7 research outputs found
Genotyping of hepatitis C virus isolates in Slovenia
Genotyping of hepatitis C virus (HCV) isolates is of particular interest for epidemiology. Because of extreme genome variability of HCV genome, each genotyping method should be evaluated in local setting before being introducedas a routine diagnostic procedure or a tool for large-scale epidemiological studies. This comparative study of four most widely used HCV genotyping assays, employed on 40 HCV isolates in Slovenia, showed that none of them was realy suitable for genotyping Slovenian HCV isolates. Thanks to its satisfactory sensitivity, specificity and simplicity, the line probe assaywas found to be the most appropriate tool for both routine and large-scale epidemiological studies. Using this assay the prevalence of HCV genotypes in Slovenia was studied on 226 individuals infected with HCV Significant differences in HCV genotype distribution observed between epidemiological groups in Slovenia indicate a close relationship between individual HCV genotypes in Slovenia was studied on 226 individuals infected with HCV. Significant differences in HCV genotype distribution observed between epidemiological groups in Slovenia indicate a close relationship between individual HCV gentoypes and certain routes of viral transmission.Opredelitev genotipa virusa hepatitisa C (HCV) je pomembna v raziskovanju epidemiologije okužbe s tem virusom oz. za natančno spremljanje ter razjasnitev načina prenosa in širjenja okužbe. Zaradi spremenljivosti genoma in neenakomerne zemljepisne porazdelitve genotipov HCV je treba pred začetkom kakrčnekoli epidemiološke raziskave v vsaki državi preveriti učinkovitost različnih tipizacijskih metod s pilotsko raziskavo in ob tem ugotoviti tudi okvirno prisotost in delež posameznih genotipov HCV S primerjalno raziskavo, ki smo jo izvedli na 40 izolatih RNA HCV iz Slovenije, smo primerjali učinkovitost štirih posrednih metod genomske tipizacije in ugotovili, da s posameznimi metodami ni mogoče dokončno opredeliti vseh genotipov oz. podtipovHCV, prisotnnih v Sloveniji. Izkazalo se je, da je v našem prostoru najbolj primerna metoda genomske tipizacije reverzni dot-blot s tipsko specifičnimi DNA-lovkami za 5\u27nekodirajoči del genoma HCV. Z izbrano strategijo genomske tipizacije smo nato določ/podtip HCV pri 226 slovenskih bolnikih, ki so se okužili s HCV na različne načine oz. so prpov HCV se v SLoveniji razlikuje med posamezninikov. Rezultati raziskave kažejo na povezavomed posamezdoločenimi načini prenosa virusa
National reccomendations for the management of patients with haemophilia
The document presents recommendations for the comprehensive treatment of patients with haemophilia in Slovenia. It enables health workers at all three levels of health care to become well-acquainted with all the possible aspects of treatment based on the best practices of major centres worldwide, and on the studies and experience of health professionals at the National Haemophilia Centre, University Medical Center Ljubljana. The document contains definitions, treatment algorithms and lists of medications with their characteristics and appropriate dosages. It specifically defines indications for the exclusive competence of the tertiary level in Ljubljana due to the actual availability of teams and laboratory options. It also contains an extensive list of the literature on haemophilia