15 research outputs found

    Environmental Lead Exposure in Polish Children: Blood Lead Levels, Major Sources and Principles of the Lead Poisoning Prevention

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    In Poland, children are exposed to lead from the combustion of leaded gasoline and industrial processes. Since the early 1990s, emission levels have declined, and a ban on leaded petrol is anticipated in 2005. Major industrial sources are located in Silesia Province and the copper mining centre (Legnica region). Concerns about, lead exposure in children date back to the 1980s; mean blood lead levels (BILL)reported in children living near lead smelters in Silesia exceeded 20ug/dl. in the 1990s, mean BLLs were decreasing, both in urban children and those living near lead industry. Lower than the CDC action level of 101ug/dl, they were however higher than mean values in children from the other countries, where leaded gasoline had already been banned. Childhood lead poisoning prevention requires a comprehensive approach, involving different sectors. Medical prevention focuses on the early detection of exposed child by the blood lead testing and individual case management. An increasing body of evidence, indicating adverse effects even below the current “safe” level of 101ug/dl, argues for intensification of the primary prevention, which requires legal, economic and technical measures. Public health efforts should contribute to the reduction and elimination of sources of exposure in child’s environment and public education campaigns

    Removal of asbestos-cement sheets and occupational and environmental exposure to asbestos

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    Background: Workers’ exposure to asbestos and ambient air pollution were investigated during the removal of asbestos-cement sheets from blocks of flats and cooling towers. The results of personal measurements for respirable fibers and the total dust exposure were compared to the current MAC values to assess the exposure to asbestos in this group of construction workers. The assessment of asbestos fiber contamination in ambient air was based on stationary air measurements performed near workplaces. Material and methods: The analysis was based on over 180 personal sampling results of total dust and respirable fibres collected among workers who removed a-c sheets from blocks of flats or from cooling towers between January 2000 and November 2007. Additionally, 86 ambient air samples were taken. The counts of respirable fibers were analyzed by the PCM method. Additional information about workplaces and the circumstances of measurement was also taken into consideration. Results: : For workers removing a-c sheets from blocks of flats, the concentration of chrysotile respirable fibers was 0.24 f/cm3, and the concentration of total dust was 3.7 mg/m3. Workers removing a-c sheets from cooling towers were exposed to concentrations of respirable chrysotile, crocidolite, and amosite fibres of 0.06 f/cm3; the concentration of total dust for this group of workers was 9.8 mg/m3. The time-weighted average for 8-hour shift was 0.6 times the MAC value for respirable fibers and 19.7 times the MAC value for total dust. The environment around blocks of flats was more heavily contaminated with asbestos than that around cooling towers. Conclusions: During the removal of a-c sheets, workers were exposed to excessive concentrations of dust containing asbestos. Over 90% of the results exceed the current MAC values. Removal of a-c sheets polluted ambient air to the level of 1000 f/m3.Wstęp: Remonty obiektów z usuwaniem płyt azbestowo-cementowych stwarzają zagrożenie pyłem azbestowym dla zdrowia pracowników budowlanych i osób znajdujących się w pobliżu. Celem pracy było oszacowanie narażenia zawodowego pracowników, usuwających materiały a-c oraz narażenia środowiskowego w pobliżu prowadzonych prac. Materiał i metody: Wyniki stężeń respirabilnych włókien i pyłu całkowitego azbestu z ponad 180 pomiarów osobistych na stanowiskach pracy przy demontażu płyt a-c z obiektów mieszkalnych (bloki) i przemysłowych (chłodnie wody), przeprowadzonych zgodnie z obowiązującymi normami, opracowano statystycznie i przyrównano do obowiązujących obecnie normatywów higienicznych. Opracowano także ponad 80 wyników pomiarów stacjonarnych obok remontowanych obiektów, przeprowadzonych równocześnie z pomiarami osobistymi. Wykorzystano wyniki z lat 2000-2007 oraz informacje dotyczące okoliczności pomiarów. Wyniki: Zanieczyszczenie powietrza atmosferycznego podczas usuwania płyt a-c z bloków mieszkalnych mieściło się w granicach 1000–8000 wł./m3, a w zakresie 1000–7000 wł./m3, gdy azbest usuwano z chłodni wody. Dla pracowników zdejmujących płyty a-c ze ścian budynków mieszkalnych stężenie respirabilnych włókien azbestu chryzotylowego wynosiło 0,31 wł./cm3, a stężenie pyłu całkowitego – 2,7 mg/m3. Pracownicy, odnoszący odpady a-c do kontenerów, narażeni byli na stężenia 0,27 wł./cm3 respirabilnych włókien i 5,7 mg/m3 pyłu całkowitego. Średnia krotność NDS wynosiła 1,2 dla respirabilnych włókien oraz 7,8 dla pyłu całkowitego. Stężenie włókien chryzotylu, amozytu i krokidolitu podczas usuwania płyt a-c z chłodni wynosiło 0,05 wł./cm3, a podczas odnoszenia ich do kontenerów 0,10 wł./cm3. Stężenia pyłu całkowitego mieściły się w zakresie 7,3–12,4 mg/m3. Średnia krotność NDS wynosiła 0,6 dla respirabilnych włókien oraz 19,7 dla pyłu całkowitego. Wnioski: Pracownicy, usuwający płyty a-c z bloków mieszkalnych, pracowali w narażeniu na pyły zawierające włókna azbestu chryzotylowego 1,2 razy przekraczającym NDS. Usuwanie płyt z chłodni wody powodowało narażenie na włókna chryzotylu, krokidolitu oraz amozytu, które w 2,6% przypadków przekraczało NDS. Poziom stężeń włókien azbestu w powietrzu atmosferycznym podczas remontów bloków mieszkalnych był wyższy niż przy remontach chłodni

