32 research outputs found

    Utjecaj polimorfizama gena FASN i DGAT1 na sastav masnih kiselina u kolostrumu i mlijeka krava Charolais pasmine te prirast njihove teladi

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    Fatty acid composition of milk has become an important trait in dairy production, but there has not been a large amount of research on milk fat composition in beef cows. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of polymorphisms in the fatty acid synthase (FASN) and acyl-CoA diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT1) gene on milk and colostrum fatty acid composition, and their direct (calf) and indirect (cow/mother) relationships with calf birth weight and weight gain over 14 days. Eight Charolais cows and eight calves were genotyped using the PCR-RFLP method. The cows’ milk and colostrum fatty acid profiles and their calves’ weight at birth and 14 day weight gain were analysed. In the colostrum, cows with DGAT1 genotype KA had a significantly higher content of C4:0 and lower C10:0, and with FASN diplotype TW/AR a tendency for higher C14:0 and C16:0 colostrum FA content. In the milk, Charolais cows with diplotype TW/AR tended to have higher C14:1, C16:0 and C16:1, but lower C18:0 content. At the same time, no associations were found between DGAT1 genotypes and the fatty acid composition of milk. There were also no significant associations found between the studied SNPs and the calf’s birth weight and weight gain over 14 days, although calves with DGAT1 KA genotype tended to have higher birth weight.Za razliku od mliječne industrije u kojoj je masnokislinski sastav mlijeka postao važno obilježje, u mesnih krava nema mnogo istraživanja o njegovom sastavu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti učinke polimorfizama sintaze masnih kiselina (FASN) i acylCoA diacilglicerol aciltransferaze (DGAT1) na sastav masnih kiselina mlijeka i kolostruma te njihov izravnan (tele) i neizravan (krava/majka) utjecaj na tjelesnu masa teladi pri porođaju i prirast u prvih 14 dana. Metodom PCR-RFLP genotipizirano je ukupno 16 goveda Charolais pasmine (8 krava i 8 teladi). Analiziran je masnokiselinski sastav mlijeka i kolostruma te porođajna masa teladi i prirast u prvih 14 dana. Krave DGAT1 genotipa KA imale su znakovito veći udio C4:0 i niži C10:0, a krave FASN diplotipa TW/AR imale su tendenciju većeg udjela C14:0 i C16:0 u kolostrumu. U mlijeku, krave s diplotipom TW/AR imale su tendenciju za većim udjelom C14:1, C16:0 i C16:1, te nižim udjelom C18:0. Između genotipova DGAT1 i sastava masnih kiselina mlijeka nije pronađena povezanost. S obzirom na porođajnu masu i prirast u prvih 14 dana, jedina pronađena povezanost bila je u teladi s genotipom DGAT1 KA koja su imala tendenciju veće porođajne mase


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    The Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) is the basis for numerous methods for soil trafficability research. Since USCS data are not always available, various other data and methods are used to correlate and predict the USCS soil group. This paper describes two methods used for the purpose of mapping the Croatian part of the Pannonian Basin (PB) according to the USCS to a depth of 50 cm. In the first method, the possibility of the transfer of 308 profile samples according to the International Soil Science Society (ISSS) classification system into the USCS was examined. The results show that it is impossible to directly transform ISSS data into the USCS. In the second method 414 USCS profiles were used to analyse the weights of factors in the spatial analysis with inverse distance weighting (IDW). The analysis included layers of dominant and associated soil units of the Basic Soil Map of Croatia (BSM), Geological Map of Croatia (GM), drainage and catchment areas. The obtained weights were as follows: BSM 47.12%, catchment area 27.12%, GM 17.67% and drainage 8%. The results showed that PB in Croatia is covered with fine-grained soils, with clay covering almost the entire area and silt dominating in the western and north-western parts of the country.Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) osnova je brojnih metoda za istraživanje prohodnosti tla za vozila. Budući da podatci o USCS-u nisu uvijek dostupni, koriste se razni drugi izvori i metode za korelaciju i predviđanje USCS grupe tla. U ovome radu opisane su dvije metode korištene u svrhu kartiranja hrvatskog dijela panonskog bazena prema USCS-u do dubine tla od 50 cm. U prvoj metodi ispitana je mogućnost prijenosa 308 uzoraka tla prema sustavu klasifikacije International Soil Science Society (ISSS) u USCS. Rezultati su pokazali da nije moguće izravno transformirati podatke ISSS klasifikacije u USCS. U drugoj metodi korišteno je 414 USCS profila u analizi težišnih faktora u prostornoj analizi s ponderiranjem obrnute udaljenosti. Analizom su obuhvaćeni slojevi dominantnih i asocijativnih jedinica tala Osnovne pedološke karte Hrvatske (BSM), Osnovne geološke karte Hrvatske (GM), dreniranost tla i slivna područja. Dobivene ponderirane težine bile su: BSM 47,12 %, slivno područje 27,12 %, GM 17,67 % i dreniranost tla 8 %. Rezultati su pokazali da je panonski dio Hrvatske prekriven sitnozrnatim tlima, pri čemu je glinom prekriveno gotovo cijelo područje, dok prahovi dominiraju u zapadnim i sjeverozapadnim dijelovima panonskog bazena Hrvatske

