10 research outputs found
Diagnosis and Treatment of Nasopharyngeal Tumors
Velik broj razliÄitih tumora može proizaÄi iz nazofarinksa. Juvenilni
angiofibrom je rijedak tumor, ali je najÄeÅ”Äa benigna neoplazma nazofarinksa.
JNA je spororastuÄi vaskularni tumor i najÄeÅ”Äe pogaÄa mlaÄe muÅ”karce izmeÄu
10. i 25. godine života.
NajÄeÅ”Äi simptomi ukljuÄuju zaÄepljenost nosa (najÄeÅ”Äe unilateralno), iscjedak
iz nosa i gubitak sluha.
LijeÄi se kirurÅ”ki endoskopskim putem.
NPC je najÄeÅ”Äi zloÄudni tumor u epifarinksu. Uzrokovan je kombinacijom
razliÄitih faktora: virusnih, okoliÅ”nih i nasljednih.
Virusni utjecaj je povezan s infekcijom Epstein-Barrovim virusom (EBV).
LijeÄenje ukljuÄuje radioterapiju, kemoterapiju ili kombinaciju i jednog i drugog.
NPC se oÄituje presadnicama (metastazama) u limfnim Ävorovima u viÅ”e od
polovice oboljelih.
KirurŔki mu se pristupa ako je bolesniku potrebno spasiti život.
Äesto se izvodi postupak radikalne disekcije vrata.A large number of different tumors can arise in the nasopharynx.
Juvenile angiofibroma of the nasopharynx is rare but is the most common benign
neoplasm of the nasopharynx. JNA is a slow-growing vascular tumor and usually
occurs in adolescent males, between the ages of 10 and 25.
The most common symptoms include nasal obstruction (usually unilateral), nasal
discharge and conductive hearing loss.
In most cases JNA is treated surgically and the endoscopic route is being used
more frequently.
NPC is the most common malignancy in the nasopharynx. It is caused by
combination of factors: viral, environmental influences, and heredity. The viral
influence is associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection.
The treatment for NPC usually involves radiation therapy, chemotherapy or a
combination of the two.
NPC presents itself with nodal metastasis in more than half of cases.
A surgery is reserved for extreme cases in order to save patientās life.
A radical neck dissection is the preferred mode of treatment
Characterization of a S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM)-accumulating strain of Scheffersomyces stipitis
S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) is an important molecule in the cellular metabolism of mammals. In this study, we examined several of the physiological characteristics of a SAM-accumulating strain of the yeast Scheffersomyces stipitis (M12), including SAM production, ergosterol content, and ethanol tolerance. S. stipitis M12 accumulated up to 52.48 mg SAM/g dry cell weight. Proteome analyses showed that the disruption of C-24 methylation in ergosterol biosynthesis, a step mediated by C-24 sterol methyltransferase (Erg6p), results in SAM accumulation by S. stipitis M12 compared to the wild-type strain. A comparative proteome-wide analysis identified 25 proteins that were differentially expressed by S. stipitis M12. These proteins are involved in ribosome biogenesis, translation, the stress response, ubiquitin-dependent catabolic processes, the cell cycle, ethanol tolerance, posttranslational modification, peroxisomal membrane stability, epigenetic regulation, the actin cytoskeleton and cell morphology, iron and copper homeostasis, cell signaling, and energy metabolism. [Int Microbiol 2015; 18(2):117-125]Keywords: Scheffersomyces stipitis · S-adenosyl- l-methionine (SAM) · SAM accumulating yeast · C-24 sterol methyltransferase (Erg6p
BraŔno - Kruh '15
Proceedings contains 28 original research articles presented at 8th International Congress Flour ā Bread ā15 and 10th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists BraÅ”no ā Kruh ā1