    Ocena różnych form aktywności fizycznej pracowników umysłowych

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    Background: The appropriate level of physical activity according to WHO recommendations for adults aged 18–64 years is 150 minutes per week in multiple shorter bouts of at least 10 minutes each: e.g., 30 minutes of moderateintensity activity 5 times per week. Regular physical activity is essential for health and well-being at any age. Many studies conducted among residents of the Silesian province have confirmed that their physical activity is insufficient. Data from a survey conducted in 2004 by the Central Statistical Office of Poland showed that the surveyed residents of the Silesian province older than 15 years of age spent their leisure time mostly in a passive way, or took activities not requiring intense physical effort. Therefore, we undertook a study evaluating physical activity in a selected group of white-collar workers who spent most of the time during the day in a seated position. Objective of the study: The objective of the study was to evaluate various forms of physical activity undertaken by white-collar workers. Material and methods: In the project, a questionnaire survey was conducted in a selected group of white-collar workers which consisted of employees of the City Office of Sosnowiec. A total of 191 persons took part in the survey: 57 (29.8%) men and 134 (70.2%) women. Survey questions concerned different forms of physical activity taken by white-collar workers. Results: Physical activity in the study group of whitecollar workers varied significantly depending on the gender. Males more willingly engaged in various forms of sports activity than women. Men were found to jog, play ball games and tennis, and exercise in the gym more readily than women. However, women reported taking walks, exercising, or riding on rollers significantly more often than men. The activity of women was associated with housework, such as cleaning, doing laundry, shopping, or cooking, to a greater extent than that of men. Men more often than women travelled by car, and this difference was statistically significant. By contrast, women more often than men travelled to work on foot or by public transport. Conclusions: The majority of respondents (80.1%) declare taking physical activity. However, the analysis of questionnaire data shows that respondents spend their leisure time mainly in a passive way or on low-intensity activities, which do not require substantial physical effort, such as walks, gymnastics, activities at the swimming pool, or cycling. The results point to the need for more effective promotion of physical activity (particularly in the leisure time) amongst white-collar employees who spend most of the time at work in a seated position

    Ocena różnych form aktywności fizycznej pracowników umysłowych

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    Background: The appropriate level of physical activity according to WHO recommendations for adults aged 18– 64 years is 150 minutes per week in multiple shorter bouts of at least 10 minutes each: e.g., 30 minutes of moderateintensity activity 5 times per week. Regular physical activity is essential for health and well-being at any age. Many studies conducted among residents of the Silesian province have confirmed that their physical activity is insufficient. Data from a survey conducted in 2004 by the Central Statistical Office of Poland showed that the surveyed residents of the Silesian province older than 15 years of age spent their leisure time mostly in a passive way, or took activities not requiring intense physical effort. Therefore, we undertook a study evaluating physical activity in a selected group of white-collar workers who spent most of the time during the day in a seated position. Objective of the study: The objective of the study was to evaluate various forms of physical activity undertaken by white-collar workers. Material and methods: In the project, a questionnaire survey was conducted in a selected group of white-collar workers which consisted of employees of the City Office of Sosnowiec. A total of 191 persons took part in the survey: 57 (29.8%) men and 134 (70.2%) women. Survey questions concerned different forms of physical activity taken by white-collar workers. Results: Physical activity in the study group of whitecollar workers varied significantly depending on the gender. Males more willingly engaged in various forms of sports activity than women. Men were found to jog, play ball games and tennis, and exercise in the gym more readily than women. However, women reported taking walks, exercising, or riding on rollers significantly more often than men. The activity of women was associated with housework, such as cleaning, doing laundry, shopping, or cooking, to a greater extent than that of men. Men more often than women travelled by car, and this difference was statistically significant. By contrast, women more often than men travelled to work on foot or by public transport. Conclusions: The majority of respondents (80.1%) declare taking physical activity. However, the analysis of questionnaire data shows that respondents spend their leisure time mainly in a passive way or on low-intensity activities, which do not require substantial physical effort, such as walks, gymnastics, activities at the swimming pool, or cycling. The results point to the need for more effective promotion of physical activity (particularly in the leisure time) amongst white-collar employees who spend most of the time at work in a seated position