    Kemijski i masnokiselinski sastav najduljeg leđnog mišića mlade simentalske junadi.

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    The objective of this paper was to analyse the carcass characteristics (live weight at slaughter, hot and cold carcass weight, fat weight and fat ratio in cold carcass weight), chemical composition and fatty acid profile of the Simmental cattle longissimus dorsi muscle (MLD). The experiment was carried out on 20 young bulls (sons of sires in progeny testing for meat quality). The average live weight at slaughter (LWS) was 555 ± 12.47 kg, hot carcass weight (HCW) 332.6 ± 7.88 kg, cold carcass weight (CCW) 331.3 ± 8.43 kg, fat weight 15.9 ± 0.81 kg, fat ratio in CCW was 4.89 ± 0.23%. The average chemical composition of MLD was as follows: dry matter 24.84 ± 0.17%, water 75.16 ± 0.17%, protein 20.46 ± 0.26%, intramuscular fat 3.28 ± 0.06% and ash 1.11 ± 0.01%. Linear correlation was calculated for all parameters and high correlations were found between LWS, HCW and CCW, as expected, but there was no significant effect of LWS on the chemical composition of the longissimus dorsi muscle. Intramuscular fat (IMF) consisted on average of 48.04 ± 0.59%, 47.58 ± 0.71% and 4.16 ± 0.25% of total fatty acids (FA) as saturated fatty acids (SFA), mono unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), respectively. The PUFA/SFA ratio for beef was low, at around 0.1, similar to that reported by other authors. As expected, the level of MUFA correlated highly with the Δ9-desaturase (18) index (r = 0.84) and elongation index (r = 0.54). Statistically significant correlations between specific fatty acids, LWS, fat and IMF were generally weak. The percentages found of SFA and PUFA, as well as the PUFA/SFA ratio, were in accordance with results reported by other authors but still unfavourable for human health. To improve the unfavourable characteristics of beef, further study should include genetic parameters that affect the FA composition of beef beside the other factors mentioned above.Istraživanjem smo htjeli utvrditi osobine trupova te kemijski i masnokiselinski sastav najduljega leđnog mišića simentalske junadi. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 20 junadi. Utvrđena je prosječna masa živih životinja 555 ± 12,47 kg, masa toplih polovica 332,6 ± 7,88 kg, masa hladnih polovica 331,3 ± 8,43 kg, masa masti 15,9 ± 0,81 kg, omjer masti i mase hladnih polovica 4,89 ± 0,23%. Prosječan kemijski sastav MLD bio je: suha tvar 24,84 ± 0,17%, voda 75,16 ± 0,17%, protein 20,46 ± 0,26%, intramuskularna mast 3,28 ± 0,06% i pepeo 1,11 ± 0,01%. Izračunali smo linearne korelacije između promatranih obilježja te su pronađene visoke korelacije između mase živih životinja, mase toplih i hladnih polovica. No nije utvrđena značajna korelacija između mase živih životinja i kemijskog sastava MLD. U intramuskularnom masnom tkivu utvrđeno je 48,04 ± 0,59%, 47,58 ± 0,71% i 4,16 ± 0,25% zasićenih (SFA), mononezasićenih (MUFA) i polinezasićenih (PUFA) masnih kiselina. Omjer PUFA/SFA je nizak i iznosi oko 0,1 što je slično istraživanjima drugih autora. Očekivano je ukupna količina MUFA u visokoj korelaciji s indeksom Δ9-desaturaze (18) (r = 0,84) i indeksom elongacije (r = 0,54). Utvrđene su slabe, iako statistički značajne korelacije između pojedinih masnih kiselina, mase živih životinja, ukupne i intramuskularne masti. Utvrđeni rezultati za SFA i PUFA, kao i P/S omjer u skladu su s rezultatima drugih autora no i dalje nepovoljni za ljudsko zdravlje

