282 research outputs found
Typology of spatial ability tests and its implementation in architectural study entrance exams
Specialized spatial skills are necessary for success in various fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education. Technical disciplines are an academic field where the largest correlation with spatial skills has been noticed, and therefore spatial skills have been included in the entrance exams of study of architecture at the University of Banja Luka.
Given that the scientific community has not reached consensus on what the spatial abilities are, there are various tests and tools used for its assessment, listed by factors that they measure. The paper will present typology of these factors and the variety of tests used for their assessment. This typology of tasks will be compared to the entrance exams held at the University of Banja Luka in the period 2005-2013.
Also, the results of entrance exams will be compared with the student’s success in specific groups of subjects during the study period to see if there would be any correlation among them.
Results indicate at the emergence of a new factor in assessing the ability of candidates to study architecture - ability of divergent thinking. This correlation of divergent thinking and spatial ability has also been a topic of the latest research in cognitive psychology
Total tissue lactate dehydrogenase activity in endometrial carcinoma
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is essential for continuous glycolysis necessary for accelerated tumor growth. The aim of this study was to reconsider if assay of total tissue activity of this enzyme could be useful as marker for endometrial carcinoma (EC). Activity of LDH was measured spectrophotometrically in homogenate supernatants of uterine tissue samples of 40 patients (10 normal endometria, 27 normal myometria, and 33 EC), including 30 matched pairs. Data obtained were analyzed in relation to clinical and histopathologic findings and compared with our previously published results on the tissue levels of the same enzyme in ovarian cancer and on the proteolytic activity of dipeptidyl peptidase III (DPP III) in EC (suggested biochemical indicator of this malignancy). Significantly increased (1.8-3.0 times; P < 1 x 10(-4)) LDH activity was observed in EC samples if compared with normal uterine tissues. This rise was not related to the clinicopathologic findings, however. In contrast to previous results on LDH in ovarian carcinomas, a significant rise in LDH activity was found already in grade 1 EC. Using the cutoff value of 1.06 U/mg, diagnostic sensitivity of 82%, specificity of 100%, and accuracy of 91% for total tissue LDH assay have been calculated. A correlation of tissue's LDH and DPP III activities was found, and their combined assay for EC showed increased diagnostic sensitivity (94%) and accuracy (96%)
Geometric and cognitive patterns of modelling public spaces with the purpose of their acivation
Дисертација се бави употребом отворених јавних градских простора и параметрима који утичу на одлуке о кретању и навигацији кроз те просторе. Обрасци кориштења јавних простора, у овом случају пешачких коридора, посматрани су унутар теорије просторне синтаксе која простор дефинише конфигуративно, односно, простор види кроз релације, пре него дистанце. Овакво виђење простора уско је везано за когнитивну перцепцију корисника и формирање менталних мапа простора. Просторна конфигурација, веома прецизно, ствара или елиминише “живот” у јавном простору у смислу дефинисања поља потенцијалних сусрета. Ови односи су систематични и они су производ архитектонских и урбанистичких решења. Међутим, поред ових глобалних конфигурацијских параметара, тј, односа пешачких сегмената у целој мрежи кретања, постоје и локални параметри који се тичу перцепције простора у појединим тачкама где долази до одлуке о даљем правцу кретања. Ти параметри су до сада посматрани и читани дводимензионално, а намера ове дисертације је да кроз конкретне навигацијске задатке утврди утицај тродимезионалности простора на доношење поменутих одлука.
Полазна претпоставка истраживања подразумева да се анализом кретења пешака кроз урбане средине са аспекта геометрије и когниције могу идентификовати физички потенцијали за активацију отворених јавних простора, а да се употребом алата параметарског моделовања у техникама просторне синтаксе могу дефинисати и конкретне интервенције у јавним градским просторима.
Истраживање ће се спровести помоћу комбиновања основних и специфичних научних метода и техника које се примењују у области архитектуре и урбанизма и областима друштвених наука, а то су метод научне анализе, метода студије случаја, метода анкетног упитника и статистичке методе...The dissertation discusses the use of open public city spaces and the parameters affecting the decisions on movement and navigation through those spaces. The patterns of using public spaces, in this case pedestrian corridors, are observed in the framework of the space syntax theory defining the space configurationally, that is observing the space through relations, rather than distances. This observation of space is closely connected to the cognitive perception of the user and formation of cognitive maps. Space configuration, with extreme preciseness, creates or eliminates “life” in a public space in terms of defining the areas of potential meetings. These relations are systematic and represent a product of architectural and urban design. However, apart from these global configuration parameters, i.e. the relations between pedestrian segments in the network, there are also local parameters concerning the perception of space in specific points when the decision on further movement direction is brought. So far, these parameters were observed in two dimensions, and this dissertation intends to determine the effect of three-dimensional space to bringing the abovementioned decisions, by using specific navigation assignments.
