130 research outputs found

    Scientometrijski pristup znanstvenom radu u polju filozofije

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    Istraživanjima vezanim uz vrednovanje znanstvenog rada u području filozofije na svjetskoj razini bavilo se vrlo malo autora. Zbog specifičnosti ove discipline, scientometrijski istraživati filozofiju unutar humanistike može biti komparativno interesantno, ali ona u ovim istraživanjima svakako zaslužuje posebno mjesto. U ovom radu pokušali smo dobiti uvid u potencijalnu vidljivost hrvatskih filozofskih časopisa indeksiranošću u bazi podataka The Philosopher’s Index i mjerenjem odjeka članaka kroz citiranost u Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) i Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI). Citatnom analizom nastojali smo dobiti uvid u komunikacijske odnose hrvatskih filozofskih časopisa. Jedan od osnovnih zaključaka je da u vrednovanju znanstvenog rada u filozofiji, ISI-jeve citatne baze nemaju isti značaj kao za područje prirodnih znanosti ili biomedicine. Očekuje se da će znatno relevantniji instrumentarij u vrednovanju znanstvenog rada u području filozofije biti baza podataka ERIH (European Reference Index for the Humanities). (IN ENGLISH: Few authors worldwide have conducted some research on the evaluation of scientific work in the field of philosophy. Due to specificity of this discipline, scientometric research of philosophy inside the humanities can be comparatively interesting, but philosophy should have a special position in this research. In this paper we have tried to get an insight into the potential visibility of Croatian philosophy journals indexed by The Philosopher’s Index, and by measuring their impact through citations by Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI). Using citation analysis, we have tried to establish the communication relationship between Croatian and other philosophy journals worldwide and to determine significance of Croatian philosophy journals. One of our main conclusions is that the evaluation of scientific work in philosophy by ISI citation databases does not have the same importance as it has in the field of science or biomedicine. Furtheremore, database ERIH (European Reference Index for the Humanities) is expected to become more relevant instrument in the evaluation of scientific work in the field of philosophy.

    H-index as a new scientometric indicator = H-indeks kao novi scientometrijski indikator

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    U tekstu se raspravlja o indikatorima vrednovanja znanstvenog rada znanstvenika i casopisa. Naglasak je na znacenju i važnosti novog scientometrijskog indikatora h-indeksa, koji je uveo fzicar Hirsch 2005. godine i koji su prihvatile vodece citatne baze kao i šira znanstve na zajednica. (IN ENGLISH: In this text we discuss about indicators for evaluation of scientifc work of both, the individual author, and journal as a whole. Emphasis is put on the value and signifcance of a new scientometric indicator, h-index, which was introduced by physicist Hirsch in 2005, and which was adopted both, by leading citation database providers and by the wider scientifc community.

    Bibliometrijska analiza časopisa Sociologija sela / Sociologija i prostor u razdoblju 1963.- 2012

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    Znanstveni časopis po svojoj je funkciji medijator u prijenosu rezultata istraživanja, spoznaja i ideja u relevantnom akademskom i stručnom okruženju. Kontinuirano 50-godišnje izlaženje časopisa odraz je stanja u znanstvenoj sredini, ali i važnosti problematike kojom se bavi. Bibliometrijska analiza provedena u ovom istraživanju pokazuje specifičnosti u znanstvenom komuniciranju praćenjem razvoja časopisa Sociologija sela / Sociologija i prostor kroz različite oblikovne karakteristike: rubrike u časopisu, oblike članaka, autorstvo, adrese autora, ali i kroz analize citiranih publikacija (9.563 citirana izvora) u 676 članaka. Citatne analize pokazale su određenu važnost knjiga i poglavlja u knjigama u odnosu na članke u časopisima, oko 42% (35% autorske knjige i 7% poglavlja u knjigama), ali značajno manju u usporedbi s dosadašnjim istraživanjima na međunarodnoj razini (Nederhof, 2006.). Medijan starosti citiranih članaka iz časopisa bio je približno sedam godina, dok je za knjige bio deset godina. Medijan citiranih referenci po članku značajno se povećao u razdoblju 1998.- 2012. godine, od 6 u razdoblju 1963.-1997. na 22. Citatnim analizama istražena je i komunikabilnost autora objavljenih članaka i njihova otvorenost prema relevantnim međunarodnim časopisima. Analiza citiranosti radova iz ovog časopisa prema podacima baze WoS pruža uvid u njegovu međunarodnu vidljivost. (IN ENGLISH: A scientific journal is a mediator of research results and theoretical insights in the relevant scientific community. Continued publishing of a journal for over 50 years shows both the status of the scientific community and the importance of the journal’s subject matter. The bibliometric analysis done in this research shows the specificities in scholarly communication by observing the development of the journal Rural Sociology / Sociology and Space (n= 1,168) through its different characteristics such as journal organisation and classification, types of published items, authorship, authors’ addresses and cited publications (n= 9,563) gathered from a subset of 676 papers. The median references age was approximately seven years for journal papers and ten years for books. Median number of references per paper grew from 6 in the period 1963-1997 to 22 in the period 1998-2012. Citation analysis has shown that books have become less important (35, 5% of the citations ), in comparison with earlier research (Nederhof, 2006). The communicability of authors towards relevant international communities is shown in their international references. The citation data gained from WoS citation indices demonstrate the international visibility of this journal.