    Evaluation of recovery after cranial cruciate ligament rupture surgery in 60 dogs - questionnaire and clinical examination

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    Puknuće prednje križne veze najčešći je ortopedski problem i uzrok šepanja u pasa. Kako bi se istražila uspješnost oporavka nakon operativnog liječenja ovog ortopedskog problema, uspoređivane su dvije operacijske metode: kranijalna transpozicija goljenične kvrge i metoda lateralnog šava. Ispitanici su bili podijeljeni u 4 skupine te se u svakoj nalazilo 15 pasa različite dobi, spola i pasmine. Prvu skupinu činili su psi kojima je jedno koljeno liječeno metodom lateralnog šava (MRIT), dok je kontralateralna noga intaktna. Drugu skupinu činili su psi kojima je jedno koljeno podvrgnuto metodi kranijalne transpozicije goljenične kvrge (TTA), a druga noga je intaktna. Trećoj skupini pripadali su psi s bilateralnim puknućem te je jedno koljeno liječeno MRIT metodom, a drugo metodom TTA. Četvrtoj skupini pripadali su psi kojima je dijagnosticirano svježe, neliječeno puknuće. Provodeći anketu među vlasnicima pasa iz prve tri navedene skupine, dobiveni su njihovi subjektivni dojmovi i procjene oporavka njihovih ljubimaca nakon operacije. Njihovi navodi uspoređeni su s kliničkim pregledom koji je izvršen na svakom pacijentu uz procjenu osteoartritisa te su tako dobiveni objektivni nalazi. Više od polovice anketiranih vlasnika zadovoljno je kvalitetom života u vidu ortopedskog problema njihovog psa nakon operacije. Rezultati kliničkih mjerenja pokazali su statističku razliku između koljena sa svježom rupturom i koljena koja su bila operirana jednom od metoda. Kliničkim pregledom ustanovljeno je da funkcija operiranog koljena nije značajno smanjena u odnosu na zdravo koljeno. Zaključak je da sama procjena vlasnika ne odudara pretjerano od nalaza kliničkog pregleda te da nema značajne razlike u uspješnosti oporavka između dvije navedene kirurške metode.Cranial cruciate ligament rupture is the most common orthopaedic problem and cause of lameness in dogs. In order to examine the success of the recovery after surgical treatment of this orthopaedic issue, we compared two surgical methods: cranial tibial tuberosity transposition and lateral seam method. Participants were divided into 4 groups, each of 15 dogs of different age, sex and breed. The first group consisted of dogs whose one stifle joint was treated using the modified retinacular imbrication technique (MRIT) method while the contralateral leg was intact. The second group consisted of dogs whose one stifle joint was subjected to the tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) method and the other leg was intact. The third group included dogs with bilateral rupture where one stifle joint was treated with MRIT method and the other with TTA method. The fourth group consisted of dogs diagnosed with a fresh, untreated rupture. A survey was conducted among the owners of the first three groups, to obtain their subjective impressions and assessments of the recovery of their pets after surgery. Their observations were compared with the clinical examination, which was performed on each patient to obtain objective findings. More than half of participants were satisfied with the quality of life concerning the orthopaedic problem of their dog after surgery. The results of clinical measurements showed a statistically significant difference between stifle joints with fresh rupture and the stifle joints that had been operated by one of the methods. Clinical examination showed that the function of the operated stifle joint was not significantly decreased compared to the healthy stifle joint. It was established that the owner’s assessment did not differ notably from the findings of the clinical examination and that there was no significant difference in the success of recovery between the two specified surgical methods