The research starting assumption implies that the movement analysis of pedestrians through urban environments from the aspect of geometry and cognition may identify physical potentials for the activation of open public spaces, and that the use of parametric modelling tools in space syntax techniques enables defining specific interventions in public city spaces.
The research will be implemented by combining basic and specific scientific methods and techniques applied in the fields of architecture, urbanism and social studies, including scientific analysis method, case study method, questionnaire method and statistical methods..
Antiemetic Effect in Treatment of Primary BreastCancer based on Chemotherapy ProtocolFluorouracil, Adriamycin, Cyclophosphamide
Antiemetska terapija u hemioterapijom izazvanoj mučnini i povraćanju se bazira na znanju o etiologiji, fiziologiji, kliničkoj slici, posledicama i uticaju povraćanja na kvalitet života. Za izbor antiemetske terapije presudno je poznavanje emetogenog potencijala antineoplastika, mehanizma delovanja, indikacija, puta primene, doziranja, neželjenih delovanja, farmakokinetike, interakcija i kontraindikacija tri najznačajnije grupe lekova koje se primenjuju kao antiemetici prema međunarodnim preporukama. Značajno je i poznavanje bolesnika, odnosno njegovih individualnih karakteristika i to: starost, pol, istorija kinetoze, istorija konzumiranja alkohola, istorija jutarnjih mučnina u trudnoći, pridružene bolesti i dr. Cilj doktorske teze je analiza efikasnosti kombinacije antiemetika ondansetron, deksametazon, aprepitant u drugom ciklusu hemioterapije po protokolu fluorouracil, doksorubicin, ciklofosfamid u odnosu na ondansetron, deksametazon u bolesnica sa dijagnozom karcinoma dojke, efikasnosti kombinacije antiemetika ondansetron, deksametazon, aprepitant u drugom ciklusu hemioterapije po protokolu fluorouracil, doksorubicin, ciklofosfamid u odnosu na palonosetron, deksametazon u bolesnica sa dijagnozom karcinoma dojke i da se ispita kvalitet života bolesnica nakon prvog i drugog ciklusa. Materijal i metode: uzorak su bolesnice sa dijagnostikovanim karcinomom dojke lečene hemioterapijom po protokolu fluorouracil, doksorubicin, ciklofosfamid. Bolesnice koje su nakon prvog ciklusa hemioterapije uz antiemetsku terapiju ondansetron, deksametazon iskusile mučninu i povraćanje podeljene su u grupe koje su primale dve različite kombinacije antiemetika uz drugi ciklus hemioterapije i to: ondansetron, deksametazon i aprepitant ili palonosetron i deksametazon. Bolesnice su praćene pet dana tokom kojih su se izjašnjavale o mučnini i povraćanju, kao i o kvalitetu života. Mučnina je praćena pomoću numeričke skale, povraćanje kao broj epizoda povraćanja tokom 5 dana i kvalitet života je praćen popunjavanjem upitnika o kvalitetu života. Rezultati: Analiza rezultata ukazala je na postojanje statistički značajne razlike u efikasnosti između tri primenjene kombinacije antiemetika. Trojna kombinacija ondansetron, deksametazon i aprepitant značajno sprečava mučninu i povraćanje u odnosu na kombinaciju ondansetron, deksametazon, ali značajnost nije toliko izražena u odnosu na kombinaciju palonosetron, deksametazon zbog inicijalne razlike između početne grupe ispitanika. Slični rezultati su uočeni u ispitivanju svih aspekata kvaliteta života. Zaključak: Zaključak proizilazi iz rezultata kliničkog ispitivanja kojima se potvrđuju postavljene hipoteze. Trojna kombinacija ondansetron, deksametazon i aprepitant je efikasnija u sprečavanju mučnine i povraćanja izazvanih hemioterapijom u odnosu na kombinaciju palonosetron, deksametazon, kao i kombinaciju ondansetron, deksametazon. Ista razlika pri primeni antiemetika dobijena je i pri proučavanju kvaliteta života. Zaključci izvedeni ovim ispitivanjem potvrda su drugih radova na ovom polju.Antiemetic therapy options in chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) is based on knowledge on ethiology, physiology, clinical signes and simptoms, and influence on quality of life (QoL). Also it is needed to understand emetogenic potential of antineoplastics, mechanism of action, indication, uses, dosage, side effects, pharmacokinetics, interaction, and contraindication of three most important groups of drugs which are used in CINV according to international recommendation. The goal were to analyze efficacy of the combination antiemetics ondansetron, dexamethasone, aprepitant and ondansetron, dexamethasone in second line chemotherapy based on fluorouracil, adriamycin, cyclophosphamide in patient with diagnosed carcinoma of the breast, efficacy of the