1 research outputs found

    Effect of Feet Reflexology on Autism Symptoms and Constipation in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

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    The autistic Spectrum Disorder represents specific distinguishable symptoms that have frequent concurrent conditions and constipation is the most frequent.  It requires an effective non-disturbing management. Reflexology is a widely used technique and documented as a useful nursing intervention. This study aimed to determine the effect of feet reflexology on autism symptoms and constipation in children with ASD. Subject and Methods: a quasi-experimental design was utilized and it conducted at the psychiatric outpatient clinic, Menoufia University hospital. A purposive sample of 30 children was recruited. Two instruments were utilized: Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) and Constipation Assessment Questionnaire (CAQ). Results: children had lower mean scores and severity of autism symptoms on post-intervention compared to pre-intervention speech/communication, sociability, sensory/cognitive, health/physical/behavior subdomains and the total ATEC score. The mean total score of constipation symptoms was lower on post-intervention compared to pre-intervention (35.93±16.04, 40.23±17.51 respectively) and there was a significant correlation (R=0.858) at the 0.01 level of significance between constipation and the severity of autism symptoms on post-intervention. Conclusion: the study concluded that autistic children exposed to feet reflexology experienced lower mean scores of autism symptoms and less severity of constipation compared to pre reflexology massage. There was a significant correlation between constipation and the severity of autism symptoms on post-intervention. Recommendation: Feet reflexology should be integrated as a part of routine daily care for autistic children and courses that enable nurses to obtain a certification in reflexology are needed. Keywords: Autism Symptoms, Constipation, Reflexology DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/60-09 Publication date:March 31st 201