30 research outputs found

    Changes in Hydrological Response of Forest Conversion to Agroforestry and Rainfed Agriculture in Renggung Watershed, Lombok, Eastern Indonesia

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    Forest is an ideal ecosystem for a hydrological cycle, however converting forests to agroforestry or rainfed agriculture is inevitable.  This study elaborates a hydrological response of infiltration, runoff, and soil moisture in three land uses at Renggung watershed.  Field measurements were conducted in 2014−2015 in those system with soil types of entisols at upstream, inceptisols at the middle, and vertisols at downstream.  Results showed that constant infiltration rate at upstream in forest was 55.6 cm hr-1, in 15−30 years agroforestry was 32.4 cm hr-1 on average and in rainfed was 26.4 cm hr-1.  Infiltration in agroforestry at the middle and downstream was 16.8 cm hr-1 and 11.2 cm hr-1, respectively, while in rainfed was 2.4 cm hr-1 and 4.8 cm hr-1.  Runoff at upstream with 29.3 mm hr-1 rainfall in forest was zero, in agroforestry was 0.026 mm hr-1 and in rainfed was 0.071 mm hr-1.  Runoff in agroforestry at the middle and downstream with 37.1 mm hr-1 and 23.8 mm hr-1 rainfall were 0.045 mm hr-1, and 0.026 mm hr-1.  There was a half and one third of that in rainfed.  Soil water content in successive order from high to low was in forest, agroforestry, and rainfed.  So, capacity of agroforestry in sustaining the hydrology cycle was in between forests and rainfed agriculture. 

    Changes in Hydrological Response of Forest Conversion to Agroforestry and Rainfed Agriculture in Renggung Watershed, Lombok, Eastern Indonesia

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    Forest is an ideal ecosystem for a hydrological cycle, however converting forests to agroforestry or rainfed agriculture is inevitable.  This study elaborates a hydrological response of infiltration, runoff, and soil moisture in three land uses at Renggung watershed.  Field measurements were conducted in 2014−2015 in those system with soil types of entisols at upstream, inceptisols at the middle, and vertisols at downstream.  Results showed that constant infiltration rate at upstream in forest was 55.6 cm hr-1, in 15−30 years agroforestry was 32.4 cm hr-1 on average and in rainfed was 26.4 cm hr-1.  Infiltration in agroforestry at the middle and downstream was 16.8 cm hr-1 and 11.2 cm hr-1, respectively, while in rainfed was 2.4 cm hr-1 and 4.8 cm hr-1.  Runoff at upstream with 29.3 mm hr-1 rainfall in forest was zero, in agroforestry was 0.026 mm hr-1 and in rainfed was 0.071 mm hr-1.  Runoff in agroforestry at the middle and downstream with 37.1 mm hr-1 and 23.8 mm hr-1 rainfall were 0.045 mm hr-1, and 0.026 mm hr-1.  There was a half and one third of that in rainfed.  Soil water content in successive order from high to low was in forest, agroforestry, and rainfed.  So, capacity of agroforestry in sustaining the hydrology cycle was in between forests and rainfed agriculture. 

    Root Distribution Pattern of Three Chili Varieties on Vertisol Soil, Central Lombok

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    Plant roots have an important role in plant growth. Roots function as absorbers of water and other nutrients in the soil which are distributed to other body organs. Distribution patterns, root growth and root range influence plant growth and development. Vertisols are one of the dominant soil orders in southern Lombok, but their physical characteristics are rich in monmorillonite type clay which expands when wet and shrinks when dry. This study aims to analyze the pattern of root distribution through the root growth rate of the three chili varieties and to analyze the tolerance level of the three chili varieties. The field experiment was organized according to a Randomized Completely Block Design with three replications. The varieties of chili plants planted are Kara chilies, Dewata chilies and local chilies. Root growth rate was measured on serial plant samples observed every 20-day interval until day 60, during the growth period. The results obtained showed that the distribution patterns of the three varieties experienced an increasing trend in the rate of root growth, for the kara varieties it reached a figure of 4.65 cm, for local varieties is 5.54 cm; and in the dewata variety it is 2.67 cm. The tolerance level of chili plants to congested conditions was seen from the results of their root growth rates, the three varieties showed that they were Semi Tolerant (ST) to waterlogged environmental conditions on vertisol soils

    The Effectiveness of Bio Activator of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria Consortium on Composting Bag-log Waste Incorporated with Cow Dung