    An impact of Croatian journals measured by citation analysis from SCI-expanded database in time span 1975–2001

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    The aim of this research is to gain an insight into international recognition of the STM (Science, Technology, and Medicine) Croatian journals measured by citations in SCI-expanded database. The sample for the research was a citation analysis of 142 journals in time span 1975– 2001 for papers published in 1975– 1998. More than 90% of those journals are not indexed by SCI-expanded. For the purpose of this research we introduced a new scientometric indicator Normalized number of Citations per 100 Papers (NCP) that allows us direct comparison of the journals from various categories (NCP = 100C/P / IF1989). We chose the year 1989 as a mean value for time span 1975– 2001. By citation analysis we established the influence of errors on recognition of Croatian journals and their articles. Obtained results show that an article-to-article link is not found for 32% of cited items. The most frequent type of error is journal title, 37%, which indicates that approximately one third of Croatian journals can not be found when searching by journal title only. Some Croatian journals, even not indexed by SCI-expanded, showed relatively high rank in an impact, i.e. their NCP is higher than 100, and number of citations per paper is higher than 1

    Neki od uzroka slabe zastupljenosti hrvatskih sveučilišta na svjetskim rang ljestvicama sveučilišta

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    Rangiranja sveučilišta, iako na razini pojedinih zemalja postoje već od prve polovice 20. stoljeća, svoju popularnost na međunarodnoj razini doživljavaju pojavom tzv. «šangajskog rangiranja», odnosno The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), od 2003. godine. Od početka 21. stoljeća sveučilišta, istraživački centri te različite organizacije diljem svijeta provode međunarodna rangiranja najboljih sveučilišta koristeći različite metodološke pristupe: Ranking Web of Universities- Webometrics, QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) World University Ranking, THE (Times Higher Education) World University Rankings, SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR), CWTS Leiden Ranking i U-Multirank. U ovome smo radu željeli istražiti razloge postojeće zastupljenosti hrvatskih sveučilišta na najpoznatijim svjetskim rang-ljestvicama sveučilišta. Preduvjet za razumijevanje stanja upoznavanje je s kriterijima i metodologijom koje koriste pojedine ljestvice za rangiranje te realnih mogućnosti hrvatskih sveučilišta u zadovoljavanju tih kriterija. Od osam hrvatskih sveučilišta, samo je Sveučilište u Zagrebu vidljivo na najčešće korištenim rang-ljestvicama svjetskih sveučilišta i to na njih četiri od šest analiziranih rang-ljestvica. Obrazloženje za status zagrebačkog sveučilišta i izostanak ostalih šest hrvatskih sveučilišta pokušali smo pronaći u (ne)mogućnostima zadovoljavanja metodoloških kriterija pojedinih sustava za rangiranje. Za usporedbu s hrvatskim sveučilištima, napravljena je analiza zastupljenosti sveučilišta i 10 postsocijalističkih europskih zemalja (Estonija, Latvija, Litva, Poljska, Češka, Slovačka, Mađarska, Slovenija, Rumunjska i Bugarska) te četiri zemlje bivše Jugoslavije (Bosna i Hercegovina, Crna Gora, Makedonija i Srbija). Zaključno, ova skupina zemalja na svih šest rang-ljestvica zastupljena je sa svojim sveučilištima u rasponu od 7 do 37, od ukupno 294 sveučilišta. Ovisno o broju sveučilišta koje rangiraju pojedine ljestvice, udio tih sveučilišta na rang-ljestvicama je od 2,4% na ARWU ljestvici, 3,1% na SIR, 5,1% na Webometrics, 6,8% na CWTS Leiden Ranking, 7,5% na QS, do 11,9% na THE ljestvici. Osim zahtjevnosti metodoloških uvjeta pojedinih rang ljestvica sveučilišta, razlozi navedenom statusu hrvatskih sveučilišta nalaze se i u postojećoj znanstvenoj politici, s naglaskom na kriterije za znanstvena napredovanja i politike poticanja kvalitete sveučilišta. (IN ENGLISH: Although the university rankings have existed since the fi rst half of the 20th century in several countries, they have gained their international popularity after the emergence of the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), also known as the Shanghai Ranking, in 2003. Since the beginning of the 21st century, universities, research centres and for/nonprofi t organizations throughout the world have established international rankings of the best universities applying different methodological approaches: Ranking Web of Universities - Webometrivs, QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) World University Ranking, THE (Times Higher Education) World University Rankings, SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR), CWTS Leiden Ranking and U-Multirank. In this paper we would like to explore the reasons for the current representation of Croatian universities in the world’s most prestigious university rankings. The basic precondition for understanding the situation is to familiarize oneself with the criteria and methodology used in the rankings and the capabilities of Croatian universities to comply with those criteria. Among seven Croatian universities, only the University of Zagreb is represented in four out of the six world ranking systems. Our assumption was that the reason for the status of the University of Zagreb and for the absence of the other six Croatian universities lies in their (in) ability to meet the methodological criteria of respective ranking systems. For comparison purposes, we have made an analysis of the representation of universities in 10 post-socialist EU countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania and Bulgaria) as well as four former Yugoslav countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia). In summary, these countries are represented by 7–37 out of 294 universities in all six world ranking systems. Depending on the number of universities in each ranking system, the share of these universities ranges from 2.4% at ARWU, 3.1% at SIR, 5.1% at Webometrics, 6.8 at CWTS Leiden Ranking, 7.5% at QS, to 11.9 at THE rankings. In addition to the above methodological requirements of each global ranking system, the fundamental reason for the status of Croatian universities may be found in the existing science policy, with emphasis on the criteria for academic promotion and promotion of the quality of universities.