    The Dalmatian Bušak

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    Pasmina dalmatinski bušak stara je pasmina konja koja je imala veliku ulogu u mediteranskom dijelu Hrvatske u kojem se uzgaja tijekom više od dva stoljeća. Koristio se kao tovarni konj, ponajviše za prijevoz grožđa, maslina i žita u primorskim selima na kopnu i otocima. Danas se u Hrvatskoj uzgaja mali broj jedinki te pasmine, a u cilju očuvanja pasmine provedena su znanstvena istraživanja i osnovana je Udruga ljubitelja i uzgajivača dalmatinskog bušaka. Temeljni cilj udruge je usmjeren poduzimanju mjera zaštite i revitalizacije uzgoja, povećanje broja jedinki, popularizacije i službenog priznanja pasmine u Republici Hrvatskoj.The Dalmatian bušak is a horse breed that has been present for more than two centuries in the Mediterranean part of Croatia. It was previously used as a pack horse mainly for transporting grapes, olives and grain in coastal villages on the mainland and islands. Today a small number of individuals is still bred in Croatia, and, in order to preserve them, scientific research has been conducted and the “Association of Dalmatian bušak lovers and breeders” founded. Its main goal is aimed at increasing the number of individuals, and popularization and official recognition of this indigenous breed in Croatia

    Influence of candidate genes FASN and SCD1 on milk fatty acid composition

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    Masnokiselinski sastav mlijeka uvjetovan je nizom čimbenika među kojima genski markeri imaju sve veći značaj. Istraživanja na području pronalaženja genskih markera potencijalnih kandidatnih gena te njihovog utjecaja na količinu i sastav mlijeka pružaju mogućnost njihove primjene u selekciji mliječnih krava na visoku mliječnost i željeni sastav mlijeka. U ovom radu dati ćemo osvrt na dosadašnja istraživanja dva kandidatna gena: sintazu masnih kiselina (FASN, engl. fatty acid synthase) i stearoil-CoA desaturaza 1 (SCD1, engl. stearoyl-CoA desaturase1), koji su odgovorni za sintezu masnih kiselina te imaju znatan utjecaj na masnokiselinski sastav mlijeka.Milk fatty acid composition is influenced by a number of factors, including genetic markers which are of increasing importance today. Research in the field of genetic markers, with the discovery of potential candidate genes and their impact on the quantity and composition of milk, offers the possibility of its application in the selection of dairy cows for high milk yield and desired milk composition. In this paper, we present an overview of previous studies of two candidate genes, fatty acid synthase (FASN) and stearoyl- CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1), which are responsible for fatty acid synthesis, and thus affect the milk fatty acid composition

    Utjecaj paragenetskih čimbenika na veličinu legla, dob pri prvom janjenju i međujanjidbeno razdoblje ovaca romanovske pasmine u Hrvatskoj

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    Reproductive traits are of paramountimportance in an efficient lamb production system. In Croatia, values of reproductive traits of Romanov sheep are below the average expected for this breed, indicating the need for improvement of these traits to exploit the breed’s full reproductive potential. This study was conducted on 260 Romanov ewes located at a commercial Romanov sheep farm in Croatia. All ewes were kept under similar conditions, and reproductive management was based on accelerated lambing with continuous mating. Linear models with fixed effects were used to estimate the influence of year of birth/lambing, season of birth/lambing, ram, parity and litter type on litter size (LS), age at first lambing (AFL) and lambing interval (LI). Average LS was 2.11 ± 0.71, while the year of lambing and parity were the most important factors affecting this trait. The smallest litters were recorded after 1st parity (1.77 ± 0.06), and the largest after 5th parity (2.21 ± 0.08). AFL averaged 388.5 ± 72.4 days. All investigated non-genetic factors had a significant (P<0.05) influence on AFL, with year of birth as most important. The average LI was 241.2 ± 70.8 days. A significant (P<0.05) influence of all factors on LI was observed. Ewes lambing in spring (200.2 ± 7.9 days) or summer (190.5 ±6.6 days) had a significantly (P<0.05) shorter LI than ewes lambing in autumn (227.7 ± 8.3 days) or winter (237.2 ± 6.7 days). The longest LI was observed after the first parity (284.0 ±5.5 days). Average values for reproductive traits in the examined population of Romanov sheep were higher than those reported in the official Croatian database for breeding sheep. Non-genetic factors have a significant influence on the variation of reproductive traits of Romanov sheep, and therefore should be considered when assessing ewes’ reproductive performance.U mesnom ovčarstvu reprodukcijska svojstva su izrazito važna. U Hrvatskoj su vrijednosti reproduktivnih svojstava romanovske ovce u odnosu na očekivane vrijednosti za tu pasminu ispodprosječne, što ukazuje da je poboljšanje ovih svojstava neophodno kako bi se iskoristio puni reprodukcijski potencijal pasmine. Ovo istraživanje provedeno je na 260 ovaca romanovske pasmine smještenih na jednoj komercijalnoj farmi ovaca u Hrvatskoj. Sve ovce držane su u sličnim uvjetima, a reprodukcijski menadžment temeljio se na učestalim janjenjima s kontinuiranim razmnožavanjem. Linearni modeli s fiksnim učincima korišteni su za procjenu utjecaja godine rođenja/janjenja, sezone rođenja/janjenja, ovna, redoslijeda janjenja i tipa legla na veličinu legla (VL), dob pri prvom janjenju (DPJ) i međujanjidbeno razdoblje (MR). Prosječna VL iznosila je 2,11±0,71, dok su godina janjenja i redoslijed janjenja bili najvažniji čimbenici koji su utjecali na ovo svojstvo. Najmanja legla zabilježena su nakon 1. janjenja (1,77±0,06), a najveća nakon 5. janjenja (2,21±0,08). DPJ je u prosjeku iznosila 388,5±72,4 dana. Svi istraživani negenetski čimbenici imali su značajan (P<0,05) utjecaj na DPJ, pri čemu je najvažnija bila godina rođenja. Prosječno MR je bilo 241,2±70,8 dana. Uočen je značajan (P<0,05) utjecaj svih čimbenika na MR. Ovce koje su se janjile u proljeće (200,2±7,9 dana) i ljeto (190,5±6,6 dana) imale su značajno (P<0,05) kraća MR od ovaca koje su se janjile u jesen (227,7±8,3 dana) i zimu (237,2±6,7 dana). Najduže MR opaženo je nakon prvog janjenja (284,0±5,5 dana). Prosječne vrijednosti reprodukcijskih svojstava u ispitivanoj populaciji romanovskih ovaca bile su veće od vrijednosti navedenih u službenoj hrvatskoj bazi podataka za uzgojno valjana grla. Paragenetski čimbenici imaju znatan utjecaj na varijaciju reprodukcijskih svojstava romanovskih ovaca te ih stoga treba uzeti u obzir pri procjeni reprodukcijske učinkovitosti ovac

