340 research outputs found

    Knowledge Spillover Agents and Regional Development

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    It is widely recognised that knowledge and highly skilled individuals as "carriers" of knowledge (i.e. knowledge spillover agents) play a key role in impelling the development and growth of cities and regions. In this paper we discuss the relation between the mobility of talent and knowledge flows. In this context, several issues are examined, including the role of highly skilled labour for regional development, the features that characterise knowledge spillovers through labour mobility, the key factors for attracting and retaining talent as well as the rise of "brain gain" policies. Although the paper deals with highly skilled mobility and migration in general, a particular attention will be paid to flows of (star) scientists.Series: SRE - Discussion Paper

    New Knowledge for Old Regions? The Case of the Software Park Hagenberg in the Traditional Industrial Region of Upper Austria

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    This paper seeks to enhance our understanding about the opportunities and limits of new path creation in traditional regional innovation systems. Due to their inherited historical legacies, such systems are usually thought of being ill-equipped to give rise to high-tech or knowledge intensive activities. Departing from recent insights on research concerned with the transformation of innovation systems and evolutionary economic geography we identify in a conceptual way enabling and constraining factors for the rise of new development paths in traditional regions. Empirically, we focus on the case of the “Software Park Hagenberg†(SPH) located in the old industrial region of Upper Austria. We examine key events triggering the emergence and subsequent evolution of the SPH and explore the role of the RIS in shaping the development trajectory of the SPH. Moreover, applying social network analysis tools, we investigate the pattern of networking between firms, research organisations and educational bodies within the SPH and we provide some evidence on the diffusion of knowledge and innovation generated though these interactions throughout the regional economy.

    The Pitfalls and Booby Traps of Cluster Policy

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    Over the past two decades, cluster policies have become a standard instrument of public authorities and economic development practitioners in many parts of the world. This paper takes a critical stance on this phenomenon and provides theoretical arguments that challenge the widespread application of cluster initiatives to promote long-term regional development. We distinguish between and compare two main bodies of thought: the neoclassical view and the agglomeration view. We show that there are no rationales for cluster policy from the perspective of neoclassical theory. The agglomeration view, in contrast, provides a convincing conceptual basis for justifying economic policies implemented in form of cluster initiatives. At the same time, however, it points to major problems related with the cluster policy approach. We identify and elaborate on three essential difficulties, i.e. the proper (1) targeting, (2) dosing, and (3) timing of cluster policy actions. We highlight that the problems related with these fundamental issues of each public initiative constitute powerful pitfalls and booby traps of cluster policies.

    Knowledge Spillover Agents and Regional Development

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    It is widely recognised that knowledge and highly skilled individuals as “carriers” of knowledge (i.e. knowledge spillover agents) play a key role in impelling the development and growth of cities and regions. In this paper we discuss the relation between the mobility of talent and knowledge flows. In this context, several issues are examined, including the role of highly skilled labour for regional development, the features that characterise knowledge spillovers through labour mobility, the key factors for attracting and retaining talent as well as the rise of “brain gain” policies. Although the paper deals with highly skilled mobility and migration in general, a particular attention will be paid to flows of (star) scientists.DYNREG

