12 research outputs found

    Comparison of yield and nutrition some variety carrot (Daucus carota L.) grown with ecological methods of protection

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    Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2009–2011 w Ogrodzie Zakładu Dydaktyczno-Doświadczalnego Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie. Ich celem była ocena plonowania i wartości odżywczej korzeni spichrzowych wybranych odmian marchwi chronionych metodami niechemicznymi. Badaniami objęto uprawę sześciu odmian marchwi (Daucus carota L.). Drugim czynnikiem doświadczenia były niechemiczne metody ochrony roślin: uprawa współrzędna oraz ochrona biopreparatem Kostki Himal. Największym plon handlowy uzyskano, uprawiając marchew odmiany ‘Kazan F₁’ w uprawie. Zastosowane metody ochrony roślin różnicowały istotnie zawartość składu cukrów ogółem, redukujących i azotanów(V). Zanotowano także istotną interakcję badanych czynników na gromadzenie w części jadalnej marchwi badanych składników odżywczych.A two-factorial field experiment was conducted in the years 2009–2011, in the Garden of the Research and Experimental Station of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The first experimental factor were six carot (Daucus carota L.) cultivars: ‘Purple Haze F₁’, ‘Florida F₁’, ‘Interceptor F₁’, ‘Kazan F₁’, ‘Joba’ and ‘Deep Purple F₁’. The second experimental factor were three methods of carrot biocontrol, compared in the following treatments: unprotected plants, the application of the biocontrol agent Cubes Himal containing paraffin-coated garlic pulp (10 g cubes), carrots intercropped with dill cv. ‘Ambrozja’ and carrots intercropped with onions cv. ‘Prade F₁’. The aim of an experiment was to determine the effect of cultivar and ecological methods of protection on the yield and chemical composition of storage roots carrot cultivars in the Warmia region (NE). The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design, in three replications. The experimental plot had an area of 7.5 m². Seeds were sown in the middle of May in each year of the study. Seedlings of onion prepared each year in the greenhouse, as recommended cultivation practices for onion were applied. Dill and onion was sown in parallel with carrots on ridges. The use of Cubes Himal started after observing the first raid carrot fly (Psila rosae) and repeated four times at intervals of 10 days. The recommended cultivation practices for carrots were applied. Plants were harvested once, in mid October, and roots were sorted into fractions in accordance with the applicable standards and commercial requirements for carrots. Immediately after harvest, 15 roots were sampled from the marketable yield in each treatment, and were subjected to chemical analyses to determine the content of: dry matter, total segars, reducing sugars, L-ascorbic acid, organic acids and nitrates(V). The results were validated statistically byanalysis of variance. The significance of differences between means was evaluated with the use of Tukey’s test at α = 0.05. The biggest yield trade was characterized by a carrot cultivar ‘Kazan F₁’. The application of Cubes Himal had a beneficial influence on the total and marketable yield of carrot storage roots. Carrot– –onion intercropping and carrot–dill intercropping resulted in a significant marketable yield decrease. The interactions between the experimental factors had a significant effect on the content of organic elements in carrot roots. The content of total sugars in carrot roots unprotected plants was higher than other methods of carrot variant crop

    Wpływ stosowania szczepionki mikoryzowej na indeks zazielenienia liści oraz plon roślin pomidora (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) uprawianego w ogrzewanym tunelu foliowym

