2,213 research outputs found

    Priming Neural Networks

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    Visual priming is known to affect the human visual system to allow detection of scene elements, even those that may have been near unnoticeable before, such as the presence of camouflaged animals. This process has been shown to be an effect of top-down signaling in the visual system triggered by the said cue. In this paper, we propose a mechanism to mimic the process of priming in the context of object detection and segmentation. We view priming as having a modulatory, cue dependent effect on layers of features within a network. Our results show how such a process can be complementary to, and at times more effective than simple post-processing applied to the output of the network, notably so in cases where the object is hard to detect such as in severe noise. Moreover, we find the effects of priming are sometimes stronger when early visual layers are affected. Overall, our experiments confirm that top-down signals can go a long way in improving object detection and segmentation.Comment: fixed error in author nam

    Effect of omentum graft on esophageal anastomosis in dogs

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the complications and final function outcome of wrapping nonvascularized omentum graft around the suture line of esophageal anastomosis. Twelve adult local breed dogs were used in this study. The animals were divided into two equal groups (control and treated), all animal induced into general anesthesia by injection of atropen sulphate in a dose 0.04 mg/kg B.W, intramuscularly then after 15 minute given mixture of ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine hydrochloride in doses 15 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg B.W intramuscularly respectively. An oblique resection of about 1cm of the esophageal length and anastomosis by double layer of simple interrupted pattern by 2.0 cat gut suture (control group), same procedure was done in treated group except the wrapping the anastomosis site with patch of omentum tissue after lapratomy operation in the left flank region procedure. The clinical signs of treated animal revealed signs of dysphagia and regurgitation in treated group while this signs disappear in the control group. Radiological and histopathological examination of the anastomosis site performed at 15 and 30 days post operation. Radiological study recorded high degree of stenosis in the anastomosis site in treated group at 15 and 30 days post operation in compared with animals in control group that record mean degree of stenosis in treated group at 15 day (57.61±0.2) and at 30 day (55.78±0.2) while it recorded in control group at 15 day (39.34±1.04) and at 30 day (36.0.6 ±0.9), histopathological results recorded enhanced healing of anastomosis site in treated animals more than control animals. In conclusion we found that non vascularized omental graft prevent leak when used around the anastomosis line in esophageal and enhanced healing of anastomosis line but it increase the stenosis, fibrosis and adhesion of anastomosis site with surrounding muscle and this interferes with the swallowing as well as dysphagia and regurgitatio

    Tarbela Reservoir A Question of Induced Seismicity

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    Tarbela Dam which is by volume (105 million m3) the world\u27s largest earth and rock filled dams is located on the middle Indus River in northern Pakistan. Having a length at crest of 2.7 Km and maximum height 143 m, its reservoir has an area of about 100 Sq. Kms, with a maximum depth of about 130 m and gross capacity of 13.7 Km3. Complete first impounding of reservoir was carried out during 1975 and since then it has completed twelve filling-release cycles. To study the induced seismic behaviour of Tarbela Reservoir data analysis regarding number of seismic events and energy release has been carried out, taking an area of 50 Km radius around Tarbela Dam. Local Scale was used for magnitude calculations and the energy releases were computed through Richter\u27s formula: Log E= 9.9 + 1.9M- 0.024M3. It was established that the rate of energy release is six times greater when the reservoir is below 120 m height than above 120 m. The energy release during June to October on the average is lower, while from November to May on the average it is higher when compared with pre-impounding seismicity level. Also it was concluded that for the two prominent faults i.e. Indus-Darband and Tarnawi-Punjal, the rate of energy release is three times greater when reservoir level is below 120 m than above 120 m