Isolation nystatin -resistant mutants of yeast Pichia stipitis
(S)-adenozil-L-metionin (SAMe) je važna molekula u metabolizmu svih živih stanica. Nedostatci kao i poveÄane koliÄine SAMe u organizmu mogu uzrokovati razne poremeÄaje u organizmu, a terapija SAMe-om je prisutna u lijeÄenju bolesti jetre, depresije i Alzheimerove bolesti. Stoga je od iznimne važosti pronaÄi Å”to uÄinkovitije i jeftinije naÄine proizvodnje. Cilj ovog rada bio je mutirati divlji soj kvasca Pichia stipitis UV zraÄenjem, ispitati njegovo preživljavanje prilikom navedenog zraÄenja i pronaÄi UV-mutanta sa Å”to veÄom rezistencijom na antibiotik nistatin i sa smanjenon tolerancijom na EtOH odnosno UVmutanta koji svojim metabolizmom proizvodi veÄu koliÄinu SAMe nego divlji soj. Rezultati pokazuju da je doza zraÄenja od 120 J/m2 prikladna za proizvodnju mutanata UV-zraÄenjem, proizvedeni mutanti toleriraju veÄe koncentracije nistatina od divljeg soja te pokazuju razliÄitu toleranciju na etanol.(S)-Adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) is an important molecule in metabolism of all living cells. Absence and extortionate amount of this substance can cause different disfunctions in organism. SAMe is used in treatment of liver disease, depression and AlzheimerĀ“s disease. Therefore it is very important to find more efficient ways of producing SAMe. The aim of this work was to apply UV irradiation on yeast Pichia stipitis, to examine its capability to survive and acquire yeast with better resistance to antibiotic nystatin and lower tolerance to ethanol, yeast that produce more SAMe. The results showed that the amount of 120 J/m2 UV irradiation is adequate for producing these mutants. Mutants of yeast tolerate higher concentrations of nystatin compared to unmutated yeast and show different tolerance to ethanol
Diagnosis and Treatment of Nasopharyngeal Tumors
Velik broj razliÄitih tumora može proizaÄi iz nazofarinksa. Juvenilni
angiofibrom je rijedak tumor, ali je najÄeÅ”Äa benigna neoplazma nazofarinksa.
JNA je spororastuÄi vaskularni tumor i najÄeÅ”Äe pogaÄa mlaÄe muÅ”karce izmeÄu
10. i 25. godine života.
NajÄeÅ”Äi simptomi ukljuÄuju zaÄepljenost nosa (najÄeÅ”Äe unilateralno), iscjedak
iz nosa i gubitak sluha.
LijeÄi se kirurÅ”ki endoskopskim putem.
NPC je najÄeÅ”Äi zloÄudni tumor u epifarinksu. Uzrokovan je kombinacijom
razliÄitih faktora: virusnih, okoliÅ”nih i nasljednih.
Virusni utjecaj je povezan s infekcijom Epstein-Barrovim virusom (EBV).
LijeÄenje ukljuÄuje radioterapiju, kemoterapiju ili kombinaciju i jednog i drugog.
NPC se oÄituje presadnicama (metastazama) u limfnim Ävorovima u viÅ”e od
polovice oboljelih.
KirurŔki mu se pristupa ako je bolesniku potrebno spasiti život.
Äesto se izvodi postupak radikalne disekcije vrata.A large number of different tumors can arise in the nasopharynx.
Juvenile angiofibroma of the nasopharynx is rare but is the most common benign
neoplasm of the nasopharynx. JNA is a slow-growing vascular tumor and usually
occurs in adolescent males, between the ages of 10 and 25.
The most common symptoms include nasal obstruction (usually unilateral), nasal
discharge and conductive hearing loss.
In most cases JNA is treated surgically and the endoscopic route is being used
more frequently.
NPC is the most common malignancy in the nasopharynx. It is caused by
combination of factors: viral, environmental influences, and heredity. The viral
influence is associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection.
The treatment for NPC usually involves radiation therapy, chemotherapy or a
combination of the two.
NPC presents itself with nodal metastasis in more than half of cases.