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    In an experiment conducted in 2012-2013, tomatoes were grown in coco coir inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi, in a heated plastic tunnel in the garden of the Research and Experimental Station of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The experimental materials comprised seedlings of three tomato cultivars, ‘Torero F1’, ‘Growdena F1’ and ‘Listell F1’, supplied by a horticultural farm. The second experimental factor was inoculation of the plant growth medium with endomycorrhizal fungi from the genus Glomus. The aim of this study was to determine the chlorophyll content of leaves of three tomato cultivars grown in coco coir inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi. Each treatment consisted of seven coco coir mats (100 x 20 x 7.5 cm) with four tomato plants grown in each mat, pruned to produce 23 clusters. The experiment was carried out in triplicate. Seedlings, planted in rockwool cubes, were initially placed next to the openings made in the coir mats. Immediately before planting, each seedling was supplied with 10 ml of a standard working solution containing mycorrhizal fungi. The mycorrhizal inoculum was applied directly to the coco coir. Mycorrhizal fungi were not used in the control treatment. The results showed that, in most treatments, SPAD readings recorded in the fall were lower than in the summer, and the noted values were similar to those determined at the beginning of the growing season. The mycorrhizal inoculum improved the nutritional status of tomato plants determined based on the leaf greenness index. The mycorrhizal inoculum increased the yields of all analysed tomato cultivars.W latach 2012-2013 w ogrzewanym tunelu foliowym zlokalizowanym na terenie Zakładu Dydaktyczno-Doświadczalnego Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie zostało przeprowadzone doświadczenie z uprawą pomidora. Prowadzona była ona na matach z włókna kokosowego z zastosowaniem preparatu posiadającego w swoim składzie szczep grzybów mikoryzowych. Materiał badawczy stanowiły rośliny trzech odmian pomidora, ‘Torero F1’, ‘Growdena F1’ oraz ‘Listell F1’, pozyskane z gospodarstwa ogrodniczego specjalizującego się w produkcji rozsady warzyw. Drugi czynnik badań stanowiła zastosowana szczepionka mikoryzowa zawierająca szczepy grzybów endomikoryzowych z rodzaju Glomus. Celem badań była ocena poziomu chlorofilu w liściach trzech odmian pomidora uprawianego na matach kokosowych z dodatkiem szczepionki mikoryzowej. Jeden obiekt badawczy stanowiło 7 mat z włókna kokosowego o wymiarach 100 x 20 x 7,5 cm z czterema roślinami prowadzonymi na 23 grona. Doświadczenie przeprowadzone zostało w trzech powtórzeniach. Rozsada przygotowana w kostkach z wełny mineralnej początkowo ustawiana była obok otworów przygotowanych do uprawy w matach. Bezpośrednio przed wstawieniem rozsady na miejsce stałe zastosowano preparat mikoryzowy w dawce 10 ml roztworu roboczego pod każdą roślinę. Preparat użyto bezpośrednio na podłoże kokosowe, na które ustawiano rośliny. W obiekcie kontrolnym szczepionki mikoryzowej nie zastosowano. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że jesienne wyniki pomiarów w badanych wariantach uprawy były niższe, aniżeli w okresie letnim, i osiągały wartości zbliżone do wyników otrzymywanych w początkowych okresach uprawy. Stosowanie preparatu mikoryzowego wpłynęło na poprawę stanu odżywienia roślin określanego za pomocą indeksu zazielenienia liści. Stosowanie szczepionki mikoryzowej wpłynęło korzystnie na plonowanie wszystkich badanych odmian pomidora

    Possibilities of using modern greenhouse facilities in garden therapy

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    The influence of city flower beds and seasonal flower beds on the life of the disabled

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    The effect of sowing time on the yield and nutritional value of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) herbage

