doctors. Removal these pharmaceutical products from doctors’ prescription sheets would reduce the financial expenses for pharmacotherapy of acute tonsillitis without affecting its quality.У статті наведено результати інтегрованого частотного^ЕМАВС-аналізу доцільності фінансових витрат на проведення фармакотерапії гострого тонзиліту. Встановлено суттєву перевагу частоти лікарських призначень другорядних засобів (^ над життєво важливими (V) у кількісному вираженні та незначну перевагу життєво важливих засобів над другорядними у вартісному вираженні. З отриманих результатів можна зробити висновок, що основні фінансові кошти не витрачались на необхідні та важливі лікарські засоби для лікування гострого тонзиліту
Clinical and economic analysis of medicinal prescriptions for children and adolescents with Helicobacter pylori-associated gastroduodenal pathology
The significant prevalence of chronic gastritis and/or duodenitis among children and adolescents, the ability of H. pylori to induce serious complications lead to the importance of effective anti-helicobacter therapy.
The aim of the work was to determine the rationality of prescribed drugs and the expediency of financial expenses for pharmacotherapy of chronic gastritis and/or duodenitis associated with H. pylori and gastro-esophageal reflux disease based on the results of a retrospective clinical and economic analysis of medical prescriptions in Dnipro.
The material for the study were the 92 prescription sheets (form No. 003-4/y) of stationary patients aged 5–17 years with a diagnosis of chronic gastritis and/or duodenitis associated with H. pylori and gastro-esophageal reflux disease undergoing treatment at the Dnipropetrovsk Children's City Clinical Hospital № 6 for the period 2012–2017.
Analysis of the prescriptions frequency, their ranking for cost and importance for the treatment were carried out using pharmacoeconomic methods: ABC-, VEN-, frequency analysis and integrated frequency/ABC/VEN analysis.
Frequency analysis of treatment regimens showed that only 47.8% of patients were prescribed a «gold standard» of treatment, while 52.2% of patients had medical prescriptions that did not comply with the national treatment protocols adopted by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. It was found that in the structure of medical prescriptions for the treatment of chronic gastritis and/or duodenitis associated with H. pylori and GERD, there was excessive use of non-essential drugs «N» (43.9%), which were prescribed almost in the same volume as vital drugs «V» (56.1%).
According to the ABC-analysis, it was established, that the main financial resources were spent on the medicines of six groups: dietary supplements for normalization and maintenance of normal intestinal microflora, omeprazole, mozapride, clarithromycin, domperidone and amoxicillin. It was found, that on average one patient was prescribed 6.6 preparations worth 722.42 UAH.
It can be concluded that the main funds was not spent on the necessary and important medicines for the treatment of the studied nosologies
Comparative analysis of vitamin D contents in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C and healthy.
From scientific literature it is known that vitamin D helps maintain the most important functions of the immune system, there is evidence of its role in inflammatory and metabolic diseases of the liver, including infection with hepatitis C. Aim – to study vitamin D status in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C compared to the healthy ones. We examined 100 patients with chronic viral hepatitis C (main group) and 30 patients without hepatitis C virus (control group). Level of 25 (OH) D in serum was studied by immunochemical method with electrochemiluminescent detection. To verify the diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency, a classification (M.F. Holick, 2011), adopted by the International Institute of Medicine and the Committee of Endocrinologists for clinical practice guidelines, was used. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 44% of people with chronic viral hepatitis C in the main group (mean hydroxycalciferol – 14.36±4.12 ng/ml. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 6,6% in the control group (mean 17,5±8,52 ng/ml). The average vitamin D deficiency in the main group was slightly lower than that in the control group. Factors that affect the metabolism of vitamin D in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C include a lack of vitamin D in blood serum
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