20 research outputs found

    Corrigendum to: “The Prevalence of Internet Addiction and Its Relations to the Self Esteem and Life Satisfaction in Students of a Medical University”

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    Using internet has a growing popularity, especially among students. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of internet addiction and its relationship with the level of self esteem and life satisfaction in students of lorestan university of medical sciences in Iran. A cross-sectional study, with applying stratified sampling and then multi-stage cluster sampling method was performed. The sample size was 160. Four questionnaires (Demographic characteristics, Internet Addiction Test (IAT) by Dr. Kimberly Young, Rosenberg's Self esteem Scale and Diener’s Life Satisfaction Scale) were used to collect data, the software spss 16 was used for data analysis. Prevalence of internet addiction was 10%, and this problem was more prevalent in male students (P˂0.05). Moreover, there was a significant and adverse relation between internet addiction score and self esteem score (P=0.015), and life satisfaction score (P=0.012). There was a significant and direct relationship between life satisfaction and self esteem (P=0.001). Young people should be encouraged to use the internet as a more useful and efficient tool and become aware of the internet and its harmful effects.

    Breastfeeding Promotion, Challenges and Barriers: a Qualitative Research

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    Background: Breast milk is an ideal source of nutrition for growth and development of infants and has unique physiologic and emotional impacts on the health of mothers and infants. However, a few numbers of infants get exclusive breast milk and therefore, it is necessary to identify barriers to breastfeeding. The purpose of the present qualitative research was to explore challenges and barriers to breastfeeding promotion. Materials and Methods: Fourteen nursing mothers, four key family members (grandmothers and husbands) and six personnel who provided breastfeeding counseling services participated in semi-structured individual interviews. Interviews were recorded and transcribed and then analyzed by means of conventional content analysis method. Results: Three main categories "incompetency of breastfeeding services", "mother’s inadequate breastfeeding self-efficacy" and "family’s neglect to breast milk" were emerged; that reflected participants’ experiences of barriers to breastfeeding promotion. Conclusion: Participants believed that the healthcare system had the greatest portion in breastfeeding promotion and inadequate performance of baby friendly hospital, failure of prenatal centers in teaching skills to mothers and families, and inadequate support for mother after delivery had caused breastfeeding damage. They also stated that mother’s breastfeeding self-efficacy and family’s help and support of breastfeeding had a significant role in breastfeeding promotion. To overcome the barriers to breastfeeding promotion, it is suggested that besides reforming existing plans according to identified barriers in this research, supportive and educational programs should be provided for all individuals involved in breastfeeding including mothers, families and health workers

    Facilitators for Empowering Women in Breastfeeding: a Qualitative Study

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    Background  Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months and continued breastfeeding up to 2 years or more is a desirable approach for infant’s nutrition. A mother's breastfeeding empowerment is considered an important factor in promoting breastfeeding and identifying its facilitating factors can contribute to the development of effective policies and intervention. This study with a qualitative approach carried out aiming to exploring the facilitators for women’s empowerment in breastfeeding. Material and Methods This study conducted by content analysis method. Thirty-four semi-structured individual interviews with 20 mothers having breastfeeding experience, 4 key family members, and 10 personnel involved in breastfeeding services were carried out. Data analysis was simultaneously performed with data collection. Results Three main categories of "Health system factors", "Family and personal factors" and "Social and cultural factors" were extracted from the participants' explanations, indicating the dimensions of facilitators for empowering women in breastfeeding. Conclusion Participants regarded the acquisition of breastfeeding skills in hospitals and breastfeeding counseling in health centers as important factors in facilitating their empowerment to early initiation of breastfeeding and its continuity. Further analysis showed "a mother's decision to breastfeed" along with her understanding of "positive attitude and her husband and family's participation in breastfeeding" boosts the breastfeeding ability and the support of the community through "positive cultural belief in breastfeeding" and" public education and information" provides an appropriate ground for the continuity of breastfeeding. In order to improve breastfeeding, a comprehensive planning with regard to women's empowerment in breastfeeding should be considered

    Investigating the relationship between watching satellite channels and intimacy and marital satisfaction of couples in Isfahan, Iran, in 2014