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    Bag-log waste is an organic material that is difficult to decompose. This is due to the bag log's high content of lignin compounds. Therefore, to speed up the composting process, it is necessary to include other organic materials and bio activators. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the bio-activator consortium of Phosphate Dissolving Bacteria (KBPF) in composting bag-log waste mixed with cow dung. The experiment consisted of 5 treatments with three replications, namely (T1) bag-log waste, (T2) a mixture of bag-log waste and cow manure with a composition of 1:2 (wt/wt), (T3) a mixture of bag-log waste and cow manure with 2:1 ( wt/wt), (T4) a mixture of bag-log waste and cow manure with a composition of 1:2 (wt/wt) plus KBPF (200 ml) with a density of 108 CFU/ml (T5) a mixture of bag-log waste and cow manure with a composition of 2:1 (wt/wt) plus KBPF (200 ml) with a density of 108 CFU/ml. The experiment was created as - Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The experimental results show that bag-log waste cannot be decomposed fastly without cow dung and bio activators. The treatments of T2, T3, T4 and T5 produced compost with quality not significantly different from one another. Under these treatments, the temperature was controlled in the mesophilic stage, and the composting pH was returned to neutral, while the moisture content and C/N ratio decreased to almost half of their original levels at the end of the composting period. It seems that inoculation of KBPF into the mixture of cow dung and bag-log waste has no role in accelerating the composting process. The mix of Bag-log and cow dung, with a minimal proportion of 2:1 without inoculation KBPF, was the recommended combination in composting bag-log in which the final product (compost) could fulfil its pH (neutral), the threshold of temperature and water content.  The C/N ratio of the treatment was close C/N ratio of mature compost, and total N and total P contents were more than the standard of SNI 19-7030-2004.Abstrak: Sampah bag-log merupakan bahan organik yang sulit terurai. Hal ini disebabkan tingginya kandungan senyawa lignin dalam bag log. Oleh karena itu, untuk mempercepat proses pengomposan perlu ditambahkan bahan organik lain dan bioaktivator. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efektivitas konsorsium bioaktivator Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat (KBPF) dalam pengomposan limbah bag-log yang bercampur kotoran sapi. Percobaan terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dengan tiga ulangan yaitu (T1) limbah baglog, (T2) campuran limbah baglog dan kotoran sapi dengan komposisi 1:2 (bt/b), (T3) campuran limbah bag-log dan kotoran sapi dengan komposisi 2:1 ( wt/wt), (T4) campuran limbah bag-log dan kotoran sapi dengan komposisi 1:2 (wt/wt) ditambah KBPF (200 ml) dengan kepadatan 108 CFU/ml (T5) campuran limbah bag-log dan kotoran sapi dengan komposisi 2 :1 (wt/wt) ditambah KBPF (200 ml) dengan kepadatan 108 CFU/ml. Eksperimen dibuat sebagai - Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa limbah bag-log tidak dapat terurai dengan cepat tanpa kotoran sapi dan bioaktivator. Perlakuan T2, T3, T4 dan T5 menghasilkan kompos dengan kualitas yang tidak berbeda nyata satu sama lain. Di bawah perlakuan ini, suhu dikontrol pada tahap mesofilik, dan pH pengomposan dikembalikan ke netral, sedangkan kadar air dan rasio C/N menurun hingga hampir setengah dari tingkat aslinya pada akhir periode pengomposan. Tampaknya inokulasi KBPF ke dalam campuran kotoran sapi dan limbah bag-log tidak berperan dalam mempercepat proses pengomposan. Campuran Bag-log dan kotoran sapi, dengan proporsi minimal 2:1 tanpa inokulasi KBPF, merupakan kombinasi yang direkomendasikan dalam pengomposan bag-log dimana produk akhir (kompos) dapat memenuhi pH-nya (netral), ambang batas suhu dan kandungan air. Rasio C/N perlakuan mendekati rasio C/N kompos matang, dan kandungan N total dan P total lebih dari standar SNI 19-7030-2004

    Mitigasi Longsor Dengan Penataan dan Peningkatan Kemampuan Kawasan Perbukitan Pada by Pass BIL-MANDALIKA Sebagai Infrastruktur Penunjang Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Mandalika Lombok : Landslide Mitigation by Structuring and Increasing the Capability of Hill Areas on By Pass BIL-MANDALIKA as Supporting Infrastructure for The KEK Mandalika, Lombo

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    One of the tourist destinations in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara is the Special Economic Zone Mandalika (KEK Mandalika), a coastal tourism area with various supporting infrastructures on an international scale covering an area of 1,035.67 hectares. The pace of development brings environmental impacts, especially the morphology of the land in the form of mountains and hills is exposed by the conversion of land functions from proteced forest to agricultural areas without the application of land conservation methods. Bypass BIL-KEK Mandalika as the main connecting road for this tourism area is 17.2 km long flanked by hills with a slope of >30o and almost all hilly areas have been converted into agricultural areas. In this area there is minimal standing vegetation accompanied by unstable physical conditions, making all hilly areas on the BIL-KEK Madalika bypass classified as a Very High Erosion Hazard Level which reaches > 560 tons/ha/year which triggers more potential hazards. big like landslides and floods. Various steps have been taken, such as: 1) Integration of porang (Amorphopallus) and standing vegetation (canopy) applied in hilly areas in the Bypass BIL-KEK Mandalika area; 2) Emphasizing and preventing the conversion of buffer zones; 3) Rehabilitation of the Bypass BIL-KEK Mandalika Hills Area