    Adaptability of adolescents for functioning in the social environment

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    Objective. The aim of the study was an assessment of adolescent adaptability resources, necessary for the proper social functioning. Material and methods. The study was conducted in 2013-2014 by means of standardised tests, psychological questionnaires and a general questionnaire developed for the purpose of the study, which made it possible to obtain additional necessary data on the study group. Results. The study describes the study group in terms of attitudes and behaviour in relation to certain personality traits and external factors, which may affect the functioning of adolescents. Conclusions. Examined adolescents had good adaptability conducive to proper social functioning. It resulted both from individual personal predispositions as well as from the positive impact of the family and non-family environment. These observations confirm that adolescents require continuous interest and attention from adults and implementing measures to prevent impaired development of individuals and its negative social repercussions.Cel pracy. Celem pracy była ocena indywidualnych zdolności przystosowawczych młodzieży dorastającej do funkcjonowania społecznego. Materiał i metody. Badania prowadzone były w latach 2013–2014 wśród młodzieży szkół z terenu Sosnowca. W badaniach zastosowane zostały znormalizowane testy i kwestionariusze psychologiczne oraz kwestionariusz ogólny opracowany dla celu badania, który pozwolił uzyskać uzupełniające dane na temat badanej populacji. Wyniki. Badania pozwoliły scharakteryzować badaną populację pod kątem postaw i zachowań w odniesieniu do wybranych cech osobowości oraz czynników zewnętrznych, które mogą mieć wpływ na funkcjonowanie społeczne. Wnioski. Badana młodzież posiadała wiele możliwości adaptacyjnych sprzyjających prawidłowemu funkcjonowaniu społecznemu. Wynikały one zarówno z indywidualnych predyspozycji osobowościowych badanych osób, jak i pozytywnych oddziaływań środowiska rodzinnego i pozarodzinnego. Wyniki wskazały na dwa negatywne zjawiska mające związek z funkcjonowaniem społecznym osób dorastających tj. tendencję do zachowań agresywnych oraz alienację społeczną

    Guidelines for the use of the International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses of the International Labour Office (ILO): Substantial changes in the currrent edition

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    The International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses is the scheme worked out by the International Labour Office in Geneva (ILO), to register radiographic chest abnormalities in a well-ordered, reproducible and comparable way. It is used for diagnosing abnormalities caused by dust exposure. Guidelines for the use of the ILO International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses contain detailed information and recommendations on how to use the classification, as well as how the chest X-ray examination should be performed and recorded. To facilitate the diagnosis of observed abnormalities the classification is completed by the set of standard radiograms illustrating typical irregularities referring to lungs and pleura, included in the classification. The article presents the key information on classification and the most important amendments adopted in the 2000 and 2011 ILO guidelines revisions. These changes refer to radiographs quality assessment, the way of presenting abnormalities registered in standard radiographs (QUAD set, digital images) and registration of failures not related to dust exposure. Particularly important complements result from the development of radiological imaging techniques. They are concerned about the classification of radiographic images of the chest recorded digitally. Med Pr 2016;67(6):833–83

    The prevalence of psychoactive substances use among secondary school students from selected cities of Upper Silesia

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    Background: The prevalence of psychoactive substances among teenagers in Poland has grown for several years. Statistics maintain at a lower level than in the western Europe, however it is necessary to conduct its permanent monitoring. The work presents results of the questionnaire study carried out in IOMEH in years 2010–11. Objective: The aim of this paper is to present the scale of psychoactive substances prevalence among teenagers from Silesian cities. Materials and methods: The programme was carried out by use of modified questionnaire of the ESPAD study. Questions related to characteristics of the examined person, dissemination, accessibility, awareness of risk and problems associated with the use of psychoactive substances. 928 teenagers: students of IIIrd grade of secondary schools and Ist and IInd grades of high schools from Sosnowiec and Chorzów (62% boys and 38% girls) participated in the study. Results: 86,9% girls and 89,8% boys confirmed contact with the alcohol at least once in the lifetime and it is the most widespread psychoactive substance in the study group. Out of the other substances, cannabis use was confirmed by 40,7% of students (34,7% girls and 44,3% boys), designer drugs use - by of 21,8% pupils (17,5% girls and 24,5% boys). The distribution within the limits of 10% has been observed in the case of soothing/sleeping pills (also together with alcohol), and amphetamine. The prevalence of contact with other substances was at the level *10%. Boys more often than girls used the respective psychoactive substances (statistically significant differences). Conclusions: Results of the study confirm observation concerning the entire country that drinking alcohol by the young adolescents is becoming the statistical norm. The frequency of other psychoactive substances use demonstrates also concerning levels. There is a need of systematic education among teenagers at school, with particular emphasis on issues related to addiction and restrictive limitations of the availability of alcoholic and other psychoactive substances for them

