3 research outputs found

    A new bifurcation parameter in a modified Huber-Braun model

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    Toplinsko osjetljivi neuroni predstavljaju pulsirajuće-prskajuću aktivnost predskazanu brzim ponavljajućim iznenadnim razvojem događanja praćenim periodima spavanja. Sinhronizacija takvog ponašanja u mreži spojenih prskajućih neurona kao što je epileptogena zona u mozgu može dovesti do neuroloških poremećaja poput epileptičkih napada. U radu se predlaže novi pristup predviđanju napada modelom epileptičkog neurona. Parametri upotrebljeni u simulaciji izabrani su tako da se mogu potencijalno primijeniti u pristupima neinvazivnim stimulacijama mozga kao što je ponavljajuća transkranijalna magnetska stimulacija (rTMS). U tom pogledu, predstavlja se modificirani Huber-Braun model termalno osjetljivog neurona izloženog rTMS-induciranoj voltaži. Primjenjujući teoriju kaosa dijagram bifurkacije modificiranog Huber-Braun modela s novim parametrom bifurkacije primijenjen je za procjenu vremena u kojem dolazi do bifurkacije čime se omogućuje točnije predviđanje početka napada na temelju modificiranog modela.Thermally sensitive neurons represent a bursting-spiking activity that is indicated by rapid repetitive spiking trains of action potentials pursued by dormant periods. Synchronization of such behavior in a network of coupled spiking neurons such as the epileptogenic zone in the brain may cause some neurological disorders such as epileptic seizures. This paper introduces a new approach for predicting the seizure onset in a model of an epileptic neuron. The parameters which are used for simulations have been selected in such a way that they would be potentially applicable in the non-invasive brain stimulation approaches such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). In this regard, a modified Huber-Braun model of a thermally sensitive neuron exposed to external rTMS-induced voltages is presented. Applying the chaos theory, the bifurcation diagram of a modified Huber-Braun model with a new bifurcation parameter is used to estimate the time at which the bifurcation takes place whereby allowing a more accurate prediction of the seizure onset based on the modified model

    Lung cancer and kidney injury: An updated review

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    Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide, accounting for an estimated 1.8 million deaths. Lung cancer is also the most common primary cancer leading to soft tissue (ST) metastasis. Renal disease may occur as a direct or indirect consequence of the cancer itself (e.g., post-renal obstruction, compression, or infiltration), its treatment (e.g., radiotherapy or chemotherapy), or its related complications (e.g., opportunistic infection). Existing evidence shows that the most frequent primary solid tumor responsible for renal metastasis is pulmonary carcinoma, followed by gastric, breast, soft tissue, and thyroid carcinomas. Chronic kidney disease is a potential risk factor in the survival of patients with lung cancer. In this review, we will discuss causes of kidney injury in relation to lung cancer, potential mechanisms of kidney injury, and treatment options

    Lung cancer and kidney injury: an updated review

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    Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide, accounting for an estimated 1.8 million deaths. Lung cancer is also the most common primary cancer leading to soft tissue (ST) metastasis. Renal disease may occur as a direct or indirect consequence of the cancer itself (e.g., postrenal obstruction, compression, or infiltration), its treatment (e.g., radiotherapy or chemotherapy), or its related complications (e.g., opportunistic infection). Existing evidence shows that the most frequent primary solid tumor responsible for renal metastasis is pulmonary carcinoma, followed by gastric, breast, soft tissue, and thyroid carcinomas. Chronic kidney disease is a potential risk factor in the survival of patients with lung cancer. In this review, we will discuss causes of kidney injury in relation to lung cancer, potential mechanisms of kidney injury, and treatment options