A surgery is reserved for extreme cases in order to save patientās life.
A radical neck dissection is the preferred mode of treatment
Leisure time of fifth graders in Slovenia
Leisure time is a very important part of the day for a child because they can choose what they want to do. Children should do things in their leisure time that they enjoy. For some this is sports activities, others prefer to use the time to meet with friends or be with family. It is important that we recognize the influence of leisure activities on a child's cognitive, emotional, and social development. It is especially important to be aware of the influence of leisure activities on a child's health. Through these activities children can improve their motor skills, they can acquire new skills and knowledge. Leisure activities where children are active, such as sports activities, have more positive effects on a child's growth and development and health than passive activities, such as watching television. As modern technology improves, passive recreation is becoming more common among adolescents than it was a few years ago, which can have many negative consequences. It is important for parents and teachers to be aware of this. Parents play an important role in choosing leisure activities for their children as they are the ones who can offer different activities to their children, encourage them and also model how to spend quality leisure time. Teachers can also guide their students in choosing leisure activities. In addition, they can try to incorporate as much exercise and outdoor lessons as possible in their work in order to have a positive impact on their students. In the empirical part of the master's thesis, we focused on the leisure time of fifth graders. We conducted a research with 145 students from nine different elementary schools from nine different Slovenian cities, who attended the 5th grade of an elementary school in Slovenia in the school year 2019/20. For data collection, we used a questionnaire that was sent online to the students. The questionnaire was sent to the students during the pandemic COVID -19 when they had school from home. We were interested in how students define leisure time, where and with whom they spend it, and what activities they do in their leisure time. The data obtained were processed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that students most often define their leisure time as a time to do whatever they want. Most students play sports, often talk with their parents, or watch television. The study also found that students spend more leisure time indoors than outdoors. They love to spend their leisure time with their friends, but they spend it more often with their brothers or sisters. The data showed that students mostly spend their leisure time at home. Most students have one activity during extended classes and one activity after school. They plan them all by themselves. The results of the research can be a great help for the primary school teachers as well as for the planners of the educational process for more qualitative planning of the school lessons
Leisure time of fifth graders in Slovenia
Prosti Äas je za otroka zelo pomemben del dneva, saj lahko takrat poljubno izbira, kaj bo poÄel. Otroci naj bi v svojem prostem Äasu poÄeli stvari, ki jim prinaÅ”ajo veselje. Za nekatere so to Å”portne dejavnosti, drugi pa svoj prosti Äas raje izkoristijo za druženje s prijatelji ali družino. Pomembno je, da se zavedamo vpliva prostoÄasnih dejavnosti na otrokov kognitivni, Äustveni in družbeni razvoj. Å e posebej pa se je potrebno zavedati vpliva prostoÄasnih dejavnosti na otrokovo zdravje. Otroci lahko v sklopu prostoÄasnih dejavnosti izboljÅ”ujejo svoje motoriÄne spretnosti, usvajajo nove veÅ”Äine, pridobivajo novo znanje itd. ProstoÄasne dejavnosti, pri katerih so otroci fiziÄno aktivni (npr. Å”portne dejavnosti), imajo zagotovo veÄ pozitivnih posledic na otrokovo rast in razvoj ter na njegovo zdravje kot pasivne prostoÄasne dejavnosti (npr. gledanje televizije). Ob hitrem napredku moderne tehnologije postaja pasivno preživet prosti Äas med mladimi vse bolj pogost, kar lahko prinese veliko negativnih posledic. Pomembno je, da se tako starÅ”i kot