    The impact of the environmental and socio-economic factors to the occurrence of symptoms and diseases of the respiratory system in school children from Sosnowiec

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    Background: Objective of the study was to assess the impact of environmental and socio-economic factors to the occurrence of symptoms and diseases of the respiratory system in school children from Sosnowiec, based on the questionnaire data. Materials and methods: The crosssectional epidemiological questionnaire study was performed in the years 2005–2006. Parents of 709 primary school children aged 7–12 years took part in the study. Questionnaire was completed by parents to collect information on children health status, particularly respiratory symptoms, chronic diseases of respiratory system, allergic diseases, use of medical services, children dietary habits and family socio-economic status. Results: In the study group the statistical significance was found for the incidence of respiratory symptoms in children and housing conditions, i.e.: the number of people sleeping together with a child in the same room and dampness in the dwelling. Results of the study showed, that incidence of whizzing differed statistically significantly in the groups of different professional status of the parents. It is difficult to estimate if this is only the influence of socio-economic conditions or any other environmental factors as well. Conclusions: Results of the study demonstrated statistical significance between the status of respiratory system in children and housing occupancy rate (the number of people sleeping together with a child in the same room) and dampness in the dwelling. Relation between respiratory symptoms in children, parents education and professional status was analyzed, but findings of the conducted studies do not give explicit evidence of such a relation

    Social aspects of urban space management in the context of environmental health – from the garden city idea to current social movements

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    Wprowadzenie i cel pracy. Jednym z wdrożonych rozwiązań planistycznych, służących poprawie zdrowia mieszkańców miast, była idea miasta-ogrodu, opracowana pod koniec XIX wieku przez Brytyjczyka, Ebenezera Howarda. Obecnie, istotnym elementem w procesie dbałości o zdrowie populacji, są oprócz planowania urbanistycznego, również różnego rodzaju ruchy społeczne, oparte o społeczne i emocjonalne zaangażowanie. Głównym celem pracy jest przedstawienie nowych form ruchów społecznych, działających na rzecz poprawy jakości życia i zdrowia mieszkańców miast, powstałych jako konsekwencja współczesnych zmian społecznych. Skrócony opis stanu wiedzy. Wdrażanie nowych rozwiązań w zakresie poprawy jakości zdrowia społeczeństw miejskich przez ich członków, to niezwykle cenna wartość w coraz bardziej zurbanizowanej rzeczywistości społecznej. Przegląd współczesnych miejskich ruchów ekologicznych, opartych o nowe formy uspołecznienia jednostek, to pretekst do zastanowienia się, w jaki sposób polityka społeczna i zdrowotna może wykorzystać powstałe inicjatywy w szerszej skali i co można zrobić, żeby nie zaprzepaścić ich potencjału. Podsumowanie. Organizacje i ruchy społeczne są obecnie ważnym elementem zdrowia środowiskowego, ponieważ angażują również społeczność lokalną wokół rozwiązania problemów środowiskowych. Analiza aktywności społecznej skupionej wokół elementów zdrowia środowiskowego może przyjąć formę mapy, co ułatwić może pobudzanie społeczności lokalnych do dalszych działań.Introduction and aim of the study. Among the most valuable solutions in urban planning was the idea of a garden city, coined by British community activist, Ebenezer Howard, at the end of 19th century. At present, apart from urban planning, various types of social movements based on social and emotional engagement are an important component in the process of care of population health. The main goal of the study is to present a review of new forms of social movements acting on behalf of improvement of the quality of life and health of urban inhabitants, which have emerged as a consequence of contemporary social changes. Short description of state of knowledge. Creating new solutions to improve the quality of health of urban communities by the inhabitants themselves is extremely precious in an increasingly more urbanized social reality. Active participation of recipients in public health programmes is a basic rule. Review of contemporary ecological social movements, based on new forms of social activity is ‘the reason to reflect upon ways of social and health policy as well as productive usage of potential in these activities’, in which the pretext for consideration in what way social and health policy may use the created initiatives on a wider scale, and what can be done in order not to squander their potential. Summary. At present, social organizations and movements are an important element of environmental health, because 6they engage/involve local communities in the solving of environmental problems. Analysis of social activity focused on environmental health policy may assume the form of a map, which may facilitate the stimulation of local communities to undertake further actions