17 research outputs found
Intégration conceptuelle et opérationnelle de modèles spatiodynamiques : application à la dynamique du risque lié à l incendie de forêt
Les changements environnementaux induisent des risques nouveaux que les décideurs doivent gérer. L objectif de cette recherche est la spécification de solutions d'intégration de modèles spatio-dynamiques dédiés à la gestion des risques inhérents à la dynamique des systèmes environnementaux. Nous y distinguons l intégration thématique et l intégration scalaire. Il est proposé un cadre conceptuel de spécification de modèles d intégration de modèles thématiques, fondé sur les trois vues sémantique, spatiale et temporelle de la triade de Peuquet . Puis une architecture d intégration opérationnelle à base d intergiciels agents, dérivée de l High Level Architecture (HLA) est proposée pour assurer l interopérabilité des modèles thématiques. Cette solution est mise en oeuvre par la spécification d un système informatique d aide à la décision pour la gestion de la dynamique du risque lié à l incendie de forêt, en relation avec les dynamiques d occupation du sol.AIX-MARSEILLE3-BU Sc.St Jérô (130552102) / SudocSudocFranceF
Immediate occlusal loading of implants: A rapid chairside procedure for making an interim fixed prosthesis
International audienc
Implant therapy in the rehabilitation of mandibular arteriovenous malformations
International audiencePurpose : Mandibular arteriovenous malformations are rare congenital malformations which require multidisciplinary care. Implant-supported rehabilitation of significant bone defect after embolization and resection is poorly described in the literature. Clinical report : We present the case of a 24 year-old patient with a right sided mandibular arteriovenous malformations diagnosed after massive hemorrhage and treated by embolization and resection surgery. Implant rehabilitation was carried out 9 years later with a prior bone graft through iliac extraction and 3 short implants. The implant survival rate and patient satisfaction was evaluated at 3 years post-placement. Discussion : Arteriovenous malformations treatments frequently result in bone defects that are difficult to reconstruct because of probable unstable vascularization due to embolization. The presence of osteosynthesis material and artefacts at the radiological level complicates the implant planning due to the lack of visualization of the inferior alveolar nerve or artery and necessitates the placement of low height implants. Osteointegration in contact with embolization products should be monitored. The creation of a case series could be of interest in order to better understand implant treatment for patients with a history of arteriovenous malformations
A new bioclimatic model calibrated with vegetation for Mediterranean forest areas
International audienceWater availability is one of the main factors explaining flora composition and growth in Mediterranean regions, where it may decline with climate change.Our goal was to develop a model for forest site assessment in Mediterranean environments, focusing on water availability to assess potential vegetation composition and productivity in any places, whatever their level of disturbance.We designed a statistical model, using global climatic and geographic variables, as well as detailed local topographic and edaphic variables, to compute a bioclimatic index for Mediterranean forest environments. This model was calibrated in France with a flora index from 325 old forests. The model explained 80.3% of the flora index variance. The method fills a gap in existing models, bridging scales from the region to forest sites.Beyond its theoretical aspect, it was designed to allow practical tools to be derived from it for decision-making and management, such as the assessment of climate change impact on vegetation, and of forest productivity. Its development and adaptation is possible in other Mediterranean regions, and in any region where water is one of the main limiting factors
Etude des potentialites forestieres de la Provence calcaire : evaluation a petite echelle sur de grandes surfaces. Rapport final et version resumee
Available from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : GR 1841 (1); GR 1841 (2) / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueSIGLEFRFranc
Multiple types of dieting prospectively predict weight gain during the freshman year of college.
The freshman year of college is a period of heightened risk for weight gain. This study examined measures of restrained eating, disinhibition, and emotional eating as predictors of weight gain during the freshman year. Using Lowe\u27s multi-factorial model of dieting, it also examined three different types of dieting as predictors of weight gain. Sixty-nine females were assessed at three points during the school year. Weight gain during the freshman year averaged 2.1 kg. None of the traditional self-report measures of restraint, disinhibition, or emotional eating were predictive of weight gain. However, both a history of weight loss dieting and weight suppression (discrepancy between highest weight ever and current weight) predicted greater weight gain, and these effects appeared to be largely independent of one another. Individuals who said they were currently dieting to lose weight gained twice as much (5.0 kg) as former dieters (2.5 kg) and three times as much as never dieters (1.6 kg), but the import of this finding was unclear because there was only a small number of current dieters (N=7). Overall the results indicate that specific subtypes of dieting predicts weight gain during the freshman year better than more global measures of restraint or overeating.<br /
Systemes d'exploitation et strategies foncieres des agriculteurs en periurbain : Un exemple en region mediterraneenne Les Milles - Commune d'Aix en Provence
SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : GR 1532 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc