17 research outputs found

    The first standard grammar of Malay; George Werndly’s 1736 Maleische spraakkunst

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    A brief biography of George Henrik Werndly and description of contemporaneous development of linguistics is followed by a perusal of Melchior Leydekker’s and Petrus van der Vorm’s policy of strictly using Classical Malay in Christian publication, that served as basis of Werndly’s work. Then, a detailed perusal of Werndly’s 1736 Malay grammar, in particular the divisions (“books”) on (I) spelling, (II) morphology, and (III) syntax, is illustrated by reproductions of original text passages. Elements of the complicated Latin-script spelling are demonstrated in detail and compared with that of other authors in separate tables. Werndly’s grammatical terminology is considered, and where Arabisms are used, Werndly’s spelling is provided besides modern Indonesian cognates and Arabic etymons. Signs of a likely precolonial Malayan grammar tradition are inspected. Finally, the partly unexpected influence of Werndly’s work on language policy of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries is inspected

    A rediscovered 1696 decree poster of the Governor General in Batavia, with unexpected stylistic particularities

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    A 1696 decree forbidding the opening of new sugar-, arrack-, lime-, and brick- production sites because of the scarcity of firewood was generally disobeyed. Its official poster was not archived, but ended up in a foreign library, where it was recently rediscovered. It presents a unique original full-length official text of that time. This makes it possible to examine the language style, which cannot be appreciated in reedited publications of official documents. This provides unexpected socio-linguistic insights into the particularities of relationships between VOC functionaries and the home office.Un décret de 1696 interdisant l’ouverture de nouveaux sites de production de sucre, d’arak, de chaux et de briques, en raison de la rareté du bois de chauffage, fut généralement ignoré. Son poster officiel ne fut pas archivé, mais trouva son chemin dans une bibliothèque étrangère, où il a été redécouvert récemment. Il s’agit d’un remarquable texte officiel original complet de l’époque. Cet état permet d’examiner le style langagier, qui n’est pas accessible dans les publications rééditées des documents officiels. Il livre ainsi des éléments socio-linguistiques sur les particularités des relations entre les fonctionnaires de la VOC et le siège

    A Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics, “Hot” and “Cool” Languages, “Dressed” and “Undressed” Ones, and More (Leiden, 26-28 June 2008)

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    Mahdi Waruno. A Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics, “Hot” and “Cool” Languages, “Dressed” and “Undressed” Ones, and More (Leiden, 26-28 June 2008). In: Archipel, volume 77, 2009. pp. 3-7

    À propos de “The Problem of the Ancient Name Java and the Role of Satyavarman in Southeast Asian International Relations Around the Turn of the Ninth Century CE”

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    Mahdi Waruno. À propos de “The Problem of the Ancient Name Java and the Role of Satyavarman in Southeast Asian International Relations Around the Turn of the Ninth Century CE”. In: Archipel, volume 86, 2013. pp. 229-234

    Ricky Ganang, Jay Crain, Vicki Pearson-Round, Kemaloh Lundayeh -English Dictionary, And Bibliographic List of Materials relating to the Lundayeh-Lun Bawang-Kelabit and Related Groups of Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei and East Kalimantan

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    Mahdi Waruno. Ricky Ganang, Jay Crain, Vicki Pearson-Round, Kemaloh Lundayeh -English Dictionary, And Bibliographic List of Materials relating to the Lundayeh-Lun Bawang-Kelabit and Related Groups of Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei and East Kalimantan. In: Archipel, volume 77, 2009. pp. 226-229

    Ricky Ganang, Jay Crain, Vicki Pearson-Round, Kemaloh Lundayeh -English Dictionary, And Bibliographic List of Materials relating to the Lundayeh-Lun Bawang-Kelabit and Related Groups of Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei and East Kalimantan

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    Mahdi Waruno. Ricky Ganang, Jay Crain, Vicki Pearson-Round, Kemaloh Lundayeh -English Dictionary, And Bibliographic List of Materials relating to the Lundayeh-Lun Bawang-Kelabit and Related Groups of Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei and East Kalimantan. In: Archipel, volume 77, 2009. pp. 226-229

    Yavadvipa and the Merapi Volcano in West Sumatra

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    Cet article vise à reconstruire trois épisodes de l’histoire de Yavadvipa (émergence à Sumatra, conquête par Sri Vijaya, et renaissance à Java Central), dans lesquels le volcan Merapi joua un rôle, plus particulièrement au cours du troisième épisode durant lequel eut lieu un transfert des toponymes sumatranais Java ~ Jawa and Merapi en direction de Java et d’un volcan de cette île. Les témoignages de Kedukan Bukit, Kota Kapur, Canggal, Ligor (Chaiya, stèles A et B), les inscriptions cambodgiennes de Sdok Kak Thom, la Carita Parahiyangan sundanaise, les Annales vietnamiennes, et plusieurs sources chinoises ont été combinées afin de restituer le cadre historique dans lequel eurent lieu des relations entre les agriculteurs mégalithiques des plateaux, les marchands et hommes de mer ainsi que les centres urbains des basses terres et leurs souverains ; de sorte que des réponses possibles sont offertes à certaines questions embarrassantes des débuts de l’histoire indonésienne touchant au rôle de Sumatra, de Java et de la Péninsule, ainsi qu’au règne du roi Sanjaya, et à l’accession au pouvoir des Shailendras à Sri Vijaya.Mahdi Waruno. Yavadvipa and the Merapi Volcano in West Sumatra. In: Archipel, volume 75, 2008. pp. 111-143