2 research outputs found

    Comparison Of The Diagnostic Value Of Computed Tomography And Magnetic Resonance Imaging Of Schmorlā€™s Hernia In Young People

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    Uvod: Schmorlove hernije su često dijagnosticirane degenerativne promjene kralježaka koje se javljaju kod mladih osoba. U dijagnostici Schmorlove hernije najčeŔće se primjenjuju metode kompjuterizirana tomografija (CT) i magnetska rezonancija (MR). Oba modaliteta pružaju detaljne informacije o strukturi i stanju kralježaka, ali se razlikuju po principu rada i karakteristikama slike koje generiraju uz svoje prednosti i ograničenja. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje Schmorlovih hernija kod mladih osoba, s fokusom na usporedbu dijagnostičke vrijednosti kompjuterizirane tomografije i magnetske rezonancije, provedeno je u Zavodu za radiologiju SveučiliÅ”ne kliničke bolnice Mostar. Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je najmlađi ispitanik imao 14 godina, a najstariji 89 godina. Ispitanika mlađih od 45 godina bilo je 27 % u ukupnom broju ispitanika. U naÅ”em istraživanju bilo je viÅ”e ispitanika muÅ”kog spola, njih 57 %. Znatno je viÅ”e ispitanika imalo nalaz MR-a, njih 64 %, dok je ispitanika s nalazom MSCT-a bilo 36 %. Kod pretrage MSCT najčeŔće je nalaz Schmorlove hernije bio u torakalnoj regiji, 42 %. Za razliku od MSCT-a, kod MR-a su se pojavile diskretne promjene na pokrovnim plohama (10 %). Zaključak: Odabir između CT-a i MR-a ovisit će o kliničkim okolnostima, dostupnosti i ciljevima dijagnostičkog postupka. Važno je individualno prilagoditi dijagnostički pristup svakom pacijentu kako bi se postigla optimalna dijagnostička točnost i donijele informirane odluke o liječenju.Introduction: Schmorlā€™s hernias are frequently diagnosed as degenerative changes in the vertebrae that occur in young people. In the diagnosis of Schmorlā€™s hernia, the two most commonly used methods are computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR). Both modalities provide detailed information on the structure and condition of the vertebrae, but they differ in the principle of operation and the characteristics of the image they generate with their advantages and limitations Material and methods: Research on Schmorlā€™s hernias in young people, with a focus on comparing the diagnostic value of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, was conducted at the Department of Radiology of the University Clinical Hospital Mostar. Results: The results of the research showed that the youngest respondent was 14 years old, and the oldest was 89 years old. Respondents under the age of 45 were a total of 27% of the total number of respondents. In our research, there were more male respondents, 57% of them. Significantly more subjects had MRI findings, 64% of them, while 36% of subjects had MSCT findings. In the MSCT examination, Schmorlā€™s hernia was most often found in the thoracic region, 42%. In contrast to MSCT, MR showed discrete changes in the endplates (10%). Conclusion: The choice between CT and MR will depend on the clinical circumstances, availability and goals of the diagnostic procedure. It is important to individually adapt the diagnostic approach to each patient in order to achieve optimal diagnostic accuracy and make informed treatment decisions


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    Introduction: With the expansion of the development of computer equipment and the improvement of software interfaces, there is also a sudden development of radiology without film, through computerized radiography (CR) systems. The CR system made it possible to improve the quality of the radiological image, and thus to make a more accurate and faster diagnosis. Objective: To estimate the costs of computed radiography compared to conventional radiography. Materials and methods: The analysis used data on the costs of radiological materials and existing radiological information systems from the plans and signed contracts for 2019 and 2022 in the Croatian Hospital "Dr. Fr. Mato Nikolić" Nova Bila. Results: The costs of conventional radiology are exceptionally high, including the procurement of X-ray films, processing chemicals, and equipment maintenance. The analysis compares the number of procedures and the displayed costs for the hospital. Conclusion: Computerized radiography is more cost-effective than conventional radiography due to reusable phosphor imaging plates and reduced chemical and film expenses.Uvod: Ekspanzijom razvoja računalne opreme i usavrÅ”avanjem softverskih sučelja dolazi i do naglog razvoja radiologije bez filma, kroz sustave računalne radiografije. Sustav računalne radiografije omogućio je poboljÅ”anje kvalitete radioloÅ”ke slike, a time i točniju i bržu dijagnozu. Cilj: Procijeniti troÅ”kove računalne radiografije u usporedbi s konvencionalnom radiografijom. Materijali i metode: U analizi su koriÅ”teni podaci o troÅ”kovima radioloÅ”kih materijala i postojećih radioloÅ”kih informacijskih sustava iz planova i potpisanih ugovora za 2019. i 2022. godinu u Hrvatskoj bolnici "Dr. fra Mato Nikolić" Nova Bila. Rezultati: TroÅ”kovi konvencionalne radiologije iznimno su visoki, uključujući nabavu rendgenskih filmova, kemikalija za obradu i održavanje opreme. Analiza uspoređuje broj postupaka i prikazanih troÅ”kova za bolnicu. Zaključak: Računalna radiografija isplativija je od konvencionalne radiografije zbog fosfornih ploča za viÅ”ekratnu upotrebu i smanjenih troÅ”kova kemikalija i filma