866 research outputs found

    Food Processing in Andhra Pradesh Opportunities and Challenges

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    There has been diversification of Indian diets away from foodgrains to high value products like milk, meat products, vegetables and fruits. Food-processing industry has been registering good growth since the past few decades and particularly after nineties. The conditions are now ideal for the growth of this industry. The central government has taken some steps to deregulate and encourage the sector after 1991. However, the role of states is vital. The government of Andhra Pradesh released a policy in November 2003. There are no major initiatives in the policy and still can be called a good beginning. As against the robust growth at the All-India level, the growth rate in net value - added in the nineties was almost the same as that in the eighties in the state. Against this background, the study is taken up in the state of Andhra Pradesh with the following objectives 1. To study the opportunities and challenges in processing of rice, fruits and vegetables, oilseeds and livestock products 2. To study the working of contracts between processors and farmers 3. To identify the future areas 4. To recommend suitable policy options The contracts are working, on the whole, well in both oil palm in West Godavari and gherkin in Chittoor district of the state. The firms try to attract with favourable conditions initially, but later tighten them as a part of agribusiness normalization. Therefore caution is needed before a final conclusion can be drawn on the usefulness of contract farming in the state for the farming community. The contracts in oil palm 3 are widespread, covering many farmers and stabilized. The total extent under gherkin is very low. The contracts work through facilitator in gherkin. There are some signs of some mistrust between the facilitator-company and local farmers. The contracts are also evolving gradually to accommodate both parties. The participation of small farmers in oil palm cultivation is almost negligible. On the other hand, in gherkin, participation of small farmers was considerable. The contracts are oral and price is not assured in oil palm. In oil palm gardens, the depletion of ground water level is faster compared to other crops. In the case of gherkin, the processing industry is totally dependent on exports for sustenance, which may not be ideal. The establishment of an independent ministry of food processing and department, enacting of contract farming laws and providing for an efficient arbitration in cases of contract violation, encouraging NGOs participation in food processing sector, formation of product-wise farmers' associations, changing the animal slaughter laws and formation of some more agri-export zones for livestock products are some of the recommendations under institutional aspects. In the case of taxes and subsidies, the recommendations are - exemption from sales tax and market cess and relaxation of duties and taxes on packing material industry. Under research and training, large scale publicity to promote processed foods, undertaking demand driven research by developing processable varieties and required equipment, establishing food processing training centers, developing technology for the tiny food processing units, evolving marketing plan covering the recently emerging super markets, DWCRA bazaars, international markets etc., are some of the suggestions. In case of infrastructure, encouraging some large aseptic packaging units, establishment of a radiation technology plant, encouraging private sector in cold storages, precooling units, pack houses etc., establishment of training courses for service and repair of food processing machinery, formation of expert consultant committee and provision of one incubator are the major suggestions. Other major recommendations are provision of insurance facilities to all horticultural crops and livestock products, taking steps to ensure participation of small farmers in the contract farming, launching of a common brand of mango juice and enactment to regulate the feed industry and nurseries in the state.food processing, Andhra Pradesh, India

    Socio-economic Impact of Transgenic Cotton

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    Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Mutasi Pegawai Dan Karakteristik Pekerjaan Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja

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    The objectives of this research are to investigate : (1) the significant effect of implementation of personnel transfers on the job satisfaction in PT Deltomed Laboratories Wonogiri; (2) the significant effect of job characteristics on the job satisfaction in PT Deltomed Laboratories Wonogiri; (3) the significant effect of implementation of personnel transfers and job characteristics on the job satisfaction in PT Deltomed Laboratories Wonogiri. This research used the survey quantitative research method. This research used the survey quantitative research method. Its population was all functional employees of PT Deltomed Laboratories on Wonogiri as many as 115 persons. The samples of the research consisted of 53 persons. They were taken by using the proportionate random sampling technique. The result of this research shows that implementation of personnel transfers and job characteristics simultaneously affect on the job satisfaction. Implementation of personnel transfers has a positive effect toward the job satisfaction. So that, a good implementation of personnel transfers will lead to increasing job satisfaction. It happens also in job characteristics which gives positive effect on job satisfaction, so improvement of job characteristics will lead to high job satisfaction

    Hydraulic impact of Wan River Project with MIKE 11

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    Hydraulic assessment of Wan River Project was carried out using MIKE 11 model from the Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI).  The approach for this model leads to unsteady flow simulations along stream channel reach.  The study aimed the development of MIKE 11 model based on stream cross-section (L sections) and water release data.  The global value of the model parameters i.e. manning’s roughness coefficient (n) and ground water leakage coefficient was found as 0.028 and 7.11e-005, respectively.  The hydraulic performance of wan river project was judged in terms of water delivery performance ratio and system performance ratio.  The average water delivery performance ratio WDPR ratio for canal network of the project declines from 1.05 to 0.68, 0.68 to 0.39 and 0.39 to 0.28 for head, middle and tail reach, respectively.  The system performance ratio revealed that the Main canal, Telhara and Warud distributory are drawing excess water, whereas Bathkhed distributory, Branch and Belkhed Branch canal are getting less water.  The study concluded that there was uneven distribution of water among the distributories and hence there is need to reschedule the irrigation.   Keywords: hydraulic assessment, unsteady flow simulation, river modeling, MIKE 11 HD, Wan River projec

