25 research outputs found

    Basic characteristics of fishing in the European Union

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    Ribarstvo kao jednu od najprofitabilnijih poljoprivrednih grana čine ribolov i akvakultura. Ribolov može biti gospodarski, sportski i rekreativni. Akvakultura obuhvaća uzgoj vodenih organizama, mekušaca, rakova i vodenih biljaka. Autorice u radu analiziraju stanje u ribarstvu EU-a, s posebnim osvrtom na proizvodnju, politiku u ribarstvu, ribarsku flotu, ribolovne oblasti, zaposlenost u akvakulturi, ostvarene prihode u ovoj poljoprivrednoj grani i dr. Common Fisheries Policy/ CFP je osnova za upravljanje ribarstvom u EU. Temeljni cilj reforme u sektoru ribarstva EU-a je osigurati očuvanje zaliha ribe. Ovim radom se želi dati teorijski/praktični doprinos i smjernice odgovornima u rješavanju problema i poduzimanja odgovarajućih mjera za unapređenje proizvodnje i potrošnje ribe u europskim zemljama, kao i u zemljama u razvoju.Working in fisheries, which are one of the most profitable agricultural sectors, consist of fishing and aquaculture. There are three kinds of fishing: commercial, recreational and sport fishing. Aquaculture involves breeding of aquatic organisms, mollusks, crustaceans and aquatic plants. This paper analyzes the situation in the European Union (EU) fisheries, with a special emphasis on production, the common fishery policy, fishing fleets, fishing areas, employment in aquaculture, the income in the agricultural branches etc. Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is the key figure in the management of fishing in the EU. The main objective of the reform of the EU fisheries sector is to ensure the preservation of fish stocks. The aim of this paper would be to give both theoretical and practical contribution and guidelines when it comes to solving problems and adopting appropriate actions in order to improve production and consumption of fish and fish-based products in the countries of the EU and in those in a process of transition

    Influence of inorganic consistuents on photocatalytic degradation of ibuprofen

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    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pollutants such as ibuprofen are continuously introduced in water media through various environmental routes. Due to their variability in physico-chemical properties, characteristics of sludge used in secondary treatment and other features, pharmaceutical residues are partially removed in conventional wastewater treatment plants. The effect of inorganic constituent (nitrates) present in real aquatic matrices was examined to assess the overall efficacy of the photocatalytic removal of ibuprofen by nanostructured mixture ZnO/SnO2

    Hydrogen Evolution on Columnar Ni Thin Films Obtained by GLAD

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    Nanostructured nickel thin films were deposited on glass using glancing angle deposition (GLAD) technique. Cross-sectional field emission scanning electron microscopy images have shown that obtained Ni thin films consist of vertical, tilted or zigzag nano-scaled columns, while X-ray diffraction have shown that (111) orientation prevailed. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that apart from metallic nickel, NiO and Ni(OH)(2) were also present in lower amount. Cyclic voltammetry in alkaline solution has shown that hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) was significantly catalyzed on all columnar nanostructures compared to Ni(poly). This was ascribed to the high electroactive surface area (EASA) of porous nickel columns. EASAs for vertical, tilted and zigzag Ni thin layers were higher 32, 25.3, and 24.9 times, respectively, than their geommetric areas. Accordingly, Ni thin films with vertical columns have shown the highest activity for HER

    Changes in Hematological and Biochemical Parameters of Canine Blood During Long-term Use of Ivermectin for the Treatment of Heartworm Disease