combination antiemetics ondansetron, dexamethasone, aprepitant and palonosetron, dexamethasone and quality of life. Material and methods: the sample consist of patients with diagnosed carcinoma of the breast, on chemotherapy fluorouracil, adriamycin, cyclophosphamide. Patients wich was on antiemetic drugs ondansetron, dexamethasone with chemotherapy induced nausea or vomiting after first cycle of chemotherapy were split in two groups randomly. First group was on antiemetic therapy palonosetron, dexamethasone and second one on ondansetron, dexamethasone and aprepitant. Nausea and vomiting was measured for 5 days, by numeric scale for nausea and counting number of emetic episodes, and it was questionnaire about quality of life. Results: It was statistical important differences between three used combination of antiemetics. The highest efficacy was in combination of ondansetron, dexamethasone and aprepitant than palonosetron, dexamethasone, and the last was ondansetron, dexamethasone. Results were similar for all aspects of quality of life. Conclusion: The combination ondansetron, dexamethasone and aprepitant had the highest efficacy in stopping chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting. Similar was for quality of life. Conclusion was in accordance with literature data
Non-chemical control measures of Senecio vulgaris L.
Environmental constraints of crop production systems have stimulated interest in alternative weed management strategies, as the continued use of synthetic herbicides has resulted in serious ecological problems, such as weeds resistance to important herbicides and increased environmental pollution and health hazards. The aim of this study was to test the bioherbicidal activity of the essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis L. on weed species Senecio vulgaris L., in 2019, at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad. In order to examine a phytotoxic effect, plants were treated with 1 and 5% (v/v) concentration of rosemary essential oil, kitchen salt NaCl (1:8), wine vinegar solution (1:10), and glyphosate, while the control variants remained untreated. The evaluation was carried out 1, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 and 144 hours after application. Essential oils of rosemary in both concentrations and wine vinegar solution (1:10) had good efficacy compared to the control. High efficacy was in the treatment with NaCl solution and glyphosate, and complete decay of S. vulgaris plants occurred 144h after application. Phytotoxic changes in the form of turgor loss, chlorotic, then necrotic spots, were determined on the tested weed species 24h from the application of NaCl and glyphosate, while from essential oil first symptoms have appeared after 48h
Descriptive Geometry and Spatial Ability-Correlation and Mutual Impact at Engineering Students
Spatial abilities are recognized as one of the main factors for success in technical (STEM) professions, especially in the field of architecture and civil engineering. Given that this kind of competence is not paid enough attention to in the early stages of education, students arriving at technical faculties have difficulties in mastering the subject of Descriptive geometry and solving spatial problems in general. There are different opinions on whether these abilities are inborn, if they could be improved and if they could, in what way. In this paper, the relation between spatial abilities and the subject of Descriptive geometry at the University of Banja Luka will be examined. The study involved 175 first-year students of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (FACEG) who took a spatial ability test before and after attending the course. The results of the tests were then compared in order to determine whether their spatial abilities were improved and, if so, whether the mastering the course had an impact on it. The results showed significant difference among those three professions. The spatial ability test used in the research was customized for this purpose and will be described in the paper
Economic Value Added in the Function of Determining the Compensation Systems in the Enterprise
Determination of compensation systems is an important step towards achieving the
primary goal of any company-creating value for owners. For years, compensation
systems were determined by traditional financial performance base on the accounting
information in wich the numerous studies have shown that the correlation between
that compensation system and company performance indicators is not strong enough.