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Pertanian Sebagai Media Tanam Pada Teknik Bedeng Permanen Untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Sayuran Sehat di Kek Mandalika

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    Bedeng permanen adalah bedeng yang dipergunakan dalam jangka lama dan bertujuan meningkatkan produksi pertanian melalui penerapan pertanian lestari, dan berkelanjutan dengan memanfaatkan limbah pertanian sebagai media tanam serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani. Ada tiga prinsip dasar pertanian konservasi yakni: i) menerapkan pengolah tanah minimal atau tanpa olah tanah ii) menerapkan tanaman penutup tanah (cover crops) secara terus-menerus sepanjang tahun, dan  iii) menerapakan diversifikasi tanaman, baik secara  tumpang sari, rotasi tanaman, dan tanam beruntun (relay cropping), terutama antara tanaman non legume dan legume. Tujuan  kegiatan ini adalah mendemonstrasikan penerapan pertanian teknik bedeng permanen untuk mengurangi biaya produksi usahatani. Kegiatan pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat: 1) sebagai contoh penerapan pertanian yang berbasis bedeng permanen dapat  menjaga tanah agar tidak mengalami  erosi dengan menanam  tanaman penutup tanah (cover crops) dan mulsa,  2) sebagai contoh teknik bedeng permanen untuk memelihara stabilitas tanah dan irit biaya, 3) sebagai contoh cara alamiah dalam pemulihan kesuburan  fisik,  kimia dan biologi tanah tegalan, dan 4) sebagai contoh cara peningkatan  produktivitas tanah lahan sawah kering.  Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, maka beberapa metode konservasi di sawah diperkenalkan, serta diperkenalkan beberapa jenis tanaman sayuran dan teknis olah tanah minimal. Target luaran yang akan dicapai berupa: (1) Buku panduan pertanian berbasis bedeng permanen, dan (2) materi publikasi ilmiah bidang pengabdian masyarakat yang diterbitkan dalam format jurnal pengabdian pada masyarakat skala lokal di Lingkungan Universitas Mataram

    Kajian Biofisik Lahan Untuk Tanaman Porang Sebagai Anasir Konservasi Pada Sistem Agroforestri Di Pulau Lombok

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    Agricultural land in North Lombok is dominated by a typology of sub-optimal land, physically, chemically and biologically. These properties make it vulnerable to degradation. In such land, agroforestry system is highly recommended, where the porang plant can be included as a component. Nowdays, porang is gaining popularity as a commodity with economic value, and is suitable as an intercropping plant. It is easy to grow on almost all types of soil, and is resistant to shade, making it adaptive to agroforestry systems as non-timber under standing plants in community forest systems. It is believed that this will provide multiple benefits economicly and environmentaly, if it accompanied by the principles of soil and water conservation. The role of porang as a conservative agent has been investigated through a scientific approach as the basis for the domistication of porang in agroforestry systems. The results showed that agroforestry with porang could help improve the stability of the soil aggregates as indicated by the soil aggregate stability index 59 which means rather stable. Soil moisture of wilting point in agroforestry system with porang increased from 3.0% (without porang) to 5.4%. In addition, the soil organic matter content increased to 3.94% (quite high) on the system with porang because the stems and leaves of porang plant are quickly weathered. The ground cover is relatively tight, so it can prevent soil erosion. Porang also play a role in increasing water infiltration due to the presence of porang’s roots and tubers. Thus the domistication of porang fulfills the requirements as an agent of soil conservation, as non-timber plant in the agroforestry system, if it is cultivated according to the principles of soil and water conservation on the typology of sub-optimal land in North Lombok.

