14 research outputs found
An Infrared Cell for Kinetic Studies of Liquid Samples
The construction ,of a th ermostated liquid infrared cell for
the temperature range from -1ooc to gooc is described. \u27The cell
is designed specifically for the P erkin-Elmer 21 series of double
beam infrared spectrophotometers (Perkin-Elmer 21, 221 , 421 and
521), and can be conveniently used for kinetic studies
Biologically active adamantane derivatives
Derivati adamantana prekrivaju vrlo široko područje biološke aktivnosti. U ovom prikazu obrađeni su karakteristični primjeri: virustatici i antiparkinsonici, antibiotici, citostatici, hipoglikernici, antiaritmici i antihipertonici, sedativi i antidepresanti, imunosupresivni agensi i spazmolitici. Veća biološka aktivnost derivata adamantana u odnosu na poznate lijekove posljedica je veće otpornosti prema metabolitičkoj razgradnji, veće lipofilnosti i bržeg transporta kroz membrane stanica.Adamantane derivatives cover a very broad spectrum of biological activities. In this review characteristic examples are described: virustatics and antiparkinsonics, antibiotics, cytostatics, hypoglycemics, sedatives and antidepressants, antiarrythmics and antihypertonics, immunosuppressive agents and spasmolytics. A higher biological activity of adamantane derivatives than that of some known drugs is a consequence of their higher lipophilicity more rapid transport through cell membranes and higher resistance to metabolitic degradation
Approximations to most powerful invariant tests for multinormality against some irregular alternatives
Invariant test, Laplace expansion, Likelihood ratio test, Tests for multinormality, 62H15,