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    Bazylia pospolita (Ocimum basilicum L.) jest rośliną jednoroczną, z rodziny ja-snotowatych (Lamiaceae), której świeże i suszone ziele stosowane jest w przemyśle kosmetycznym, farmakologicznym, perfumeryjnym oraz w gastronomii. Jako gatunek pochodzący z klimatu ciepłego ma wysokie wymagania termiczne. Zapobiegając działaniu niskiej temperatury, szczególnie w okresie wiosennych przymrozków, bazylię pospolitą uprawia się z rozsady, jednak należy ustalić optymalny termin wysiewu nasion, dla uzyskania odpowiedniej jakości i wielkości plonu surowca przyprawowego. W tym celu w latach 2010-2012 przeprowadzono doświadczenie polowe w układzie losowanych podbloków w trzech powtórzeniach. W szklarni wysiano nasiona czterech ekotypów bazylii pospolitej (zielonolistnej, czerwonolistnej, cynamonowej oraz cytrynowej) w dwóch terminach (30 marca i 14 kwietnia). Badaniu poddano plon świeżego i suchego ziela bazylii pospolitej, a następnie przeprowadzono ocenę składu chemicznego świeżego surowca przyprawowego, określając w nim zawartość: suchej masy, kwasu L-askorbinowego, cukrów ogółem i redukujących. Analizując wyniki badań wykazano, że uprawiane eko-typy Ocimum basilicum L. istotnie różnicowały wielkość plonu oraz skład ziela. Największym średnim plonem w toku trzyletnich badań charakteryzowała się bazylia cynamonowa, zaś najmniejszy średni plon ziela pozyskano z bazylii czerwonolistnej, której surowiec przyprawowy zawierał najmniej suchej masy, kwasu L-askorbinowego oraz cukrów ogółem. Najwięcej suchej masy oraz kwasu L-askorbino-wego zawierała bazylia zielonolistna, zaś największą zawartością cukrów ogółem charakteryzował się surowiec przyprawowy bazylii cynamonowej. Największą zawartością cukrów redukujących odznaczała się bazylia pospolita cytrynowa, a najmniejszą – bazylia zielonolistna. Analiza terminu siewu nasion w drugim oraz trzecim roku badań wykazała, iż wcześniejszy termin siewu istotnie zwiększał wielkość plonu oraz zawartość cukrów ogółem.Basil is an annual plant of the family Lamiaceae, whose fresh and dried leaves are used in culinary applications as well as in cosmetics and perfumes. Basil is a warm-weather plant that requires high temperatures for growth and development. To prevent the adverse effects of low temperature, particularly during spring frosts, basil is grown from seedlings. However, the optimal time for planting should be determined to maximise the yield and quality of basil herbage. To achieve this objective, a field experiment was conducted in a randomised block design with three replications in 2010-2012 in the Experimental Garden of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Seeds of four basil ecotypes (sweet, purple, cinnamon and lemon) were sown in a green-house on 30 March and 14 April. Fresh and dry basil herbage was analysed. The chemical composi-tion of fresh basil leaves was determined, including the content of dry matter, L-ascorbic acid, total sugars and reducing sugars. The analysed basil ecotypes differed significantly with regard to herb-age yield and composition. During the three-year experiment, cinnamon basil was characterised by the highest average yield. Purple (purpurascens) basil produced the lowest average yield and its herbage contained the lowest concentrations of dry matter, L-ascorbic acid and total sugars. Green leaf basil had the highest content of dry matter and L-ascorbic acid, whereas cinnamon basil had the highest concentrations of total sugars. Lemon basil had the highest content of reducing sugars, and sweet basil – the lowest. In the second and third year of the study, the first seeding date contributed to a significant increase in basil yield and total sugar content

    Yield and mineral composition of storage roots of carrots (Daucus carota L.) protected with biological methods

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the yield and mineral composition of storage roots of carrots protected with biological methods, without the use of chemical control agents. The first experimental factor consisted of two carrot cultivars with different maturity periods. The second experimental factor comprised three methods of carrot fly biocontrol, compared in the following treatments: control – unprotected plants, carrots intercropped with dill (cultivar Szmaragd), carrots intercropped with Welsh onions (cv. Parade) and the application of Himal cubes containing paraffin-coated garlic pulp. The storage roots of carrots cv. Nantejska Polana and cv. Flakkese 2 were harvested in the first week of September and in the middle of October, respectively. After harvest, 100 carrot roots were collected from each replication to determine the percentage of roots infested by the carrot fly. In order to evaluate carrot yields in experimental treatments, the total and marketable yield of carrot storage roots were determined. Fifteen storage roots sampled from the marketable yield in each treatment were subjected to chemical analyses. The prepared material was analyzed to determine the content of: total- N, P, K, Mg, Ca and Cu. The organic crop protection methods based on the biological phenomenon of allelopathy as well as the biocontrol agent Himal significantly reduced the carrot fly population relative to the control treatment. An increase was noted in the total and marketable yield of carrots intercropped with Welsh onions, although the species competed for nutrients. Comparable yield was achieved when carrots were protected with Himal. The storage roots of carrots cv. Flakkese 2 intercropped with dill had the highest content of total N, K, Mg and Ca

