755 research outputs found
Technopreneurship Education: The Way to Rebuild COVID-19 Affected Economy
Technopreneurship is a new mode of entrepreneurship that can help us rebuild the devastated economy. With COVID-19 posing rising unemployment and growth related challenges, technopreneurship can prove to be rewarding by decreasing the burden of government, improving socioeconomic conditions, and creating employment opportunities. Technopreneurship has gained significant traction in Pakistan and successive governments have made considerable efforts to promote this concept. In this regard, universities have been directed to include courses of entrepreneurship and IT in their graduation programs, since universities play a major role in transforming the youth into competent professionals. However, actual technopreneurial activities are still limited. Since the efforts to support technopreneurship are ongoing, the current study tends to evaluate the extent to which educational institutes contribute to these efforts. For this reason, 15 semi-structured interviews were conducted with technopreneurs to take their viewpoint regarding the courses of entrepreneurship and IT taught to them and the role of these courses in their success. Thematic analysis was performed on the collected data. The findings identified that although the courses offered by universities are a motivator for students to adopt technopreneurship as a field, still there exist some significant gaps in teaching methodology and course design. There is a need for additional and latest courses, field-experienced faculty, and the overhauling of the curriculum to create more successful technopreneurs. Suggestions were also provided at the end of the study regarding how educational institutes can strategize to create more technopreneurs in the future. The current study was limited to the vicinity of Lahore, as time and resources were not sufficient to cover other cities. It used a mixture of purposive and snowball sampling techniques which may have impacted the findings, since the individuals in the population did not have an equal chance of being selected for the sample
Fiscal Responsibility: A Critical Analysis of FRDL (2005) Pakistan
The term fiscal responsibility in financial dictionary is
defined as “A balanced budget”. That is a budget wherein expenditures
during a given period of time equal to revenues. The fiscal
responsibility also includes a budget in which revenue is greater than
the expenditures. Fiscal responsibility is achievable and most of the
individuals in their private life practice fiscal responsibility. At
individual level everybody knows that they have to live within the
budget and usually they do not overspend. Usually overspending by
individual results in bad crediting rating which one receives from their
creditors due to non-payments or late payments of installments and thus
denies future benefits to the person concern. Fiscal responsibility at
national level implies that a government has a balanced budget and has
sufficient revenue to pay for its all expenditures. There would be no
overspending if government had a true balanced budget in each period.
The economic future of a nation largely depends on the way fiscal
responsibility is practiced. There is a direct link between budget
deficit today and what nation can enjoy in future. Fiscal responsibility
is crucial for a nation to remain prosperous and stronger in future.
Fiscal responsibility will also determine what kind of future we are
leaving to our children and grandchildren for the next 20 years and
beyond. If the fiscal responsibility is not practiced the government
would spend more money than its income and it borrows for the
difference. If the money borrowed come from domestic savings or from
domestic lenders the economy will have less money available for capital
investment and future productivity growth rates and levels would be
lower. If on the other hand deficit is financed by foreign
organisation/country the country will be indebted with growing debt to
the rest of the world, with growing interest costs which must be served
every year. If we rely more on foreign sources to finance the resource
gap the foreign ownership of our resources would grow and so has our
dependences on the actions of foreign governments and
The Relationship between Federal Government Revenues and Expenditures in Pakistan
A sound fiscal policy is important to promote price stability
and sustain growth in output and employment. Fiscal policy is regarded
as an instrument that can be used to lessen short-run fluctuations in
output and employment in many debates of macroeconomic policy. It can
also be used to bring the economy to its potential level. If
policymakers understand the relationship between government expenditure
and government revenue, continuous government deficits can be prevented.
Hence the relationship between government expenditure and government
revenue has attracted significant interest. This is due to the fact that
the relationship between government revenue and expenditure has an
impact on the budget deficit. The causal relationship between government
revenue and expenditure has remained an empirically debatable issue in
the field of public finance. The question of which variable takes
precedence over the other has been a central issue to this
Genre Analysis of Business Emails Written by Pakistani Employees: A Case Study in Pakistani Organizational Context
In the wake of rapid advancement of technology, the medium, most widely used for business communication practices by Pakistani employees is electronic mails (emails). This quantitative study aims at analyzing generic features of business emails written by Pakistani employees working in an organization located in Pakistan. The sample text comprised one hundred English business emails exchanged between Pakistani employees and their business counterparts. Analysis was made on macro and micro level, Macro level analysis constituted the investigation of Move and step analysis of the selected corpus by applying a genre-based approach established by Swales (1990) and Bhattia (1993). Micro level analysis aimed to explore the lexico-grammatical choices opted by Pakistani writers to operationalize their communicative practices. Seven moves with their realization in one or more steps were identified in emails written by Pakistani employees. Following Louhaila-Salminen, et al (2005), three types of business Email genre were identified in accordance with different communicative purposes they expressed. The results revealed that three types of genre showed variation at the level of steps of Move 4, therefore, Bhattia’s (1993) model was modified to accommodate the genre specific and culture specific differences. The investigation of lexico-grammatical features in corpus led to many interesting findings. Pakistani writers tend to make a frequent use of “please” and “kindly” in Move3 Soliciting/providing information. It implies their concern about the addressee’s negative face and a sense of consciousness to promote an air of warmth and geniality at work places. An increasing tendency of writing concise and shorter emails replete with contractions and abbreviations is also observed inferring the closeness of email data with spoken text instead of the written text. The study emphasized the use of language in real business situations. It offers valuable implications for students of English for business purposes (EBP), teaching staff, material developers and business stakeholders. Keywords: genre analysis, business correspondence, business emails, communicative purpose, move/steps, lexico-grammatical features
Estimation of clock parameters and performance benchmarks for synchronization in wireless sensor networks
Recent years have seen a tremendous growth in the development of small sensing
devices capable of data processing and wireless communication through their embed-
ded processors and radios. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are ad hoc networks
consisting of such devices gaining importance due to their emerging applications. For
a meaningful processing of the information sensed by WSN nodes, the clocks of these
individual nodes need to be matched through some well de¯ned procedures. This
dissertation focuses on deriving e±cient estimators for the clock parameters of the
network nodes for synchronization with the reference node and the estimators variance
thresholds are obtained to lower bound the maximum achievable performance.
For any general time synchronization protocol involving a two way message ex-
change mechanism, the BLUE-OS and the MVUE of the clock o®set between them is
derived assuming both symmetric and asymmetric exponential network delays. Next,
with the inclusion of clock skew in the model, the joint MLE of clock o®set and skew
under both the Gaussian and the exponential delay model and the corresponding al-
gorithms for ¯nding these estimates are presented. Also, for applications where even
clock skew correction cannot maintain long-term clock synchronization, a closed-form expression for the joint MLE for a quadratic model is obtained.
Although the derived MLEs are not computationally very complex, two compu-
tationally e±cient algorithms have been proposed to estimate the clock o®set and
skew regardless of the distribution of the delays. Afterwards, extending the idea of
having inactive nodes in a WSN overhear the two-way timing message communication
between two active (master and slave) nodes, the MLE, the BLUE-OS, the MVUE
and the MMSE estimators for the clock o®sets of the inactive nodes located within
the communication range of the active nodes are derived, hence synchronizing with
the reference node at a reduced cost.
Finally, focusing on the the one-way timing exchange mechanism, the joint MLE
for clock phase o®set and skew under exponential noise model and the Gibbs Sampler
for a receiver-receiver protocol is formulated and found via a direct algorithm. Lower
and upper bounds for the MSE of JMLE and Gibbs Sampler are introduced in terms
of the MSEs of the MVUE and the conventional BLUE, respectively
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