109 research outputs found

    Classification of colon biopsy samples by spatial analysis of a single spectral band from its hyperspectral cube

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    The histopathological analysis of colon biopsy samples is a very important part of screening for colorectal cancer. There is, however, significant inter-observer and even intra-observer variability in the results of such analysis due to its very subjective nature. Therefore, quantitative methods are required for the analysis of histopathological images to aid the histopatholgists in their diagnosis. In this paper, we exploit the shape and structure of the gland nuclei cells for the classification of colon biopsy samples using two-dimensional principal component analysis (2DPCA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). We conclude that the use of textural features extracted from non-overlapping blocks of the histopathological images results in a non-linear decision boundary which can be efficiently exploited using a SVM with appropriate choice of parameters for its Gaussian kernel. The SVM classifier outperforms all the remaining methods by a clear margin

    Saving-investment Behaviour in Pakistan: An Empirical Investigation

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    This paper explores the saving-investment behaviour in Pakistan by identifying their patterns over time and across selected Asian countries. Further potential determinants were empirically tested, based on theoretical foundations of modelling for saving and investment behaviour. Savings in Pakistan for our sample period showed a positive response to GDP growth and government current expenditure while it remained insensitive to interest rates. On the other side, domestic savings and short-run expected returns positively affected investment whereas uncertainty reduced investment.saving Investment, Pakistan

    Tax Structure in Pakistan: Fragmented, Exploitative and Anti-growth

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    Taxes are involuntary charges levied on individuals or corporations and enforced by a government entity—whether local, subnational or national—in order to finance government activities. As such, the prime objective of the taxes is revenue generation. However, for sustained stream of revenues, the tax policy also needs to be growth facilitating. These dual objectives can only be achieved if the tax policy reduces the deadweight loss resulting from imposition of taxes, and help transactions grow. Higher number of transactions is associated with higher economic growth and more employment. Increased growth enhances the taxable capacity of the economy and therefore generate sustainable streams of revenues

    Saving-investment Behaviour in Pakistan: An Empirical Investigation

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    Saving and investment are two key macro variables with micro foundations which can play a significant role in economic growth, inflation stability and promotion of employment especially if seen in the context of a developing country. For self-reliance and growth objectives, mobilisation of domestic resources and their efficient utilisation are the two major policy oriented focuses today [Khan (1993)]. National savings are critically important to help maintain a higher level of investment which is a key determinant for economic uplift. Thereby, necessitating the analysis of saving-investment behaviour and its determinants for policy implications; this is a demanding area because of continuing debate on the potential role of their determinants

    Consumer Satisfaction in Social Security Hospital: A Case Study of Punjab Employees Social Security Institution Hospital, Rawalpindi.

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    In health care, consumer satisfaction is an important evaluation instrument to determine the quality of services. In recent years, the concept has assumed much greater significance particularly in market based health systems. Also, in World Health Organisation’s framework for health care assessment, the customer satisfaction is given due consideration. On the contrary, in developing countries particularly, the concept is one of the most ignored elements in evaluation of health care systems. Pakistan is also a case in point. Review of literature and general health management systems in the country suggests scarcity of information on consumer satisfaction as well as its neglect as a crucial element in health systems. This present study—which is cross-sectional—is designed on the ground that there is a need to incorporate consumer satisfaction in health care evaluation. This study, presents a scientific analysis of Punjab Employees Social Security Institution Hospital, Rawalpindi (PESSI) using the Patient Survey Questionnaire technique, the most universal approach used by international studies to evaluate consumer satisfaction with health services. Based on study results, generally, we conclude that consumers have expressed high level of satisfaction for various quality assessment scales. Despite these findings, it has also been noted that significant proportion of patients have also expressed medium as well as low satisfaction for certain scales. It tends to suggest that quality of services needs to be improved for specific items as well as certain scales including communication, general satisfaction, and interpersonal aspects for improvements in provision of certain services at the hospital. JEL classification: I11, I18, I38 Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Quality, Healthcare, Evaluatio

    Association of Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy with Esophageal Varices among Patients of Viral Cirrhosis

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    Objectives: To find out the prevalence of portal hypertensive gastropathy among patients of viral cirrhosis undergoing endoscopy and to determine its association with esophageal varices in patients of cirrhosis. Patients and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Medical Unit, Jinnah Hospital Lahore from 3rd September 2016 to 2nd January 2017. A total of 120 patients with liver cirrhosis fulfilling the inclusion criteria were approached and an informed consent was taken before enrolling in the study. All patients underwent upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy by consultant endoscopist. Data was entered on SPSS Version 17 for further analysis. Results: Out of 120 patients, 43% were males and 57% were females. The mean age of participants was 39.71+11.6 SD years. Portal hypertensive gastropathy was present in 12.5% patients and esophageal varices in 42.5% patients. HBsAg and anti-HCV was positive in 60.8% and 45.8% patients respectively. Non-significant association was found between portal hypertensive gastropathy and esophageal varices (p-value 0.364). Conclusion: Emergence of portal hypertensive gastropathy and Esophageal varices was noticed among patients of viral cirrhosis. However non-significant association was found between portal hypertensive gastropathy and esophageal varices

    The Cost of Unserved Energy: Evidence from Selected Industrial Cities of Pakistan

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    This study is an attempt to explore the cost of unserved energy due to power outages in Pakistan that started in 2007. The study is based on a survey conducted for four major industrial cities of Punjab—Gujrat, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, and Sialkot. In addition to quantification of output losses, the effect on employment, cost of production, and delay in supply orders are also examined. The output loss is quantified using two-dimensional analyses, controlling for variations in the duration of outages and in the shift hours. The survey data reveal that employment has not suffered any significant drop due to alternative energy arrangements. These arrangements, nevertheless, have increased the production cost of the firms. Delays in the delivery of supply orders are also due to energy shortage. The study reports that the total industrial output loss varies between 12 percent and 37 percent, with Punjab as the major affected province.Energy Crises, Output Loss, Pakistan

    Etiological Spectrum of Pregnancy-Related Acute Renal Failure among Females at a Tertiary Care Hospital

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    Background: Acute renal failure in pregnancy can be induced by any of the disorders leading to renal failure in the general population, such as acute tubular necrosis due to infection, glomerulonephritis related to lupus, or drug toxicity. There are, however, pregnancy complications characteristic of each trimester that can result in renal failure. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of various causes of pregnancy-related acute renal failure among females presenting to a tertiary care hospital
