4 research outputs found
AnĆ”lise da percepĆ§Ć£o do usuĆ”rio da central de regulaĆ§Ć£o de consultas e exames
O ato de regular Ć© entendido nas Normas Operacionais de AtenĆ§Ć£o Ć SaĆŗde - NOAS 01/02 como a disponibilizaĆ§Ć£o de alternativa assistencial mais adequada as necessidades do cidadĆ£o de forma equĆ¢nime, ordenada, oportuna e qualificada. O Sistema Nacional de RegulaĆ§Ć£o (SISREG), Ć© um sistema on-line, criado com o objetivo de gerenciamento do complexo regulatĆ³rio que permeia uma atuaĆ§Ć£o da rede primĆ”ria de saĆŗde a internaĆ§Ć£o hospitalar, visando humanizaĆ§Ć£o dos serviƧos, mais controle do fluxo e otimizaĆ§Ć£o na utilizaĆ§Ć£o dos recursos. Este trabalho analisa a percepĆ§Ć£o do usuĆ”rio com a Central de RegulaĆ§Ć£o de Consultas e Exames em um municĆpio do Brasil. Verificamos que a populaĆ§Ć£o entrevistada avaliou a EstratĆ©gia SaĆŗde da FamĆlia em muito boa e excelente com a somatĆ³ria das duas respostas em 75%. Ao avaliarem o novo serviƧo de marcaĆ§Ć£o de consultas e exames, os usuĆ”rios acharam significativamente melhor. Porem quando questionado sobre o intervalo para realizar um exame 54,2% acharam pior. ConcluĆmos que embora haja um elevado Ćndice de satisfaĆ§Ć£o para com o novo serviƧo de marcaĆ§Ć£o de consultas e exames, a populaĆ§Ć£o ainda sofre com a dificuldade de acesso para realizaĆ§Ć£o de exames.The act of regulating is known in the NOAS 01/02 as the availability of a more adequate, equitable, ordered, favorable and qualified assisting alternative for the citizen. The national regulation system (SISREG), is an online system, created with the aim of being a regulatory complex management that permeate performance of the primary health network to the hospitalization, focusing on humanization of the services, more control of the workflow and optimization in the application of the resources. This paper analyses the perception of the user with the regulation center of appointments and consultations in a city council in Brazil. We verified that the interviewed population evaluated the strategy of the family health care both very good and excellent in 75% of replies. By assessing the new booking appointments and medical examinations system, the patients found it significantly better. Nevertheless when they were questioned about the interval between having an examination, 54% thought it was worse. We concluded that though there is a high level of satisfaction with our services in having examinations and making appointments, the population still suffers with the difficulties of access to examinations
AnĆ”lise da percepĆ§Ć£o do usuĆ”rio da central de regulaĆ§Ć£o de consultas e exames
O ato de regular Ć© entendido nas Normas Operacionais de AtenĆ§Ć£o Ć SaĆŗde - NOAS 01/02 como a disponibilizaĆ§Ć£o de alternativa assistencial mais adequada as necessidades do cidadĆ£o de forma equĆ¢nime, ordenada, oportuna e qualificada. O Sistema Nacional de RegulaĆ§Ć£o (SISREG), Ć© um sistema on-line, criado com o objetivo de gerenciamento do complexo regulatĆ³rio que permeia uma atuaĆ§Ć£o da rede primĆ”ria de saĆŗde a internaĆ§Ć£o hospitalar, visando humanizaĆ§Ć£o dos serviƧos, mais controle do fluxo e otimizaĆ§Ć£o na utilizaĆ§Ć£o dos recursos. Este trabalho analisa a percepĆ§Ć£o do usuĆ”rio com a Central de RegulaĆ§Ć£o de Consultas e Exames em um municĆpio do Brasil. Verificamos que a populaĆ§Ć£o entrevistada avaliou a EstratĆ©gia SaĆŗde da FamĆlia em muito boa e excelente com a somatĆ³ria das duas respostas em 75%. Ao avaliarem o novo serviƧo de marcaĆ§Ć£o de consultas e exames, os usuĆ”rios acharam significativamente melhor. Porem quando questionado sobre o intervalo para realizar um exame 54,2% acharam pior. ConcluĆmos que embora haja um elevado Ćndice de satisfaĆ§Ć£o para com o novo serviƧo de marcaĆ§Ć£o de consultas e exames, a populaĆ§Ć£o ainda sofre com a dificuldade de acesso para realizaĆ§Ć£o de exames.The act of regulating is known in the NOAS 01/02 as the availability of a more adequate, equitable, ordered, favorable and qualified assisting alternative for the citizen. The national regulation system (SISREG), is an online system, created with the aim of being a regulatory complex management that permeate performance of the primary health network to the hospitalization, focusing on humanization of the services, more control of the workflow and optimization in the application of the resources. This paper analyses the perception of the user with the regulation center of appointments and consultations in a city council in Brazil. We verified that the interviewed population evaluated the strategy of the family health care both very good and excellent in 75% of replies. By assessing the new booking appointments and medical examinations system, the patients found it significantly better. Nevertheless when they were questioned about the interval between having an examination, 54% thought it was worse. We concluded that though there is a high level of satisfaction with our services in having examinations and making appointments, the population still suffers with the difficulties of access to examinations