36 research outputs found

    Ultrastrukturni izgled makrofaga u testisima dve ohridske pastrmke, ohridske pastrmke (salmo letnica kar.) i ohridske belvice (acantholingua ohridana)

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    U radu je data uporedna ultrastrukturalna analiza makrofaga testisa Ohridske pastrmke (Salmo letnica Kar.) i Ohridske belvice (Acantholingua ohridana) u periodu posle mresta. U semenifernim režnjevima ovih vrsta sa degenerisanim Sertolijevim materijalom može se opaziti prisustvo makrofaga. Oni se nalaze ili u zidu režnjeva, ili u njihovoj šupljini. Makrofagi poseduju karakterično produbljeno jedro. Neki makrofagi imaju proširen perinuklearni prostor. Makrofagi imaju segmentirano jedro, što je karakteristično za sve ćelije i citoplazmu bogatu fagolizozomima. Njihovo prisustvo u semenim režnjevima kada teče intenzivna involucija tj. degeneracija Sertolijevih ćelija može se opaziti po njihovoj eventualnoj fagocitozi, odnosno eliminaciji nekrotičnog materijala koji potiče iz Sertolijevih ćelija

    Morphofunctional characteristics of the adrenal cortex in tesetctomised rats acclimated on different ambient temperature

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    The activity of the adrenal gland is connected with the activity of other endocrine glands, such as the gonads. The experiments were conducted on testectomized adult, male rats, Wistar strain, acclimated on two ambient temperatures: room and moderately high temperature. Bilateral testectomy was performed on the rats of both temperatures and analyses were made 15-20 days after surgery. It was shown that the adrenal weight of testectomized heat acclimated rats was significantly increased. The widening of zona reticularis, shortening of zona fasciculata, as well as presence of supracortical nodules in the adrenal cortex of testectomized rats, regardless of the ambient temperature, was evidenced. Lipid content in the adrenocortical cells was lowered in both groups, but that was more prominent in testectomized rats from room temperature. The morphometric measurements of the nuclear area and volume were significantly elevated only in zona reticularis cells of testectomised animals from room temperature. Those parameters were significantly decreased in testectomized heat acclimated rats in comparison with the same values in the testectomized animals from room temperature. These results suggest that testectomy provokes changes towards increased activity of the adrenal cortex in both ambient temperatures, but those changes are less intense in heat acclimated animals

    Effects of water contamination with heavy metals on pigmented macrophages in spleen of Vardar chub (Squalius vardarensis Karaman) from three rivers in the North-Eastern region of North Macedonia

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    Background and purpose: Pigmented macrophage aggregates (PMAs) are a part of the immune system of fish and are considered as valuable biomarkers of the impact of water pollution on fish health.Materials and methods: Immunomodulatory effect of water contaminated with high levels of metals on spleen and splenic PMAs of Vardar chub (Squalius vardarensis) (n=129) was examined in two seasons, spring, and autumn 2012. For this purpose, three rivers were chosen: the Zletovska River, heavily contaminated with metals, the Kriva River, moderately contaminated with metals combined with high level of organic matter, and the Bregalnica River, without heavy metal contamination. Spleen masses and splenosomatic indices (SSI) were used for determining the general impact of water contamination on the immune system of Vardar chub. Moreover, volumes and numbers of PMAs within spleen tissue were determined stereologically.Results: The isolated effect of high exposure to metals caused the reduction of spleen mass and/or SSI in the fish from the Zletovska River. The combined effect of exposure to metals and high levels of nutrients in the fish from the Kriva River referred to stimulation of PMAs response, namely increased volumes of splenic PMAs. The existence of seasonally dependent differences was noted since the observed variability in PMAs between rivers occurred only in the autumn.Conclusions: Splenic PMAs in the Vardar chub can be used as an additional biomarker of metal pollution, but with caution, since enhancement of the volumes and numbers of MACs depends on the exposure level of heavy metals, on the presence of the other contaminants, as well as on the physiological condition of the fish

    Anxiety, Stress and Coping Patterns in Children in Dental Settings

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    BACKGROUND: Fear of the dentist and dental treatment is a common problem. It can cause treatment difficulties for the practitioner, as well as severe consequences for the patient. As is known, the level of stress can be evaluated thought electrodermal activity, cortisol measure in saliva, or indirectly by psychometric tests.AIM: The present study examined the psychological influence of dental interventions on the child as well as coping patterns used for stress diminution.METHODS: We examined two matched groups of patients: a) children with orthodontic problems (anomalies in shape, position and function of dentomaxillofacial structures) (N = 31, mean age 10.3 ± 2.02) years; and b) children with ordinary dental problems (N = 31, mean age 10.3 ± 2.4 years). As psychometric instruments, we used: 45 items Sarason’s scale for anxiety, 20 items simple Stress - test adapted for children, as well as A - cope test for evaluation coping patterns.RESULTS: Obtained scores confirmed the presence of moderate anxiety in both groups as well as moderate stress level. For Sarason’s test obtained scores for the group with dental problems are 20.63 ± 8.37 (from max 45); and for Stress test 7.63 ± 3.45 (from max 20); for the orthodontic group obtained scores are 18.66 ± 6.85 for Sarason’s test, while for the Stress test were 7.76 ± 3.78. One way ANOVA confirmed a significant difference in values of obtained scores related to the age and gender. Calculated Student t - test shows non-significant differences in obtained test results for both groups of examinees. Coping mechanisms evaluated by A - cope test shows that in both groups the most important patterns used for stress relief are: developing self-reliance and optimism; avoiding problems and engaging in demanding activity.CONCLUSION: This study confirmed that moderate stress level and anxiety are present in both groups of patients (orthodontic and dental). Obtained scores are depending on gender and age. As more used coping patterns in both groups are developing self-reliance and optimism; avoiding problems and engaging in demanding activity. Some strategies for managing this problem are discussed