9 research outputs found
A magyar zongorapedagógia kiemelkedő egyéniségei és fejlesztő hatásuk
A zongorapedagógia hazánkban dicső múltra tekint vissza, azonban igazi fellendülése a XIX. század végén, Liszt Ferenc magyarországi működéséhez köthető. Nevéhez fűződik a Nemzeti Zenede megalakulása 1840-ben, majd a Zeneakadémia létrejötte 1875-ben.MSc/MAZongoratanármagyarnappal
Reactive oxygen species can modulate circadian phase and period in Neurospora crassa
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) may serve as signals coupling metabolism to other cell functions. In addition to being by-products of normal metabolism, they are generated at elevated levels under environmental stress situations. We analyzed how reactive oxygen species affect the circadian clock in the model organism Neurospora crassa. In light/dark cycles, an increase in the levels of reactive oxygen species advanced the phase of both the conidiation rhythm and the expression of the clock gene frequency. Our results indicate a dominant role of the superoxide anion in the control of the phase. Elevation of superoxide production resulted in the activation of protein phosphatase 2A, a regulator of the positive element of the circadian clock. Our data indicate that even under nonstress conditions, reactive oxygen species affect circadian timekeeping. Reduction of their basal levels results in a delay of the phase in light/dark cycles and a longer period under constant conditions. We show that under entrained conditions the phase depends on the temperature and reactive oxygen species contribute to this effect. Our results suggest that the superoxide anion is an important factor controlling the circadian oscillator and is able to reset the clock most probably by activating protein phosphatase 2A, thereby modulating the activity of the White Collar complex. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
Reactive oxygen species can modulate circadian phase and period in Neurospora crassa
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) may serve as signals coupling metabolism to other cell functions. In addition to being by-products of normal metabolism, they are generated at elevated levels under environmental stress situations. We analyzed how reactive oxygen species affect the circadian clock in the model organism Neurospora crassa. In light/dark cycles, an increase in the levels of reactive oxygen species advanced the phase of both the conidiation rhythm and the expression of the clock gene frequency. Our results indicate a dominant role of the superoxide anion in the control of the phase. Elevation of superoxide production resulted in the activation of protein phosphatase 2A, a regulator of the positive element of the circadian clock. Our data indicate that even under nonstress conditions, reactive oxygen species affect circadian timekeeping. Reduction of their basal levels results in a delay of the phase in light/dark cycles and a longer period under constant conditions. We show that under entrained conditions the phase depends on the temperature and reactive oxygen species contribute to this effect. Our results suggest that the superoxide anion is an important factor controlling the circadian oscillator and is able to reset the clock most probably by activating protein phosphatase 2A, thereby modulating the activity of the White Collar complex. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
Hepatitis C Screening and Treatment Program in Hungarian Prisons in the Era of Direct Acting Antiviral Agents
A hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening and treatment program was conducted in Hungarian prisons on a voluntary basis. After HCV-RNA testing and genotyping for anti-HCV positives, treatments with direct-acting antiviral agents were commenced by hepatologists who visited the institutions monthly. Patients were supervised by the prisons’ medical staff. Data were retrospectively collected from the Hungarian Hepatitis Treatment Registry, from the Health Registry of Prisons, and from participating hepatologists. Eighty-four percent of Hungarian prisons participated, meaning a total of 5779 individuals (28% of the inmate population) underwent screening. HCV-RNA positivity was confirmed in 317/5779 cases (5.49%); 261/317 (82.3%) started treatment. Ninety-nine percent of them admitted previous intravenous drug use. So far, 220 patients received full treatment and 41 patients are still on treatment. Based on the available end of treatment (EOT) + 24 weeks timepoint data, per protocol sustained virologic response rate was 96.8%. In conclusion, the Hungarian prison screening and treatment program, with the active participation of hepatologists and the prisons’ medical staff, is a well-functioning model. Through the Hungarian experience, we emphasize that the “test-and-treat” principle is feasible and effective at micro-eliminating HCV in prisons, where infection rate, as well as history of intravenous drug usage, are high
A hepatitis C-vírus szűrésének és kezelésének 10 éves tapasztalata a börtönökben
Bevezetés és célkitűzés: Az Európai Unióban a hepatitis C-vírussal (HCV) fertőzött betegek kétharmada nem tud a
fertőzöttségéről. A WHO célja 2030-ra az új krónikus hepatitises esetek számának 90%-os csökkentése. A börtönök-
ben a HCV-fertőzöttek aránya a lakosságénak a tízszeresét is elérheti. A cikk a magyar büntetés-végrehajtási intéze-
tekben 2007 és 2017 között zajlott HCV-szűrő vizsgálat eredményeinek összefoglalása.
Módszer: Az önkéntes alapú anti-HCV-szűrő vizsgálatot követően a pozitív eseteknél HCV-PCR- és -genotípus-meg-
határozás történt. A betegek írásos beleegyezése után kezdődött el az interferonalapú kezelés, mely a hepatológusok irányításával és a büntetés-végrehajtási intézetek egészségügyi személyzetének együttműködésével történt.
Eredmények: A magyar börtönök 84%-ában folyik HCV-szűrő program és -kezelés. Összesen 25 384 betegnél történt
meg ezen időszak alatt az anti-HCV-szűrő vizsgálat. A betegek 6,6%-ában anti-HCV-pozitivitást és 3,8%-ában HCV-
PCR-pozitivitást találtunk. A HCV-PCR-pozitív betegek 55,2%-ában kezdődött el a kezelés. Teljes időtartamú volt
a kezelés 143 betegnél, idő előtt fejeződött be 162 betegnél (42,6%), míg 75 betegnél nem ismert a kezelés időtartama. A rendelkezésre álló, a kezelés vége utáni 24. heti eredmény alapján a tartós terápiás válasz 88% volt.
Megbeszélés: A büntetés-végrehajtási intézetekben folyó HCV-szűrő és -kezelési program egy jól működő rendszer.
A sikeres kezelésben nagy szerepe van a betegek felvilágosításának, a hepatológus kollégák és a börtönök egészségügyi dolgozói közötti együttműködésnek.
Következtetés: Eredményeink azt mutatják, hogy a „test and treat” gyakorlat a HCV mikroeliminációjának kivitelezhető módja a börtönökben
CRH: the link between hormonal- metabolic- and behavioral responses to stress
Two major and mutually interconnected brain systems are recruited during stress reaction. One is the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVH) and the second is the extended amygdala. PVH governs the neuroendocrine stress response while CeA regulates most of the autonomic and behavioral stress reactions. The common neurohormonal mediator of these responses is the corticotropin-releasing hormone, CRH, which is expressed in both centers. CRH belongs to a larger family of neuropeptides that also includes urocortins 1, 2, and 3 all have different affinity towards the two types of CRHR receptors and have been implicated in regulation of stress and HPA axis activity. One functionally relevant aspect of CRH systems is their differential regulation by glucocorticoids. While corticosterone inhibits CRH transcription in the PVH, stress-induced glucocorticoids stimulate CRH expression in the extended amygdala. This review summarizes past and recent findings related to CRH gene regulation and its involvement in the neuroendocrine, autonomic and behavioral stress reaction