    Effect of Polimag S on the yield and nutritional value of the Welsh onions (Allium fistolosum L.)

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    In Poland, the Welsh onion is still grown on a small scale only, while it is widespread and broadly used in the Far East. Owing to their mild, sweet flavour and delicate consistency, whole Welsh onion plants are used as ingredients in various dishes. Recent years have witnessed the growing popularity of Welsh onions in the Polish cuisine, particularly as a spring seasonal item. A two-factorial field experiment in a randomized block design with replications was performed in 2010 – 2012 in the Experimental Garden of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (NE Poland). Seeds of three Welsh onion cultivars, Long White Ishikura, Parade and Performer, were used. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of Polimag S fertilizer applied at different doses on the yield and the nutritional value of the edible parts of Welsh onion plants. The experimental factors were: (1) Welsh onion cultivars Long White Ishikura, Parade and Performer grown from seedlings, and (2) the application of a mixed fertilizer, Polimag S, at two doses of 0.72 t ha -1 and 1.44 t ha -1. The Welsh onion cultivars analyzed did not differ significantly with respect to yield. The total yield of Welsh onions did not increase significantly as the dose of Polimag S was increased from 0.72 t ha-1 to 1.44 t ha-1, which indicates that increased fertilizer use was economically unjustified. In all the years of the study, the lowest Welsh onion yield was obtained in the control treatments. Welsh onions cv. Performer had the highest dry matter content. Welsh onion cultivars and Polimag S had varied effects on the nitrate accumulation in the plants, but the maximum permissible nitrate levels were not exceeded. According to the current Regulation of the Minister of Health of 22 December 2004 the content of heavy metals in Welsh onion was lower than the normal range

    Effect of Polimag S on the yield and nutritional value of the Welsh onions (Allium fistolosum L.)

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    In Poland, the Welsh onion is still grown on a small scale only, while it is widespread and broadly used in the Far East. Owing to their mild, sweet flavour and delicate consistency, whole Welsh onion plants are used as ingredients in various dishes. Recent years have witnessed the growing popularity of Welsh onions in the Polish cuisine, particularly as a spring seasonal item. A two-factorial field experiment in a randomized block design with replications was performed in 2010 – 2012 in the Experimental Garden of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (NE Poland). Seeds of three Welsh onion cultivars, Long White Ishikura, Parade and Performer, were used. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of Polimag S fertilizer applied at different doses on the yield and the nutritional value of the edible parts of Welsh onion plants. The experimental factors were: (1) Welsh onion cultivars Long White Ishikura, Parade and Performer grown from seedlings, and (2) the application of a mixed fertilizer, Polimag S, at two doses of 0.72 t ha -1 and 1.44 t ha -1. The Welsh onion cultivars analyzed did not differ significantly with respect to yield. The total yield of Welsh onions did not increase significantly as the dose of Polimag S was increased from 0.72 t ha-1 to 1.44 t ha-1, which indicates that increased fertilizer use was economically unjustified. In all the years of the study, the lowest Welsh onion yield was obtained in the control treatments. Welsh onions cv. Performer had the highest dry matter content. Welsh onion cultivars and Polimag S had varied effects on the nitrate accumulation in the plants, but the maximum permissible nitrate levels were not exceeded. According to the current Regulation of the Minister of Health of 22 December 2004 the content of heavy metals in Welsh onion was lower than the normal range