1 research outputs found

    An Informational Theory of Midterm Elections: The Impact of Iraq War Deaths on the

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    Reves, and several more I am sure I am forgetting for their constant reality checks when I started to lose sight of my goals. If I have left anyone out who feels they were slighted, I offer my humblest apologies for the omission. Finally I must thank the many different locations throughout Denton where this paper was written, including the UNT library, Banter and Jupiter House coffee shops, the bench in front of the public admin department in Wooten Hall, now sadly gone, all provided the workspace I needed to complete this paper, and I must give them my thanks. iii 1962 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 for the highest offices on the ballot. In doing so I hope to illustrate the scholastic background I will be drawing upon for this paper. I also include some research on vote