    Physico-Chemical and Ecotoxicological Evaluation of Marine Sediments Contamination: A Case Study of Rovinj Coastal Area, NE Adriatic Sea, Croatia

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    Comprehensive spatial and temporal data on sediment quality in the Adriatic Sea are lacking. Therefore, prior to planned anthropogenic interventions in the local marine environment, such as deepening of the Rovinj harbour, the results of physicochemical and ecotoxicological analyses of five local coastal sediments were compared with regional averages and SQGs of neighbouring countries. Analyses of sediment grain size, content of metals and heavy metals, PAHs and PCBs were performed according to standard protocols. Sediment quality was classified according to French legislation (N1 and N2 level) and sediment guidelines. The phytotoxicity of the eluates was studied by flax seed germination tests. The logistic regression models Pmax and Pavg were used to estimate the probability of toxic effects. Except for the open sea (S5), all other sediments had concentrations slightly higher than the N1 for some metals (Cu, Ni, Hg, Cr) or ΣPAHs, while the Rovinj harbour (S1) reached the N2 value for mercury. The phytotoxicity assay with sediment eluates showed inhibition of germination, root length and root biomass production, with an average phytotoxicity index (PI) ranging from 6.06% to 42.00%. Significant correlations of Pavg and Pmax values with phytotoxicity and other specific parameters were found. In general, according to the applied SQGs, there are no potential ecological impacts on the marine environment at any of the investigated sites, with the exception of site S1

    Prevalencija patoloških lezija dijagnosticiranih citologijom u mačaka i njihova povezanost s dobi, pasminom i spolom.