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    Ivermektin je antiparazitski lek koji pripada familiji makrocikličnih laktona. Veoma je efikasan protiv endo- i ekto- parazita u niskim dozama, a u poslednje vreme se najčešće upotrebljava u prevenciji i lečenju bolesti srčanog crva. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi da li se prilikom dugotrajne primene ivermektina, u dozama od 10 μg/kg t.m., u lečenju pasa od srčanog crva javljaju promene u hematološkim i biohemijskim parametrima koje se mogu pripisati dejstvu leka. Studija je obuhvatala pse koji su primali ivermektin parenteralno na svake dve nedelje tokom šest meseci u terapiji srčanog crva. Krv je uzorkovana u momentu dijagnostikovanja bolesti kod psa, pre početka terapije, a zatim prilikom kontrolnog testiranja nakon završenih šest meseci terapije. Aplikacija ivermektina dva puta mesečno u dozi od 10 μg/kg t.m. u trajanju od šest meseci u cilju lečenja bolesti srčanog crva kod pasa dovodi do značajnog variranja pojedinih parametara posle terapije u odnosu na pre početka terapije. U hematološkom profilu ukupan broj limfocita i RDW pokazuju najveću varijabilnost koja se može pripisati dejstvu leka (53,33%). Zatim slede monociti (46,66%), hematokrit (40%), eritrociti i hemoglobin (33,33%), MCH i trombociti (26,66%) i na kraju leukociti, MCHC i neutrofili (13,33%). U biohemijskom profilu, variranje koje se može pripisati leku se javilo kod 60% pasa za parametre kreatinin, AST, trigliceridi i kalcijum, 46,66% za fosfor, 40% za ALT, 33,33% za ureu, 26,66% za ukupne proteine, 20% za albumine i 13,33% za glukozu, bilirubin, ALP i holesterol. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je potrebno kontrolisati životinje prilikom dugotrajne primene ivermektina, obavestiti vlasnike o efektima leka tokom dugotrajne primene, a takođe treba razmotriti i upotrebu suplemenata koji ublažavaju neželjene efekte leka.Ivermectin is an antiparasitic medicine that belongs to the macrocyclic lactone family. It is highly effective against endo- and ecto- parasites at low doses, and lately it is most widely used in the treatment and prophylaxis of canine heartworm disease. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is the occurrence of changes in hematological and biochemical blood parameters due to the long-term application of ivermectin, at doses of 10 μg/kg b.w., in heartworm disease treatment, that can be attributed to the effect of the medicine. This study was conducted on dogs with heartworm disease that received ivermectin twice a month for six months. Blood was collected at the moment of diagnosis, before treatment and after six months of therapy. The results showed that application of ivermectin twice a month, at doses of 10 μg/kg b.w., during a six-month period of heartworm treatment, induced significant variability of the certain parameters after the treatment in regard to before the treatment. The greatest variability in hematological findings that can be attributed to the effects of medicine was shown by total lymphocyte count and RDW (53.33%), monocyte count (46.66%), hematocrit (40%), total red blood cells count and hemoglobin (33.33%), MCH and platelets (26.66%), total white blood cells count, MCHC and neutrophils (13.33%), respectively. The variation that can be associated with the effects of ivermectin in biochemical parameters was demonstrated in 60% of the dogs for the parameters creatinine, AST, triglycerides and calcium, 46.66% phosphorus, 40% ALT, 33.33% urea, 26.66% total protein, 20% albumin, 13.33% glucose, bilirubin, ALP and cholesterol, respectively. These results point out that better control of animals should be provided during long-term use of ivermectin, also that the owners should be thoroughly informed about the effects of the medicine and that some consideration should be given to the use of supplements which could ease the side effects of ivermectin


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    The primary goal of market segmentation is to target attractive market segments. The purpose for segmenting a market is to allow marketing program to focus on the subset of prospects that are "most likely" to purchase offering. Market segmentation can stimulate marketing and transform business to new levels of success. There are numerous ways to carry out a market segmentation for the fruit and vegetables market in the EU. These include dividing the market by geographic, demographic, or behavioural variables. Each has a strong influence on the consumption patterns of fruit and vegetables. They are not separate entities but overlap. Some main characteristics within each are described below


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    Environment is surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans, and their interrelation. Environmental objective is overall environmental goal, consistent with the environmental policy, that an organization sets itself to achieve. Environmental Performance Evaluation (EPE) ensures that any business can continually monitor and improve environmental performance


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    Potential exporters to the EU market need to comply with EU legislation in the part which relates to production and placement of fruit and vegetables. These requirements are based on consumer health and safety, genetically modified foods, food additives, Maximum Residue Levels-MRLs, organic produce, packaging, marking, labeling and environmental. This harmonization of domestic legislation with the regulations and practice in the EU is necessary to be completed as soon as possible, since without following them, fruit and vegetables from Serbia will not be able to be exported in these countries


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    Ecotourism involves travel to destinations with a recognizable preserved flora and fauna that are the primary attraction for tourists, with minimal environmental impact. There are two economic concepts in eco-tourism. These are the economic impact and economic value. The impacts of eco-tourism as an economic activity may be direct or indirect. Rural tourism is closely linked to ecotourism, which primarily reflected the favorable conditions of preserved nature, the environment, clean air, unpolluted rivers and lakes, rich flora and fauna, while spending time outdoors gives tourists the opportunity for walking, recreation, sports, organized tours to nearby caves, waterfalls, hunting and fishing, horseback riding, picking wild fruits and herbs, and other recreational and entertainment activities as well. The authors analyze the main economic activities in eco-tourism such as energy efficiency and creating conditions for community development, emphasizing the connection between eco and rural tourism


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    The market of food products in the EU there is great competition. Consumers significantly "dictated" by changes in products and innovative solutions. The trend of healthy lifestyles, increasing consumer interest in exotic flavors and an attractive organic food, are the main reasons for the observed increase in fruit juice market. Manufacturing companies in the EU also have a demand for fruit juices and concentrates, the more you require a guaranteed product quality continuously/safe products and safe delivery of fresh products. Producers in developing countries have great opportunities for marketing their products in the markets of developed countries, if they meet certification requirements, which is often complicated, and for many producers/exporters is very expensive. Certified producers and exporters will have access to much of the market. Producers in developing countries should explore possibilities for placement of products in each EU country, as some member countries/trading partners can be attractive for certain products


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    About 70 years ago, machines and chemistry played an important role for human beings. That was the realization of harmonious life between man and machine. Now, the theme is realization of harmonious life between man and environment. We can witness irregularities regarding proper nourishment of population which affects the health and well-being of people in the world. Highly developed countries have problems in the area of rational consumption and health safety of food. In this paper authors analyze the actual condition of the problems concerning organic production in the world and EU. Also, they focus their attention on ecomarketing mix. Low wages and increased cost of living have contributed to continuous negative trends regarding nourishment in Serbia. Authors analyze market chances and barriers in Serbia in accordance with organic production. This paper will provide theoretical and practical contribution for those responsible to carry out adequate actions to improve organic production in Serbia