11 research outputs found

    Practical guidance on insulin injection practice in diabetes self-management in the Indian setting: an expert consensus statement

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    This consensus statement aimed to provide a simple and easily implementable practical educational guide- line for healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients regarding insulin injection practice in diabetes self- management in the Indian setting. A group of experts analysed published data from guidelines, clinical trials and real world evidence to reach consensus recommendations on optimal insulin injection practices in terms of a) the injection sites (preparation of site of injection, choosing the injec- tion site, site rotation), b) choice of device and storage of insulins, and c) safety precautions, sharp disposal practice and complications. Findings from Global and Indian arm of 2014-2015 ITQ Study were considered to emphasize a need for improved practice by HCPs covering all the vital topics essential to proper injection habits. The consensus statement provides a simple and easily implementable practical educational guideline for HCPs and patients to optimize insulin injection practices in accordance with recent advances in device manufac- turing, newer research findings, and updated interna- tional guidelines as well as widespread concerns about neglected safety precautions such as single-patient use of pens and appropriate sharp disposal practices.This consensus statement aimed to provide a simple and easily implementable practical educational guide- line for healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients regarding insulin injection practice in diabetes self- management in the Indian setting. A group of experts analysed published data from guidelines, clinical trials and real world evidence to reach consensus recommendations on optimal insulin injection practices in terms of a) the injection sites (preparation of site of injection, choosing the injec- tion site, site rotation), b) choice of device and storage of insulins, and c) safety precautions, sharp disposal practice and complications. Findings from Global and Indian arm of 2014-2015 ITQ Study were considered to emphasize a need for improved practice by HCPs covering all the vital topics essential to proper injection habits. The consensus statement provides a simple and easily implementable practical educational guideline for HCPs and patients to optimize insulin injection practices in accordance with recent advances in device manufac- turing, newer research findings, and updated interna- tional guidelines as well as widespread concerns about neglected safety precautions such as single-patient use of pens and appropriate sharp disposal practices

    Specific and Randomly Derived Immunoactive Peptide Mimotopes of Mycobacterial Antigens

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    The mycobacterial cell surface contains complex nonprotein antigens that are highly immunoactive in nature. However, these antigens are chemically heterogeneous and structurally complex, thereby limiting their applications. To identify their peptide mimotopes, phage-displayed peptide libraries Ph.D.-7 and Ph.D.-12 were panned on either defined template, monoclonal antibody (MAb) CS-35 against lipoarabinomannan (LAM), or a polyclonal rabbit immune serum reactive against whole cells of Mycobacterium bovis BCG. Panning on anti-LAM MAb CS-35 yielded two confirmed mimotopes of LAM, a 7-mer and a 12-mer, whereas panning on polyclonal serum yielded a large repertoire of mimotopes reactive against sera from BCG-immunized rabbits, one of which turned out to have the same sequence as the 7-mer LAM mimotope. The dissociation constant of the interaction between MAb CS-35 and a synthetic peptide corresponding to the 7-mer LAM mimotope was determined to be 7.55 μM. Dot blot assays were performed with peptides corresponding to the two LAM mimotopes to evaluate their diagnostic potential. Both peptides gave discernibly higher signals with a panel of tuberculosis (TB) patient sera than with sera from healthy controls. The peptides were also found to stimulate the release of tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-12 cytokines in the J774A.1 cell line and primary bone marrow-derived macrophages, indicating that they may have immunomodulatory potential. The present study demonstrates that peptide mimotopes of known and unknown mycobacterial antigens could be isolated by using subtractive phage display techniques and that these peptides could have potential applications in areas such as TB diagnostics and immunotherapy

    Clinical experience with insulin detemir, biphasic insulin aspart and insulin aspart in people with type 2 diabetes: Results from the Kolkata cohort of the A 1 chieve study

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    Background: The A 1 chieve, a multicentric (28 countries), 24-week, non-interventional study evaluated the safety and effectiveness of insulin detemir, biphasic insulin aspart and insulin aspart in people with T2DM (n = 66,726) in routine clinical care across four continents. Materials and Methods: Data was collected at baseline, at 12 weeks and at 24 weeks. This short communication presents the results for patients enrolled from Kolkata, India. Results: A total of 576 patients were enrolled in the study. Four different insulin analogue regimens were used in the study. Patients had started on or were switched to biphasic insulin aspart (n = 417), insulin detemir (n = 70), insulin aspart (n = 55), basal insulin plus insulin aspart (n = 19) and other insulin combinations (n = 15). At baseline, glycaemic control was poor for both insulin naïve (mean HbA 1 c: 8.3%) and insulin user (mean HbA 1 c: 8.6%) groups. After 24 weeks of treatment, both the groups showed improvement in HbA 1 c (insulin naïve: −1.3%, insulin users: −1.4%). SADRs including major hypoglycaemic events or episodes did not occur in any of the study patients. Conclusion: Starting or switching to insulin analogues was associated with improvement in glycaemic control with a low rate of hypoglycaemia