    An Efficient Classification of Hyperspectral Remotely Sensed Data Using Support Vector Machine

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    This work present an efficient hardware architecture of Support Vector Machine (SVM) for the classification of Hyperspectral remotely sensed data using High Level Synthesis (HLS) method. The high classification time and power consumption in traditional classification of remotely sensed data is the main motivation for this work. Therefore presented work helps to classify the remotely sensed data in real-time and to take immediate action during the natural disaster. An embedded based SVM is designed and implemented on Zynq SoC for classification of hyperspectral images. The data set of remotely sensed data are tested on different platforms and the performance is compared with existing works. Novelty in our proposed work is extend the HLS based FPGA implantation to the onboard classification system in remote sensing. The experimental results for selected data set from different class shows that our architecture on Zynq 7000 implementation generates a delay of 11.26 µs and power consumption of 1.7 Watts, which is extremely better as compared to other Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation using Hardware description Language (HDL)  and Central Processing Unit (CPU) implementation

    An Efficient Classification of Hyperspectral Remotely Sensed Data Using Support Vector Machine

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    This work present an efficient hardware architecture of Support Vector Machine (SVM) for the classification of Hyperspectral remotely sensed data using High Level Synthesis (HLS) method. The high classification time and power consumption in traditional classification of remotely sensed data is the main motivation for this work. Therefore presented work helps to classify the remotely sensed data in real-time and to take immediate action during the natural disaster. An embedded based SVM is designed and implemented on Zynq SoC for classification of hyperspectral images. The data set of remotely sensed data are tested on different platforms and the performance is compared with existing works. Novelty in our proposed work is extend the HLS based FPGA implantation to the onboard classification system in remote sensing. The experimental results for selected data set from different class shows that our architecture on Zynq 7000 implementation generates a delay of 11.26 µs and power consumption of 1.7 Watts, which is extremely better as compared to other Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation using Hardware description Language (HDL)  and Central Processing Unit (CPU) implementation

    Desain Interior Museum TNI-AL Loka Jala Crana Sebagai Sarana Edukasi Berkonsep Interaktif Modern

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    Museum TNI-AL Loka Jala Crana merupakan museum maritim yang berada dibawah naungan TNI AL yang berada di Kompleks AAL, Surabaya. Museum TNI-AL Loka Jala Crana ini berfungsi sebagai tempat untuk menyimpan, mengabadikan, dan menyajikan peralatan atau sarana yang dipergunakan oleh TNI AL. Selain sebagai tempat penyimpanan, museum ini juga dijadikan sebagai objek pendidikan bagi kandidat TNI AL dan dibuka untuk masyarakat umum. Koleksi museum Loka Jala Crana berupa benda-benda bersejarah yang pernah dimiliki serta dipakai oleh prajurit-prajurit TNI Angkatan Laut mulai dari revolusi fisik hingga saat ini yang kemungkinan akan terus bertambah seiring berkembangnya zaman. Desain interior ini mengambil konsep modern interaktif. Modern diambil berdasarkan visi misi dan karakteristik TNI AL. Pengam-bilan konsep ini bertujuan untuk mempertahankan identitas dan tujuan daripada museum dengan proses yang interaktif.Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk mencapai konsep desain adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data yang didapat akan diolah dan dianalisa untuk mendapatkan sebuah konsep dengan bantuan studi pustaka mengenai data yang menunjang seperti standardisasi perancangan museum hingga data pembanding dan referensi tentang objek yang diperlukan. Pencapaian interaktif modern pada desain interior ini ialah ketika pengunjung dapat tertarik dan merasakan suasana latar bela-kang koleksi melalui sistem display, alur, dan interior ruang yang unik dan modern sehingga keberadaan Museum TNI-AL Loka Jala Crana dapat menjadi sarana pembelajaran bagi masyarakat dan objek pendidikan bagi kandidat TNI AL

    Struggling to a monumental triumph : Re-assessing the final stages of the smallpox eradication program in India, 1960-1980

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    The global smallpox program is generally presented as the brainchild of a handful of actors from the WHO headquarters in Geneva and at the agency's regional offices. This article attempts to present a more complex description of the drive to eradicate smallpox. Based on the example of India, a major focus of the campaign, it is argued that historians and public health officials should recognize the varying roles played by a much wider range of participants. Highlighting the significance of both Indian and international field officials, the author shows how bureaucrats and politicians at different levels of administration and society managed to strengthen—yet sometimes weaken—important program components. Centrally dictated strategies developed at WHO offices in Geneva and New Delhi, often in association with Indian federal authorities, were reinterpreted by many actors and sometimes changed beyond recognition

    Migration, Labor Supply, Wages and Agriculture: A Case Study in Rural Odisha

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    Migration of unskilled labour out of agriculture is a basic characteristic of the process of industrialization, urbanization, modernization and economic development both historically and contemporarily. This paper outlines the recent developments in agricultural labour markets in rural odisha and investigates the issues of agricultural out migration and their implications for agriculture both from theoretical and empirical perspectives. The results indicate that migration does matter. It impacts on labour supply, real wage rate, productivity, output and cropping pattern in agriculture. The overall results contradict the prognosis of the surplus labour model and are consistent with the propositions of the market theory of wages as also with the findings of some of the earlier studies concerning other countries/areas. Keywords: Migration, Agriculture, Minimum Wages Act, Odisha, MNREG