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    Background: In the age of communication and media that families are rapidly driven towards using satellite channels and other media, considering family health in this regard is essential. A determinant of health is marital satisfaction. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between watching satellite channels and intimacy and marital satisfaction in Isfahan, Iran. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted on one group of 480 couples (n = 960) participating from 8 health-treatment centers in Isfahan. Multi-stage cluster sampling was used in this study. Inclusion criteria included at least 2 years of marriage. After completion of Bagarozzi's Marital Intimacy Questionnaire and ENRICH Marital Inventory, the couples were divided into two groups based on watching satellite networks. Data were analyzed using SPSS 18. Results: There was a significant relationship between intimacy and marital satisfaction in both viewers and non-viewers of satellite channels (P < 0.050). Average duration of couple's interaction in the satellite viewing group was 22.4 minutes and in non-viewers group was 47.95 min. In addition, the duration of interaction had a significant relationship with marital satisfaction and intimacy (P < 0.050). Conclusions: This study showed that watching satellite channels reduced the intimacy and marital satisfaction of the couples, and duration of interaction among the couples

    The relationship between family functioning and academic achievement in female high school students of Isfahan, Iran, in 2013–2014

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    Background: Nowadays, the most important problem of the educational system is the vast spread of school failure. Therefore, detection of the factors leading to or preventing students' academic achievement is of utmost importance. Family function is considered to be a critical component of academic success. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between family functioning and academic achievement in high school female students in Isfahan. Materials and Methods: This descriptive correlational study was conducted through random sampling among 237 female high school students in Isfahan during school year 2013-2014. Data were collected by participants' personal characteristics and Bloom family function questionnaires. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation and linear regression analysis) were adopted and computed using SPSS software. Results: The results showed a significant correlation between family function (except lack of independence) and students' academic achievement (p < 0.05). Further, among family function dimensions, expressiveness (β = 0.235, p < 0.001), family socialization (β = 0.219, p = 0.001), and cohesion (β = 0.211, p = 0.001) were more reliable predictors of academic achievement. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that students' academic achievement is highly correlated with the performance of their families. Therefore, to improve students' educational status in cultural and educational programs, which are specified for them, family function centered plans should be at the heart of attention

    Relationship between general health of older health service users and their self-esteem in Isfahan in 2014

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    Background: Self-esteem is known to be one of the most important markers of successful aging. Older people's self-esteem is influenced by several factors that particularly may be health related. Therefore, this study aimed to explore some important general health-related predictors of the older people's self-esteem. Materials and Methods: In this study, 200 people, aged 65 years and older, who referred to health care centers were selected through stratified random sampling method. Data were collected by using Rosenberg's self-esteem scale and the 28-item Goldberg's general health questionnaire. Data were analyzed by Pearson's coefficient tests and multiple regression analysis. Results: Findings showed that the entered predictor variables accounted for 49% of the total variance (R2) of self-esteem in the model (P < 0.001, F4,195 = 46.717). Three out of the four predictor variables including somatic signs, anxiety/insomnia, and depression, significantly predicted the self-esteem. The results emphasized on the determinant role of both physical (somatic signs) and mental (anxiety/insomnia and depression) aspects of health in older patients' self-esteem. Conclusions: The significant general health-related predictors found in the present study emphasize on some of the significant points that should be considered in planning for improving older patients' self-esteem

    Clinical Trial to Comparison the Effect of Family- centered Educational-supportive Program on Mothers’ Empowerment in Breast-feeding

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    Background: Mothers’ empowerment in breast-feeding is a key motivational and psychological factor for continuous breast-feeding. Therefore, this study was designed to examine the effects of family-centered educational-supportive program on mothers’ empowerment in breastfeeding. Materials and Methods: In this random clinical trial, pregnant women who met inclusion criteria were gradually selected and randomly put into a control and an intervention group. For the intervention group, two 2-hour educational breastfeeding sessions were held for each pregnant woman along with her key family members and breastfeeding training manual and software were given to them; then mothers and family members attended a breastfeeding counseling session one week after delivery. The control group received routine education. Mothers’ empowerment was assessed by a researcher-made questionnaire two weeks after delivery. Results: Thirty-five mothers were in the intervention group and 35 were in the control group. The mean of the total score of breast-feeding empowerment and its seven areas in the intervention group was significantly higher than that of the control group. Moreover, exclusive breast-feeding was also significantly higher in the intervention group (