tudi uÄitelji tega zavedajo. StarÅ”i imajo pomembno vlogo pri izbiri prostoÄasnih dejavnosti svojih otrok, saj so oni tisti, ki lahko svojim otrokom ponudijo razliÄne dejavnosti, jih pri tem spodbujajo ter tudi sami predstavljajo model, kako kakovostno preživeti prosti Äas. Tudi uÄitelji lahko svojim uÄencem svetujejo pri izbiri prostoÄasnih dejavnosti. Poleg tega pa lahko uÄitelji v svoje delo poskuÅ”ajo vkljuÄiti Äim veÄ gibanja in pouka na prostem ter na takÅ”en naÄin pozitivno vplivajo na svoje uÄence. V empiriÄnem delu magistrskega dela smo se osredotoÄili na preživljanje prostega Äasa uÄencev 5. razreda. Izvedli smo raziskavo, v kateri je sodelovalo 145 uÄencev iz devetih razliÄnih osnovnih Å”ol iz devetih razliÄnih krajev Slovenije, ki so v Å”olskem letu 2019/20 obiskovali 5. razred osnovne Å”ole v Sloveniji. Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili anketni vpraÅ”alnik, ki smo ga uÄencem poslali v spletni obliki. Anketni vpraÅ”alnik je bil uÄencem poslan v Äasu epidemije COVID-19, ko je pouk potekal na daljavo in je prosti Äas potekal drugaÄe kot sicer. Ugotavljali smo, kako uÄenci opredelijo prosti Äas, kje in s kom ga preživljajo in s katerimi dejavnostmi se v prostem Äasu ukvarjajo. Pridobljene podatke smo obdelali kvantitativno in kvalitativno. Rezultati so pokazali, da uÄenci svoj prosti Äas najpogosteje opredelijo kot Äas, ko lahko delajo, kar sami želijo. VeÄina uÄencev se v svojem prostem Äasu ukvarja s Å”portnimi dejavnostmi, pogosto se pogovarjajo s starÅ”i in gledajo televizijo. Z raziskavo smo prav tako ugotovili, da uÄenci veÄ prostega Äasa preživijo notri, prosti Äas najraje preživljajo s prijatelji, najpogosteje pa z bratom ali sestro. Pridobljeni podatki so pokazali, da uÄenci prosti Äas najpogosteje preživljajo doma. VeÄina uÄencev ima v Äasu podaljÅ”anega bivanja in po pouku eno dejavnost tedensko. Dejavnosti naÄrtujejo sami. Rezultati raziskave so lahko v pomoÄ uÄiteljem razrednega pouka in naÄrtovalcem pedagoÅ”kega procesa za bolj kakovostno naÄrtovanje pouka.Leisure time is a very important part of the day for a child because they can choose what they want to do. Children should do things in their leisure time that they enjoy. For some this is sports activities, others prefer to use the time to meet with friends or be with family. It is important that we recognize the influence of leisure activities on a child\u27s cognitive, emotional, and social development. It is especially important to be aware of the influence of leisure activities on a child\u27s health. Through these activities children can improve their motor skills, they can acquire new skills and knowledge. Leisure activities where children are active, such as sports activities, have more positive effects on a child\u27s growth and development and health than passive activities, such as watching television. As modern technology improves, passive recreation is becoming more common among adolescents than it was a few years ago, which can have many negative consequences. It is important for parents and teachers to be aware of this. Parents play an important role in choosing leisure activities for their children as they are the ones who can offer different activities to their children, encourage them and also model how to spend quality leisure time. Teachers can also guide their students in choosing leisure activities. In addition, they can try to incorporate as much exercise and outdoor lessons as possible in their work in order to have a positive impact on their students. In the empirical part of the master\u27s thesis, we focused on the leisure time of fifth graders. We conducted a research with 145 students from nine different elementary schools from nine different Slovenian cities, who attended the 5th grade of an elementary school in Slovenia in the school year 2019/20. For data collection, we used a questionnaire that was sent online to the students. The questionnaire was sent to the students during the pandemic COVID -19 when they had school from home. We were interested in how students define leisure time, where and with whom they spend it, and what activities they do in their leisure time. The data obtained were processed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that