    Characteristics of educational sciences research activity in European post-socialist countries in the period 1996 to 2013: content analysis approach

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    IN ENGLISH: In European post-socialistic countries or more commonly known as Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries, regardless of their differences and specifics, the common communist and post-communist legacies in the field of educational sciences are still recognizable. The aim of this paper is to explore research activity in the educational sciences in 15 CEE countries: 11 EU member states and 4 former Yugoslav Republic in the period from 1996 to 2013. The purpose of this research is to recognize the specificity and dynamics of subject and content issues, and development of methodological approaches in the educational science research. The sample consists of abstracts 2,395 papers by CEE authors published in 265 journals indexed in Scopus between 1996 and 2013. Content analysis was applied, where the abstracts were grouped into specifically created categories describing the content and methods of the paper and analysed on the basis of two criterion variables —CEE and non-CEE or international journals. The χ2 test showed that the field of educational sciences in 15 European post-socialist countries changed over time in terms of quantity, content, and methods, becoming more expansive and diverse, which is recognisable both in papers published in international and in CEE journals. --------------- IN CROATIAN: U europskim post-socijalističkim zemljama ili poznatijim kao zemlje srednje i istočne Europe (CEE), bez obzira na njihove različitosti i specifičnosti, zajedničko socijalističko i post-socijalističko nasljeđe u polju obrazovnih znanosti još uvijek je prepoznatljivo. Cilj ovog rada je da istraži znanstvenu aktivnost u polju obrazovnih znanosti u 15 CEE zemalja: 11 zemalja članica Europske unije i četiri zemlje bivše Jugoslavije, u razodblju od 1996. do 2013. Svrha ovog rada je da se utvrde specifičnosti i dinamika istraživanja pojedinih tema, kao i razvoj metodoloških pirstupa u istraživanjima obrazovnih znanosti. Uzorak za istraživanje sastojao se od sažetaka 2.395 radova autora iz najmanje jedne od CEE zemalja, objavljenih u 265 časopisa indeksiranih u Scopus bazi podataka u razdoblju 1996-2013. Metodom sadržajne analize sažetci su grupirani u posebno kreirane kategorije ovisno o sadržaju i korištenim istraživačkim metodoma u radovima. Za usporedbu i utvrđivanje sličnosti i razlika uzorak je podijeljen na radove objavljene u nacionalim ili CEE časopisima i međunarodnim odnosno non-CEE časopisima. Rezultati X2 kvadrat testa pokazuju da se istraživanja u obrazovnim znanosima 15 europskih post-socijalističkih zemalja postupno mijenju u smislu kvantitete, sadržaja i korištenih metoda, odnosno postaju otvorenija i raznovrsnija, što je vidljivo i u radovima objavljenim u nacionalnim kao i radovima objavljenim u međunarodnim časopisima

    Do the International Editorial Board Members of Croatian Social Sciences and Humanities Journals Contribute to their Visibility?

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    The purpose of this research is to explore the composition, scholarly recognition and possible contribution of international editorial board members (EBMs) of Croatian social sciences and humanities (SSH) jour-nals to their quality and visibility. The composition of the editorial boards was analysed on a sample of 676 international EBMs from 78 Croatian journals according to their country of origin. International EBMs come from 49 countries. Countries with the largest number of EBMs make up three groups of nations: ex-Yugoslav countries (Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and Serbia), neighbouring European countries (Aus-tria, Italy and Hungary) and a set of large countries (USA, UK, Germany and the Netherlands). Scholarly recognition for each EBM has been ana-lysed on the number of published papers, and their h-index in Scopus, number of papers in their parent journal and the citation count, as well as the influence of these papers on the SJR ( Scimago Journal Ranking) journal indicator. Comparative result analyses were performed on two sets of journals – those indexed in Scopus, and a non-Scopus one. On average, Croatian Scopus journals had more international EBMs and their productivity and h-index differ greatly from the same indicators in non-Scopus journals. Obtained result shows that generally, members of international editorial boards have not been recognized as exceptionally distinguished experts in most parent journals. Additionally, publishing contributions to parent journals and the citation count of those published papers do not have a positive effect on the parent journals. To obtain a more comprehensive picture, bibliometric indicators should be comple-mented by quality indicators, interviews and peer review analyses

    Vrednovanje znanstvenog rada u području društvenih znanosti na temelju časopisa kao medija znanstvenog komuniciranja

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    U vrednovanju znanstvenog rada u području društvenih znanosti za većinu znanstvenih polja, osim kvalitativnog pristupa, sve je uobičajeniji i kvantitativni, scientometrijski pristup. Kvantitativni pristup vrednovanju temelji se najčešće na objavljenim rezultatima istraživanja kao i njihovom odjeku u relevantnoj znanstvenoj zajednici. Iako su knjige/monografije kao oblik znanstvenog komuniciranja u društvenim znanostima neizostavne, časopisi postaju sve važniji komunikacijski medij. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi koliko su pojedina znanstvena polja društvenih znanosti predstavljana kroz časopise, u kojoj mjeri ti časopisi imaju nacionalni karakter, odnosno jesu li dostupni relevantnoj svjetskoj znanstvenoj zajednici svojom indeksiranošću u bazama WoS i Scopus te kakav im je status unutar predmetnog područja pojedinog znanstvenog polja društvenih znanosti na međunarodnoj razini. Kako bi se dobila orijentaciona slika stanja s komparabilnim okruženjem, napravljena je usporedba indeksiranosti časopisa iz područja društvenih znanosti u bazama WoS i Scopus 11 novih zemalja EU članicama koje su imale slično društveno uređenje do devedesetih godina 20-tog stoljeća. U uzorku od 11 zemalja Hrvatska je u obje baza bila najreprezentativnije zastupljena s brojem indeksiranih časopisa. Rezultati svih provedenih analiza opravdavaju tvrdnju o važnosti časopisa iz društvenih znanosti u znanstvenom komuniciranju. Njihova reprezentativnost zastupljenosti u relevantnim svjetskim bibliografskim i citatjnim izvorima, pokazuju opravdanost njihovog korištenja u vrednovanju znanstvenog rada kvantitativnim metodama

    Produktivnost hrvatskih psihologa: scientometrijska analiza mreže suradnji na radovima indeksiranim u bazi WoS 1991-2010