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    Cytology is the diagnostic procedure of the microscopic evaluation of cells. It is becoming increasingly important and more frequently used in veterinary diagnostics, having many advantages including simplicity, speed and low cost. To determine the pathological changes diagnosed by cytology in cats, as well as the distribution of age, breed and gender in the diagnosed changes, we performed a retrospective study on slides submitted to the Department of Veterinary Pathology for routine cytological examination. The archive was searched for all feline cytology slides submitted from 2009 to 2018. All the slides were re-evaluated and classified into one of the four pathological processes: ‘neoplasia’, ‘inflammation’, ‘other condition’ or ‘non-diagnostic sample’. Breed, age, gender and the tissue from which the lesion was sampled were noted from the submission form, and statistically analyzed. The most frequent type of pathological process diagnosed was neoplasia, which reflects the high prevalence of neoplastic diseases in cats reported in literature data. Pathological changes were mostly diagnosed in domestic shorthaired cats of both sexes, with an average age of 8.4 years, but no breed, age or gender predisposition was found. The most evaluated tissue was skin, probably due to its accessibility and the ease of obtaining a sample from skin lesions. The most frequent neoplasia were malignant and the most frequent diagnosis was round cell neoplasia. Cats affected with round cell neoplasia had a significantly lower average age (7.3 years) than cats diagnosed with epithelial and mesenchymal neoplasia (9.9 and 10.3 years, respectively), probably reflecting the common retroviral infection in Croatian cats.Citologija je sve važniji i sve češće primjenjivan dijagnostički postupak u kojemu se mikroskopski analiziraju stanice, a ima i brojne prednosti, kao što su jednostavnost izvedbe, brzina i niska cijena. Kako bismo odredili patološke promjene dijagnosticirane citologijom u mačaka kao i raspodjelu prema dobi, pasmini i spolu, proveli smo retrospektivno istraživanje na uzorcima dostavljenima Zavodu za veterinarsku patologiju Veterinarskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu za rutinsku citološku analizu. Pretraženi su arhivski preparati za sve mačje citološke nalaze od 2009. do 2018. godine. Svi su preparati ponovno analizirani i razvrstani u jedan od četiri patološka procesa: neoplazija, upala, druga stanja i nedijagnostički uzorak. Pasmina, dob, spol i tkivo iz kojega su uzorci uzeti zabilježeni su u odgovarajućem obrascu i statistički analizirani. Najčešće dijagnosticiran patološki proces bio je neoplazija, što govori o visokoj prevalenciji neoplastične bolesti u mačaka opisanoj u literaturi. Patološke promjene najčešće su dijagnosticirane u domaće kratkodlake mačke oba spola, prosječne dobi 8,4 godina. Pasminska, dobna i spolna predispozicija međutim nisu utvrđene. Najčešće analizirano tkivo bila je koža, vjerojatno zbog najlakše dostupnosti i lakog dobivanja uzorka iz kožnih lezija. Najčešća je neoplazija bila zloćudna tvorevina, a najčešća dijagnoza neoplazija okruglih stanica. Mačke oboljele od ove neoplazije imale su znakovito nižu prosječnu dob (7,3 godina) od mačaka kojima je dijagnosticirana epitelna i mezenhimna neoplazija (9,9 i 10,3 godina), što je vjerojatno pokazatelj da se radi o čestoj retrovirusnoj infekciji u mačaka u Hrvatskoj

    Utjecaj negenskih čimbenika na porođajnu masu janjadi romanovske pasmine

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the non-genetic factors influencing the birth weight of Romanov lambs, and to determine which of them may be a useful source of information in the selection of female lambs for replacement. The study included 1712 lambs born in the period from 2016 to 2019. The linear model used in birth weight estimation included: birth type, sex, parity, year of birth, season of birth, and breeding group as fixed factors. Year of birth x season of birth interaction was also included in the model. All factors, except the season of birth, significantly affected birth weight (P0.05). Variations in birth weight are influenced by non-genetic factors, with birth type, sex, and parity being the most important. These factors should be considered in breeding and selection programs for lamb meat production, where fertility and growth traits have the key role.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati negenske čimbenike porođajne mase janjadi romanovske pasmine i utvrditi koji od njih mogu biti korisni izvori informacija u selekciji ženskog rasplodnog podmlatka. U istraživanje je uključeno 1712 janjadi rođene u razdoblju od 2016. do 2019. godine. Za utvrđivanje utjecaja negenskih čimbenika na porođajnu masu korišten je model koji je uključivao tip rođenja, spol, redoslijed legla, godinu rođenja, sezonu rođenja i pripusnu skupinu kao fiksne čimbenike. Svi čimbenici osim sezone rođenja znakovito su utjecali na porođajnu masu (P 0,05) s obzirom na udio ženske i muške janjadi u leglu. Razlike između porođajne mase ženki iz legla dvojaka i ženki iz legla trojaka bile su statistički znakovite (P < 0,05). Na varijacije u porođajnoj masi utječu negenski čimbenici među kojima se ističu tip janjenja, spol i redoslijed legla. To treba uzeti u obzir u provedbi uzgojno-selekcijskog rada u kojemu se primarna pozornost posvećuje svojstvima plodnosti i rasta