    Albert Bierstadt: Rocky Mountains - Lander's Peak

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    Albert Bierstadts (1830 - 1902) Studienaufenthalt Mitte der 50er Jahre des 19. Jahrhunderts in Europa bildete den Ausgangspunkt einer Entwicklung, die den Künstler nach seiner Rückkehr in die USA zu einem der bedeutendsten amerikanischen Landschaftsmaler aufsteigen ließ. In Düsseldorf studierte er als Mitglied der dortigen amerikanischen Malerkolonie die Werke der Düsseldorfer Malerschule, bevor er sich in Begleitung mehrerer amerikanischer Künstler zu einer Grand Tour durch die Schweiz nach Italien aufmachte. Nach Bierstadts Rückkehr in die USA stand die großformatige Darstellung der von den weißen Amerikanern unberührten Natur des amerikanischen Westens in Mittelpunkt seines Gesamtwerks. Am Beispiel eines ausgewählten Gemäldes aus dem Frühwerk Albert Bierstadts, Rocky Mountains - Lander's Peak (1863), wird analysiert, welchen Einfluß der Europaaufenthalt des Künstlers auf dieses gehabt haben könnte, und wie dieser Einfluß sich in Form von 'in Europa gesehenen Motiven' darin widerspiegelt. Transformiert der Künstler in diesem Gemälde die 'in Europa gesehenen Motive' in die amerikanische Landschaftsmalerei und werden so aus 'europäischen Motiven' bei Bierstadt 'amerikanische'? Wie aus 'in Europa gesehenen Motiven' amerikanische werden können zeigt sich im zweiten Teil, in dem sich, ausgehend von Grundgedanken der zeitgenössischen deutschen und amerikanischen Landschaftsmalerei sowie von Konzepten der amerikanischen Naturauffassung, eine Interpretation der Bildmotive in Rocky Mountains - Lander's Peak anschließt

    Understanding Scientific Mobility: Characteristics, Location Decisions, and Knowledge Circulation. A Case Study of Internationally Mobile Austrian Scientists and Researchers

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    In today's knowledge-based global economy, highly qualified people acting as carriers of knowledge are playing a crucial role for the growth and development of organizations, cities and regions. Top-talent is regarded as the major source of innovation and competitive advantage, particularly in science and research. Highly skilled and educated workers, such as scientists and scholars, who are transferring their embodied knowledge from one place to another through geographical mobility, are referred to as knowledge spillover agents (KSA). Considering this context it is important to develop an understanding of the motivational dynamics, location factors and knowledge flows associated with mobility decisions of scientists and researchers. Based on qualitative data from in-depth interviews with Austrian scientists who are either currently staying abroad or have already returned this explorative study identifies some characteristics of scientific mobility, investigates the most relevant push and pull factors as well as sheds some light on the motivational dynamics at the individual level. acting as carriers of knowledge are playing a crucial role for the growth and development of organizations, cities and regions. Top-talent is regarded as the major source of innovation and competitive advantage, particularly in science and research. Highly skilled and educated workers, such as scientists and scholars, who are transferring their embodied knowledge from one place to another through geographical mobility, are referred to as knowledge spillover agents (KSA). Considering this context it is important to develop an understanding of the motivational dynamics, location factors and knowledge flows associated with mobility decisions of scientists and researchers. Based on qualitative data from in-depth interviews with Austrian scientists who are either currently staying abroad or have already returned this explorative study identifies some characteristics of scientific mobility, investigates the most relevant push and pull factors as well as sheds some light on the motivational dynamics at the individual level.growth/innovation

    Knowledge Spillover Agents and Regional Development: Spatial Distribution and Mobility of Star Scientists

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    It is widely recognised that knowledge and highly skilled individuals as “carriers” of knowledge (i.e. knowledge spillover agents) play a key role in impelling the development and growth of cities and regions. In this paper we discuss in a conceptual way the relation between spatial movements of talent and knowledge flows and present empirical results on the geography and mobility patterns of star scientists. Our findings show that these phenomena a highly uneven in nature, benefiting only a few countries which are capable to act as magnet for scientific talent.DYNREG

    Auslandsberichterstattung nach dem 11. September 2001: Bewertung der deutschen Medienberichterstattung durch deutsche, US-amerikanische, afghanische und türkische Rezipienten

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    Den 11. September 2001 wird die Welt nicht vergessen: Die Terroranschläge islamischer Fundamentalisten auf das World Trade Center in New York und das Pentagon in Washington kostete unzähligen Menschen das Leben. Für die Medien handelte es sich um Ereignisse mit außerordentlich hohem Nachrichtenwert. Das außergewöhnliche Medienereignis pulverisierte jede journalistische Routine. Wie verlief der Prozess der Medienberichterstattung und die Mediennutzung im Krisenfall? Wie ist die Qualität der Medienberichterstattung in dieser Zeit einzuschätzen? Gibt es Hinweise auf die Integrationsfunktion der Medien? Wie kann die deutsche Auslandsberichterstattung verbessert werden