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    Svrha rada je opisati produktivnost i međusobnu suradnju registriranih znanstvenika iz područja psihologije u Hrvatskoj (N = 241). Podaci o objavljenim radovima preuzeti su iz citatne baze WoS (Web of Science) za 169 znanstvenika u razdoblju od 1991. do 2010. godine. U skupu dobivenih radova (882 radova) provedena je analiza produktivnosti i koautorstva. Dobiveni rezultati o visokoj proporciji višeautorskih radova i nepostojanju spolnih razlika u produktivnosti u skladu su s nalazima u literaturi. Za analizu međusobne suradnje korištena je metoda analiza mreža (engl. social network analysis). Obrađeni su indikatori koji proizlaze iz tog pristupa i opisuju mrežu (gustoća i najveća komponenta) kao i poziciju pojedinca unutar mreže (mjere centralnosti: stupanj centralnosti, međupovezanost i blizina, te artikulacijski čvorovi i nepovezani članovi). Utvrdili smo da su dobiveni indikatori umjereno do visoko povezani s produktivnošću znanstvenika. Radi uvida u razvoj mreže suradnje provedena je analiza karakteristika mreže kroz vrijeme. Zaključujemo da analiza mreže pruža korisne prediktore znanstvene produktivnosti i dodatne informacije o međusobnoj suradnji članova mreže. Za cjelovitiji uvid u suradnju buduća istraživanja bi trebala uzimati u obzir i druge oblike suradnje te nadopuniti nacrte istraživanja relevantnim varijablama poput zadovoljstva poslom i organizacijske klime. Rezultati se mogu iskoristiti pri planiranju, organizaciji i evaluaciji znanstvene djelatnosti. (IN ENGLISH: The purpose of the research is to describe the productivity and cooperation of registered scientists in the field of Psychology in Croatia (N = 241) based on journal publications indexed in the Web of science (WoS) in the time period 1991-2010. A total of 882 publications were found for 169 authors and authorship and co-authorship were analysed. Productivity data is presented on a descriptive level. The results show a high proportion of multi-author works and a lack of gender differences in productivity which is in agreement with the current literature. For the analysis of cooperation, we used social network analysis methodology including analysis of the network through four separate time periods. Indicators describing both the network (density, largest component) and the position of nodes (authors) in the network (centrality measures: degree centrality, betweenness, closeness, articulation points and singles) were calculated and found do be in a medium to highly correlation with author productivity. We conclude that network analysis provides useful productivity predictors and additional insight into cooperation among members. For a more complete cooperation analysis, future research should also encompass other forms of cooperation as well as use additional relevant variables such as job satisfaction and organisational climate. The results may be useful for the planning, organisation and evaluation of scientific efforts.

    Scientometric Approach to Evaluation of Scientific Work in Philosophy

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    Istraživanjima vezanim uz vrednovanje znanstvenog rada u području filozofije na svjetskoj razini bavilo se vrlo malo autora. Zbog specifičnosti ove discipline, scientometrijski istraživati filozofiju unutar humanistike može biti komparativno interesantno, ali ona u ovim istraživanjima svakako zaslužuje posebno mjesto. U ovom radu pokušali smo dobiti uvid u potencijalnu vidljivost hrvatskih filozofskih časopisa indeksiranošću u bazi podataka The Philosopher’s Index i mjerenjem odjeka članaka kroz citiranost u Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) i Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI). Citatnom analizom nastojali smo dobiti uvid u komunikacijske odnose hrvatskih filozofskih časopisa. Jedan od osnovnih zaključaka je da u vrednovanju znanstvenog rada u filozofiji, ISI-jeve citatne baze nemaju isti značaj kao za područje prirodnih znanosti ili biomedicine. Očekuje se da će znatno relevantniji instrumentarij u vrednovanju znanstvenog rada u području filozofije biti baza podataka ERIH (European Reference Index for the Humanities).Few authors worldwide have conducted some research on the evaluation of scientific work in the field of philosophy. Due to specificity of this discipline, scientometric research of philosophy inside the humanities can be comparatively interesting, but philosophy should have a special position in this research. In this paper we have tried to get an insight into the potential visibility of Croatian philosophy journals indexed by The Philosopher’s Index, and by measuring their impact through citations by Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI). Using citation analysis, we have tried to establish the communication relationship between Croatian and other philosophy journals worldwide and to determine significance of Croatian philosophy journals. One of our main conclusions is that the evaluation of scientific work in philosophy by ISI citation databases does not have the same importance as it has in the field of science or biomedicine. Furtheremore, database ERIH (European Reference Index for the Humanities) is expected to become more relevant instrument in the evaluation of scientific work in the field of philosophy