    Iranian Women’s Experiences of Breastfeeding Support: a Qualitative Study

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    Background The positive effect of breastfeeding on the health of the mother, child and community has been globally accepted, but the rate of breastfeeding is still not at an acceptable level. Breastfeeding support can greatly influence the continuity and success of breastfeeding. This qualitative study aimed to explain the Iranian women’s experiences of breastfeeding support. Materials and Methods This study was designed as a qualitative content analysis. The participants were selected purposefully, and 33 semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 mothers with breastfeeding experience, 5 key family members (3 grandmothers and 2 husbands) and 10 providers of breastfeeding services. Data were analyzed by using five-step method of Hsieh and Shannon content analysis, simultaneously with data collection. Results The results of the analysis of the participants’ description and experiences revealed four major categories: spousal support for breastfeeding, family support for breastfeeding, health professionals’ support for breastfeeding and community support for breastfeeding, which indicated the dimensions of breastfeeding support. Conclusion  In participants’ experiences, spousal support and family support for breastfeeding had key role in the success of breastfeeding and made the mothers more encouraged to initiate and continue breastfeeding. Further, the participants attributed the success of breastfeeding to receiving adequate knowledge and skill for breastfeeding from the healthcare system. From their perspective, community support for breastfeeding, especially among the working women played a pivotal role in the continuity of breastfeeding

    Fitness information-seeking behavior among female university students: A qualitative study.

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    Obsession with the physique and appearance is a by-product of consumer societies. As such, fitness and slimming have now become major concerns of Iranian females. This study endeavors to elaborate on information-seeking behaviors among female students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences concerning fitness. This study conducted in 2018, employs a qualitative approach using conventional content analysis. The research population includes female students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, 16 of whom were selected with use of purposive sampling. Data were collected through face-to-face semi-structured interviews and their trustworthiness was confirmed by the criteria of 'credibility', 'confirmability', 'dependability', and 'transferability' proposed by Guba and Lincoln. Results reveal four sub-categories and nineteen codes on information-seeking behavior. Sub-categories and codes including information-seeking motivations (achieving physical health, physical appearance, social acceptability, self-confidence, family and friends' pressure) information resources (electronic information resources, social media, printed information resources, doctors and nutritionists, family and friends, traditional & Islamic medicine, radio and TV), information validation (asking the doctors and specialists, matching the information with scientific references, consulting with friends and relatives) and obstacles to seeking information (lack of time, high costs, distrust, access limitation). by increasing the students' informational and media literacy, providing authentic and low-cost online resources of information and specialized TV programs, the damages rooted in using invalid information resources concerning fitness can be substantially diminished

    The effect of education program on health promotion behavior on successful aging

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    Background: A successful aging pattern indicates a change in attitudes toward aging and life quality improvement, which include the components of general health and life satisfaction. The current study aimed to evaluate the effects of an educational program on successful aging components in the elders. Materials and Methods: A three-stage empirical study was conducted on 72 individuals of 60-75 years old who were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. A 9-session educational program presenting health-related behaviors, including stress management and interpersonal relationships, was held for the experimental group. Two sessions of neutral topics group discussion were held for the control group. A Demographic Information Questionnaire, General Health Questionare-28 (GHQ-28), Diener's Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) were used and completed before, immediately after, and two months after the intervention. Independent t-test was used for analysis of obtained data via SPSS software. Results: The mean (SD) score of general health in the two groups had no significant differences before the intervention [32.40 (14.70) vs. 30.8 (10.04)] (p = 0.60). The mean (SD) scores of general health immediately after intervention and two months later in the experimental group [20.2 (8.8) and 24.1 (8.05)] were significantly lower than control group [31 (9.8) and 30.9 (9.8)] (p < 0.05). The mean (SD) scores of life satisfaction in the both groups showed no significant difference before the intervention [16.8 (5.8) vs. 17.3 (5.5)] (p = 0.39), but were significantly different immediately after [20.4 (5.1) vs. 17.03 (5.1)] and two months after [19.8 (5.1) vs. 17.1 (5.1)] (p = 0.004). Conclusions: This study confirmed the effectiveness of health-related educational programs in improving elders 'general health and life satisfaction'