students most often define their leisure time as a time to do whatever they want. Most students play sports, often talk with their parents, or watch television. The study also found that students spend more leisure time indoors than outdoors. They love to spend their leisure time with their friends, but they spend it more often with their brothers or sisters. The data showed that students mostly spend their leisure time at home. Most students have one activity during extended classes and one activity after school. They plan them all by themselves. The results of the research can be a great help for the primary school teachers as well as for the planners of the educational process for more qualitative planning of the school lessons
Isolation nystatin -resistant mutants of yeast Pichia stipitis
(S)-adenozil-L-metionin (SAMe) je važna molekula u metabolizmu svih živih stanica. Nedostatci kao i poveÄane koliÄine SAMe u organizmu mogu uzrokovati razne poremeÄaje u organizmu, a terapija SAMe-om je prisutna u lijeÄenju bolesti jetre, depresije i Alzheimerove bolesti. Stoga je od iznimne važosti pronaÄi Å”to uÄinkovitije i jeftinije naÄine proizvodnje. Cilj ovog rada bio je mutirati divlji soj kvasca Pichia stipitis UV zraÄenjem, ispitati njegovo preživljavanje prilikom navedenog zraÄenja i pronaÄi UV-mutanta sa Å”to veÄom rezistencijom na antibiotik nistatin i sa smanjenon tolerancijom na EtOH odnosno UVmutanta koji svojim metabolizmom proizvodi veÄu koliÄinu SAMe nego divlji soj. Rezultati pokazuju da je doza zraÄenja od 120 J/m2 prikladna za proizvodnju mutanata UV-zraÄenjem, proizvedeni mutanti toleriraju veÄe koncentracije nistatina od divljeg soja te pokazuju razliÄitu toleranciju na etanol.(S)-Adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) is an important molecule in metabolism of all living cells. Absence and extortionate amount of this substance can cause different disfunctions in organism. SAMe is used in treatment of liver disease, depression and AlzheimerĀ“s disease. Therefore it is very important to find more efficient ways of producing SAMe. The aim of this work was to apply UV irradiation on yeast Pichia stipitis, to examine its capability to survive and acquire yeast with better resistance to antibiotic nystatin and lower tolerance to ethanol, yeast that produce more SAMe. The results showed that the amount of 120 J/m2 UV irradiation is adequate for producing these mutants. Mutants of yeast tolerate higher concentrations of nystatin compared to unmutated yeast and show different tolerance to ethanol
18F-FET and 18F-choline PET-CT in patients with MRI-suspected low-grade gliomas: a pilot study
Aim: To investigate the diagnostic accuracy of O-(2-[18F]-fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine (18F-FET) and fluoromethyl-(18F)-dimethyl-2-hydroxyethyl-ammonium chloride (18F-FCH) computed tomography (CT) in patients with primary low-grade gliomas (LGG).
Methods: The study enrolled patients with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-suspected LGG. Patients underwent both 18F-FET and 18F-FCH positron emission tomography (PET)-CT. Brain PET-CT was performed according to standard protocol - 20 minutes after intravenous injection of 185 MBq of 18F-FET and 185 MBq of 18F-FCH PET. Surgery and pathohistological diagnosis were performed in the next two weeks.
Results: We observed significantly better concordance between tumor histology and 18F-FET PET (weighted Kappa 0.74) compared with both 18F-FCH (weighted Kappa 0.15) and MRI (weighted Kappa 0.00). Tumor histology was significantly associated with 18F-FET (odds ratio 12.87; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.49-333.70; P=0.013, logistic regression analysis). Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis comparing 18F-FCH (area under the curve [AUC] 0.625, 95% CI 0.298-0.884) and 18F-FET (AUC 0.833, 95% CI 0.499-0.982) showed better diagnostic properties of 18F-FET (AUC difference 0.208, 95% CI -0.145 to 0.562, P=0.248).
Conclusion: Performing PET-CT in patients with newly diagnosed LGG should be preceded by a selection of an appropriate radiopharmaceutical. 18F-FET seems to be more accurate than 18F-FCH in the LGG diagnosis