Economic value added concept use all cost of capital (cost of equity and cost of borrowed
capital) and modifies the accounting data. Positive economic value added, in a
given period, means that the management has increased value for owners and vice
versa. Thereby the EVA concept become tool that was used for defining the system of
compensation. Based on condacted research done on compensation system built on the EVA
concept, following conclusions were being made: it provides more realistic basis for
determening business success in regards to a compensation system based on financial
performance; it shows if the value for owners is really creted; EVA is more complex and
computationally more delicate than the compensation system based on financial
performance; employee's compensation that were based on the EVA concept represent more
realistic pay than the compensation that were based on the traditional compensation system;
by using accounting modifications EVA eliminate significant shortcomings of traditional
financial reporting, that is the basis for compensation system based on financial performance.
Also, an empirical study of developed compensation system were made and all opportunities
and challenges in the implementation of the EVA concept in building a system of rewards in
corporations in Serbia where determined. The research has shown that the achievements of
the implementation of compensation systems based on EVA in companies in developed
countries, can be applied in the process of improving the compensation system in companies
in Repablic of Serbia, with some adaptations due to the lack of complete data, that are
necessary for displaying this concept
Ispiranje bronha surfaktantom kao metoda liječenja atelektaze u jedinici intenzivnog liječenja djece
The aim of this study was to assess the eff ect of fi beroptic aspiration and diluted surfactant administration on aff ected lungs in
children with atelectasis. A convenience sample of 18 mechanically ventilated children were analyzed in this single center prospective
study. The children had fi rst been treated unsuccessfully by respiratory physical therapy, after which they underwent fi beroptic
aspiration. After aspiration, nine children were randomly selected to receive therapeutic lavage with diluted porcine surfactant; the
remaining nine received the same quantity of saline solution. Several parameters of lung function, including positive end-expiratory
pressure (PEEP) and oxygenation index (OI), as well as lung x-ray images were determined before aspiration and lavage, then at 6
and 12 h after lavage. In both groups, most of the measured parameters showed improvement from baseline at 6 h after treatment.
Improvement was even more signifi cant 12 h after treatment. The surfactant group showed signifi cant improvement in comparison
to the saline group. The impact of surfactant administration was most visible on the following parameters 12 h after treatment
(p<0.001 in all cases): PEEP 5.22 (SD 0.44) in the saline group vs. 3.44 (SD 0.73) in the surfactant group; OI 3.84 (SD 1.13) vs. 2.1 (SD
0.38); and mean airway pressure (MAP) 8.56 (SD 0.88) vs. 6.33 (SD 0.5). In conclusion, fi beroptic aspiration is an effi cient treatment in
pediatric intensive care patients. The observed benefi cial eff ects of therapeutic lavage with diluted surfactant should be confi rmed
prospectively in a larger number of patients.Cilj je bio ispitati učinak bronhoskopske primjene razrjeđenog surfaktanta u liječenju atelektaze u djece. U ovu prospektivnu studiju
je bilo uključeno 18 djece na mehaničkoj ventilaciji koja su neuspješno liječena fi zikalnom terapijom i bronhoskopskom aspiracijom.
U devetoro bolesnika je nakon bronhoskopske aspiracije apliciran surfaktant u bronh zahvaćenog pluća, dok je u drugih devetoro
aplicirana jednaka količina fi ziološke otopine. Mjereni su parametri plućne funkcije, PEEP, OI, a radiološka analiza rtg snimki provodila
se prije aspiracije te 6 i 12 sati nakon ispiranja. U obje skupine većina mjerenih parametara pokazala je poboljšanje u odnosu na
osnovne vrijednosti. Skupina kojoj je apliciran surfaktant pokazala je značajno poboljšanje u usporedbi s drugom skupinom.
Najznačajniji učinak surfaktanta pokazao se na mjerenjima provedenim 12 sati nakon aplikacije (p<0,001 u obje skupine): PEEP 5.22
(SD 0,44) u skupini ispiranoj fi ziološkom otopinom prema 3.44 (SD 0,73) u skupini ispiranoj surfaktantom; OI 3,84 (SD 1,13) naspram
2,1 (SD 0,38); srednji talk u dišnom putu (MAP) 8,56 (SD 0,88) naspram 6,33 (SD 0,5). U zaključku, bronhoskopska aspiracija učinkovita
je metoda u liječenju atelektaze u jedinici intenzivnog liječenja djece. Terapijski učinak ispiranja bronha razrjeđenim surfaktantom u
takve djece mora se potvrditi u daljnjim istraživanjima na većem uzorku
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