    Praktyczne wskazówki dotyczące samodzielnych iniekcji insuliny w leczeniu cukrzycy w warunkach indyjskich: stanowisko zespołu ekspertów

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    Celem niniejszego konsensusu było dostarczenie prostych i łatwych do wdrożenia w praktyce wytycznych edukacyjnych dla pracowników opieki zdrowotnej i pacjentów, dotyczących wstrzykiwania insuliny w samoleczeniu cukrzycy w warunkach indyjskich. Zespół ekspertów krytycznie przeanalizował opublikowane dane z wytycznych, badań klinicznych i rzeczywistej praktyki klinicznej i uzgodnił zestaw praktycznych zaleceń dotyczących optymalnego stosowania insulinoterapii w odniesieniu do: a) miejsc wstrzyknięcia (przygotowanie miejsca wstrzyknięcia, wybór miejsca wstrzyknięcia, rotacja miejsca); b) wyboru urządzenia i przechowywania insuliny; c) środków ostrożności, utylizacji ostrych przedmiotów i powikłań. Eksperci poddali analizie wyniki uzyskane w części ogólnej i indyjskiej badania 2014–2015 ITQ, zwracając uwagę na potrzebę poprawy opieki diabetologicznej w zakresie wszystkich aspektów wpływających na prawidłowe wstrzykiwanie insuliny.  Niniejszy dokument zawiera proste i łatwe do stosowania praktyczne zalecenia edukacyjne dla pracowników opieki zdrowotnej i pacjentów, dotyczące optymalizacji techniki wstrzykiwania insuliny zgodnie z najnowszymi osiągnięciami w zakresie urządzeń do podawania insuliny, najnowszymi wynikami badań i uaktualnionymi wytycznymi międzynarodowymi, a także związane z powszechnymi obawami dotyczącymi nieprzestrzegania środków ostrożności, takich jak używanie wtryskiwacza wyłącznie u jednego pacjenta i odpowiednia utylizacja ostrych przedmiotów.

    Genome implosion elicits host-confinement in Alcaligenaceae: evidence from the comparative genomics of Tetrathiobacter kashmirensis, a pathogen in the making.

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    This study elucidates the genomic basis of the evolution of pathogens alongside free-living organisms within the family Alcaligenaceae of Betaproteobacteria. Towards that end, the complete genome sequence of the sulfur-chemolithoautotroph Tetrathiobacter kashmirensis WT001(T) was determined and compared with the soil isolate Achromobacter xylosoxidans A8 and the two pathogens Bordetella bronchiseptica RB50 and Taylorella equigenitalis MCE9. All analyses comprehensively indicated that the RB50 and MCE9 genomes were almost the subsets of A8 and WT001(T), respectively. In the immediate evolutionary past Achromobacter and Bordetella shared a common ancestor, which was distinct from the other contemporary stock that gave rise to Tetrathiobacter and Taylorella. The Achromobacter-Bordetella precursor, after diverging from the family ancestor, evolved through extensive genome inflation, subsequent to which the two genera separated via differential gene losses and acquisitions. Tetrathiobacter, meanwhile, retained the core characteristics of the family ancestor, and Taylorella underwent massive genome degeneration to reach an evolutionary dead-end. Interestingly, the WT001(T) genome, despite its conserved architecture, had only 85% coding density, besides which 578 out of its 4452 protein-coding sequences were found to be pseudogenized. Translational impairment of several DNA repair-recombination genes in the first place seemed to have ushered the rampant and indiscriminate frame-shift mutations across the WT001(T) genome. Presumably, this strain has just come out of a recent evolutionary bottleneck, representing a unique transition state where genome self-degeneration has started comprehensively but selective host-confinement has not yet set in. In the light of this evolutionary link, host-adaptation of Taylorella clearly appears to be the aftereffect of genome implosion in another member of the same bottleneck. Remarkably again, potent virulence factors were found widespread in Alcaligenaceae, corroborating which hemolytic and mammalian cell-adhering abilities were discovered in WT001(T). So, while WT001(T) relatives/derivatives in nature could be going the Taylorella way, the lineage as such was well-prepared for imminent host-confinement