    Imposing Biopores in Agroforestry as an Alternative Measure of Climate Adaption in Semi-Arid Tropic of Eastern Indonesia

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    A small scale agroforestry model integrated with land and water conservation was scientifically tested to alleviate drought impact in dry land agriculture in North Lombok. Biopores were imposed to the model as an integrated approach in climate change adaptation.  Northern part of Lombok is typologically less developed soils with high erosion, undulating, and under semi-arid climate is vulnerable to climate change. Measures of adaptation in such ecosystem should be carried out by (i) implementing best practice in land and water conservation, (ii) applying appropriate cropping system, (iii) considering local climate variability and (iv) using water efficiently as economic goods. These four components were incorporated in a scenario of small scale agroforestry. A participatory action research with three field experiments were conducted at Sukadana village, sub-district of Bayan, North Lombok. Some factors were imposed in the scenario, namely: (1) composted biopores of diameter 10 cm and 20 m depth, on farms and 40 cm depth, underneath of trees pit, (2) alley cropping in agroforestry, (3) characterization of local climate, and (4) water use efficiency. Three groups of farmers were selected by means of a purposive sampling to involve in two consecutive years of field experiments, i.e. 2012 and 2013. Output of research was a model of small scale agroforestry integrating cropping system, land and water conservation, as well as local climate characteristic. The model performed a significant contribution on improving performance and yields of agricultural crops as well as wood trees, mainly white teak (Gmelina arborea) growing well on biopores. Biopores underneath trees reduced water and soil particles loss through runoff, as well as increased carbon sequestrated. On farm lands biopores played a significant role in conserving soil moisture, increasing crop water use efficiency and providing essential nutrient for plants. Conserved water could be used by plants in a period of dry spell to avoid drought stress. The imposed biopores in agroforestry could be an adaptation measure to climate variability, and climate change on farm level in semi arid tropic of eastern Indonesia. Keywords: water conservation, biopores, agroforestry and climate variabilityDOI: 10.7176/JEES/5-10-

    Teknik Bedeng Permanen Alternatif Mengurangi Biaya Produksi Usahatani Pada Kondisi Pendemi Covid19

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    Permanent raised-beds can be used in several soil seasons and aim to increase production through the application of sustainable and sustainable agriculture and can improve the welfare of farmers. The three basic principles of conservation agriculture are: i) applying minimal or no tillage ii) applying cover crops continuously throughout the year, and iii) applying crop diversification, either by intercropping, crop rotation, and consecutive cropping (relay cropping), especially between non-legume and legume crops. Service activities provide knowledge to farmers by demonstrating the application of permanent bed farming techniques to reduce farm production costs. This activity is expected to: 1) as an example of the application of permanent bed-based agriculture to prevent soil erosion by planting cover crops and mulch, 2) as an example of a permanent bed technique to maintain soil stability and save costs, 3) as an example of a natural way to restore physical, chemical and biological fertility of dry soil, and 4) as an example of how to increase soil productivity in dry paddy fields typology. To achieve this, several conservation methods will be introduced, as well as several types of vegetable crops and minimum tillage techniques will be introduced. 

    Menggali Potensi Tanaman Porang Sebagai Tanaman Budidaya Pada Sistem Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HkM) Kabupaten Lombok Utara

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    Tanaman porang (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) merupakan salah satu komoditi  unggulan perkebunan  akhir-akhir ini karena berniai ekonomi yang dapat dijadikan berbagai macam produk olahan, mulai dari makananan, kosmetik dan bahan baku industry lainnya. Tanaman umbian ini dapat tumbuh di semua kondisi agroklimat termasuk di kawasan hutan maupun lahan kebun dibawah tegakan pohon. Ada dua strategi pendekatan dalam mengatasi persoalan pengembangan porang yakni sosialisasi inovasi teknik budidaya tanaman porang (terdiri atas: perkembangbiakan menggunakan katak; perbanyakan menggunakan buah/biji; perbanyakan menggunakan umbi) dan yang kedua adalah pengolahan paska panen. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian pada masyarakat telah dilakukan melalui penyuluhan teknik budidaya tanaman porang, peragaan budidaya tanaman porang di lahan garapan Kelompok Tani dan bimbingan teknik pengolahan pasca panen sederhana. Tanaman porang layak dikembangkan dalam pelestarian sumberdaya hutan, sebagai sarana pengalihan orientasi dan mata pencaharian masyarakat di sekitar hutan dari hasil hutan kayu ke hasil hutan non kayu dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan upaya melestarikan Kawasan penyangga. kandungan nutrisi dalam tanaman porang terbilang kompleks terutama pati, glukomannan, kristal kalsium oksalat, serat kasar dan gula reduksi. Penanganan porang pasca panen menghasilkan beragam bentuk baik berupa keripik (chip), tepung porang dan tepung glucomannan yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan dasar tepung, mie instan dan produk makanan dan minuman lainnya. Persoalan yang dihadapi petani porang secara umum di lokasi yakni: 1) Permodalan; 2) Keamanan (sering terjadi pencurian tanaman porang di lahan); 3) Kebakaran hutan. Inovasi pembiakan porang berupa: 1) Pebiakan melalui katak atau bubil; 2) Pembiakan dari buah atau biji; 3) Pembiakan dari umbi